Experiential Learning

At the School of Natural Resources, we partner with organizations that offer our students experiences that can propel them into their careers of choice. Explore some of the Experiential Learning partnerships below.

Collaborative Certifications

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Academy Logo

Zoo Management

Learn online with San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Academy’s world-renowned experts. Our partnership provides our students a chance to engage in real world case studies that are used to train current keepers and staff at zoos and aquaria around the world. SafeCapture Training is an example.

For more information contact: Lisa Pennisi or Larkin Powell

Prescribed Burn

Introduction to Prescribed Fire Short Course

In conjunction with Nebraska Pheasants Forever, we offer a free, eight hour, short course to get your start in the basics of prescribed fire and your role as crew member on prescribed fire. This course involves three hours of online self learning followed by a five hour field day to put what you learned into practice on live fire. The field day will be conducted at Nine-Mile Prairie, Lincoln Nebraska.

For more information contact: David Wedin

Prescribed Burn

Wildland Fire Fighting (Red Card Training)

The Nebraska Forest Service and the School of Natural Resources offer the NWCG S-130 (Firefighter Training) and S-190 (Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior) courses leading to the basic Red Card certification. This training is recognized by all cooperating state and federal natural resource agencies. The combined (S-130/S-190) 36-hour course is offered annually on East Campus (usually in early May).

For more information contact: David Wedin

Zoo Food Preparation

National Association of Interpretation's Certified Guide and Certified Host

Coming Soon These Certifications are becoming more important for job applicants in parks, nature centers, zoos and other jobs.

For more information contact: Lisa Pennisi

Children masked

National Environmental Education Curricula

Numerous environmental education certifications including Project Wet, Project Learning Tree and Growing Up Wild. Certifications include teaching and learning reference materials that are great for teachers.

For more information contact: Lisa Pennisi

First Aid Kit and Hiking Boot

Wilderness First Responder

Partnering with Campus Recreation and Outdoor Adventures. Get in-depth and hands-on experience in handling medical, environmental, and traumatic emergencies in the backcountry.

For more information: Campus Recreation Courses

Research and Creative Activities

Sampling on the Niobrara River

UCARE - Undergraduate Research

UCARE, Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences, funded by the Pepsi Endowment and Program of Excellence funds, supports opportunities for undergraduates to work alongside faculty members and directly participate in the campus's research or creative activities. Undergraduate students within the School of Natural Resources may apply for UCARE awards to incorporate a research or creative experience into their undergraduate education.

For more information: SNR UCARE

Sampling on the corridor

IANR/ARD - Undergraduate Research

The Undergraduate Student Research Program gives undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct research under the direction of an IANR/Agricultural Research Division faculty mentor. It is open to junior and senior undergraduates proposing to work with a faculty member.

For more information: Program Site

Work and Internship Agreements

PBT Interns

Platte Basin Timelapse Internships

Paid interns are trained in the use of the technical digital image gathering technology, and play an important role in processing the PBT images into time-lapse videos, researching and writing background information that provides the basis for contextual storytelling centered on PBT cameras, and in suggesting new ways to communicate to our constituents through our website, newsletter, and social media.

For more information: Mariah Lundgren

Park Ranger

Student Law Enforcement Internship

SNR has partnerships with the Nebraska Games and Parks Commissions for Student Law Enforcement Internships. This internship is designed to expose student interns to a vast array of experiences including patrol techniques, criminal investigations, identification and records procedures, and victim assistance. Interns will be given the opportunity to not only observe officers, but train and work alongside them as well.

For more information: Sara Winn

Cabela Experience

Cabela's Apprenticeship

Gain experience doing research that addresses real issues centered around:

  • recruiting and maintaining participants in outdoor activities
  • managing fish and wildlife and creating their habitat
  • protecting threatened and endangered species
  • supporting ecosystem conservation

For more information contact: Chris Chizinski

Career Opportunities

To find current jobs, internships, fellowships and other carreer opportunites visit our opportunities board.

Visit Career Opportunities