John Carroll

John Carroll

  • Contact Information
  • My Story
  • Publications
  • Background
  • Interests
  • Grants
  • Advising
  • Courses Taught

Contact Information

TitleProfessor of Wildlife Ecology and Management
Faculty RankProfessor
Address411 South Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln NE

East Campus
  • office: 402-413-1180
  • fax: 402-472-4915
VitaeDownload file


Contact Preference


Selected Publications

Berger, D.J, J.J. Lusk, L.A. Powell, J.P Carroll. (2023) Exploring old data with new tricks: Long-term monitoring indicatesspatial and temporal changes in populations of sympatric prairie grouse in the Nebraska Sandhills. Animal Diversity (accepted)Online
Laity, K., A.L., Conway, S.M. Hernandez, J.P. Carroll, and D. Ejigu. 2023. Populations of soorty mangaby (Cercocebus atys Audebert, 1797) protected on a small reserve in Sierra Leone. African Journal of Ecology (in press)
Laity, K., Conway, A., Hernandez, S.M., Carroll, J.P., Ejigu, D. 2023. Occupancy and abundance of a West African mangabey species (Cercocebus atys Audebert, 1797) in forest patch habitat. Afr J Ecol. 2023;00:1–7. DOI: 10.1111/aje.13139Online
Carroll, J.P., and B. Wilhelm. 2021. From Office of Research to Office of COVID Response and field research in the time of Covid. University of Kansas Merrill Advanced Studies Center Report No. 125:44-48.
Grace, M.K., et al. (2021) Testing a global standard for quantifying species recovery and assessing conservation impact. Conservation Biology doi:10.1111/cobi.13756Online
Lee, M.B., B.J. Gates, R.J. Cooper, and J.P. Carroll. (2020) Avian taxonomic and functional diversity in early stage of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) stands restored on agricultural lands: Variations in scale dependency. Restoration Ecology 28:147-155.
Flowers Staples, A., L.R. Larson, T. Worsley, G.T. Green, and J.P. Carroll. (2019) Effects of an art-based environmental education camp program on the environmental attitudes and awareness of diverse youth. Journal of Environmental Education 50:208-222. DOI:10.1080/00958964.2019.1629382Online
Howze, J.M, K.J. Sash, J.P. Carroll, and L.L. Smith. (2019) A regional scale assessment of habitat selection and home range of the gray rat snake in pine-dominated forests. Forest Science 432:225-230.
Palmer, W.E., J.P. Carroll, D.C. Sisson, S. Wellendorf, T. Terhune, S.N. Ellis-Felege, and J.A. Martin. (2019) Reduction in meso-mammal nest predators improves Northern Bobwhite demographics. Journal of Wildlife Management DOI:10.1002/jwmg.2162.
Lee, M.B. and J.P. Carroll. (2018) Effects of patch size and basal area on avian taxonomic and functional diversity in pine forests: Implication for the influence of habitat quality on the species-area relationship. Ecology and Evolution. 8:6909-6920. Online
McCollum, K. R., Powell, L. A., Snyman, A., Brown, M. B., Carroll, J. P. (2018). Occupancy analysis and density estimation of Kori Bustards (Ardeotis kori) in the Northern Tuli Game Reserve, Botswana. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 13, http://www.ace-eco
McCollum, K. R., Powell, L. A., Snyman, A., Brown, M., Carroll, J. (2018). Kori Bustards (Ardeotis kori) respond to vegetation density and elevation in the Northern Tuli Game Reserve, Botswana. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 13(1), 13.Online
McCollum, K.R., E. Belinfonte, A.L. Conway, and J.P. Carroll. (2018) Occupancy and habitat use by six species of forest ungulates on Tiwai Island, Sierra Leone. Koedoe: Protected Area Science and Management 60:15-19. Online
Snyman, A., Raynor IV, E., Chizinski, C., Powell, L. A., Carroll, J. (2018). African lion (Panthera leo) space use in the Greater Mapungubwe Transfrontier Conservation Area. African Journal of Wildlife Research, 48(2), 1--12.
McDermid, K.R., A. Snyman, F.J. Verreynne, J.P. Carroll, B.L. Penzhorn, and M.J. Yabsley. 2017. Surveillance for viral and parasitic pathogens in a vulnerable African lion (Panthera leo) population in the Northern Tuli Game Reserve, Botswana. Journal of Online
Satterfield, L.C., J.J. Thompson, A. Snyman, L. Candelario, B. Rode, and J.P. Carroll. 2017. Estimating occurrence and detectability of a carnivore community in eastern Botswana using baited camera traps. African Journal of Wildlife Research 47: 32-46.Online
Yu, X., S.N. Ellis-Felege, and J.P. Carroll. 2017. Parental risk-taking at natural Northern Bobwhite nests. Avian Biology Research 10:69-75.Online
Larson, L., A. Conway, S. Hernandez, and J. Carroll. 2016. Human-wildlife conflict, conservation attitudes, and a potential role for citizen science in Sierra Leone, Africa. Conservation and Society 14:205-217.Online
Larson, L.R., A.L. Conway, K.E. Krafte, S.M. Hernandez, and J.P Carroll. 2016. Community-based conservation as a potential source of conflict around a protected area in Sierra Leone. Environmental Conservation 43:242-252.Online
McCollum, K.R., A.L. Conway, M.B. Lee, and J.P. Carroll. 2016. Occupancy and demographics of red river hog Potamochoerus porcus on Tiwai Island, Sierra Leone. African Journal of Ecology 55:47-55.Online
Conway, A.L., T.W. deMaar, S.M. Hernandez, and J.P. Carroll. 2015. Evaluation of radio transmitter attachments for the pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis) African Journal of Ecology 53:606-608.Online
Martin, J. A., J.K. Burkhart, R.E. Thackston, and J.P. Carroll. 2015. Exotic grass alters micro-climate and mobility for northern bobwhite chicks. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39:834-839.Online
Conroy, M.J., Carroll, J.P., Senar, J.C., Thomposon, J.J. 2015. Metodos Cuantitativos para la Conservacion de los Vertebrados. Lincoln; University of Nebraska-Lincoln.Online
Lee, M.B. and J.P Carroll. 2014. Avian diversity in pine forests along an urban-rural/agriculture-wildland gradient. Urban Ecosystem 18:685-700.Online
Nguyen, T.V., T. Savini, and J.P. Carroll. 2014. Defining the present range of the orange-necked partridge (Arborophila davidi) in Vietnam. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society 60:23-30.Online
Conway, A.L., S.M. Hernandez, J.P. Carroll, G.T. Green, and L. Larson. 2014. Local awareness of and attitudes toward pygmy hippopotamus conservation in the Moa River Island Complex, Sierra Leone. Oryx. 49: 550-558.Online
Flowers, A., G. Green, and J.P. Carroll. 2014. Using art to assess environmental education outcomes. Environmental Education Research. 21: 846-864.Online
Lee, M.B. and J.P Carroll. 2014. Relative importance of local and landscape variables on site occupancy by avian species in a pine forest, urban, and agriculture matrix. Forest Ecology and Management 320:161-170.Online
Rush, S.A., K. Sash, J. Carroll, B. Palmer, A.T. Fisk. 2014. Feeding ecology of the snake community of the Red Hills region relative to management for northern bobwhite: Assessing the diet of snakes using stable isotopes. Copeia 2014:288-296.Online
Felege, S., Burnam, J., Palmer, W., Sisson, C., Carroll, J. 2013. Fight or flight: Parental decisions about predators at bobwhite nests. Auk, 130, 637-644.Online
Loyd, K. A. T., Hernandez, S. M., Carroll, J., Abernathy, K. J., Marshall, G. J. (2013). Quantifying free-roaming domestic cat predation using animal-borne video cameras. Biological Conservation, 160, 183-189.Online
Martin, J. A., Palmer, W. E., Carroll, J. (2013). Aspects of Northern Bobwhite ecology on South Florida rangeland. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 59, 205-214.Online



DegreeMajorInstitutionYear Awarded
Doctorate of PhilosophyBiologyNorth Dakota University1989
Master of ScienceBiologyEaster Kentucky University1982
Bachelor of ScienceWildlife BiologyUniversity of Massachusetts1979





TitleAwarded byYear Awarded
James O’Hanlon Academic Leader AwardUniversity of Nebarska-Lincoln2024
Career Professional Award The Wildlife Society (Nebraska Chapter)2023


Professional Organizations

International Union for Conservation of Nature Species Survival CommissionGalliformes Specialist Group, Co-Chair (2016)
National Association of University of Fisheries and Wildlife ProgramsPresident (2023); Executive Committee (2019)




SNR Program Areas

  • Applied Ecology

Areas of Interest/Expertise

  • Wildlife Ecology and Management
  • Agroecosystems
  • Game, Wildlife
  • Ornithology
  • Birds
  • Conservation
  • Ecology
  • Population dynamics, Distribution
  • Agrotourism and Ecotourism
  • Natural History


Currently this page only displays grants that were awarded on 1/1/ 2009 to the present. If a grant was awarded prior to 1/1/ 2009 and is still active, it will not be displayed on this page.

Grant TitleSource Water Protection Educator
Starting Date01/25/2022


Ending Date02/28/2025
Funding Level$141,545.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environment and Energy


Grant TitleUNL/NDEQ Liaison for Coordination of Water Quality Education Programming in NE
Starting Date10/26/2020


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$108,776.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environment and Energy


Grant TitleInternational Grouse Symposium
Starting Date04/19/2018


Ending Date04/20/2019
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR Travel


Grant TitleUNL-NDEQ Water Quality Liaison
Starting Date10/01/2017


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$159,163.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleForestry Major - Regional and Community Forestry
Starting Date06/01/2017


Ending Date07/11/2020
Funding Level$100,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Forest Service


Grant TitleForestry Major - Regional and Community Forestry
Starting Date07/20/2015


Ending Date07/11/2020
Funding Level$313,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Forest Service


Grant TitleWildlife Management and Human Dimensions
Starting Date03/12/2015


Ending Date05/31/2021
Funding Level$255,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission



Graduate Programs

Master of Applied Science

Master of Science in Natural Resource Sciences
including specializations in

  • Applied Ecology

Doctorate of Philosophy in Natural Resource Sciences
including specializations in

  • Applied Ecology

Courses Taught

Course NumberCourse TitleFall Even YearsFall Odd YearsSpring Even YearsSpring Odd YearsSummer SessionCross Listing
NRES 235Independent Fisheries and Wildlife Field TechniquesXX
NRES 450/850Biology of Wildlife PopulationsXXBIOS 450/850
NRES 492Field Guiding in Southern AfricaXX
NRES 492/892Wildlife Management and Conservation - Kruger Nat'l ParkXNRES 492H; NRES 892