
The School of Natural Resources is made up of many disciplines and faculty, staff and students interact with many different departments at the University of Nebraska, State of Nebraska and private/public groups with the state. Here are a some of our partners.

Agricultural Economics, UNLAg Econ
Agricultural Leadership, UNLAg Lead
Agronomy/Horticulture, UNLAgro/Hort
Animal Science, UNLAn Sci
Anthropology, UNLAnthro
Applied Wildlife Ecology and Spatial Movement LabAWESM Lab
Audubon NebraskaAUD NE
Biological Systems Engineering, UNLBSE
Biometry, UNLBiometry
Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies, UNLCALMIT
Center for Digital Research in the HumanitiesCDRH
Center for Grassland Studies, UNLGrassland
Center for Great Plains Studies, UNLCGPS
Center for Resilience in Agricultural Working Landscapes, UNLCRAWL
Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNLCivil Envir Eng
Claire M. Hubbard Water, Climate, and Health Program WCHP
College of Education and Human Sciences, UNLCEHS
Complex Biosystems, UNLCPLXBIO
Conservation and Survey Division, SNR-UNLCSD
Doctor of Plant Health ProgramDPH
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, UNLEAS
Ecosystem Stoichiometry LaboratoryESL
Electrical Engineering, UNLElect Eng
Entomology, UNLEnt
Great Plains Cooperative Ecosystem Studies UnitGPCESU
Healthier UHealthierU
High Plains Regional Climate CenterHPRCC
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, UNLHUMAN
Hydroinformatics and Integrated Hydroclimate Research GroupHIH
IANR Staff CouncilIANRSC
Long-term Agro-ecosystem Research NetworkLTAR
National Drought Mitigation CenterNDMC
Natural Resources Business CenterNRBC
Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and SchoolsCYFS
Nebraska Center for VirologyNCV
Nebraska Earth Systems Education NetworkNESEN
Nebraska Forest ServiceNFS
Nebraska Game and Parks CommissionNGPC
Nebraska Maps and More (SNR Map and Publication Store)Nebraska Maps and More
Nebraska Master Naturalist ProgramMasNat
Nebraska One HealthNebOne
Nebraska State Climate OfficeNSCO
Nebraska State MuseumMuseum
Nebraska Water Center, Water for Food Daughtry Global InstituteWC
Nebraska Water Leaders AcademyNWLA
Network for Integrated Agricultural Resilience ResearchNIARR
Plant Pathology, UNLPlant Path
Platte Basin Timelapse, UNLPBT
Platte River Recovery Implementation ProgramPRRIP
Public Policy Center, UNLPPC
Rainwater Basin Joint Venture RBJV
Regional and Community Forestry | UNLRCForest
School of Biological Sciences, UNLBio Sci
Science Literacy, UNLSci Lit
Spatial Science, UNLSpatialScience
Tern and Plover Conservation PartnershipTPCP
U.S. Geological Survey, Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife UnitNCFWRU
University of Nebraska-Lincoln ExtensionExtension
UNL Staff SenateUNLSS
USDA - Forest ServiceUSDA-FS
Water For Food Daugherty Global InstituteWater for Food
Water Sciences LaboratoryWL
Zoology, UNLZoology