sweet birch - Betulaceae Betula lenta


Common Namesweet birch
iTree CodeBELE

Plant Form

FormTree: narrow pyramidal crown when young, spreading irregular crown with age
Height60 feet
Spread30 feet

Identification Description

Foliagegreen, oval to narrowly heart shaped with pointed tip; single or doubly-serrated edges; hair on veins and leaf stem (petiole) Leaf Type  Information Icon Simple
Barkdark purple/brown with lenticels; cracking into stiff plates, then furrowed ridges
Budbrown/red, conical and pointed with overlapping (imbricate) scales Bud Arrangement Information Icon Alternate
Twigslender, red/brown with lenticels and spur shoots; wintergreen smell and taste when crushed
Flowercatkins; male: performed (year before), narrow, 2-3" long; female: shorter and broader; male and female on same tree (monoecious)
Fruitsmall winged nutlet
Fall Colorbright yellow

Site Characteristics

USDA Zones   info for zones pH LevelsSalt Tolerance
Min4a Min5.0 SoilIntolerant
Max7a Max7.4 SprayIntolerant

Shade ToleranceDrought ToleranceAllelopathy
Intolerant Moderate Yes

Species Status

Nebraska Native
U.S. Native Yes Check
Region of OriginUnited States, Canada
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