silver linden - Tiliaceae Tilia tomentosa


Common Namesilver linden
iTree CodeTITO

Plant Form

Formovoid canopy
Height70 feet
Spread35 feet

Identification Description

Foliagetwo to five inches long and about that wide, simple leaves with a dark green top side and a lighter, fuzzy bottom side Leaf Type  Information Icon Simple
BarkYoung bark is light gray and smooth, older bark is ridged and furrowed and has a gray-brown color
Budabout .25 inches long, green-red-brown in color, covered in small hairs Bud Arrangement Information Icon Alternate
TwigShort stems covered in soft white hair
FlowerLate June to early July, yellowish white flowers with that are fragrant
Fruitegg-shaped, about 1/3 to 3/8 inches long, white pubescent
Fall Coloryellow

Site Characteristics

USDA Zones   info for zones pH LevelsSalt Tolerance
Min4a Min-99.0 SoilUnknown
Max7b Max-99.0 SprayUnknown

Shade ToleranceDrought ToleranceAllelopathy
Unknown Unknown Unknown

Species Status

Nebraska Native
U.S. Native
Region of OriginCanada