cornelian-cherry - Cornaceae Cornus mas


Common Namecornelian-cherry
iTree CodeCOMA

Plant Form

Formshrub with upward stems
Height25 feet
Spread0 feet

Identification Description

Foliageegg-shaped or elliptic with a pointed tip and a wedge shaped base. Dark green on top with light green below, both with long appressed hairs Leaf Type  Information Icon Simple
Barkgrey brown, flaky bark
Budflower stalked with axillary buds on short twigs nearly round, enclosed by downy (covered in fine hair) boat-shaped bracts. Leaf buds are downy and not very obvious Bud Arrangement Information Icon Opposite
Twigtwigs are angled, green with reddish streaks. They also have short appressed hairs
Flowerdense, short stalked, 4 yellowish bracts at the base of each cluster, yellow petals
Fruitoblong fruits about .6 inch long, cherry red coloring
Fall Colorleaves often absent in late fall, purpleish red color otherwise

Site Characteristics

USDA Zones   info for zones pH LevelsSalt Tolerance
Min4a Min-99.0 SoilUnknown
Max8a Max-99.0 SprayUnknown

Shade ToleranceDrought ToleranceAllelopathy
Unknown Unknown Unknown

Species Status

Nebraska Native
U.S. Native
Region of Origincentral and southern Europe, and western Asia