Graduate Student Handbook


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Academic Leave for Graduate Students


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator - SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
Refer to the Graduate Studies website for information:

Admission to Candidacy

Masters Degree

A student is admitted to Candidacy for the masters degree when admission deficiencies have been removed and when the ability to perform satisfactorily in graduate studies has been demonstrated, by filing a Memorandum of Courses in the Office of Graduate Studies.

A masters degree student may change his/her declared Option at any time during the program of study with written approval from the adviser, the Chair of the Graduate Committee in the student's major and the Dean for Graduate Studies. The only exception to this policy is that students may not change from Option I to any other Option if certification of full time status has been utilized.

For additional information see the Graduate Studies website (

Doctoral Degree

For additional information see the Graduate Studies website (

Advisors for Students


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

Choosing an advisor whose interests match your research goals is critical for the success of your work. SNR emphasizes the cooperative exchange between students and advisors in research programs while still giving advisors the overall responsibility for the direction and course of the student's research. Contact an SNR faculty member regarding your interest in our graduate program. Before you apply, you must receive the advising support of a faculty member who is a member of the Graduate Faculty (as recognized by the Office of Graduate Studies). This potential advisor is required to write a letter of approval for your application. Please note: this letter does not count toward your required letters of recommendation.

Changing Advisors

Advisor Leaves SNR

  • Prior to the departure of a student's advisor from the School, the student needs to secure an on-campus co-advisor or change to a different advisor.
  • Students are responsible for consulting with:
    • Members of their Graduate Advisory Committee,
    • The chair of the SNR Graduate Committee, and
    • The director of SNR to determine whether an on-campus co-adviser needs to be appointed.

Application for Graduation (Graduate Student)


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

When a student begins their final semester, application for graduation will need to be completed. Refer to the Graduate Studies website for specific information and due dates.



Assistantship Benefits


  • Operations Coordinator - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120
The funding source of an assistantship will be billed once each semester for the employer's share of health insurance and tuition remission which is the resident graduate credit hour rate per the Student Accounts website ( times an estimated number of credit hours (up to 12 per semester and 6 for summer). More information can be found at:

Assistantships - Benefits


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator - SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

Assistantships provide students with income, tuition remission (12 credit hours per semester, and up to 12 in the summer, depending on stipend amount paid), and health insurance at a reduced rate. More information can be found at:

Health coverage for the fall semester is from August 1 through December 31 and for the spring semester is January 1 through July 31. More information can be found at:

Assistantships - Termination


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator - SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • HR Contact - Lyness Mkwezalamba,, 237k North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-0833

If, during the course of the semester, a student decides to leave the position, it is expected they will give 30-day notice. Likewise, if there is a need to terminate an assistantship, a student will be given 30 days' notice. Students should be aware that if their assistantship is terminated, either by themselves or the department, before completing 120 continuous days of employment (PER SEMESTER), all tuition and health benefits will be forfeited and the entire cost for those benefits will once post to their student account. Should a student choose to resign from their assistantship, they must submit a letter of resignation to their supervisor, Graduate Studies, and NRBC. They may request a copy of the original signed offer letter from the Recruitment and Retention Coordinator - SNR Graduate Programs.


  • Students must work with their adviser to establish a plan to transfer information, data, samples, files with data entry, as well as the raw data sheets and unanalyzed samples (and any other information as directed by their adviser). Also, given that a student may still be on the grant payroll for the month, they may be expected to complete any tasks that are in line with transferring duties over to other members of the lab or the research team.
  • Contact the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) HR Generalist regarding payroll information, forwarding address and phone, and to provide a letter of resignation.
  • Contact the On-/Off-boarding Coordinator to return any Hardin Hall keys.
  • If applicable, return a parking permit to Parking and Transit Services for discontinuation and possible refund.
  • Return all University equipment/property/supplies/education materials.
  • Clean out your cubicle and return cubicle keys to the On-/Off-boarding Coordinator.

Commencement Ceremony

Students who have completed their program may participate in the commencement ceremony at the end of the semester in which they complete their program.

Masters Commencement Ceremony:

Doctoral Hooding Ceremony:

Coursework Requirement for Successful Completion of the Degree

Scholastic Grade Requirements are set by UNL Graduate Studies and are described here.

Degree Program Options for the Doctoral Degree


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

PhD in Natural Resource Sciences

Degree Program Options for the Masters Degree


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

MS in Natural Resources Sciences

Doctoral Dissertation Nature and Scope

Regular discussions with your adviser will help you identify the specific objectives of your research. Narrowing your topic should be done with help from your advisor and committee members.

Doctoral Program Candidacy

Doctoral candidacy is not the same as admission to or enrollment in a doctoral program; it is a specific stage of doctoral program progress.

Apply for Candidacy:

Once a student becomes a doctoral candidate, the student is required to enroll continuously until the program is completed.

Request for Certification of Full Time Status:

Doctoral Program Committee Formation

Natural Resource Sciences students must have primary adviser (chair of the committee) chosen prior to completing their application.

Eligible Advisers

Natural Resource Sciences:

Doctoral Program Final Oral Exams

Final Oral Exam is often called the "Defense."

  • The Application for Final Oral Examination must be filed at least 3 weeks before final oral exam.
    Before the form is submitted: (1) The two designated readers must read the dissertation and sign the form. (2) The chair or co-chairs must also sign.
  • Scheduling: The final oral should be scheduled at a time when a majority of the committee, including the chair/co-chairs, can attend. The time and date of the oral examination must be recorded on the form.
  • For more information: Refer to the Graduate Studies Bulletin.

Contact the Office Associate for Student Services to reserve a room in Hardin Hall for the defense.

Research responsibility requirements:

Doctoral Program Forms

The UNL Office of Graduate Studies provides the necessary forms for completing a doctoral program. They can be viewed at

Doctoral Program Requirements

The UNL Office of Graduate Studies provides a timeline for completing a doctoral program. This timeline can be viewed at

Getting Help

From time to time, all beings face challenges. Whether it’s hunger, shelter, finances, identity, discrimination, emotions, sensory, social, psychological or just uncertainty in our life course—we all face challenges. At times, we manage these challenges beautifully, at other times we may struggle, and at times, we suffer at the weight of these challenges. If you are feeling unsure, weighed down, or just want to be sure you are on track, we encourage you to reach out. Look at Big Red Resilience for events and resources to help you bounce back. Other possibilities include:

  • Professors in SNR (a number of SNR faculty have or had challenges such as anxiety, depression, autism, poverty, failed relationships)—you name it
  • CAPS is the UNL student counseling center They can connect you with resources 24 hours a day, and there are no fees for counseling services.
  • If you cannot reach anyone else, contact Bryan Hospital–West

Food and Shelter Needs

  • Any student who has difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who lacks a safe and stable place to live, and believes this may affect their performance in the course, is urged to visit the Huskers Helping Huskers Pantry The pantry is a free resource with food and hygiene items. Any current student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln who is in need can stop by the Huskers Helping Huskers Pantry to pick up free food and hygiene items and/or to get help connecting to university and community resources related to food and shelter insecurity.
  • If you live close to East Campus, ConnectioN Point near 33rd and Holdrege has the Open Shelf food pantry
  • Please notify any SNR professor if you are comfortable in doing so.

Graduate Chair Role


  • Graduate Committee Chair - Christopher Chizinski,, 910 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8718

The Graduate Committee Chair is responsible for:

  • Assuring fair and consistent compliance with all Graduate College policies and for overseeing student appeals.
  • Overseeing all graduate degrees, majors, specializations, minors and certificate programs in SNR.
  • Facilitating the agenda and deliberations of the graduate committee and assisting them to create graduate programs in which exemplary students are held to high expectations.
  • Helping colleagues design cutting edge curriculum, examinations and research requirements, and assist them in providing attentive mentoring for all graduate students.
  • Assuring that every graduate student is held to the highest standards of academic integrity.

Additional information can be found at

Graduate Committee Role

The SNR Graduate Committee is comprised of seven faculty members, six of which must have their graduate faculty home in SNR. The seventh member may have a courtesy, adjunct, or partial appointment in SNR. Committee members shall be elected for staggered three-year terms and may serve two consecutive terms. The SNR Graduate Student Association (SNR GSA) elects a representative who serves on the Graduate Committee in matters of policy and procedures but is not involved in screening prospective students or in deliberations involving an individual student.

The major duties of the Graduate Committee include:

  • Evaluating the academic qualifications of applicants for admission into the Natural Resource Sciences degree programs.
  • Establishing that applicants meet any departmental requirements that are over and above those set forth by the Graduate College.
  • Approving the program of study for Masters students and the supervisory committee for PhD students.
  • Monitoring the progress and academic performance of students at the request of the faculty adviser; recommending to faculty advisers necessary changes in graduate student status.
  • Taking corrective action when unsatisfactory progress is evident.
  • Awarding graduate teaching assistantships.
  • Making recommendations pertaining to curricular changes in graduate courses.
  • Suggesting and modifying graduate degree programs and areas of specialization.
  • Establishing a minimum passing grade for the comprehensive exam and a procedure in the event of a failing grade on a question or the exam; and maintaining quality and uniformity of the examining procedure.
  • Approving the oral exam procedure.
  • Be available for graduate students who have concerns or issues they cannot resolve with their adviser(s) or committee.
  • Assist in finding an adviser for a graduate student when the adviser leaves UNL and is unable to supervise the student through his program.
  • Modifying, as needed, the SNR website regarding SNR graduate student policies and procedures.

For additional information on the SNR Graduate Committee, including committee members, visit

Graduate Student - Fellowships and Travel Grants


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

Natural Resource Sciences Doctoral Graduate Student Conference Travel Funds

The Natural Resource Sciences Doctoral Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant, granted on a competitive basis, allows advanced Natural Resource Sciences Ph.D. students to travel to professional and scholarly meetings to make professional presentation. The request must be submitted and approved in advance of travel.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Registered full-time (9 credit hours) or be eligible to be full-time certified, during the academic year (funding cannot be provided to part-time students or those employed at UNL with an FTE greater than 0.49).
  • In good academic standing in a Natural Resource Sciences Ph.D. program during the semester the travel grant will be used.
  • Be registered for classes or research hours during the semester of travel. If traveling between semesters, he/she must also be registered for the semester following travel.
  • Have earned at least one-half of the credit hours required to complete their intended program of study and have an approved program of study on file in the Office of Graduate Studies.
  • Giving first- or single-authored presentations at a conference/meeting of regional, national or international stature.
  • Provide a PDF (scanned) copy of the invitation to present or the acceptance notification.
  • Students may receive only one Travel Grant per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), and may only receive a total of two travel grants over the entire course of their graduate career at UNL.

Grant Disbursement:

Graduate Student Conference Travel Grants must be used to defray lodging, travel and related expenses. Travel Grants will be disbursed to recipients as lump-sum payments processed through UNL Payroll. Recipients who are on UNL's payroll will receive their grants through the payroll system, with tax deductions made as in the normal process for tax withholding. Recipients who are not on UNL's payroll are still responsible for taxes and must declare their grant award in their tax statements.

Download Travel Fund Request Form

Wildwood Trust

The Trust supports travel expenses (up to $500) for SNR graduate students to present their research at professional meetings. Graduate students advised by SNR's Applied Ecology faculty are eligible. Graduate students may receive one travel award during their graduate program.

Please send Mark Pegg a cover letter requesting the funding, a copy of your presentation/poster title and abstract (please indicate if it is accepted), and a very brief budget showing total costs and what is covered by Wildwood.

IANR Funds

Students whose major is within the College of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources may be eligible to apply for IANR fellowships and travel grants.

More information can be found at:

Graduate Student - Mentoring Agreement


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

This document represents an agreement reached between the graduate student and the faculty mentor/advisor regarding the structure of the working relationship during the student's working relationship with the professor. It should be developed collaboratively between the two parties.


  1. Students should print off a copy of the agreement form and set a meeting time for student and mentor.
  2. Student finalizes the form based on discussion.
  3. Student signs form.
  4. Student has mentor sign form.
  5. Student submits a copy of the form to Brooke Mott, Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs, 911 South Hardin Hall, EC 0989.

Download Mentoring Agreement

Graduate Student - Progress Toward Degree


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • Co-Chair Graduate Committee - Christopher Chizinski,, 910 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8718

Form for Graduate Student and Advisor to fill out on periodic meetings to chart the graduate students progress toward completing their degree.

  • Student completes first part of form
  • Student sends to Advisor
  • Advisor completes middle part of form
  • Advisor returns form to student
  • Student schedules meeting with advisor
  • Student and Advisor complete last part of the form
  • Student and Advisor sign and date form
  • Completed form is sent to Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs

Download Graduate Student Progress Form



  • Office Associate - Operations - Karen Gilbert,, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197

When you begin your studies, if you have been assigned a workspace in the graduate student cubicles in Hardin Hall, the Office Associate - Operations will provide you with a key for the cabinets in that workspace. There is a $5 deposit for the cubicle cabinet key.

If you will be working in a lab or other locked space in Hardin Hall, your advisor will work with the faculty responsible for the space who must provide written authorization to the Office Associate for Operations for you to access the space. A $10 deposit is required for each key. Upon leaving SNR, you will return all of your keys receive refunds for keys assigned through SNR. Refunds are in the form of a State of Nebraska warrant (check). A valid mailing/forwarding address will need to be provided so that the check can be mailed.

When room assignments are made at the time of hire or relocation, keys will be ordered by the Office Associate for Operations (OAO). A $10 deposit is required for each interior door key. If you need access to other rooms, your supervisor should notify the OAO with these room number(s) so that these keys can be ordered, additional deposits will be required. Upon leaving employment with SNR, you will receive refunds for keys assigned through SNR; refunds are in the form of a State of Nebraska warrant (check). A valid mailing/forwarding address will need to be provided so that the check can be mailed.

Your office key will unlock the work room on your floor except 1st floor north work room 150, which is unlocked each morning, and for 4th floor which has a coded lock. The OAO will provide the door code when you move onto the floor.

Masters Program Deadlines


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

The UNL Office of Graduate Studies provides a timeline for completing a masters program. This timeline can be viewed at

Masters Program Final Oral Exams


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

Final Oral Exam is often called the "Defense."

  • The Application for Final Oral Examination must be filed at least 3 weeks before final oral exam.
    Before the form is submitted: (1) The two designated readers must read the dissertation and sign the form. (2) The chair or co-chairs must also sign.
  • Scheduling: The final oral should be scheduled at a time when a majority of the committee, including the chair/co-chairs, can attend. The time and date of the oral examination must be recorded on the form.
  • For more information: Refer to the Graduate Studies Bulletin.

Contact the Graduate Admissions Coordinator to reserve a room in Hardin Hall for the defense.

Research responsibility requirements:

Final Defense of the Thesis (Option I)

The final defense of the thesis takes place during the semester in which the student intends to graduate. The final examination consists of two parts: a seminar on the thesis topic (described above) and a formal oral examination. These two parts are generally held on the same day. Thesis examinations are open to all Graduate Faculty. Active participation in the examination process (other than at the seminar) is at the discretion of the adviser and the student's advisory committee. Additional information can be found at

Masters Thesis Nature and Scope

Regular discussions with your adviser will help you identify the specific objectives of your research. Narrowing your topic should be done with help from your adviser and committee members.

Memorandum of Courses - Changes


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • After the Memorandum has been filed with Graduate Studies, any changes to the Memorandum must be submitted in writing.
  • Changes may be submitted by the student's adviser in a memo/email to the Masters Specialist outlining the additions, deletions, or substitutions.
  • It may or may not be possible to change the Option.
  • Refer to the Graduate Bulletin –

Memorandum of Courses - Filing Procedure


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • The Memorandum of Courses must be submitted by the student to the Masters Specialist in the Office of Graduate Studies prior to the completion of half of the program. It is required for candidacy.
  • "Incompletes" and "no reports" count as completed courses.
  • A student may not file a Memorandum of Courses and graduate in the same semester or summer session.
  • It is the student's responsibility to obtain signatures and submit the form to Graduate Studies.
  • For more information see

Policy on Incomplete Course Grades and Research/Thesis/Dissertation Hours

Course Grades

Students taking graduate courses should check with their instructor on what their responsibilities are to remove an incomplete. Normally there is no time limit for graduate students to remove an incomplete. However, the instructor does have the option of determining the requirements for completing the course and requisite date for removal of incompletes. It is helpful to have these requirements in writing to ensure there is no miscommunication between the instructor and student.

Additional information about incompletes may be found at

Research/Thesis/Dissertation Hours Grades

Incomplete grades for research, thesis or dissertation hours are no longer assigned. A letter grade may be assigned OR, in lieu of an 'I' (Incomplete), one of the following may be assigned:

  1. IP: (In progress) indicates satisfactory work in progress (i.e., student is making progress or effort as determined by the faculty supervisor). The "IP" would stand until the final examination, at which time a grade of "P" or a letter grade for all dissertation hours is submitted to the Registrar.
  2. XP: (No progress) indicates students are not making adequate progress on their thesis or dissertation work. Consecute "XP" (as determined by the graduate program committee) may result in the graduate committee taking action to inform the student and Graduate Studies regarding continuation of the student's graduate study.

Note that on the final transcript, the "IP" and "XP" grades will count towards attempted hours but for Financial Aid purposes, they will count differently. Both grades will convert to an "I" on the official record if not graded as P (Pass) or with a letter grade. Because the "XP" grade will not be used in calculating the GPA, no direct academic sanction, such as academic dismissal from the University, will be imposed for earning one or more "XP" grades.

Note: if an XP for graduate research, thesis or dissertation hours is earned, please visit with your advisor about completing a course syllabus listing expectation and goals for the upcoming semester (see Rights and Responsibilities/Probation and Termination).