The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's School of Natural Resources recognizes the importance of a safe and productive work environment. The SNR Safety Committee developed this website and safety plan to provide information for SNR employees and students and to comply with existing safety regulations. This information has been organized to be complementary to existing safety plans, documents, and publications in order to minimize redundancy and increase its usefulness.
Please use the navigation menu to locate specific safety information. The "Training Needs Assessment" will help you decide what training is required for the work you do. Safety information contained under "What You Need to Know" applies to all SNR employees and students. Information under "Job Safety Plans" provides specific information related to Field Safety and Laboratory Safety. All policies and procedures are intended to help ensure and maintain a safe working environment. Any questions concerning safety can be sent to members of the SNR Safety and Facilities Committee.
SNR Safety Contact Information
Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, Nebraska 68583-0961
Phone (402) 472-3471
FAX (402) 472-2946-
Larkin Powell, SNR Director
Jenny Dauer, SNR Associate Director
Christine Steggs, Assistant to the Director
Dennis Ferraro, Safety and Facilities Committee Chair