The raster land use/land cover data is a digital product of a supervised classification derived from multi-date 1982 Landsat 3 Multi-Spectral Scanner (MSS) satellite imagery. Field data for crops were obtained from the the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Urban areas were identified using 1:100,000 scale Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) with a source date of 1985. Other information were gathered using 1993 Digital Orothophoto Quarter Quadranges (DOQQ's). Irrigation information was obtained from the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, the Natural Resources Conservation Service,Public Power Districts, and Natural Resource Districts. Center pivots were on-screen digitized using multi-date Landsat 3 MSS data. The cell size for the data is 187 feet and there are 21 different land use/land cover classes. The overall accuracy of the land cover classification was calcuated at 74.07%.
This land use/land cover data provides information necessary to
supplement the hydrologic modeling in the study area. The landuse/land
cover data can be used as a digital layer in various studies.
It is useful as a background layer in a GIS, and can also be merged
with other digital data (ie DEM's or DOQ's) to produce a hybrid
digital file.