red-osier dogwood - Cornaceae Cornus sericea (stolonifera)



Speciessericea (stolonifera)
Common Namered-osier dogwood
iTree CodeCOSE16

Plant Form

FormShrub: multiple stems or canes, forming dense thicket
Height8 feet
Spread10 feet

Identification Description

Foliageovate, 2-5" long, 1-2.5" wide, veins curve towards leaf tip (arcuate), red petiole 0.5-1" long, silky strands in veins Leaf Type  Information Icon Simple
Barkthin with lenticels, red (sunlight) and green (shade) in color
Budslender with slight spherical bulge towards base, non-overlapping scales (valvate), pointed tip, silky hairs Bud Arrangement Information Icon Opposite
Twigslender, green, red or both; red branches typically exposed to sunlight
Flowerflat-top grouping (cyme) of terminal flower buds, small white flowers
Fruitspherical white or cream colored drupe, found in clusters
Fall Colorred, purple

Site Characteristics

USDA Zones   info for zones pH LevelsSalt Tolerance
Min3a Min4.8 SoilIntolerant
Max7a Max7.5 SprayIntolerant

Shade ToleranceDrought ToleranceAllelopathy
Intolerant Intolerant No

Species Status

Nebraska Native Yes Check
U.S. Native Yes Check
Region of OriginUnited States, Canada
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