Graduate Committee - Standing

Current Membership

Hasnat Aslam (SNRGSA Representative) - 805 South HARH; EC 0988 | phone: 402-405-7464 | E-mail: [Term Expires: 2024]

John Benson - 520 South HARH; EC 0995 | phone: 402-472-8012 | E-mail: [Term Expires: 2025]

Chris Chizinski (Co-Chair) - 910 South HARH; EC 0989 | phone: 402-417-0760 | E-mail: [Term Expires: 2024]

Trenton Franz (Associate Director of Research (ex-officio)) - 303 South HARH; EC 0973 | phone: 402-472-4915 | E-mail:

Paul Hanson - 611 South HARH; EC 0996 | phone: 402-472-7762 | E-mail: [Term Expires: 2024]

Gwendŵr Meredith - 312 South HARH; EC 0973 | phone: 940-595-7130 Ext. | E-mail: [Term Expires: 2025]

Francisco Munoz-Arriola - 523 South HARH; EC 0995 | phone: 402-472-0850 | E-mail: [Term Expires: 2025]

Kevin Pope - 423 South HARH; EC 0984 | phone: 402-472-7028 | E-mail: [Term Expires: 2025]

Dan Snow - 202 WL; EC 0844 | phone: 402-472-7539 | E-mail: [Term Expires: 2025]

Mark Vrtiska (Teaching Coordinator (ex-officio)) - 524 South HARH; EC 0995 | phone: 402-472-8146 | E-mail:

Membership Criteria

The committee shall be composed of seven faculty members and one graduate student. Six of the faculty members must have their graduate faculty home in SNR. One member may have a courtesy, adjunct, or partial appointment in SNR. Committee members shall be elected for staggered three-year terms and may serve two consecutive terms. The graduate student shall serve a one-year term. The SNR graduate student association shall elect the graduate student representative to the committee. The graduate student shall participate in discussions on the matters of graduate policy and procedure matters, but will not be involved in admissions decisions, awarding of assistantships, reviews of graduate student academic performance or progress, and changes in graduate student status. The associate director for research and the teaching coordinator shall serve as ex officio members. The committee will elect a chair.


The committee shall

  • approve applications for admission;
  • review applications for SNR assistantships when available;
  • review graduate student academic performance and progress at the request of the faculty advisor;
  • recommend to faculty necessary changes in graduate student status;
  • make recommendations pertaining to curricular changes in graduate courses;
  • award graduate teaching assistantships;
  • suggest and modify graduate degree programs and areas of specialization;
  • modify, as needed, the SNR website on graduate student policies and procedures;
  • work with the director to identify a graduate student ombudsperson;
  • carry out other assignments as requested by the director

"Bylaws;" University of Nebraska-Lincoln, School of Natural Resources; Adopted 6/1/2023