Karen Kassebaum, Director, UNL Staff Diversity and Inclusion
Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts!
December 2018
The objective of the “Ouch!” program is to help participants:
- Understand the impact of stereotypes and biased statements, even when casually used
- Identify the most common reasons people sit silent in the face of bias and stereotypes
- Enhance individual skills for speaking up against stereotypes without blame or guilt
Drew Tyre, Professor, School of Natural Resources, UNL
Depression and Academia
November 2018
Responding to mental health issues in the college classroom, Zachary W. Goldman, May 2018, Communications Education (67:3)382-408
UNL VC Academic Affairs - tip sheet
Counseling and Psychological Services list of resources
Resources created by Drew Tyre:

Abigail Riemer, Assistant Professor at Carroll University
Sarah Gervais, Associate Professor in the UNL Department of Psychology
Do #MeToo experiences decrease #GirlsInSTEM?: The influence of sexually harassing experiences on young women’s interest in STEM
April 2018
Women have long been underrepresented within science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) domains. While previous belief implied this gender disparity was due to women dropping out of STEM along the path of their career (Alper, 1993), recent work suggests young women are opting out of STEM prior to even beginning their career path – before or during college (Miller & Wai, 2015). Although previous attempts to explain the gender disparity in STEM have primarily focused on the unique institutional, personal, or interpersonal barriers to women’s involvement within STEM, the present work provides a novel integration of objectification theory (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997) and the social cognitive theory of agency (Bandura, 1989) to understand how institutional, personal, and interpersonal barriers may interact to lead young women to opt out of STEM. In the current study 88 female undergraduates (M age = 20) reported the frequency of which they have experienced unwanted sexual attention, engagement in habitual body monitoring, agency toward academic goals, and interest in STEM domains. Results from structural equation modeling suggest that more frequent experiences of sexual harassment were indirectly related to decreased interest in STEM domains due to more frequent body monitoring and less academic agency [IND 95% CI, .016, .342]. Discussion centered on the ways in which intervention efforts can increase young women’s interest in STEM and other male-dominated domains. Additionally, as a group we discussed what it really means to "have it all" in terms of the goals we pursue. Furthermore, ongoing data collection testing this model with a high school population and ecological momentary assessment to get real-time data was discussed.

Jessica Corman, Assistant Professor, School of Natural Resources - UNL
Sherri Jones, Director, Barkley Memorial Center
Negotiation Skills
March 2018
Women Don't Ask: The High Cost of Avoiding Negotiation--and Positive Strategies for Change, Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever
https://www.amazon.com/Women-Dont-Ask-Negotiation-Strategies/dp/0553383876, Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever
The Art of Becoming a Better Mentor and Mentee
August 2016
The local chapter of Association for Women in Science hosted a free professional mentoring workshops. The overarching goal was to provide lifelong mentor and mentee skills to senior and junior faculty, staff, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students and undergraduates – within the STEM fields and outside of it. Studies have shown men in STEM fields traditionally mentor women earning degrees, and for various and complicated reasons, the women aren’t becoming mentors themselves.
View More of workshop videos and workbook.