pin oak - Fagaceae Quercus palustris


Common Namepin oak
iTree CodeQUPA2

Plant Form

FormTree: large, upright with narrow crown
Height80 feet
Spread40 feet

Identification Description

FoliageLobed, lobes ending in a point; deep cut sinuses Leaf Type  Information Icon Simple
BarkLight gray/brown & smooth when young, shallow furrows and rough ridges with age
BudTerminal bud red, pointed; often in clusters Bud Arrangement Information Icon Alternate
TwigSlender, current year red/brown, shiny; then gray;
FlowerYellow-green catkins
FruitRound acorn with a scaled cap, covering less than a 1/4 of the acorn, strips visible
Fall Colordark red

Site Characteristics

USDA Zones   info for zones pH LevelsSalt Tolerance
Min4a Min4.5 SoilModerate
Max8a Max6.5 SprayModerate

Shade ToleranceDrought ToleranceAllelopathy
Intolerant Moderate Unknown

Species Status

Nebraska Native
U.S. Native Yes Check
Region of OriginUnited States, Canada