Undergraduate Student Handbook

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Academic Dishonesty, Policy Appeals, and Grade Appeals Policy


  • Director - Larkin Powell, lpowell3@unl.edu, 903 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8368

Academic Dishonesty

Students are expected to adhere to the University's Code of Conduct (https://studentconduct.unl.edu/student-code-conduct).

Grade Appeals

In the event of a dispute involving NRES or WATS course grades, the student must first appeal to the instructor and, failing resolution with the instructor, to the SNR Undergraduate Committee (undergraduate level course) or SNR Graduate Committee (graduate level course), and then to the SNR Director in writing (in that order). If a satisfactory solution is not achieved at the School level, the student may appeal his or her case through the appropriate College Grade Appeals Committee using that body's process.

If a grade is appealed to the appropriate SNR Committee, the instructor must provide a written justification for the awarding of the grade. The student shall provide an account of the grounds for the grade appeal and evidence that the student has sought to resolve the case in consultation with the instructor.

Students appealing a course grade must do so within one semester (Fall or Spring) following the grade.

Policy or Policy Decision Appeals

A student wishing to appeal an NRES, WATS or SNR policy or policy decision must first discuss with his or her academic adviser the policy or decision in question. If a satisfactory solution is not achieved with the adviser, the student may request a decision from the SNR Undergraduate Committee (undergraduate student) or Graduate Committee (graduate student) and then the SNR Director (in that order). If a satisfactory solution is not achieved at the School level, the student may appeal his or her case through the appropriate College Dean's Office, using that body's appeal process.

Students appealing a policy decision must do so within one semester (Fall or Spring) following the decision.

After-Hours Access to Hardin Hall


  • Building Access Coordinator - Karen Gilbert, kgilbert5@unl.edu, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197

Karen Gilbert manages NCard access to Hardin Hall. Provide her with your NCard, and she will take care of your authorization based on the type of position you hold and rooms your supervisor has approved for you to access.

Building Hours


  • Building Access Coordinator - Karen Gilbert, kgilbert5@unl.edu, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197

Hardin Hall's exterior doors and hallway doors are unlocked from 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. They are locked evenings, weekends, and University Holidays.

Door schedules are adjusted to accommodate evening classes and events.

Computer recommendation for incoming SNR students


  • Computer Specialist - Gregg Hutchison, ghutchison2@unl.edu, 226b South HARH EC 0982, Phone: 402-472-5436
  • Recruitment Specialist - Bridget Gross, bgross3@unl.edu, 102b South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-8195

ESRI ArcGIS Pro is the most demanding software being taught in SNR classrooms. The software only runs on Windows-based computers, but it can be used on Apple computers with a Parallels virtual machine. (See SNR IT support for detailed instructions). SNR computer labs have the GIS software installed and are accessible to all SNR students 24/7. Your N-Card is required to access the labs after hours.

Here are the recommended specs for Windows laptops or desktops:

  • Windows 11
  • Core i5 or above
  • 16GB of RAM
  • 512 GB storage with at least 60 GB of free space

Here are the MINIMUM recommended specs for Macbooks or Apple desktops:

  • Apple Silicon (M1 or higher)

Go to https://ccsfgis.org/workshops-other/2016/8/18/installing-arcgis-on-a-mac for detailed instructions for installing ArcGIS on your Macbook or Apple desktop. NOTE: If you are not comfortable doing this yourself, please stop by the SNR IT Support office (HH 226) or UNL Help Desk (Love Library's basement) for assistance.

Additional Purchase (optional)

Because of the change of less printed books to more online books and information, having a second monitor is recommended. This allows one monitor to have an assignment open and the second monitor to have the reading material displayed.



  • University Computer Support - Huskertech Help Center, support@nebraska.edu, 17.5 (Basement) FOOD EC 0988, Phone: 402-472-3970
  • Computer Specialist - Gregg Hutchison, ghutchison2@unl.edu, 226b South HARH EC 0982, Phone: 402-472-5436

UNL Computer Use Policy


Employees and students will claim their university computer ID and password through UNL's Information Service Department. The ITS Support will use that information grant access on any SNR computer in Hardin Hall, e.g., the 24/7 computer lab (HarH 162), the computer teaching classrooms (HarH 141 and 142), the conference rooms (HarH 202, 207, 209, 901), the teacher's podium in the classrooms (HarH 163 and 228), teaching wet labs (HarH 023 and 024), and the Auditorium (HarH 107).

Internet and Email Services

As part of the SNR Onboarding process, supervisors are asked to provide computer and software needs. The ITS Support will set up the computer and assist new employees with access to the internet, email, and printers.

After a new employee has been entered into the payroll system (SAP), the new employee will be asked to activate a UNL email account. Anyone with an appointment 6 months in length or greater must have a UNL email account. A supervisor may request that an employee with an appointment less than 6 months in duration have a UNL e-mail account.


All computers in classrooms, conference rooms and the auditorium are connected to the same network. When logging onto those machines, the same drives are accessed, based upon the login.

Each person has access to a P drive (personal drive), which only they can access by logging on with their ID/password. If the person does not have a P drive, the Computer Specialist will created. Z drive, which all SNR Employees access; the Z drive is erased every Sunday morning. Regular employees will have access to an S drive, which is used by SNR administration to provide employees with their job description, training records, course evaluations, etc.

Files saved to any networked drive, except the Z Drive, are backed up nightly. To recover a backed up file, contact the Information Technology (IT) group.


To provide optimum efficiency in computer support, SNR will require that all computer purchases be made through SNR Computer Support personnel and will be eligible for Tier 1 service. ITS Support will maintain 99.9% or greater security for P drive, S drive, and network drives. Computers purchased without involvement of SNR Computing Support will be eligible for Tier 2 services; it is recommended that an outside business/person is used for software purchases and installation.

Crime Prevention and Safety

In an effort to raise awareness for safety of individuals, university property, and personal property, the University of Nebraska Police Services Department and the Division of Student Affairs invite all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to review UNL policies on:

First Aid Kits and AED Locations

First Aid Kits and Automated External Defibrillators (AED) are located throughout Hardin Hall. Supplies can be refilled as needed from the extra stock in # 121. Additional First Aid Kits are located throughout our buildings and are the responsibility of the person assigned to that space.

First Aid Kit Locations

  • 023 Teaching Wet Lab
  • 024 Teaching Wet Lab
  • 101 Nebraska Maps & More Store
  • 121 Mailroom
  • 131 Field Transfer Room
  • 229 Cartography
  • 239 Graduate Student Lounge
  • 3rd Floor Elevator Lobby Credenza
  • 427 Workroom
  • 528 Workroom
  • 627 CSD Survey Reference Room
  • 728 Conference Room
  • 827 Workroom
  • 923 Workroom

AED Locations

  • Basement Lobby South
  • 1st Floor Lobby South
  • 1st Floor Lobby North
  • 4th Floor
  • 5th Floor
  • 9th Floor

Getting Help

From time to time, all beings face challenges. Whether it’s hunger, shelter, finances, identity, discrimination, emotions, sensory, social, psychological or just uncertainty in our life course—we all face challenges. At times, we manage these challenges beautifully, at other times we may struggle, and at times, we suffer at the weight of these challenges. If you are feeling unsure, weighed down, or just want to be sure you are on track, we encourage you to reach out. Look at Big Red Resilience for events and resources to help you bounce back. https://resilience.unl.edu/. Other possibilities include:

  • Professors in SNR (a number of SNR faculty have or had challenges such as anxiety, depression, autism, poverty, failed relationships)—you name it
  • CAPS is the UNL student counseling center https://health.unl.edu/caps. They can connect you with resources 24 hours a day, and there are no fees for counseling services.
  • If you cannot reach anyone else, contact Bryan Hospital–West https://www.bryanhealth.com/services/counseling-mental-health/

Food and Shelter Needs

  • Any student who has difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who lacks a safe and stable place to live, and believes this may affect their performance in the course, is urged to visit the Huskers Helping Huskers Pantry The pantry is a free resource with food and hygiene items. Any current student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln who is in need can stop by the Huskers Helping Huskers Pantry to pick up free food and hygiene items and/or to get help connecting to university and community resources related to food and shelter insecurity. pantry@unl.edu
  • If you live close to East Campus, ConnectioN Point near 33rd and Holdrege has the Open Shelf food pantry https://www.connectionpointlnk.org/food-pantry
  • Please notify any SNR professor if you are comfortable in doing so.

Go Green - reduce, reuse, recycle!


  • Sales and Events Manager - Jacqueline Loomis, jloomis3@unl.edu, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • Surplus Inventory Notification - Karen Gilbert, kgilbert5@unl.edu, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197

Environmental stewardship, preservation, and sustainability are important in SNR. We participate in recycling and energy conservation programs.


Unwanted equipment, books, etc., are to be reused within the department whenever possible. If we cannot find a new use and the item was purchased with University funds, it must be sent to Inventory. Complete the Surplus Equipment Pickup form, and send to Inventory Coordinator.

Download Surplus Equipment Pickup Form


Full-service All in the Hall stations are located in lobbies, hallways and near conference and classrooms throughout Hardin Hall. Full-service Office Paper only stations are located at each copy machine. You are responsible for taking the landfill (garbage) and recyclable materials that you generate to a full-service station.

You can have self-service landfill (garbage) and recycling containers in your offices, work areas and labs. UNL Custodial Services will not provide any service to these containers. You will service them yourself by taking the materials you generated to one of the stations. Graduate students can contact the Nebraska Maps & More Store to request containers for their workstations. Secure, locked containers are located in the basement tower for material to be shredded prior to recycling.

Most waste items commonly produced at UNL are accepted in the stations. Instructional signage is located at each station, see SNR's graphic. The stations accept paper, plastic & aluminum, flattened cardboard (place behind station) and landfill (garbage). Items should be clean, dry, and free of food or other non-recyclable waste. UNL Custodial Services staff will monitor the full-service stations, if a container is full you should contact the UNL Facilities Service Desk by calling (402) 472-1550.

Additional information and program contact: https://recycling.unl.edu/all-in-the-hall-recycling-program

Thank you for being green!

Contact the Sales and Events Manager with questions.

Image & Video Use


  • SNR Webmaster - Mark Mesarch, mmesarch1@unl.edu, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904
  • Recruitment and Retension Coordinator, Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott, bmott2@unl.edu, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • Events Manager - Jacqueline Loomis, jloomis3@unl.edu, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • Student Success Coordinator - Sara Winn, sara.winn@unl.edu, 912 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-0636

Image Release Form - Group

Form to grant permission to use and display group images of adults. Must be completed for the usage of any single picture or set of pictures from an event.

SNR will maintain a department Image Release Form, which will be available via the SNR Forms webpage, and incorporated into Employee Hiring and Student Welcome procedures. This will be reviewed annually in the summer by the Image Release Form ad hoc committee so any changes are implemented and available no later than August 1 of each year.

  • Appendix A of the Image Release Form allows individuals to specify a photo or event that they are releasing to SNR. The text provided in Appendix A can be altered to fit a specific event. If the release form is for a specific purpose or event, the SNR staff processing the form will add a description of the person's clothing from the image before scanning.
  • For recruitment and outreach events and images taken for general promotional materials, the School/event host will incorporate narrative into the form that, when signed, shall convey permission for the School to use photographic images taken of individuals attending the event.
  • For the Graduate Student website, a separate form will be maintained that refers specifically to the website.

Download Group Image Use Request Form

Image Submission Form

Complete this form to supply information (metadata) about images that can be used by the School of Natural Resources.

Download Image Submission Form

SNR Single User Image Release Form

Form to grant permission to use and display images of adults and minors. Must be completed for the usage of any single picture or set of pictures from an event.

SNR will maintain a department Image Release Form, which will be available via the SNR Forms webpage, and incorporated into Employee Hiring and Student Welcome procedures. This will be reviewed annually in the summer by the Image Release Form ad hoc committee so any changes are implemented and available no later than August 1 of each year.

  • Appendix A of the Image Release Form allows individuals to specify a photo or event that they are releasing to SNR. The text provided in Appendix A can be altered to fit a specific event. If the release form is for a specific purpose or event, the SNR staff processing the form will add a description of the person's clothing from the image before scanning.
  • For recruitment and outreach events and images taken for general promotional materials, the School/event host will incorporate narrative into the form that, when signed, shall convey permission for the School to use photographic images taken of individuals attending the event.
  • For the Graduate Student website, a separate form will be maintained that refers specifically to the website.

Download Image Release - Single User Form

Lost and Found


  • Office Associate - Operations - Office Associates NMM, , 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3471

The School of Natural Resources will hold Lost and Found items in Room 101 Hardin Hall (Nebraska Maps & More Store), for a period of 30 days. Items not claimed after 30 days will be forwarded to the UNL Police Department or disposed of in accordance with UNL Policy.

See UNL Campus Police Lost and Found policies.

Notary Service


Notaries in Hardin Hall.



  • Event Manager - Jacqueline Loomis, jloomis3@unl.edu, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • Office Associate for Sales - Lisa Greif, lgreif2@unl.edu, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679

On Campus Parking

There is no free parking on campus. All University of Nebraska-Lincoln parking facilities, except metered areas and time-controlled zones, require a valid University of Nebraska parking permit, at all times. If you will have a car, purchase your parking permit from Parking and Transit Services https://parking.unl.edu/ online or in person in the Stadium Drive Parking Garage. Parking permits are available annually, by semester or a variety of other terms. A map of available parking lots can be at accessed at https://parking.unl.edu/maps.

Parking and Transit Services can issue temporary handicap parking permits. The Equity, Access, and Diversity Program can assist you with longer term special parking needs. Contact them directly, Equity, Access, and Diversity Programs to setup an accommodation.

If you are driving a rental car or other vehicle be sure to register that vehicle with Parking and Transit Services.

A free bus pass (valid for both campus and city bus systems) is also available for all registered students.

Service and Delivery Permits

Service Delivery Permits are available for occasional use by faculty, staff, and students for business purposes only. The Service Delivery Permits are valid in the following University parking areas only if placed in a vehicle with a valid University of Nebraska - Lincoln parking permit (other than "P" permits): City and East Campus Area A, any Service and Delivery spaces and spaces marked for the use of our department. Check out Service Delivery Permits at the Nebraska Maps & More Store.

Off Campus Parking

Street parking available on the streets surrounding East Campus. When parking in the neighborhoods be courteous to those in the neighborhood. Watch for snow emergency information following snow storms.


Remember to register your bicycle, if you plan to bike to campus. Secure bikes only on bike racks.


Guests/Visitors are unaffiliated persons (not faculty, staff, student or volunteer of NU) who may occasionally visit campus. In some instances these persons can park in a Guest/Visitor parking spot or an unmarked spot and come to the Nebraska Maps & More Store to get a permit. Occasional Parking Permits can be purchased at the Nebraska Maps & More Store for your guest/visitors who do not qualify for a complimentary permit, they are $4.00 per day.

Guest/Visitor Permits are available to unaffiliated persons in the following situations:

  • Prospective Students visiting to learn about our program, campus or college.
  • Drop-in Visitor to faculty or staff for outreach or educational purposes.
  • Job candidate visiting for an interview.
  • Speakers/Lecturers/Presenters for academic courses (in the academic catalog that students register for).


When hosting a meeting or event you must request Conference Permits in advance. They are available for $7.00 each from UNL Parking & Transit Services. See the Sales & Event Manager for assistance with Conference Permit orders.

Parking permits from UNK, UNO, and UNMC may be used on the UNL Campus. However, any University of Nebraska faculty, staff, and students who are primarily assigned to the UNL campus must purchase a permit from UNL's Parking & Transit Services Office and may not use permits from other campuses.

State of Nebraska vehicles do not need parking permits to park on campus and may park in any unmarked or non-metered spaces. Government vehicles (except State of Nebraska vehicles) require Departmental Guest Permits to park on campus or may park and pay in a metered space.

For additional information see the Parking & Transit Services website.

East Campus Weekend Parking

All University of Nebraska-Lincoln parking facilities, except metered areas and time-controlled zones, require a valid University of Nebraska parking permit, at all times, including weekends.

East Campus departments can submit a Weekend Parking Log for weekend events, submit to Andrew Lowe in the Vice Chancellor's office to request complimentary weekend parking for events, submit at least 10 days before a scheduled event. The Vice Chancellor's office will provide that information to the Special Events staff in Parking and Transit Services. If the event is within 10 days, the department is still required to complete/submit the log form. If the special event on the UNL East Campus requires more than parking space (i.e., parking attendants, reserved parking or covered meters), the unit hosting the event will be responsible for paying the additional costs.

If SNR Event Planning staff is working with you on an event, they will complete/submit the log for you. If you are not working through SNR Event Planning staff, you are responsible for completing and submitting the form.

Download Weekend Parking Log

Poster Presentation Template Example - Morrison


  • Printing Coordinator - Sidney Parks, sparks3@unl.edu, 229 South HARH EC 0982, Phone: 402-413-6216

Poster presentation format has be mired in the same old format for eons. Mike Morrison suggests a new type of format with benefits both the presenter and the viewer.

The design consists of three main areas

  • Bold large main points allow viewers to get to the meat of the research quickly and move on to the next poster.
  • A sidebar with more detailed discussion/graphics allows the viewer to dig in deeper to the posters theme if the author is not present or engaged with another viewer.
  • Another sidebar is a detailed area for the presenter to keep track of key points or items they want to use in their interaction with a viewer.

Morrison Research Poster Format PowerPoint Template

Morrison Research Poster Format PowerPoint Template (Vertical)

You can access an UNL/SNR branded version of this at

  • SharePoint - Logos and Presentation.
  • Local folder (Windows - W:\Logos and Presentations\Poster_template\Poster_template.potx) or (Mac - //snr-fileserver/G1$/Logo and Presentations/Poster_template/Poster_template.potx)
Sample Poster Template

Mike Morrison is actually investigating how well this design works and is interested in your comments. Download his original design at https://osf.io/ef53g/ or contact him at Mike.A.Morrrison

Poster Presentation Template Example - Pixel Lab


  • Printing Coordinator - Sidney Parks, sparks3@unl.edu, 229 South HARH EC 0982, Phone: 402-413-6216

Getting Started

Your poster will be created on one slide in a PowerPoint file.

The Pixel Lab needs a file that’s set to your custom page size for proper printing. Therefore, the very first thing you should do is make sure your slide size is the size you want your poster to be printed.

This poster is 48 inches x 36 inches. If your poster needs to be a different size either download one of the other templates or change this file’s document size.

Design Tips

To prevent cropping when printing, be sure there is nothing important, such as text, within 1" of the edges of the poster.

The colors that you see on your computer monitor will not reproduce exactly the same on a printed poster, as monitor color settings vary. Inform us of any important colors.

Download the template to get the complete set of design tips and development process.


Pixel Lab Research Poster PowerPoint Template

You can access an UNL/SNR branded version of this at

  • SharePoint - Logos and Presentation.
  • Local folder (Windows - W:\Logos and Presentations\PowerPoint_Poster_template\Poster_template.potx) or (Mac - //snr-fileserver/G1$/Logo and Presentations/PowerPoint_Poster_template/Poster_template.potx)
Sample Poster Presentation Template - Pixel Pal

Printing Research Posters


  • Printing Coordinator - Sidney Parks, sparks3@unl.edu, 229 South HARH EC 0982, Phone: 402-413-6216

SNR offers local printing, and presenting a research poster.

Two different examples of research posters and downloadble templates:

Logos and Presentation templates are available in a SharePoint library.

Printing Services


  • Printing Coordinator - Sidney Parks, sparks3@unl.edu, 229 South HARH EC 0982, Phone: 402-413-6216

Printing services are limited to the School of Natural Resources community and related classes.

Rush orders that are beyond the current capacity from the School may be printed through the Pixel Lab on City Campus

Printing Schedule

Document(s) are needed at least three days before final print is needed.

  • Tuesdays: 1 pm - 5 pm
  • Wednesdays: 1 pm - 3 pm
  • Fridays: 1 pm - 5 pm

Design Schedule

Content creation outline is needed at least one week before print is needed.

Content Creation Outline:

  • Dimensions
  • Title
  • Imagery
  • Graphics
  • Abstract
  • Test/Copy
  • Any examples of finished products

A proof will be sent for approval. Approval must be given within 48 hrs to ensure print deadline is met.

Printing Information Needed

  • Name
  • Cost Object
  • Dimensions
  • Quantity
  • Paper Type
    • Large Format Plotter
      • Matte / Plain
      • Glossy
    • Letter - 8.5" x 11"
      • 24 lb
      • 28 lb
      • Cardstock
    • Tabloid - 11" x 17"
  • Date Needed
  • Lamination Needed
  • Posterboard
    • Mounted
    • Clipped
  • Easels Needed
  • Other Specifics


  • Hourly rate - $20/hour
  • Large format plotting
    • Plain, coated paper – $1.00/foot
    • Glossy paper – $2.00/foot
  • Laser Prints
    • 8.5" X 11" B/W - $0.04/page
    • 8.5" X 11" Color laser prints – $0.25/page
    • 11" X 17" B/W or Color - $0.50/page
  • Lamination
    • Glossy – $ 0.50/foot
    • Glossy Large format – $ 1.50/foot
  • Foam board
    • 40" X 60" (no adhesive) - $3.00/each
    • 24" x 36" (adhesive) – $8.50/each
    • 36" x 48" (adhesive) – $18.00/each
    • 48" x 72" (adhesive) – $22.00/each
  • Mylar - $2.00/foot
  • Tube - $2.00/each

Recording Studio in Hardin Hall


  • Room Reservation Questions - Karen Gilbert, kgilbert5@unl.edu, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197
  • Studio Use Questions - Iris McFarlin, imcfarlin2@unl.edu, 308 South HARH EC 0973, Phone: 402-416-9132
  • Studio Use Questions - Grant Reiner, grant.reiner@huskers.unl.edu, 234 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-215-5648

The SNR Recording Studio is located in 238 South Hardin Hall. This is a professional quality audio recording studio that can be used for podcasting, voice-overs, pre-recording presentations, or any other audio needs. The studio is equipped with four microphones, a Mac Mini, and a TV screen with webcam.

The room can be reserved online through the UNL Events Management System at https://unlscheduling.nebraska.edu All in the UNL community can sign up to use the space, however, if you are not part of the SNR Community and assigned space in Hardin Hall, please send an email to Karen Gilbert with your NU ID so she can activate your admittance to the building and room on day(s) you plan on using the facility.

Download a Quick Start Guide (Updated 10/3/2023)

Using the Room Reservation System

Recruiting - Undergraduate Students


  • Recruitment Specialist - Bridget Gross, bgross3@unl.edu, 102b South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-8195
  • Student Success Coach - Kenneth Pyle, kpyle4@unl.edu, 102a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7471


  • Coordinate recruitment activities in cooperation with campus partners.
  • Facilitate the Student Ambassador Team activities and training.
  • Liaison with community members, alumni, extension educators, and educational partners to enhance recruitment efforts.
  • Direct SNR's recruitment activities; identify venues, people to represent the majors, and talking points.
  • Contact prospective students on behalf of the majors.
  • Organize SNR's participation in on- and off-campus recruiting events.
  • Develop publicity and marketing materials for the School and its majors.
  • Develop and distribute recruitment material to prospective students.

Vending Machines


  • Office Associates NMM, , 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3471

Vending machines are available in north and south lobbies of Hardin Hall.

Contact the Office Associate for Operations to reports problems with the vending machines and to receive monetary refunds when a product is not dispensed, due to a machine malfunction.