Grants Awarded

Grants in Academic Year 2024-2025: 45
Total Funds: $10,084,666.00

Grants since 2009: 1218
Total Funds: $175,916,994.00

Text Search:

Starting Date (MM/DD/YY)

Ending Date (MM/DD/YY)

Grant Title Linking the Riverine Microbiome and Process Rates to Ecosystem Function in Two Nebraska River systems (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/22/2025


Ending Date02/06/2026
Funding Level$11,785.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska - Omaha


Grant TitleInvasive Carp Movement and Habitat Use in Nebraska's Interior Rivers
Starting Date01/16/2025


Ending Date02/06/2026
Funding Level$277,534.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitlePre-Illinoian Glacial Till Cooperative Grant
Starting Date09/01/2024


Ending Date08/31/2025
Funding Level$54,998.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Iowa


Grant TitleConnecting Nebraskans to Wetlands Resources and Experiences
Starting Date10/01/2024


Ending Date09/30/2028
Funding Level$80,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleMaster Cooperative Agreement with National Park Service
Starting Date12/31/2024


Ending Date12/30/2029
Funding Level$1,100,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Park Service


Grant TitleInfluence of the CRP on Population Structure
Starting Date09/30/2024


Ending Date09/28/2029
Funding Level$998,494.00
Funding AgencyKansas State University


Grant TitleAssistantship Support (Additional Funding)
Starting Date12/20/2024


Ending Date12/31/2025
Funding Level$12,000.00
Funding AgencyUNL Agricultural Research Division Strategic Funding


Grant TitleGreat Prairie-Chicken Ecology in Relation to Restored Grasslands in Northeastern Nebraska
Starting Date11/25/2024


Ending Date09/30/2025
Funding Level$71,500.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNebraska Geocloud (Additional Funding)
Starting Date12/13/2024


Ending Date06/30/2027
Funding Level$92,000.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleStrengthening Rangeland Resilience to ClimateChange in Semi-Arid Regions
Starting Date07/15/2024


Ending Date07/14/2028
Funding Level$88,275.00
Funding AgencyColorado State University


Grant TitleLewis and Clark NRD Cooperative Agreement
Starting Date10/31/2024


Ending Date12/31/2026
Funding Level$60,000.00
Funding AgencyLewis and Clark NRD


Grant TitleAlley Cropping as a Sustainable Land Use Strategy on Agricultural Lands in the US Midwest
Starting Date09/13/2024


Ending Date09/13/2027
Funding Level$682,335.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2024


Ending Date09/14/2025
Funding Level$25,500.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleThe Influence of Population Declines on Genomic Diversity in Monarch Butterflies
Starting Date10/21/2024


Ending Date07/31/2026
Funding Level$114,200.00
Funding AgencyUS Geological Service


Grant Title CESU GRPL Leadership, Coordination, and Adm Oversight for the Great Plains Coop Ecosystems Studies Unit (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/01/2024


Ending Date04/30/2026
Funding Level$16,200.00
Funding AgencyNational Park Service


Grant TitleCo-LEARN: A Midwestern Community of Learning for Empowerment, Climate Adaptation and Resilience for the Next Generation (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/01/2024


Ending Date08/31/2025
Funding Level$177,941.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Iowa


Grant TitleUSDA Support of the US Drought Monitor and Hub Activities for 2024-2025
Starting Date09/30/2024


Ending Date09/30/2025
Funding Level$1,275,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (Addtional Funding)
Starting Date10/01/2024


Ending Date09/30/2025
Funding Level$331,373.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleIncreased Understanding of Invasive Carp Reproductive Ecology
Starting Date10/02/2024


Ending Date01/31/2027
Funding Level$156,296.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleUnderstanding and Assessing Climate Change: Preparing for Nebraska's Future
Starting Date10/01/2024


Ending Date12/31/2025
Funding Level$104,595.00
Funding AgencyUNL Agricultural Research Division Strategic Funding


Grant TitleOptimizing Cover Crop Decisions for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/23/2024


Ending Date07/31/2025
Funding Level$19,670.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Department of Agriculture - Agriculture Research Service


Grant TitleEvaluating Spatial Distribution and Composition of Mesopredator Communities in Western Nebraska
Starting Date09/23/2024


Ending Date07/31/2027
Funding Level$146,750.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleIdentifying Public Health Applications of Satellit-derived Drought Indicators: Improved Monitoring for Respiratory Health (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/23/2024


Ending Date05/12/2025
Funding Level$27,394.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska Medical Center


Grant TitleMy Impact: Experiential Learning in a Large-Enrollment Introductory Science Course
Starting Date09/19/2024


Ending Date07/31/2027
Funding Level$399,997.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleInnovative Resources: Cyberinfrastructure and Community to Leverage Ground-Based Imagery in Ecohydrological Studies
Starting Date09/19/2024


Ending Date12/31/2027
Funding Level$599,801.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleInfluence of Environmental Thresholds on Trajectories of Freshwater Assemblages with Implications for Building Climate Resilience across Prairie Landscapes
Starting Date09/09/2024


Ending Date08/01/2029
Funding Level$122,644.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Survey


Grant TitleWeather and Soil Data to Improve the USDA CRP and Disaster Relief Programs for Producers in Nebraska
Starting Date08/28/2024


Ending Date06/30/2027
Funding Level$489,222.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Department of Agriculture - FSA


Grant TitleLong Term Monitoring for Crop and Integrated Agricultural Systems Resilience (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/28/2024
Ending Date07/29/2028
Funding Level$250,000.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Department of Agriculture - Agriculture Research Service


Grant TitleAssess Reference Condition Alaskan Small-Mammal Population Dynamics and Genetic Variation Prior to Ambler Road Development and Ongoing Climate Change
Starting Date08/23/2024


Ending Date09/30/2028
Funding Level$30,000.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Survey


Grant TitleAssessing and Improving Lakota Land-User Social-Economical Interactions and Impacts on Sustainability
Starting Date08/23/2024


Ending Date10/31/2026
Funding Level$249,768.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Minnesota - SARE


Grant TitleEarth MRI Workshop
Starting Date08/22/2024


Ending Date07/31/2025
Funding Level$4,000.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Survey


Grant TitleModeling Population Dynamics, Viability, and Future Genetic Diversity in Mountain Lion Populations across Southern & Central California
Starting Date08/22/2024


Ending Date03/31/2026
Funding Level$191,943.00
Funding AgencyCalifornia Department of Fish and Wildlife


Grant TitleNational Atmospheric Deposition Program (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/27/2024


Ending Date09/30/2029
Funding Level$97,102.00
Funding Agency2025 Hatch Multistate Enhancement Program


Grant TitleGoldschmidt Conference 2024
Starting Date08/14/2024


Ending Date08/30/2024
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyInternal - Travel Grants


Grant TitleLinking the Riverine Microbiome and Process Rates to Ecosystem Function in Two Nebraska River systems (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/08/2024


Ending Date02/06/2025
Funding Level$11,542.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska - Omaha


Grant TitleLong Term Monitoring of Snow Water Equivalent with Cosmic Rays
Starting Date07/31/2024


Ending Date09/30/2026
Funding Level$81,434.00
Funding AgencyHydroinnova LLC


Grant TitleUNL Proposal to Support Persistent Data Services and Rebuild CSD Web Services
Starting Date07/25/2024


Ending Date06/30/2025
Funding Level$51,902.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Survey


Grant TitleEvaluating the Spatial Distribution of Potentional Wild Turkey Nest Predators in Western Nebraska
Starting Date07/24/2024


Ending Date12/31/2026
Funding Level$70,875.00
Funding AgencyNational Wild Turkey Federation


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Genetic Stock Identification System to Evaluate and Improve Morphological Harvest Estimate between Ross's Geese and Snow Geese
Starting Date07/24/2024


Ending Date05/31/2026
Funding Level$104,824.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleDeveloping a Groundwater/Surface Water Level Monitoring Program for NIOB: Testhole Drilling & Well Installation
Starting Date07/18/2024


Ending Date08/16/2025
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Survey


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/15/2024


Ending Date04/16/2025
Funding Level$541,250.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleConnecting Ecological Drought Monitoring Tools with Natural Resourc Stakeholders in Montana (Continued Funding)
Starting Date07/11/2024


Ending Date08/31/2024
Funding Level$74,139.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleAge and Growth Analyses on a Stunted vs. Non-Stunted Population of White Perch in SE NE Reservoirs (UCARE: Cali Engel)
Starting Date05/02/2024


Ending Date05/01/2025
Funding Level$3,600.00
Funding AgencyInternal - 24-25 UCARE


Grant TitleSpatial Ecology of Bullsnakes (Pituophis Catenifer) Unveiled Insights from Radio Telemetry at Cedar Point Biological Station (UCARE: Nia Meyer)
Starting Date05/02/2024


Ending Date05/01/2025
Funding Level$2,640.00
Funding AgencyInternal - 24-25 UCARE


Grant TitleThe Utility of Ring-Necked Pheasants (Phasianus Colchicus) as an Umbrella Species in Ag Landscapes (UCARE: Kol Tafka)
Starting Date05/03/2024


Ending Date05/01/2025
Funding Level$3,600.00
Funding AgencyInternal - 24-25 UCARE


Grant TitleUnderstanding the Fire History of the NE Sandhills using a Lake Sediment Core from Dewey Marsh, NE (UCARE: Joe Stalder)
Starting Date05/02/2024


Ending Date05/01/2025
Funding Level$6,240.00
Funding AgencyInternal - 24-25 UCARE


Grant TitlePhenotypic and Genotypic Relations to Parasite Susceptibility and Infection (UCARE: Bailey Arnold)
Starting Date05/02/2024


Ending Date05/01/2025
Funding Level$6,240.00
Funding AgencyInternal - 24-25 UCARE


Grant TitleGenomic Patterns of Introgression and Hybridization in Light Geese (UCARE: Ava McQuillen)
Starting Date05/02/2024


Ending Date05/01/2025
Funding Level$6,240.00
Funding AgencyInternal - 24-25 UCARE


Grant TitleSpatial and temporal responses of ungulates to a naturally recolonized top predator (UCARE: Isabella Villanueva)
Starting Date05/02/2024


Ending Date05/01/2025
Funding Level$6,240.00
Funding AgencyInternal - 24-25 UCARE


Grant TitleUnderstanding the Fire History of the NE Sandhills using a Lake Sediment Core from Dewey Marsh, NE (UCARE: Jasmine Pham)
Starting Date05/28/2024


Ending Date05/01/2025
Funding Level$6,240.00
Funding AgencyInternal - 24-25 UCARE


Grant TitleEffects of Woody Encroachment and Management on Grassland Birds in Nebraska (Additional Funding)
Starting Date06/27/2024


Ending Date07/31/2028
Funding Level$166,640.00
Funding AgencyUS Geological Service


Grant TitleIntegrated Population Model for Mountain Lions in Nevada - Evaluating Harvest (Additional Funding)
Starting Date06/24/2024


Ending Date06/30/2024
Funding Level$14,850.00
Funding AgencyNevada Department of Wildlife


Grant TitleElucidating Groundwater Processes in 3D for Targeted Management of Agricultural Nitrogen
Starting Date07/01/2024


Ending Date06/30/2028
Funding Level$749,883.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - National Institute of Food and Agriculture


Grant TitleApalachicola Chattahoochee Flint Stakeholder's Drought Exercise
Starting Date01/03/2024


Ending Date07/01/2024
Funding Level$25,429.00
Funding AgencyApalachicola Chattahoochee Flint Stakeholders


Grant TitleAwareness, Education, Monitoring, Status and Conservation of Nebraska's Herpetofauna
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date12/31/2026
Funding Level$72,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitlePerspectives of Drought Risk Management in Zambia
Starting Date06/20/2024


Ending Date06/30/2025
Funding Level$12,000.00
Funding AgencyInternal - Agricultural Research Division


Grant TitleWorking to Conserve Nebraska's ESA Species
Starting Date02/16/2024


Ending Date12/31/2028
Funding Level$42,000.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleCAREER: Human-induced Soil Change on the US Great Plains
Starting Date06/12/2024


Ending Date04/30/2029
Funding Level$169,842.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleEvaluation of Experimental Duck Hunting Regulations to Increase Waterfowl Participation
Starting Date06/11/2024


Ending Date12/31/2025
Funding Level$185,492.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Color Chart for Estimating Organic Carbon in Nebraska Soils
Starting Date06/07/2024


Ending Date09/29/2026
Funding Level$107,252.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - National Resources Conservation Service


Grant TitleA Communication Framework for Ecological Drought Information in the Southwestern US (Additional Funding)
Starting Date06/07/2024


Ending Date08/31/2024
Funding Level$30,601.00
Funding AgencyNew Mexico State University


Grant TitleNebraska National Guard Whooping Crane Monitoring Project (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/23/2024


Ending Date09/07/2024
Funding Level$1,270.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Millitary Department


Grant TitleUpper Missouri Basin Soil Moisture and Snowpack Monitoring (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/23/2024


Ending Date07/31/2025
Funding Level$25,880.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Defense - Army Corps of Engineers


Grant TitleNebraska National Guard Whooping Crane Monitoring Project (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/23/2024


Ending Date09/07/2024
Funding Level$12,700.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Millitary Department


Grant TitleHave Population Size Fluctuations Influenced the Effective Population Size in Monarchs?
Starting Date07/01/2024


Ending Date06/30/2026
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleWindbreak Utilization through Time: A Geospatial Analysis and Survey Study of Nebraska Farmers
Starting Date05/15/2024


Ending Date12/31/2024
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Forest Service


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/15/2024


Ending Date06/16/2024
Funding Level$108,250.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleEducating on Health Issues from Environmental Degradation Resulting from Farming Practices
Starting Date05/06/2024


Ending Date11/30/2024
Funding Level$24,998.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska Medical Center


Grant TitleNebraska Water Leaders Academy (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/06/2024


Ending Date12/31/2024
Funding Level$23,246.00
Funding AgencyNebraska State Irrigation Association


Grant TitleAssessing Mussel Reintroductions in the Great Plains
Starting Date05/06/2024


Ending Date12/31/2027
Funding Level$196,248.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleDevelopment of Improved Soil Sampling Design using Geophysical Layers (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/06/2024


Ending Date05/31/2025
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleAssessment of Adult Females and Neonatal Mule Deer Survival, Movements, and Habitat Use in Nebraska
Starting Date05/06/2024


Ending Date12/30/2024
Funding Level$18,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleInfluenza and Zoonoses Education Among Youth in Ag Program (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/24/2024


Ending Date11/28/2024
Funding Level$57,779.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Health and Human Services


Grant TitleAccelerating adoption of irrigation scheduling with satellite-based precision evapotranspiration from OpenET (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/23/2024


Ending Date08/17/2025
Funding Level$250,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleElk Resources Selection, Movement, Survival, and Population Dynamics in Western Nebraska (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/19/2024


Ending Date06/30/2028
Funding Level$60,300.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleIntegrating fish passage considerations into cultural and ecological connectivity in the Red River watershed (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/19/2024


Ending Date06/30/2025
Funding Level$75,702.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleCover Crop and Nitrogen Application Technology Demonstration (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/11/2024
Ending Date08/31/2024
Funding Level$90,045.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Deptartment of Environment and Energy


Grant TitlePronghorn Movement Ecology and Resource Selection in the Nebraska Sandhills (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/21/2024


Ending Date08/31/2024
Funding Level$12,550.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleBuilding a Global Composite Drought Indicator Hot Spot Early Warning and Info System
Starting Date03/21/2024


Ending Date05/31/2025
Funding Level$1,599,943.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Department of Defense - Air Force


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the Ameriflux
Starting Date03/20/2024


Ending Date09/30/2025
Funding Level$113,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California - Berkeley


Grant TitleConference: Coordinated Cosmic-Ray Observation System (CCROS)
Starting Date03/08/2024


Ending Date01/31/2025
Funding Level$59,123.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleBiannual meeting of the International Mind, Brain, and Education Society
Starting Date03/04/2024


Ending Date07/31/2024
Funding Level$800.00
Funding AgencyInternal IANR - Travel Grant


Grant TitleNARST 2024 Annual International Conference
Starting Date03/04/2024
Ending Date06/30/2024
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyInternal UNL - Postdoctoral Travel Grant


Grant TitleHerpetology Lab Live Animal Support
Starting Date03/04/2024


Ending Date06/30/2025
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyARD Strategic Funding


Grant TitleNatural Resources Conservation Connection Points Workshop
Starting Date02/26/2024


Ending Date07/31/2024
Funding Level$3,000.00
Funding AgencyARD Strategic Funding


Grant TitleDrift Dynamics of Early Life-Stage Invasive Carps
Starting Date02/15/2024


Ending Date03/31/2026
Funding Level$215,011.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant Title14th Conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology
Starting Date02/02/2024


Ending Date07/31/2024
Funding Level$800.00
Funding AgencyIANR Travel Funds


Grant TitleTime-Lapse Chute Monitoring Services
Starting Date01/18/2024


Ending Date09/30/2024
Funding Level$15,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Millitary Department


Grant TitleThe Lincoln Flying Squirrel Squad: Fostering Community Engagement and Wildlife Conservation
Starting Date01/18/2024


Ending Date05/31/2024
Funding Level$5,963.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleAquatic Ecosystem Stoichiometry-Analytical Capacity
Starting Date01/02/2024


Ending Date12/31/2024
Funding Level$35,667.00
Funding AgencyInternal - Agricultural Research Division


Grant TitleGraduate Research Fellowship
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date05/31/2024
Funding Level$49,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleUpper Missouri Basin Soil Moisture and Snowpack Monitoring
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date09/30/2025
Funding Level$760,505.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Army Corp of Engineers


Grant TitleCESU GRPL Leadership, Coordination, and Adm Oversight for the Great Plains Coop Ecosystems Studies Unit (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date04/30/2026
Funding Level$18,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Park Service


Grant TitleCan knowledge-based research incentives promote the health and safety of Nebraskans
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date12/31/2024
Funding Level$19,750.00
Funding AgencyInternal - Research Council


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date09/14/2024
Funding Level$25,500.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleContributing to a UAS?UAV Fleet Mgt System and Imagery Data Mgt System with USDA-ARS and Partnerships for Data Innovations
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date08/31/2024
Funding Level$33,738.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleUMRB: Plains Snow and Soil Moisture Monitoring Network
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date09/14/2024
Funding Level$180,928.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleCo-LEARN: A Midwestern Community of Learning for Empowerment, Climate Adaptation and Resilience for the Next Generation (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date08/31/2024
Funding Level$130,992.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Iowa


Grant TitleOpenET Science Team Support and eeMETRIC Development, Operation and Review
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date09/28/2024
Funding Level$225,000.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Service


Grant TitleNebraska Water Leaders Academy (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date12/31/2024
Funding Level$9,050.00
Funding AgencyNebraska State Irrigation Association


Grant TitleGeospatial Solutions and Training for Agricultural Researchers and Practictioners
Starting Date01/01/2024
Ending Date06/30/2024
Funding Level$400,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleBison Spatial Ecology on Vermejo Ranch in New Mexico
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date06/30/2024
Funding Level$52,469.00
Funding AgencySouth Dakota State University


Grant TitleNRCS WRE Story
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date09/30/2024
Funding Level$77,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNebraska National Guard Whooping Crane Monitoring Project
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date09/30/2024
Funding Level$59,950.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Millitary Department


Grant TitleNE Master Naturalist Foundation NMNP Coordinator Support (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date08/31/2024
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyNE Master National Foundation


Grant TitleCMCSCFCB-Critical Minerals in Coaly Strata of the Cherokee-Forest City Basin
Starting Date11/13/2023


Ending Date09/14/2024
Funding Level$6,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Kansas Center for Research


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (Additional Funding)
Starting Date11/10/2023


Ending Date09/30/2024
Funding Level$338,273.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleIdentifying Public Health Applications of Satellit-derived Drought Indicators: Improved Monitoring for Respiratory Health
Starting Date11/10/2023


Ending Date05/12/2024
Funding Level$26,705.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska - Medical Center


Grant TitleOptimizing Cover Crop Decisions for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability
Starting Date11/10/2023


Ending Date07/31/2025
Funding Level$58,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleMercury Deposition Network (Additional Funding)
Starting Date12/20/2023


Ending Date08/30/2028
Funding Level$32,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Deptartment of Environment and Energy


Grant TitleEconomic Impacts of Changes in Snowpack on Irrigate Agriculture in the Western United States
Starting Date11/09/2023


Ending Date07/30/2024
Funding Level$75,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Economic Research Service


Grant TitleCollaborative Adaptive Management of Rangelands Subject to Woody Expansion
Starting Date11/08/2023


Ending Date09/30/2028
Funding Level$50,000.00
Funding AgencyInternal Grant - McStennis


Grant TitleImproved Processing and Delivery of Stationary and Mobile Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensor Data
Starting Date11/08/2023


Ending Date03/22/2025
Funding Level$150,119.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Service


Grant TitleImplementation of the Collaboration Partnership on Drought Resiliency and Preparedness
Starting Date11/06/2023


Ending Date12/31/2024
Funding Level$218,000.00
Funding AgencyUnited Nations


Grant TitleSTATEMAP (Additional Funding)
Starting Date11/01/2023


Ending Date09/14/2025
Funding Level$203,497.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Service


Grant TitleUSDA Support of the US Drought Monitor and Hub Activities for 2023-2024
Starting Date09/30/2023


Ending Date09/30/2024
Funding Level$1,275,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Office of the Chief Economist


Grant TitleAgricultural Intensification in the Western Corn Belt
Starting Date10/25/2023
Ending Date07/31/2024
Funding Level$434,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleRain Water Basin Joint Venture Science Coordinator (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2023


Ending Date06/06/2026
Funding Level$232,650.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleGP IDeA-CTR Network: Improving the Cardiac Transplant Window: Treatments Derived from Hibernators
Starting Date07/01/2023


Ending Date06/30/2024
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyCreighton University


Grant TitlePersistent Data Services and Video Log 12 Wells (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2023


Ending Date06/30/2024
Funding Level$34,921.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Service


Grant TitleEffects of Woody Encroachment and Mgt on Grassland Birds in NE Sandhills
Starting Date10/18/2023


Ending Date07/31/2028
Funding Level$168,690.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Service


Grant TitleChanges in particle size over 60 years of crop production in Nebraska
Starting Date08/18/2023
Ending Date05/05/2024
Funding Level$2,400.00
Funding AgencyInternal Grant


Grant Title RII Track-2 FEC: From Ecosystems to Evolution: Harnessing Elemental Data to Detect Stoichiometric Control-Points and their Consequences for Organismal Evolution (Additional Funding)
Starting Date06/14/2023


Ending Date12/31/2024
Funding Level$1,499,672.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleAt-Risk Species Monitoring Technician
Starting Date06/01/2023


Ending Date12/31/2023
Funding Level$19,892.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleCommunity Climate Awareness Week
Starting Date07/21/2023


Ending Date07/22/2023
Funding Level$5,000.00
Funding AgencyCooper Foundation


Grant TitleOptimizing Cover Crop Decisions for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability
Starting Date07/06/2023


Ending Date07/31/2024
Funding Level$33,938.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleUpper Missouri Basin Soil Moisture and Snowpack Monitoring (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/02/2023
Ending Date05/03/2023
Funding Level$22,500.00
Funding AgencyArmy Corp of Engineers


Grant TitleUpper Missouri Basin Soil Moisture and Snowpack Monitoring (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/02/2023
Ending Date05/03/2023
Funding Level$78,133.00
Funding AgencyArmy Corp of Engineers


Grant TitleMapping and Modeling for Water Balance in the MRNRD
Starting Date05/26/2023


Ending Date06/30/2025
Funding Level$117,044.00
Funding AgencyMiddle Republican NRD


Grant TitleTest-hole Drilling, Sampling, and Logging Program for the Upper Big Blue NRD
Starting Date05/01/2023


Ending Date06/30/2027
Funding Level$37,950.00
Funding AgencyUpper Big Blue NRD


Grant TitleIntegrated Midwest Partnerships for Actionable Climate Tools and Training
Starting Date04/01/2023


Ending Date03/31/2026
Funding Level$99,174.00
Funding AgencyPurdue University


Grant TitleGeophysical Investigation of an Engineered Hydraulic Structure in Paxton, NE
Starting Date05/17/2023


Ending Date04/26/2024
Funding Level$53,184.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Public Power District


Grant TitleUpper Missouri Basin Soil Moisture and Snowpack Monitoring (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/13/2023
Ending Date07/31/2024
Funding Level$22,500.00
Funding AgencyArmy Corp of Engineers


Grant TitleUpper Missouri Basin Soil Moisture and Snowpack Monitoring (Additional Funding)
Starting Date02/27/2023
Ending Date10/31/2024
Funding Level$409,135.00
Funding AgencyArmy Corp of Engineers


Grant TitleBison Spatial Ecology on Vermejo Ranch in New Mexico
Starting Date04/27/2023
Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$59,011.00
Funding AgencySouth Dakota State University


Grant TitleStatewide Dispersal and Connectivity of Mountain Lions in California
Starting Date04/27/2023


Ending Date01/30/2024
Funding Level$13,953.00
Funding AgencyThe Nature Conservancy


Grant TitleImproved Processing and Delivery of Stationary and Mobile Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensor Data
Starting Date05/09/2023


Ending Date05/09/2023
Funding Level$199,703.00
Funding AgencyU.S. - Geological Service


Grant TitleLinking the Riverine Microbiome and Process Rates to Ecosystem Function in Two Nebraska River systems
Starting Date02/07/2023


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$940.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha


Grant TitleNebraska Farmers and Farmland Owners Attitudes of Targeted Conservation
Starting Date04/26/2023


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$42,448.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleDrought Vulnerability Assessment for Oregon
Starting Date04/12/2023


Ending Date01/01/2024
Funding Level$192,261.00
Funding AgencyState of Oregon


Grant TitleNebraska Water Leaders Academy (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/13/2023


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$14,854.00
Funding AgencyNebraska State Irrigation Associatiob


Grant TitleEvaluation and Demonstration of Broadcast Interseeded Cover Crops to Reduce Nitrogen Loss
Starting Date04/13/2023
Ending Date03/31/2026
Funding Level$300,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - National Institute of Food and Agriculture


Grant TitleCo-Learn: A Midwestern Community of Learning for Empowerment, Climate Adaptation and Resilience for the Next Generation
Starting Date04/13/2023
Ending Date11/30/2024
Funding Level$14,999.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Iowa


Grant TitleAccelerating adoption of irrigation scheduling with satellite-based precision evapotranspiration from OpenET
Starting Date04/12/2023


Ending Date08/17/2025
Funding Level$221,980.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/12/2023


Ending Date04/25/2024
Funding Level$649,500.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleAdvancing Image-Based Hydrology for USGS Stream Gage Applications
Starting Date03/08/2023


Ending Date02/20/2025
Funding Level$271,000.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Survey


Grant TitleTime-Lapse Chute Monitoring Services
Starting Date03/08/2023


Ending Date09/30/2023
Funding Level$15,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Military Department


Grant TitleHuman Dimensions of Wildlife Survey Analysis (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/08/2023


Ending Date12/31/2025
Funding Level$264,084.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitlePredicting the Effect of Climate Extremes on the Food System to Improve Resilience of Global and Local Food Security
Starting Date03/07/2023


Ending Date11/20/2023
Funding Level$80,898.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Santa Barbara


Grant TitleGeophysical investigation of an engineered hydraulic structure in Paxton, NE
Starting Date07/01/2023


Ending Date04/26/2023
Funding Level$53,184.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Public Power District


Grant TitleApalachicola Chattahoochee Flint Stakeholders Drought Exercise
Starting Date02/28/2023


Ending Date04/01/2023
Funding Level$23,887.00
Funding AgencyApalachicola Chattahoochee Flint Stakeholders


Grant TitleSampling Efficiency Assessment for Silver Carp and Bighead Carp in Nebraska Mid-Order Streams and Rivers
Starting Date01/01/2023


Ending Date03/31/2025
Funding Level$261,786.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleAnalysis of Human Dimensions Aspect of Bird Hunting in Saskatchewan
Starting Date02/24/2023


Ending Date03/31/2023
Funding Level$21,739.00
Funding AgencySaskatchewan Water Security Agency


Grant TitleRisk Assessment of Silver Carp and Bighead Carp Expansion in Nebraska Waterways
Starting Date01/10/2023


Ending Date12/31/2024
Funding Level$185,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleAssessment of Pallid Sturgeon population, movements, and reproductive ecology in Nebraska's interior rivers
Starting Date01/10/2023


Ending Date12/31/2025
Funding Level$224,951.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleIntegrating fish passage considerations into cultural and ecological connectivity in the Red River Watershed
Starting Date01/10/2023


Ending Date12/31/2025
Funding Level$50,245.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleSupport persistent data services and video log 12 wells
Starting Date07/01/2023


Ending Date06/30/2024
Funding Level$34,921.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Survey


Grant Title Influenza and Zoonoses Education among Youth in Agriculture Program (Additional Funding)
Starting Date12/13/2022


Ending Date07/31/2023
Funding Level$51,388.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Deparment of Health


Grant TitleMulti-Scale Habitat Needs of At-Risk Fishes in Nebraska
Starting Date08/01/2022


Ending Date02/28/2025
Funding Level$155,562.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleConnecting Ecological Drought Monitoring Tools with Natural Resource Stakeholders in Montana
Starting Date09/01/2022


Ending Date08/31/2024
Funding Level$68,325.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleWetlands of Nebraska
Starting Date12/13/2022


Ending Date03/31/2023
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleMetal oxide precipitates on irrigation center pivots as a new and rapid screening tool for groundwater chemistry
Starting Date01/01/2023


Ending Date12/31/2023
Funding Level$7,400.00
Funding AgencyResearch Council


Grant TitleExtending USDA-requested Passive Sampling for Stream Water Age in Bazile Creek Watershed
Starting Date11/21/2022


Ending Date03/31/2024
Funding Level$14,000.00
Funding AgencyARD Strategic Funding (Internal)


Grant TitleA communication Framework for Ecological Drought Information in the Southwestern US
Starting Date11/04/2022


Ending Date08/31/2023
Funding Level$29,863.00
Funding AgencyNew Mexico State University


Grant TitleUpdating Rainfall Zones and Intensities in Nebraska for Improved Design of Non-Bridge Sized Drainage Structures - Phase 1
Starting Date10/28/2022


Ending Date05/31/2024
Funding Level$120,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Transportation


Grant TitleUSDA Support for Enhancement to the US Drought Monitor and engaging the USDA Climate Hubs 22-23
Starting Date09/30/2022


Ending Date09/30/2023
Funding Level$1,325,000.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Department of Agricuture - Office of Chief Economist


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/01/2022


Ending Date09/30/2023
Funding Level$159,782.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalists Program - Engaging Nebraska's Youth as Naturalists
Starting Date10/12/2022


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$71,630.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleFY2022 Statemap Proposal
Starting Date09/20/2022


Ending Date09/19/2023
Funding Level$107,223.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Survey


Grant TitleSoutheast Kansas Mallard Wintering Ecology Study
Starting Date09/23/2022


Ending Date06/30/2026
Funding Level$362,619.00
Funding AgencyKansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (USFWS)


Grant TitleCESU GRPL Leadership, Coordination, and Administrative Oversight for the Great Plains Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/05/2022


Ending Date08/31/2023
Funding Level$33,425.00
Funding AgencyNational Park Service


Grant TitleUNL/NDEE Liaison III: Coordination of Water Quality Programming in NE
Starting Date10/01/2022
Ending Date09/30/2027
Funding Level$291,112.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environment and Energy


Grant TitleSoil Survey Information Production and Management (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/20/2022


Ending Date09/30/2024
Funding Level$50,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA-Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleAgricultural Intensification in the Western Corn Belt (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/25/2022
Ending Date07/31/2024
Funding Level$249,929.00
Funding AgencyUSDA-Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2022


Ending Date09/07/2023
Funding Level$23,500.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Deparment of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleEvaluating Reproduction, Harvest, Timing of Season, Connectivity, and Spatial Ecology of Wild Turkeys in Nebraska
Starting Date09/15/2022


Ending Date12/31/2026
Funding Level$1,885,893.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleRII Track-2 FEC: Resilience informatics for the Convergence of Critical Capacities to Address Regional-Scale Environmental Changes (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2022


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$992,378.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleNebraska GeoCloud (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2022


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$23,000.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleCMCSCFCB-Critical Minerals in Coaly Strata of the Cherokee-Forest City Basin(Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2022


Ending Date09/14/2023
Funding Level$50,227.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Kansas Center for Research


Grant TitleOptimizing Cover Crop Decisions for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability
Starting Date09/15/2022


Ending Date08/16/2023
Funding Level$37,173.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Survey


Grant TitleOptimizing Cover Crop Decisions for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability
Starting Date09/01/2022


Ending Date07/31/2023
Funding Level$78,250.00
Funding AgencyUSDA-Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleCover Crop and Nitrogen Application Technology Demonstration
Starting Date09/13/2022
Ending Date08/31/2024
Funding Level$310,610.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environment and Energy


Grant TitleNebraska Groundwater Quality Clearinghouse (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/01/2022


Ending Date09/30/2027
Funding Level$431,549.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environment and Energy


Grant TitleConsultancy on Baseline Report on Drought Impact Reporting, Monitoring, and Assessment
Starting Date09/01/2022


Ending Date12/31/2022
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyGlobal Water Partnership Organisation


Grant TitleInventory of Nocturnal Macro-Moths in the Central Platte River Valley, with a focus on Erebidae and Sphingidae
Starting Date09/01/2022


Ending Date12/31/2022
Funding Level$4,081.00
Funding AgencyPlatte River Whooping Crane Maintance Trust


Grant TitleIdentifying Public Health Applications of Satellite-derived Drought Indicators: Improved Monitoring for Respiratory Health
Starting Date09/01/2022


Ending Date05/12/2023
Funding Level$26,035.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebrask-Medical Center


Grant TitleThe Ecology of Nebraska's Scenic River, the Niobrara
Starting Date09/01/2022


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$210.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleStreamNet: Building Capacity to Improve Water Quality (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/25/2022


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$11,202.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleNebraska Mesonet (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/15/2022
Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$75,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant Title Integrated Population Model for Mountain Lions in Nevada (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/15/2022
Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$14,850.00
Funding AgencyNevada Department of Wildlife


Grant TitleECR DBER DCL: Describing the Neurobehavioral Effects of Modeling-Based Instruction in Undergraduate Life Sciences Education
Starting Date08/17/2022


Ending Date09/30/2023
Funding Level$6,980.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant Title Nebraska Core Preservation, Inventory and Database: Phase II-Dam Study and Infrastructure Cores (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/15/2022


Ending Date07/31/2023
Funding Level$2,998.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Survey


Grant TitleNebraska Core Preservation, Inventory and Database: Phase II-Dam Study and Infrastructure Cores (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/15/2022


Ending Date07/31/2023
Funding Level$50,544.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Survey


Grant TitleNebraska Core Preservation, Inventory and Database: Phase II-Dam Study and Infrastructure Cores
Starting Date08/15/2022


Ending Date07/31/2023
Funding Level$48,665.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Survey


Grant TitleOptimization of Practical Feed Formulation to Improve Fish Health and Production Performance of Yellow Perch (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/05/2022
Ending Date12/31/2022
Funding Level$10,512.00
Funding AgencyIowa State University


Grant TitlePronghorn Movement Ecology and Resource Selection in the Nebraska Sandhills (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/05/2022


Ending Date08/31/2023
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleGeological-Hydrogeologist Cooperative Agreement
Starting Date07/13/2022


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$63,368.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleSupport Persistent Data Services and Upgrade Monitoring Equipment at 15 Wells
Starting Date07/05/2022


Ending Date07/14/2023
Funding Level$63,867.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Survey


Grant TitleBuilding a Global Composite Drought Indicator Hot Spot Early Warning & Information System
Starting Date07/04/2022


Ending Date02/27/2023
Funding Level$998,218.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Defense - Air Force


Grant TitleSupporting Students' Critical Evaluation of Evidence in Socioscientific Issues Contexts
Starting Date07/03/2022


Ending Date05/31/2025
Funding Level$299,983.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleA Biological and Chemical Approach to Restoring Eutrophic Ponds in Nebraska
Starting Date06/29/2022


Ending Date07/31/2023
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyLayman New Direction | IANR


Grant TitleMETRIC/EEFlux Evapotranspiration Tool for OpenET
Starting Date06/22/2022


Ending Date05/30/2023
Funding Level$294,423.00
Funding AgencyWindward Fund


Grant TitleEvent-Based Plant Phenotyping using Deep Learning, Algorithms, Tools and Datasets
Starting Date06/07/2022


Ending Date01/31/2023
Funding Level$50,000.00
Funding AgencyIowa State University


Grant Title Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Climate Adaptation Workshop Series
Starting Date05/10/2022


Ending Date05/31/2023
Funding Level$13,000.00
Funding AgencyUTE Mountain UTE Tribe


Grant TitleUte Mountain Ute Tribe Climate Adaptation Workshop Series
Starting Date05/23/2022


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$13,000.00
Funding AgencyUTE Mountain UTE Tribe


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/17/2022


Ending Date04/16/2023
Funding Level$649,500.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleDevelopment of Improved Soil Sampling Design using Geophysical Layers
Starting Date05/16/2022


Ending Date05/31/2023
Funding Level$39,239.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Department of Agricultural - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleUpdating SNR's Research Boat Fleet
Starting Date05/04/2022


Ending Date05/31/2022
Funding Level$22,000.00
Funding AgencyARD Strategic Funding (Internal)


Grant TitleMiddle Niobrara NRD Coop Agreement (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/25/2022


Ending Date12/31/2023
Funding Level$9,655.00
Funding AgencyMiddle Niobrara NRD


Grant TitleClimate-Smart Indigenous Agriculture: Drought Planning and Adaptation with New Mexico Pueblos
Starting Date04/15/2022


Ending Date03/29/2024
Funding Level$297,800.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service


Grant TitleGeologist-Hyrdrogeologist Cooperative Agreement
Starting Date04/15/2022


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$63,379.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleENWRA Groundwater Recharge Mapping and Focus Area Assessments
Starting Date04/07/2022


Ending Date12/31/2024
Funding Level$89,000.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/07/2022


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleLewis and Clark NRD Cooperative Ageement (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/22/2022


Ending Date12/31/2014
Funding Level$24,000.00
Funding AgencyLewis and Clarck NRD


Grant TitleNebraska Nature-Based Solutions Climate Messaging
Starting Date03/22/2022


Ending Date03/31/2022
Funding Level$6,447.00
Funding AgencyNature Conservancy


Grant TitleAssessment of Angler Use and Catch for 2022
Starting Date03/11/2022
Ending Date03/03/2023
Funding Level$58,952.00
Funding AgencyNE Public Power District


Grant TitleProviding Drought Risk Management Services for the World Bank (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/08/2022


Ending Date03/24/2022
Funding Level$24,286.00
Funding AgencyWorld Bank Group


Grant TitleStreamNet: Building Capacity to Improve Water Quality (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/03/2022


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$172,794.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleRain Water Basin Joint Venture Science Coordinator (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/07/2022


Ending Date04/07/2022
Funding Level$62,832.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Park Commission


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Foundation NMNP Coordintor Support (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/03/2022


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$70,000.00
Funding AgencyNE Master Naturalist Foundation


Grant TitlePennsylvanian Stratigraphic Nomenclature Reconciliation in the Midcontinent
Starting Date03/03/2022


Ending Date08/17/2022
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Kansas Center for Research


Grant TitleAssessing forest health using advanced remote sensing approaches
Starting Date03/04/2022


Ending Date09/30/2026
Funding Level$358,500.00
Funding AgencyMcIntire-Stennis Funding Program


Grant TitleRII Track-2 FEC: From Ecosystems to Evolution: Harnessing Elemental Data to Detect Stoichiometric Control-Points and their Consequences for Organismal Evolution (Additional Funding)
Starting Date02/09/2022


Ending Date12/31/2024
Funding Level$1,499,192.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleInfluenza and Zoonoses Education among Youth in Agriculture Program (Additional Funding)
Starting Date02/09/2022


Ending Date07/09/2022
Funding Level$6,600.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Health and Human Services


Grant TitleInfluenza and Zoonoses Education among Youth in Agriculture Program (Additional Funding)
Starting Date02/09/2022


Ending Date07/09/2022
Funding Level$31,086.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Health and Human Services


Grant TitleKRK-12 High School Students Climate Literacy through Episternology of Scientific Modeling
Starting Date02/06/2022


Ending Date11/30/2022
Funding Level$59,998.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Texas


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Project (Additional Funding)
Starting Date02/06/2021


Ending Date06/23/2023
Funding Level$14,000.00
Funding AgencyNE Master Naturalist Foundation


Grant TitleBuilding a Composite Drought Indicator and Monitoring/Early Warning System for Peru
Starting Date02/06/2022


Ending Date11/30/2022
Funding Level$74,974.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - FAS


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites - part of the AmeriFlux Mgt. Project Network (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/28/2022


Ending Date09/30/2025
Funding Level$113,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California - Berkeley National Laboratory


Grant TitleSource Water Protection Educator
Starting Date01/25/2022


Ending Date02/28/2025
Funding Level$141,545.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environment and Energy


Grant TitleTime-Lapse Chute Monitoring Services
Starting Date01/25/2022


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$15,004.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Military Department


Grant TitleAssessment of Silver Carp and Bighead Carp in the Platte River: Emphasis on Population Distribution, population Demographics and Reproduction
Starting Date01/13/2022


Ending Date12/31/2023
Funding Level$301,498.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Park Commission


Grant TitleNebraska Water Leaders Academy (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/12/2022


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$52,459.00
Funding AgencyNebraska State Irrigation Association


Grant TitleAssessing Tradeoffs of Rangeland Management Approaches using Collaborative Adaptive Management
Starting Date01/07/2022


Ending Date10/31/2024
Funding Level$247,011.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Minnesota - SARE


Grant Title2021 State and Interstate Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan Grant Program
Starting Date01/07/2022
Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$6,455.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Park Commission


Grant TitleIntegrated Population Model for Mountain Lions in Nevada (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/06/2022


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$14,850.00
Funding AgencyNevada Department of Wildlife


Grant TitleAssessment of Angler Satisfaction in the Mainstream Missouri River, NE
Starting Date01/06/2022


Ending Date12/31/2023
Funding Level$116,188.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Park Commission


Grant TitleImproving Midwestern Agricultures Environmental, Social, and Economic Footprint with Prairie Strips (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/04/2022


Ending Date12/31/2023
Funding Level$50,746.00
Funding AgencyIowa State University


Grant TitleSecuring Water for and from Agriculture Through Effective Community and Stakeholder Engagement
Starting Date07/01/2017


Ending Date05/31/2022
Funding Level$1,054,803.00
Funding AgencyUSDA-NIFA-AFRI


Grant TitleRancher Preferences for Conservation Programs in Nebraska's Grasslands
Starting Date09/01/2020


Ending Date08/31/2021
Funding Level$7,926.00
Funding AgencyUSDA-NIFA-SARE


Grant TitleTesting Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS)
Starting Date07/01/2021


Ending Date06/30/2024
Funding Level$103,858.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Corn Board


Grant TitleModeling to Reduce Highway Flooding
Starting Date07/01/2021


Ending Date05/31/2023
Funding Level$143,166.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Transportation


Grant TitleImage-Based Streamflow and Water Quality Modeling
Starting Date10/01/2021


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Survey via Nebraska Water Center


Grant TitleDWFI Graduate Fellowship: Influence of recharge patterns on the sustenance of groundwater-fed streams
Starting Date07/01/2019


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$52,500.00
Funding AgencyDaugherty Water for Food Institute


Grant TitleLTAR Research: Testing a Novel Groundwater Age- dating Technique in the Bazile Creek watershed
Starting Date11/01/2019


Ending Date10/31/2022
Funding Level$33,648.00
Funding AgencyUSDA-LTAR via UNL-ARD


Grant TitleGeocharacterization of Manganese Near Community Water Systems
Starting Date10/20/2021


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$21,800.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environment and Energy


Grant TitleIncreasing the applicability of image-based water level measurement techniques
Starting Date01/01/2022


Ending Date12/20/2022
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyJohn and Nettie David Memorial Trust Fund


Grant TitleNebraska Mesonet (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/18/2021
Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$75,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleDetermining Lanthanum Chloride Toxicity in Bluegill Fish
Starting Date08/25/2021


Ending Date08/25/2022
Funding Level$3,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Academy of Sciences


Grant TitleUsing Remote Sensing to Quantify Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function
Starting Date09/01/2021


Ending Date04/30/2022
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyUNO-NASA


Grant TitleAgrichemical Contaminant Database Project (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/01/2021


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$28,674.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/18/2021


Ending Date09/17/2022
Funding Level$23,500.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Department of Agriculture - AmericaView


Grant TitleLower Platte Drought Consortium Tabletop Exercise
Starting Date08/19/2021


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$8,262.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleGeospatial Analysis of Wildlife Research
Starting Date09/01/2021


Ending Date08/31/2022
Funding Level$203,227.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Park Commission


Grant TitleAg Data Clearing House (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/01/2021


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$50,072.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environment and Energy


Grant TitleCritical Minerals in Coaly Strata of the Cherokee-Forest City Basin
Starting Date09/15/2021


Ending Date09/14/2022
Funding Level$48,773.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Kansas Center for Research


Grant TitleNebraska Core Preservation, Inventory and Database - Phase I: Dam and Infrastructure Study Core
Starting Date09/01/2021


Ending Date08/31/2022
Funding Level$44,484.00
Funding AgencyNational Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program/US Geological Survey


Grant TitleNebraska Critical Minerals Database Phase I: Elk Creek Carbonatite
Starting Date09/01/2021


Ending Date08/31/2022
Funding Level$26,842.00
Funding AgencyNational Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program/US Geological Survey


Grant TitleReplace Monitoring Equipment at Eight Realtime Groundwater Sites
Starting Date11/01/2021


Ending Date10/31/2022
Funding Level$20,315.00
Funding AgencyUS Geological Survey


Grant Title Optimizing Cover Crop Decisions for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/01/2021


Ending Date07/31/2022
Funding Level$10,972.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleOptimizing Cover Crop Decisions for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability
Starting Date08/01/2021


Ending Date07/31/2022
Funding Level$28,228.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleFY2021 Nebraska Statemap
Starting Date09/24/2021


Ending Date09/23/2022
Funding Level$153,302.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Service


Grant TitleAgricultural Intensification in the Western Corn Belt (Additional)
Starting Date10/05/2021
Ending Date07/31/2024
Funding Level$125,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Service


Grant Title LTAR Network Strategic Planning and Visioning (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/05/2021
Ending Date06/30/2024
Funding Level$14,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Division


Grant TitleRII Track-2 FEC: From Ecosystems to Evolution: Harnessing Elemental Data to Detect Stoichiometric Control-Points and their Consequences for Organismal Evolution (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/10/2021


Ending Date12/31/2024
Funding Level$200,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleAn Extension Guidebook to Help Communities Plan for Drought using Scenario Based Exercises
Starting Date03/31/2021


Ending Date09/29/2022
Funding Level$8,051.00
Funding AgencyPurdue University


Grant TitleMTM 2: Discovering in reverse using isotopic translation of omics to reveal ecological interactions in microbiomes
Starting Date09/01/2021


Ending Date08/31/2026
Funding Level$267,094.00
Funding AgencyNorthern Arizonia University


Grant TitleSoil Survey Information Production and Management
Starting Date09/01/2021


Ending Date09/30/2023
Funding Level$50,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service


Grant TitleRII Track-2 FEC: From Ecosystems to Evolution: Harnessing Elemental Data to Detect Stoichiometric Control-Points and their Consequences for Organismal Evolution
Starting Date09/10/2021


Ending Date12/31/2024
Funding Level$396,034.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleRII Track-2 FEC: Resilience Informatics for the Convergence of Critical Capacities to Address Regional-Scale Environmental Change (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/07/2021


Ending Date07/31/2023
Funding Level$996,501.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleUSDA Support for Enhancements to the US Drought Monitor 2021-2022
Starting Date10/01/2021


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$1,275,000.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleCESU GRPL Leadership, Coordination, and Administrative Oversight for the Great Plains Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/01/2021


Ending Date08/31/2022
Funding Level$29,800.00
Funding AgencyNational Park Service


Grant TitleImproving Midwestern Agricultures Environmental, Social, and Economic Footprint with Prairie Strips
Starting Date07/01/2021


Ending Date12/31/2021
Funding Level$23,897.00
Funding AgencyIowa State University


Grant TitlePallid Sturgeon Biology in the Platte River and its Tributaries
Starting Date07/01/2021


Ending Date12/31/2026
Funding Level$1,201,000.00
Funding AgencyHeadwaters Corporation


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2021


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$150,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleA Multi-Spatial Approach to Monitoring Forage Characteristics of Western US Grasslands
Starting Date08/17/2021


Ending Date08/16/2022
Funding Level$42,826.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Service


Grant TitleTest-Hole Drilling, Sampling, and Logging Program for Lower Platte South NRD
Starting Date08/19/2021


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$45,000.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South Natural Resource District


Grant TitleElk Resources Selection, Movement, Survival, and Population Dynamics in Western Nebraska
Starting Date08/01/2021


Ending Date06/30/2028
Funding Level$831,942.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Park Commission


Grant TitlePrairie Corridor Phase 3 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/10/2021


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$58,544.00
Funding AgencyCity of Lincoln


Grant TitleDISES-RCN: Resilience in Agricultural Socio-Environmental Systems
Starting Date10/01/2021


Ending Date09/30/2025
Funding Level$403,020.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleImproving Water Quality and Surveying Fish populations using eDNA across the State of NE (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/08/2021


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$75,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleDelivery of Watershed Science Education to Decision Makers A Multi-Agency Collaboration
Starting Date04/08/2021


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$78,601.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleSupport Persistent Data Services and Video Log 15 Antiquated Wells
Starting Date07/15/2021


Ending Date07/14/2022
Funding Level$32,958.00
Funding AgencyUS Geological Survey


Grant TitleProtecting the Terns and Plovers of Nebraska and Mentoring the Next Generation (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/08/2021


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$21,884.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant Title Nebraska Farmers and Farmland Owners Attitudes of Targeted Conservation (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/08/2021


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$109,999.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleInvestigating Hybridization between the Declining Gray-Headed Chickadee and a Recent Colonizer
Starting Date07/01/2021


Ending Date09/30/2024
Funding Level$65,086.00
Funding AgencyUS Geological Survey


Grant TitleDeveloping a Statewide Community Tree Canopy Map in Nebraska (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/08/2021
Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$44,218.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleSurface Water Nutrient Removal in Eutrophic Ponds Using Treatment Wetlands in Nebraska
Starting Date05/17/2021


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$111,797.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleMaster Naturalist Junior
Starting Date05/17/2021


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$71,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleAdaptive Management of Sandhills Grasslands
Starting Date05/17/2021


Ending Date06/30/2024
Funding Level$134,192.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleThe Ecology of Nebraska's Scenic River, the Niobrara
Starting Date05/17/2021


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$27,427.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleEstablishing Drought Triggers to Support the Development of Drought Annexes to Agricultural Disaster Risk Management Plans in the Caribbean
Starting Date05/03/2021


Ending Date02/28/2022
Funding Level$64,999.00
Funding AgencyCaribbean Institute Of Meteorology and Hydrology


Grant TitleUpper Missouri Basin Soil Moisture and Snowpack Monitoring
Starting Date03/12/2021
Ending Date03/11/2026
Funding Level$2,500.00
Funding AgencyArmy Corp of Engineers


Grant TitleDevelopment of Improved Soil Sampling Design using Geophysical Layers
Starting Date06/01/2021


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$66,916.00
Funding AgencyUSDA Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleLTAR Network Strategic Planning and Visioning (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/02/2021
Ending Date07/02/2021
Funding Level$48,300.00
Funding AgencyUSDA Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleResilience in agricultural landscapes
Starting Date07/01/2021


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$149,845.00
Funding AgencyUNL Collaborative Initiative


Grant TitleImproved Irrigation Scheduling Combining Soil Water Supply and Atmospheric Evaporative Demand
Starting Date04/01/2021


Ending Date12/31/2022
Funding Level$83,333.00
Funding AgencyColorado State University


Grant TitleStream-Fish Populationion and Community Characteristics within Nebraska
Starting Date05/14/2021


Ending Date08/30/2022
Funding Level$30,000.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Survey


Grant TitleMotivations, Preferences, Attitudes, and Expenditures of Kansas Anglers
Starting Date04/01/2021


Ending Date03/31/2026
Funding Level$375,504.00
Funding AgencyKansas Department of Wildlife and Parks


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/17/2021


Ending Date04/16/2022
Funding Level$649,500.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/26/2021


Ending Date04/16/2021
Funding Level$32,451.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleNorth Dakota and South Dakota Tribal Adaptation Planning
Starting Date03/26/2021


Ending Date09/30/2021
Funding Level$14,908.00
Funding AgencyFlandreau Santee Sioux Tribe


Grant TitleMiddle Niobrara NRD Coop Agreement
Starting Date03/26/2021


Ending Date12/31/2022
Funding Level$13,200.00
Funding AgencyMiddle Niobrara NRD


Grant TitleNE Water Leaders Academy (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/24/2021


Ending Date03/31/2023
Funding Level$118,536.00
Funding AgencyNE Water Leaders Academy


Grant TitleIdentifying and Prioritizing Habitat for Pheasant Conservation and Mgt in Agriculturally Dominated Landscapes
Starting Date03/10/2021


Ending Date12/31/2025
Funding Level$699,940.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Park Commission


Grant TitleRemoving PFAS in Investigation Derived Wastes with Electorchemically Activated Persulfate and electrocoagulation
Starting Date03/10/2021


Ending Date03/02/2022
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyAirlift Environmental LLC


Grant TitleTNC: Clean Natural Resources
Starting Date03/01/2021


Ending Date08/31/2021
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyThe Nature Conservancy


Grant TitleIncreasing Effectiveness of Pollinator Conservation Grasslands within the Tallgrass Prairie Region
Starting Date03/01/2021


Ending Date08/30/2022
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyThe Nature Conservancy


Grant TitleFrom Ecosystems to Evolution: Harnessing Elemental Data to Detect Stoichiometric Control-Points and their Consequences for Organismal Evolution
Starting Date02/03/2021


Ending Date09/30/2024
Funding Level$5,987,352.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleA scalable real-time sensing and decision-making system for field-level row-crop irrigation management
Starting Date02/03/2021


Ending Date04/14/2022
Funding Level$44,480.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Illinois - Urbana/Champaigne


Grant TitleLewis and Clark NRD Cooperative Ageement
Starting Date02/02/2021


Ending Date12/31/2021
Funding Level$33,835.00
Funding AgencyLewis and Clark NRD


Grant TitlePPE Treatment, Disposal and Mgt.
Starting Date01/29/2021
Ending Date12/31/2021
Funding Level$7,800.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environment and Energy


Grant TitleTime-Lapse Chute Monitoring Services (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/14/2021


Ending Date09/30/2021
Funding Level$15,004.00
Funding AgencyNE Military Department


Grant TitleCESU GRPL Leadership, Coordination, and Administration Oversight for the Great Plains Coop Ecosystem Studies Unit (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/14/2021


Ending Date09/30/2021
Funding Level$13,500.00
Funding AgencyNational Park Service


Grant TitleIntegrated Population Model for Mountain Lions in Nevada - Evaluating Harvest
Starting Date01/13/2021


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$14,850.00
Funding AgencyNevada Department of Wildlife


Grant TitleInfluenza and Zoonoses Education among Youth in Agriculture Programs
Starting Date01/08/2021


Ending Date08/09/2021
Funding Level$79,981.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Health and Human Services


Grant TitleGreat Plains Tribal Water Alliance Climate Partnership: Development of Water Resources Workshops for Tribes to Build Technical Capacity to Prepare For and Mitigate Flooding
Starting Date01/08/2021


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$38,158.00
Funding AgencyOglala Sioux Tribe


Grant TitleThe Relationship between Color and Organic Carbon in NE Soils
Starting Date01/06/2021


Ending Date09/29/2022
Funding Level$88,557.00
Funding AgencyUSDA Natural Resources Conservation Service


Grant TitleSpatial Distribution and Population Demographics of Asian Carp in the Missouri River Basin, Nebraska
Starting Date01/06/2021


Ending Date10/01/2022
Funding Level$333,994.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Park Commission


Grant TitlePronghorn Movement Ecology and Resource Selection in NE Sandhills
Starting Date01/05/2021


Ending Date08/31/2023
Funding Level$175,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Park Commission


Grant TitleAg Data Clearinghouse (Additional Funding)
Starting Date12/09/2020


Ending Date09/30/2021
Funding Level$39,983.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environment and Energy


Grant TitleLaunching Spring Creek Prairie as a Demonstration Site for Tallgrass Prairie Conservation across the Denton Hills Landscape
Starting Date11/20/2020


Ending Date12/31/2021
Funding Level$33,100.00
Funding AgencyAudubon Nebraska


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (Additional)
Starting Date11/17/2020


Ending Date09/17/2021
Funding Level$23,500.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior-AmericaView


Grant TitleRain Water Basin Joint Venture Science Coordinator (Additional)
Starting Date11/17/2020


Ending Date12/31/2021
Funding Level$67,992.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Park Commission


Grant TitleIncreasing the effectiveness of Pollinator Conservation Grasslands within the Tallgrass Prairie Region
Starting Date10/31/2020


Ending Date12/31/2021
Funding Level$15,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Minnesota-SARE


Grant TitleUNL/NDEQ Liaison for Coordination of Water Quality Education Programming in NE
Starting Date10/26/2020


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$108,776.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environment and Energy


Grant TitleAssessing movement and entrainment of Walleye in Lewis & Clark Lake and its tailwaters
Starting Date10/26/2020


Ending Date10/01/2025
Funding Level$464,400.00
Funding AgencySouth Dakota Game, Fish & Parks


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as part of the AmeriFlux Mgt Project Network (Additional)
Starting Date10/07/2020


Ending Date09/30/2021
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleDrought Information Services and Research for Ag across the US
Starting Date09/30/2020


Ending Date09/29/2021
Funding Level$800,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Deparment of Agriculture - OCE


Grant TitleTribal College Student Climate Change Research
Starting Date07/01/2020
Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$65,589.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Indian Community College


Grant TitleUSDA Support of the US Drought Monitor and Hub Activities
Starting Date10/01/2020


Ending Date09/30/2023
Funding Level$2,375,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Deparment of Agriculture - OCE


Grant TitleStreamnet: Building Capacity to Improve Water Quality
Starting Date06/30/2020


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$307,730.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Evironmental Trust


Grant TitleAquatic Nuisance Species
Starting Date08/01/2020
Ending Date12/31/2022
Funding Level$93,706.00
Funding AgencyFish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleDrought Planning for the Republican River Basin
Starting Date08/17/2020


Ending Date05/31/2022
Funding Level$89,810.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleExploring Links between Hunting and Conservation Organization Participation to Increase Effectiveness of R3 Programs
Starting Date04/01/2020


Ending Date05/31/2021
Funding Level$315,809.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Park Commission


Grant TitleFY2020 Nebraska Statemap
Starting Date09/15/2020


Ending Date09/14/2021
Funding Level$27,934.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleNebraska Oil and Gas Collection Phase III: Inventory and Database Development for Eastern Nebraska Geological Sample Data Preservation and Public Access
Starting Date09/03/2020


Ending Date09/21/2021
Funding Level$24,166.00
Funding AgencyNational Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program/US Geological Survey


Grant TitleUS Drought Portal Operaions and Development Support
Starting Date09/01/2020


Ending Date03/01/2021
Funding Level$150,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/01/2020


Ending Date05/31/2021
Funding Level$90,052.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleProviding Drought Information Services for the Nation: the National Drought Mitigation Center (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/01/2020


Ending Date09/30/2021
Funding Level$808,530.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleImproving Water Quality and Surveying fish populations using eDNA across the State of NE
Starting Date06/11/2020


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$72,988.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Park Commission


Grant TitleEnsemble Sensitivity Analysis to Investigate Mesoscale Hererogeneity in SE US Tornado Events
Starting Date09/01/2020
Ending Date08/31/2022
Funding Level$260,822.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleQuantitative Modeling in Undergraduate Biology Courses: Teaching Approaches and Student Outcomes
Starting Date10/01/2020


Ending Date09/30/2023
Funding Level$299,511.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleA Multi-Spatial Approach to Monitoring Forage Characteristics of Western US Grasslands
Starting Date10/01/2020


Ending Date08/16/2021
Funding Level$84,999.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network
Starting Date10/01/2020


Ending Date09/30/2025
Funding Level$113,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleECR DBER DCI: Describing the Neurobehavioral Effects of Modeling-Based Instruction in Undergraduate Life Science Education
Starting Date09/01/2020


Ending Date09/30/2023
Funding Level$313,898.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleAgrichemical Contaminant DataBase Project
Starting Date08/10/2020
Ending Date09/30/2021
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Deparment of Agriculture


Grant TitleMENAdrought Empowering and Enhancing Drought Management Systems in the Middle East-North Africa Region (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/10/2020


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$119,483.00
Funding AgencyWater Management Institute


Grant TitleSoil Survey Information Production and Management
Starting Date10/08/2020


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$80,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - NRCS


Grant TitleUNL Proposal to Support Persistent Data Services and Install a New Observation Well
Starting Date07/14/2020


Ending Date07/21/2021
Funding Level$33,451.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleDeveloping a Statewide Community Tree Canopy Map in Nebraska
Starting Date06/29/2020


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$51,507.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Evironmental Trust


Grant TitleSpatial Analysis of Health Care Accessibility and Usage in NE
Starting Date07/01/2020
Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$29,834.00
Funding AgencyInternal


Grant TitleThe Master Naturalist program: Expanding Conservation Capacity (Additional)
Starting Date06/11/2020


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$49,179.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Evironmental Trust


Grant TitleProtecting the Terns and Plovers of NE and mentoring the Next Generation (Additional)
Starting Date04/01/2020


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$21,355.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Evironmental Trust


Grant TitleNebraska Farmers and Farmland Owners Attitudes of Targeted Conservation
Starting Date06/29/2020


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$104,971.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleImproving Water Quality and Surveying Fish populations using eDNA across the State of NE
Starting Date06/29/2020


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$75,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Evironmental Trust


Grant TitleAgricultural Intensification in the Western Corn Belt (Additional)
Starting Date06/08/2020


Ending Date07/31/2024
Funding Level$200,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Deparment of Agriculture - ARS


Grant TitleNebraska Mesonet (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2020
Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$75,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleLewis and Clark NRD Coop Agreement (Additional Funding)
Starting Date02/05/2020


Ending Date12/31/2021
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyLewis and Clark NRD


Grant TitleProviding Drought Risk Management Services for the World Bank
Starting Date05/29/2020


Ending Date03/24/2021
Funding Level$199,994.00
Funding AgencyWorld Bank Group


Grant TitleAustralian Combined Drough Indicator
Starting Date05/27/2020


Ending Date05/28/2020
Funding Level$5,795.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Southern Queensland


Grant TitleGeologist-Hydrogeologist Coop Agreement (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/22/2020


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$61,704.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleNebraska GeoCloud (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/22/2020


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$94,100.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitlePrecision Conservation - Increase Farm Profitability While Conserving Soil, Water, and Wildlife
Starting Date05/14/2020


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$19,975.00
Funding AgencyUNL Collaborative Initiative Planning Grant


Grant TitleSupporting undergraduate Teaching & Learning about Socio-Hydrological Challenges through Data-Driven Modeling in the FANH Sciences
Starting Date04/01/2020
Ending Date03/31/2023
Funding Level$299,997.00
Funding AgencySearch Results Web Result with Site Links National Institute of Food and Agriculture - USDA


Grant TitleAssessment of Angler Use and Catch during 2020 at Sutherland Reservoir
Starting Date03/09/2020


Ending Date02/26/2021
Funding Level$56,230.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Public Power District


Grant TitleHuman Dimensions of Wildlife Survey Analysis (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/10/2020


Ending Date05/31/2020
Funding Level$35,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Park Commission


Grant TitleGeology and Hydrogeology near Sutherland Reservoir
Starting Date03/23/2020
Ending Date04/20/2020
Funding Level$3,711.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Public Power District


Grant TitleCPS: Medum: Scalable realtime sensing and decision-making system for field-level row-crop irrigation management (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/10/2020


Ending Date04/14/2021
Funding Level$138,724.00
Funding AgencyUniv of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/09/2020


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Park Commission


Grant TitleSurvey of Groundwater Transit Times and Nitrate Delivery to Bazile Creek (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/08/2020


Ending Date05/31/2021
Funding Level$15,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environment and Energy


Grant TitleINFEWS/T3 RCN: Cultivating a National Collaborative for Research on Food, Energy, and Water Education (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/09/2020
Ending Date08/31/2024
Funding Level$374,982.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleAssessing the Utility of Remote Sensing for Emerald Ash Borer Detection
Starting Date03/10/2020


Ending Date05/10/2020
Funding Level$24,768.00
Funding AgencyCity of Lincoln NE


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (additional funding)
Starting Date03/06/2020


Ending Date03/05/2021
Funding Level$562,500.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric


Grant TitleSBIR: Removing PFAS in Investigation Derived Wastes with Electrochemically Activated Persulfate & Electrocoagulation
Starting Date03/13/2020


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$24,820.00
Funding AgencyAirllift Environmental


Grant TitleExtension Guidebook to Help Communities Plan for Drought
Starting Date02/29/2020


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$14,897.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Wisconsin Extension


Grant TitleOptimization of Practical Feed Formulation to improve Fish Health and Production Performance of Yellow Perch
Starting Date02/29/2020
Ending Date04/20/2022
Funding Level$10,253.00
Funding AgencyIowa State University


Grant TitleDetermining Annual Movement Patterns of Channel Catfish
Starting Date02/25/2020


Ending Date04/30/2022
Funding Level$97,288.00
Funding AgencyManitoba Fisheries Fund


Grant TitleGeographic Distribution of CWD Genetic Reistance
Starting Date01/03/2020


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$2,500.00
Funding AgencyPope-Young Club


Grant TitlePopulation Structure and Habitat Use of Benthic Fishes of the Missouri River and its Major Tributaries with an Emphasis on Sicklefin and Sturgeon Chub in South Dakota
Starting Date01/01/2020


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$233,239.00
Funding AgencySouth Dakota Game, Fish and Parks/US Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleINFEWS/T1: Towards Resilient Food-Energy-Water Systems in Response to Drought Impacts and Socioeconomic Shocks: New Mexico (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/06/2020


Ending Date08/31/2020
Funding Level$61,434.00
Funding AgencyNew Mexico State University /National Science Foundation


Grant TitleAquifer Recharge and Sustainability in the Republican Basin
Starting Date01/01/2020


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$269,008.00
Funding AgencyMiddle Republic NRD/NRC


Grant TitleRainwater Basin Joint Venture Science Coordinator
Starting Date01/01/2020


Ending Date01/31/2021
Funding Level$61,495.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commission


Grant TitleDNR GRA Support cost Share Agreement for DWFI Funding
Starting Date01/01/2020


Ending Date12/31/2022
Funding Level$69,858.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleMonitoring, Mapping, Risk Assessment and Management of Invasive Species in Nebraska
Starting Date01/01/2020


Ending Date12/31/2024
Funding Level$673,689.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commission


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Global Evaporative Stress Indes Based on Thermal and Microwave LST towards Improved Monitoring of Agricultural Water and Vegetation Stress
Starting Date01/17/2020


Ending Date03/31/2020
Funding Level$56,019.00
Funding AgencyNASA


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network (additional funds)
Starting Date01/17/2020


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$36,500.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of CA-Berkeley National'l Lab/ US Department of Energy


Grant TitleWetlands of Nebraska: An Outreach and Education Project
Starting Date01/23/2020


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$109,865.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commission / EPA


Grant TitleNebraska Water Leaders Academy (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/20/2020


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$40,263.00
Funding AgencyNebraska State Irrigation Association / Nebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleAgrichemical Contaminant Database Project (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/01/2019
Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyNE Depart of Agriculture


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (additional funding)
Starting Date09/18/2019


Ending Date09/17/2020
Funding Level$23,500.00
Funding AgencyUS Dept of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleRegional Climate Center - National Weather Service Climate Services Partnership
Starting Date08/26/2019


Ending Date08/25/2020
Funding Level$13,941.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Association


Grant TitleNIDIS Help Desk Support AWR FY20 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/01/2019


Ending Date08/31/2020
Funding Level$150,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Association


Grant TitleBridging Perspectives for Science Literacy
Starting Date10/11/2019


Ending Date12/31/2021
Funding Level$349,836.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2019-2020 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2019


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$92,630.00
Funding AgencyUS Geological Service


Grant TitleSoil Survey Info Production and Management
Starting Date09/05/2019


Ending Date09/30/2021
Funding Level$80,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA/NRCS


Grant TitleCooperative Forestry Program (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/01/2019


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$13,925.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - Forest Service


Grant TitleNE NCCPI to Crop Yield Relationship
Starting Date09/30/2019


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$151,396.00
Funding AgencyUSDA/NRCS


Grant TitleScanning Aerial Imagery (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/15/2019


Ending Date09/30/2021
Funding Level$50,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA/NRCS


Grant TitleExtension Guidebook
Starting Date10/01/2019


Ending Date08/31/2020
Funding Level$24,671.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - NIFA


Grant TitleDrought Information Services for Agriculture across the United States (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/30/2019


Ending Date09/29/2020
Funding Level$833,384.00
Funding AgencyUSDA-OCE


Grant TitleProviding Drought Information Services for the Nation: the National Drought Mitigation Center
Starting Date09/01/2019


Ending Date08/31/2021
Funding Level$791,470.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Association


Grant TitleRII Track - 2 FEC: Resilience Informatics for the Convergence of Critical Capacities to Address Regional-Scale Environmental Change
Starting Date08/01/2019


Ending Date07/31/2023
Funding Level$1,964,386.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleCarbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE): Storage Complex Feasibility
Starting Date11/27/2019


Ending Date08/09/2020
Funding Level$73,749.00
Funding AgencyBattelle Memorial Institute


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Foundation NMNP Coordinator Support
Starting Date07/01/2019


Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$70,000.00
Funding AgencyNE Master Naturalist Foundation


Grant TitleImproving Performance of Grasslands Conservation Investments
Starting Date10/01/2019


Ending Date10/31/2022
Funding Level$151,800.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commission


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network (additional funds)
Starting Date12/03/2019


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$76,000.00
Funding AgencyUniv. of California-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleNE/WY Bat Conservation and Recovery
Starting Date02/01/2019


Ending Date01/31/2021
Funding Level$240,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Park Commission


Grant TitleMETRIC/EEFlux Evapotranspiration Tool
Starting Date07/01/2019


Ending Date03/31/2020
Funding Level$220,000.00
Funding AgencyWindward Fund


Grant TitleDrought Risk Management in South Africa
Starting Date06/07/2019


Ending Date08/15/2020
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyWorld Bank Group


Grant TitleBat Resilience in Ag Landscapes (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/02/2019


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$21,800.00
Funding AgencyNational Park Service


Grant TitleWaterfowl Spatial Assessment (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/03/2019


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$6,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commission


Grant TitlePrairie Corridor Phase 3
Starting Date05/01/2019


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$58,544.00
Funding AgencyCity of Lincoln


Grant TitleTern and Plover Conservation (additional funding)
Starting Date07/11/2019
Ending Date12/31/2019
Funding Level$19,994.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commission


Grant TitleEmergency Preparedness Team for Weather- and Climate-Related Events: A Safer Nebraska
Starting Date07/01/2019
Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$5,000.00
Funding AgencyUN Collaboration Initiative Team


Grant Title KS-NE-IA Tribes Workshops
Starting Date07/25/2019


Ending Date09/30/2019
Funding Level$14,768.00
Funding AgencySac and Fox Nation of Missouri in KS and NE


Grant TitleNGWMN: Expand Web Servcies
Starting Date07/15/2019


Ending Date07/14/2020
Funding Level$37,277.00
Funding AgencyUS Geological Service


Grant TitleGroundwater Transit Time (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/23/2019


Ending Date05/31/2021
Funding Level$97,532.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Starting Date09/01/2019
Ending Date08/31/2024
Funding Level$749,964.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleMiddle Niobrara NRD Coop Agreement
Starting Date08/02/2019


Ending Date08/01/2021
Funding Level$37,000.00
Funding AgencyMiddle Niobrara NRD


Grant TitleLower Niobrara NRD Coop Agreement
Starting Date08/01/2019


Ending Date08/07/2022
Funding Level$38,200.00
Funding AgencyLower Niobrara NRD


Grant TitleNebraska Mesonet (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2019
Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$75,000.00
Funding AgencyNE Dept of Natural Resources


Grant TitleDaasanach Pastoralism
Starting Date10/01/2019


Ending Date09/30/2023
Funding Level$748,870.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleSUSTAIN (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/01/2019


Ending Date12/31/2019
Funding Level$30,000.00
Funding AgencyNE Dept of Natural Resources


Grant TitleR3 Efforts Targeting College Students
Starting Date07/01/2019


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$4,900.00
Funding AgencyNorth Carolina State University


Grant TitleGRAINEX
Starting Date08/18/2019


Ending Date08/31/2020
Funding Level$103,035.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleANS Management Plan (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/10/2019
Ending Date12/31/2021
Funding Level$46,775.00
Funding AgencyUS Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleMRA: Seasonality of photosynthesis
Starting Date09/10/2019


Ending Date12/31/2022
Funding Level$122,913.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Utah


Grant TitleWestern Corn Belt Ag Intensification
Starting Date08/01/2019
Ending Date07/31/2024
Funding Level$450,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleWinter Gamebirds in CO
Starting Date08/29/2019


Ending Date06/20/2022
Funding Level$149,431.00
Funding AgencyColorado Parks and Wildlife


Grant TitleGreat Plains CESU (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/23/2019


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$14,599.00
Funding AgencyNational Parks Service


Grant TitleNebraska Wildlife (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/23/2019


Ending Date05/31/2020
Funding Level$8,080.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commission


Grant TitleMonitoring BBSA (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/01/2019


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$14,072.00
Funding AgencyUS Geological Service


Grant TitleNebraska Oil and Gas Collection: Inventory and Database Development for Geological Sample Data Preservation and Public Access (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/01/2019


Ending Date08/31/2020
Funding Level$14,724.00
Funding AgencyUs Geological Service


Grant Title Grass-Cast Website Transfer
Starting Date09/13/2019


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$65,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA/NRCS


Grant TitleLocal Hydrogeologic Framework and Water Balance Investigation
Starting Date08/01/2019
Ending Date01/31/2020
Funding Level$16,051.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Public Power District


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program: Recruitment, Training, and Management of Conservation Volunteers (additional funding)
Starting Date05/13/2019


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$97,500.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleGroundwater Management
Starting Date04/02/2019


Ending Date03/31/2019
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Idaho


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (additional funding)
Starting Date03/06/2019


Ending Date03/05/2020
Funding Level$562,500.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Commerce/NOAA


Grant TitleBazile Creek Nitrate Isotopes
Starting Date04/30/2019


Ending Date08/31/2019
Funding Level$2,081.00
Funding AgencyUpper Elkhorn NRD


Grant TitlePFAST - Groundwater Age - North Carolina
Starting Date05/07/2019


Ending Date12/31/2019
Funding Level$16,765.00
Funding AgencyNorth Carolina State University


Grant TitleTest-Hole, Sampling, Logging Program
Starting Date03/01/2019


Ending Date02/28/2020
Funding Level$34,150.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte NRD


Grant TitleInsects Adaptations in Extreme Environment
Starting Date05/07/2019


Ending Date12/31/2021
Funding Level$208,034.00
Funding AgencyMontana State University


Grant Title Making Decisions about Socioscientific Issues in Multipdisciplinary Postsecondary Learning Environments (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/08/2019


Ending Date05/12/2019
Funding Level$3,412.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleESA PhotoProxy Program
Starting Date05/13/2019


Ending Date05/14/2019
Funding Level$88,010.00
Funding AgencyForschungszentrum


Grant TitleNMNP: Expanding Capacity
Starting Date05/13/2019


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$97,500.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleMENA Regional Drought Management (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/20/2019


Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$478,800.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitlePlatte River Water Quality
Starting Date05/19/2019


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$84,762.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleRain Water Basin Science Coordinator (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/23/2019


Ending Date01/01/2020
Funding Level$55,167.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commision


Grant TitleLewis and Clark NRD Cooperative Agreement (additional funding)
Starting Date05/23/2019


Ending Date12/31/2021
Funding Level$61,600.00
Funding AgencyLewis and Clark NRD


Grant TitleWatershed Science Education Collaboration
Starting Date05/24/2019


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$225,204.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleEEFlux to the NASA ECOSTRESS Mission
Starting Date05/29/2019


Ending Date08/30/2020
Funding Level$29,954.00
Funding AgencyCalifornia Institute of Technology


Grant TitleEAGER: Elevated Convection in US Great Plains
Starting Date06/01/2019


Ending Date05/31/2021
Funding Level$204,515.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleUSAID MENAdrought
Starting Date06/03/2019


Ending Date09/30/2021
Funding Level$1,222,118.00
Funding AgencyIWMI


Grant TitleTern and Plover Conservation (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2019
Ending Date03/31/2022
Funding Level$64,080.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleTest Hole Drilling and Monitoring - Nemaha NRD (Additional Funding)
Starting Date06/01/2019


Ending Date05/31/2020
Funding Level$9,150.00
Funding AgencyNemaha NRD


Grant TitleMule Deer Study
Starting Date03/05/2019


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$656,650.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commission


Grant TitleGlobal Change, Vulnerability and Resilience: Management Options for an Uncertain Future (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/12/2019


Ending Date09/25/2019
Funding Level$175,722.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Defense


Grant TitleMonitoring BBSA on TX/LA Gulf Coast (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/12/2019


Ending Date09/30/2019
Funding Level$12,966.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior


Grant TitleDrought Impacts on Grasslands
Starting Date03/15/2019


Ending Date09/14/2019
Funding Level$84,995.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - GS


Grant TitleREEU FACT: Research and Science Communication Skills
Starting Date03/15/2019


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$36,215.00
Funding AgencyNIFA


Grant TitleCarbonSAFE
Starting Date03/19/2019


Ending Date08/09/2019
Funding Level$6,207.00
Funding AgencyBattelie


Grant TitleGeologist-Hydrogeologist Cooperative Agreement (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/19/2019


Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$58,864.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleGeologist-Hydrogeologist Cooperative Agreement (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/19/2019


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$60,442.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (additional funding)
Starting Date09/18/2018


Ending Date09/17/2019
Funding Level$23,500.00
Funding AgencyDOI-AmericaView


Grant TitleHuman Dimensions of Nebraska's Fisheries
Starting Date01/01/2019


Ending Date12/31/2019
Funding Level$1,747,226.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commision


Grant TitleNebraska Bighorn Sheep Demography (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/01/2019


Ending Date12/31/2020
Funding Level$30,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commision


Grant TitleNebraska LEAD Program (Additional Funding)
Starting Date12/10/2018
Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleINFEWS/T1: Towards Resilient Food-Energy-Water Systems in Response to Drought Impacts and Socioeconomic Shocks: New Mexico (Additional Funding)
Starting Date11/06/2018


Ending Date08/31/2020
Funding Level$59,688.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleConnecting Drought Early Warning to the Decision Making Needs of Specialty Crop Producers in the Midwestern United States
Starting Date09/01/2018


Ending Date08/31/2019
Funding Level$91,817.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network (additional funds)
Starting Date11/12/2018


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Energy


Grant TitleArtifact Roadshow and Grasslands Oral History Projects
Starting Date08/21/2018


Ending Date12/31/2020
Funding Level$30,000.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Agriculture


Grant TitleNatural Resources Use and Conservation Lower Loup NRD (Additional Funding)
Starting Date11/16/2018


Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$44,375.00
Funding AgencyLower Loup National Resource District


Grant TitleDeveloping Hydrogeologic Databases to Assist in Water Resources Management (Additional Funding)
Starting Date11/16/2018


Ending Date12/31/2021
Funding Level$5,600.00
Funding AgencyLower Elkhorn Natural Resource District


Grant TitleNatural Resources Use and Conservation Lower Platte South Natural Resource District (Additional funding)
Starting Date11/28/2018


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$25,493.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South Natural Resource District


Grant TitleMonitoring Bat Resilience in an Agriculturally Dominated Landscape
Starting Date07/27/2018


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$29,375.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Interior


Grant TitleNGWMN Support of Persistent Data Providers and Well Maintenance
Starting Date07/01/2018


Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$11,181.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Interior


Grant TitleDRK-12 High School Students Climate Literacy through Epistemology of Scientific Modeling
Starting Date07/03/2018
Ending Date08/31/2021
Funding Level$10,277.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Global Evaporative Stress Index Based on Thermal and Microwave LST towards Improved Monitoring of Agricultural Water and Vegetation Stress
Starting Date07/11/2018


Ending Date03/31/2020
Funding Level$27,750.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant Title2016-2017 La Nina Early Warning and Impacts In the Rio Grande Basin (Additional)
Starting Date07/11/2018


Ending Date09/30/2018
Funding Level$15,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - ARS


Grant TitleGlobal Change, Vulnerability and Resilience: Management Options for an Uncertain Future (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/13/2018


Ending Date09/25/2019
Funding Level$91,281.00
Funding AgencyU. S. Department of Defense - Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program


Grant TitleSurvey of Groundwater Transit Times and Nitrate Delivery to Bazile Creek
Starting Date07/13/2018


Ending Date05/31/2020
Funding Level$15,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Economic Quality


Grant TitleNational Groundwater Monitoring Network
Starting Date08/01/2018
Ending Date09/30/2019
Funding Level$16,984.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Economic Quality


Grant TitleTest Hole Drilling and Monitoring - Lower Platte North NRD (Additional)
Starting Date08/01/2018


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$50,000.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte North NRD


Grant TitleUNO-NASA Space Grant: NASA Nebraska Space Grant Fellowship 2018-2019 Flynn
Starting Date08/01/2018


Ending Date02/28/2019
Funding Level$4,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration - NE


Grant TitleNational Groundwater Monitoring Network (Additional)
Starting Date08/20/2018


Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$64,432.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Interior


Grant TitleAquatic Nuisance Species (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/20/2018


Ending Date12/31/2019
Funding Level$47,695.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Interior


Grant TitleMercury Deposit Network (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/01/2018


Ending Date09/30/2023
Funding Level$32,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleNebraska Oil and Gas Collection: Inventory and Database Development for Geological Sample Data Preservation and Public Access
Starting Date09/04/2018


Ending Date09/03/2019
Funding Level$15,555.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of the Interior


Grant TitleAgrichemical Contaminant Database Project (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/01/2018
Ending Date09/30/2019
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2018-2019 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2018


Ending Date09/14/2019
Funding Level$47,476.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Interior


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program: Recruitment, Training, and Management of Conservation Volunteers (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2018


Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Park Commission


Grant TitleCarbon Flux from Great Plains Agroecosystems Associated with the ARS LTAR Network (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/26/2018


Ending Date08/31/2020
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Agriculture - Ag Research Service


Grant TitleDrought Information Services for Agriculture across the United States (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/01/2018


Ending Date09/30/2019
Funding Level$925,889.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - OCE


Grant TitleAnalysis of Clay Illuviation Processes in Depressional Soils in the Todd Valley, Eastern Nebraska
Starting Date09/24/2018


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$133,333.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Agriculture - NRCS


Grant TitleSpotty Rain Champaign: Enhancing the Capacity for Rural Libraries to Engage the Public in Drought Science, Monitoring and Adaptation
Starting Date07/15/2018


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$14,280.00
Funding AgencyOklahoma State University


Grant TitleNOAA High Plains Regional Climate Center (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2018


Ending Date08/31/2019
Funding Level$211,552.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Commerce


Grant TitleGeological Society of America Annual Meeting - GSA 2018
Starting Date11/04/2018


Ending Date11/07/2018
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR


Grant TitleSOILS ACROSS LATITUDES: 2018-2019 International Soils Meeting
Starting Date01/06/2019


Ending Date01/09/2019
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR


Grant TitleSociety for the Advancement of Biology Education Research
Starting Date07/27/2018
Ending Date07/29/2018
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR Travel Funds


Grant TitleTHREDDS
Starting Date06/01/2018


Ending Date03/31/2018
Funding Level$6,219.00
Funding AgencyUCAR


Grant TitleAnnual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science
Starting Date05/19/2018


Ending Date05/24/2018
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR Travel Fund


Grant TitleNebraska Mesonet (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2018
Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$75,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleVidal Sharing in Tanzania (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/14/2018


Ending Date05/31/2018
Funding Level$11,959.00
Funding AgencyUC-Davis


Grant TitleAsian Carp Assessment
Starting Date04/02/2018


Ending Date12/28/2020
Funding Level$185,188.00
Funding AgencyKansas Department of Wildlife and Parks


Grant TitleBlue Catfish Management in Kansas River
Starting Date04/02/2018


Ending Date12/28/2020
Funding Level$190,938.00
Funding AgencyKansas Department of Wildlife and Parks


Grant TitleSUSTAIN
Starting Date04/12/2018


Ending Date01/31/2019
Funding Level$65,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleAssessment of Angler Use and Catch 2018 Sutherland
Starting Date03/23/2018


Ending Date01/31/2019
Funding Level$54,723.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Public Power District


Grant TitleHigh Resolution Land Cover for Nebraska and Windbreak Assessments for the Northern Plains (additional funding)
Starting Date07/20/2018


Ending Date09/30/2018
Funding Level$14,895.00
Funding AgencyForest Service


Grant TitleGlobal Change, Vulnerability and Resilience: Management Options for an Uncertain Future (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/18/2018


Ending Date09/25/2019
Funding Level$100,000.00
Funding AgencyU. S. Department of Defense - Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program


Grant TitleRain Water Basin Science Coordinator (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/16/2018


Ending Date04/17/2019
Funding Level$14,142.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleGlobal ESI (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/01/2018


Ending Date03/31/2019
Funding Level$24,114.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautic and Space Administration


Grant TitleInternational congress of the Biology of Fish
Starting Date04/19/2018


Ending Date04/20/2019
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR Travel Funds


Grant TitleInternational Grouse Symposium
Starting Date04/19/2018


Ending Date04/20/2019
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR Travel


Grant Title16th Annual Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop (CPASW)
Starting Date04/20/2018


Ending Date04/20/2019
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR Travel Funds


Grant TitleHydrologic Monitoring and Assessment of Upper Little Blue River Basin
Starting Date07/01/2018


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$145,924.00
Funding AgencyTri-Basin NRD


Grant TitleLewis and Clark NRD Cooperative Agreement (additional funding)
Starting Date03/16/2018


Ending Date12/31/2021
Funding Level$55,000.00
Funding AgencyLewis and Clark NRD


Grant TitleNebraska Wildlife (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/25/2018


Ending Date05/31/2019
Funding Level$14,495.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commission


Grant TitlePrairie Corridor Phase 2 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2018


Ending Date06/20/2019
Funding Level$86,237.00
Funding AgencyCity of Lincoln


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/06/2018


Ending Date03/05/2019
Funding Level$140,625.00
Funding AgencyNOAA


Grant TitleGlobal Inventory and Comparative Assessment of Drought Risk Modeling Tools.
Starting Date02/14/2018


Ending Date04/20/2019
Funding Level$14,187.00
Funding AgencyDeltares


Grant TitleCapacity-Build Food, Energy, and H2O
Starting Date08/01/2018
Ending Date02/29/2020
Funding Level$30,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA.NIFA


Grant TitleNational Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference
Starting Date03/10/2018
Ending Date03/13/2018
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR - Travel Grant


Grant TitleSouth Dakota Arborist Association January 2018 Conference
Starting Date01/17/2018


Ending Date01/18/2018
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR - Travel Grant


Grant TitleInternational Gluten Workshop (IGW)
Starting Date01/16/2018
Ending Date01/17/2018
Funding Level$800.00
Funding AgencyIANR - Travel Grant


Grant TitleWild Clocks Conference
Starting Date10/16/2018


Ending Date10/18/2018
Funding Level$800.00
Funding AgencyIANR - Travel Grant


Grant TitleNational Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference
Starting Date03/10/2018


Ending Date03/13/2018
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR - Travel Grant


Grant TitleDrought Summit and Outreach
Starting Date01/22/2018


Ending Date09/30/2019
Funding Level$85,000.00
Funding AgencyAmerican Planning Association


Grant TitleUnderstanding the influence of land practices and canopy cover restoration on nutrient spiraling in tropical and temperate stream ecosystems
Starting Date07/01/2018


Ending Date08/01/2020
Funding Level$18,562.00
Funding AgencySPRINT - ARD/Global Engagement office


Grant TitleOnline Stormwater Core Course
Starting Date08/21/2017
Ending Date08/24/2018
Funding Level$7,000.00
Funding AgencyNCRWN


Grant TitleAssessment of Adult Female and Neonatal Mule Deer Survival, Movements, and Habitat Use in Nebraska (Additional)
Starting Date12/12/2017


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$197,420.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Park Commisson


Grant TitleNorth Central Region Isee Soils
Starting Date08/28/2017


Ending Date08/14/2018
Funding Level$8,921.00
Funding AgencyPurdue University


Grant TitleSoil Laboratory and Scanning (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/01/2017


Ending Date09/30/2018
Funding Level$87,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA-NRCS


Grant TitleDrought Information Services
Starting Date10/03/2017


Ending Date09/30/2018
Funding Level$927,774.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - OCE


Grant TitleFEWS Responses to Drought/Economic
Starting Date10/19/2017


Ending Date08/31/2020
Funding Level$179,133.00
Funding AgencyNew Mexico State University


Grant TitleNebraska Bighorn Sheep Demography (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2017


Ending Date12/31/2020
Funding Level$95,000.00
Funding AgencyNGPC


Grant TitleHunter Survey (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2017


Ending Date12/31/2018
Funding Level$167,086.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleTest Hole Drilling and Monitoring - Lower Platte North NRD (Additional)
Starting Date09/07/2017


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$136,700.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte North NRD


Grant Title3-D image-based Plant Phenotyping
Starting Date10/01/2017


Ending Date09/30/2018
Funding Level$5,000.00
Funding AgencyIowa State University


Grant TitleAdministrative Support for Great Plains Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (Additional Funding)
Starting Date11/20/2017


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$11,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Forest Service


Grant TitleArtifact Roadshow and Grasslands
Starting Date09/13/2017


Ending Date12/31/2019
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Forest Service


Grant TitleAgrichemical Contaminant Database Project (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/01/2017
Ending Date09/30/2018
Funding Level$35,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleUNL-NDEQ Water Quality Liaison
Starting Date10/01/2017


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$159,163.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleMonitoring BBSA on TX/LA Gulf Coast
Starting Date09/18/2017


Ending Date09/30/2019
Funding Level$14,800.00
Funding AgencyUS Geological Survey


Grant TitleGreat Plains Agroecosystems Carbon Flux (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/25/2017


Ending Date08/31/2020
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleNebraska Mesonet (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2017
Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$75,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleMaking Decisions about Socioscientific Issues in Multipdisciplinary Postsecondary Learning Environments
Starting Date09/01/2017


Ending Date08/31/2020
Funding Level$299,998.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleNIDIS Portal Assistance (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/01/2017


Ending Date08/31/2018
Funding Level$150,000.00
Funding AgencyNOAA


Starting Date09/01/2017


Ending Date08/31/2022
Funding Level$2,998,886.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2017-2018 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2017


Ending Date09/14/2018
Funding Level$43,093.00
Funding AgencyUSGS


Grant TitleNNA: Arctic Workshop
Starting Date01/01/2018


Ending Date12/31/2018
Funding Level$99,864.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleAquatic Nuisance Species (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2017


Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$50,000.00
Funding AgencyUSFWS


Grant TitleAirborne Fluorescence - International Meeting and Workshop
Starting Date09/26/2017


Ending Date09/29/2017
Funding Level$4,000.00
Funding AgencyARD Strategic Fund


Grant TitleChute Monitoring at Camp Ashland (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/01/2017


Ending Date08/31/2020
Funding Level$175,971.00
Funding AgencyNE Millitary Department


Grant TitleGeologic Mapping Missouri NRR (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/25/2017


Ending Date12/31/2018
Funding Level$98,549.00
Funding AgencyNPS


Grant TitleNebraska Bighorn Sheep Demography
Starting Date07/01/2017


Ending Date12/31/2020
Funding Level$449,000.00
Funding AgencyNGPC


Grant TitleSoil Moisture Mapping of the South Fork Iowa Soil Moisture Network with Proximal COSMOS Rovers
Starting Date09/01/2017


Ending Date08/31/2018
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - ARS


Grant TitleNational Grassland Costshare Update
Starting Date01/01/2018


Ending Date12/31/2019
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Forest Service


Grant TitleE2FEW
Starting Date05/15/2017


Ending Date05/14/2020
Funding Level$139,604.00
Funding AgencyUSDA-NIFA


Grant TitleGeologist-Hydrogeologist Cooperative Agreement (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/04/2017


Ending Date05/03/2020
Funding Level$176,637.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleDRK-12 High School Students Climate
Starting Date09/01/2017
Ending Date08/31/2021
Funding Level$1,145,420.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleWildlife Survey Analysis
Starting Date03/01/2017


Ending Date01/01/2020
Funding Level$217,208.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Park Commission


Grant TitleForestry Major - Regional and Community Forestry
Starting Date06/01/2017


Ending Date07/11/2020
Funding Level$100,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Forest Service


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program: Recruitment, Training, and Management of Conservation Volunteers (additional funding)
Starting Date04/26/2017


Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$685,060.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Educational Telecommunications


Grant TitleGeologic Cross Section Lower Platte North NRD
Starting Date05/19/2017


Ending Date05/18/2018
Funding Level$1,200.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte North NRD


Grant TitleMETRIC: Ground Water Management
Starting Date06/22/2017


Ending Date03/21/2019
Funding Level$85,635.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Idaho


Grant TitleCentral Platte Natural Resources District Mapping Evapotranspiration with High Resolution Satelite Data (additional funding)
Starting Date06/22/2017


Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$64,127.00
Funding AgencyCentral Platte NRD


Grant TitleMiddle Republican Hydrogeologic Framework and Groundwater Observation Network (Additional Funding)
Starting Date06/19/2017


Ending Date05/31/2020
Funding Level$70,500.00
Funding AgencyMiddle Republican NRD


Grant TitleNational Ground-Water Monitoring Network Provider
Starting Date06/20/2017


Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$29,962.00
Funding AgencyUS Geological Service


Grant TitleHigh Resolution Land Cover for Nebraska and Windbreak Assessments for the Northern Plains (additional funding)
Starting Date06/20/2017


Ending Date10/31/2017
Funding Level$13,492.00
Funding AgencyForest Service


Grant TitleData Rescue and Preservation Workshop
Starting Date06/30/2017


Ending Date10/31/2017
Funding Level$900.00
Funding AgencyUS Geological Survey


Grant TitleAssessment of Adult Female and Neonatal Mule Deer Survival, Movements, and Habitat Use in Nebraska
Starting Date06/30/2017


Ending Date12/31/2019
Funding Level$504,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Park Commisson


Grant TitleHigh Resolution Land Cover for Nebraska and Windbreak Assessments for the Northern Plains (additional funding)
Starting Date06/17/2017


Ending Date05/31/2019
Funding Level$39,989.00
Funding AgencyForest Service


Grant TitlePapio-Missouri River NRD - 3 Year Drilling Program
Starting Date06/05/2017


Ending Date06/04/2020
Funding Level$78,100.00
Funding AgencyPapio-Missouri River NRD


Grant TitleEcological Systems Mapping for Habitat Assessment and Species Management Conservation
Starting Date07/31/2017


Ending Date03/20/2020
Funding Level$48,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Park Commission


Grant TitleApplication of isotopic tracers to determine water residence times in multi-scale water management
Starting Date08/01/2017


Ending Date07/31/2019
Funding Level$19,983.00
Funding Agency2017 IANR SPRINT


Grant TitleCALMIT GIS Support (Additional Support)
Starting Date04/01/2017


Ending Date03/31/2018
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleRestoring Native Mussels to the Great Plains
Starting Date04/03/2017


Ending Date12/31/2019
Funding Level$132,239.00
Funding AgencyNGPC


Grant TitleTest Hole Logging and Monitoring Well Design Program for the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/25/2017


Ending Date03/15/2017
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyPapio-Missouri River Natural Resources District


Grant TitleRed River Catfish Cohesive Population Mangement
Starting Date01/10/2017


Ending Date04/30/2019
Funding Level$70,487.00
Funding AgencyManitoba Fisheries Enhancement Fund


Grant TitleOperational Remote Sensing of Agricultural Water Use in Cooperation with Western State Water Resource Agencies for Improved Water Management
Starting Date02/01/2017


Ending Date01/31/2018
Funding Level$60,695.00
Funding AgencyNASA


Grant TitleCentral Platte Natural Resource District Mapping Evapotranspiration with High Resolution Satellite Data
Starting Date10/01/2016


Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyCentral Platte Natural Resource District


Grant Title Drought Risk Management and Planning Assistance in the Caribbean
Starting Date01/01/2017


Ending Date06/30/2017
Funding Level$49,917.00
Funding AgencyCaribbean Institute of Meterology and Hydrology


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network (additional funds)
Starting Date02/17/2017


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$93,000.00
Funding AgencyUC-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleNebraska Basin CarbonSAFE
Starting Date03/09/2017


Ending Date06/01/2018
Funding Level$116,237.00
Funding AgencyBattelle Memorial Institute


Grant TitleNebraska GeoCloud
Starting Date03/03/2017


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$264,014.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South Natural Resource District


Grant Title Water Education Leaders for Secondary Science (WELS2)
Starting Date02/01/2017
Ending Date08/01/2018
Funding Level$62,037.00
Funding AgencyNE Coordination Committee for Postsecondary Education


Grant TitleWaterfowl Spatial Assessment
Starting Date12/01/2016


Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$113,380.00
Funding Agency


Grant TitlePilot Watershed Curriculum
Starting Date12/10/2016


Ending Date12/10/2017
Funding Level$3,000.00
Funding Agency


Grant TitleHands-on Training on the VegDRI
Starting Date02/06/2017


Ending Date02/10/2017
Funding Level$4,258.00
Funding Agency


Grant TitleStormwater Sleuth Rain to Drain
Starting Date12/10/2016
Ending Date12/10/2017
Funding Level$3,000.00
Funding Agency


Grant TitleAt-Risk Bird Species Surveys, Monitoring and Research
Starting Date02/09/2017
Ending Date02/28/2018
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding Agency


Grant TitleSoil Survey Information Production and Management
Starting Date02/09/2017


Ending Date09/30/2017
Funding Level$55,000.00
Funding Agency


Grant TitleRemote Sensing Agricultural Water
Starting Date03/01/2017


Ending Date03/01/2018
Funding Level$63,906.00
Funding Agency


Grant TitleWetland Condition Assessment 2016
Starting Date01/01/2015


Ending Date08/31/2018
Funding Level$178,744.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleInternational Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM)
Starting Date06/22/2016


Ending Date06/26/2016
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR Travel Funds


Grant TitleGlobal Analysis of Plant and Animal Demography
Starting Date06/22/2016
Ending Date06/24/2016
Funding Level$800.00
Funding AgencyIANR Travel Funds


Grant TitleSociety for the Advancement of Biology Education Research
Starting Date07/14/2016


Ending Date07/17/2016
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR Travel Grants


Grant TitleNorth American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference
Starting Date06/21/2016


Ending Date06/24/2016
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR Travel Grants


Grant TitleRain Water Basin Science Coordinator
Starting Date04/15/2016


Ending Date04/15/2019
Funding Level$153,750.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleViral Sharing in Tanzania
Starting Date11/01/2015


Ending Date03/31/2016
Funding Level$30,472.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Davis


Grant TitleSwift Fox Citizen Science
Starting Date04/07/2016


Ending Date06/30/2017
Funding Level$60,670.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Educational Telecommunications


Grant TitleRed River Telemetry
Starting Date04/25/2016


Ending Date03/31/2017
Funding Level$43,600.00
Funding AgencyManitoba Fisheries Enhancement Fund


Grant TitleImplementation of the EEFux/METRIC Algorithms into the Google Earth Engine for Computation of Water Consumption (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/04/2016


Ending Date03/03/2017
Funding Level$53,970.00
Funding AgencyGoogle, Inc.


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/07/2016


Ending Date06/30/2017
Funding Level$91,947.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Educational Telecommunications


Grant TitleNebraska Water Leaders Academy (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/01/2016


Ending Date06/30/2017
Funding Level$27,665.00
Funding AgencyNE State Irrigation Association


Grant TitleTest Hole Drilling and Monitoring (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/18/2016


Ending Date06/30/2017
Funding Level$44,600.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte North NRD


Grant TitleMiddle Republican Hydrogeologic Framework and Groundwater Observation Network
Starting Date05/24/2016


Ending Date05/23/2017
Funding Level$17,397.00
Funding AgencyMiddle Republican NRD


Grant TitleComprehensive Evaluation of the Nebraska Outdoor Enthusiast
Starting Date01/01/2016


Ending Date01/31/2019
Funding Level$293,372.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleEvaluating Zoonotic Viral Sharing among Bats, Primates, and People at a High Risk Transmission Interface in Southern Tanzania
Starting Date04/01/2016


Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$36,566.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Davis


Grant TitleDecadal Drought Risk Assessment and Scenario Development for Food and Bio-Fuels Agriculture in Four Sub-Basins in the Missouri River Basin
Starting Date08/01/2015


Ending Date07/31/2017
Funding Level$129,051.00
Funding AgencyCenter for Research on Changing Earth Systems


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2016


Ending Date06/30/2017
Funding Level$23,500.00
Funding AgencyDOI-AmericaView


Grant TitleNebraska Mesonet (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2016
Ending Date06/30/2017
Funding Level$150,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleStructured Decision Making
Starting Date05/26/2016
Ending Date12/31/2016
Funding Level$8,909.00
Funding AgencyDJ Case and Associates


Grant TitleHigh Resolution Land Cover for Nebraska and Windbreak Assessments for the Northern Plains
Starting Date07/20/2016


Ending Date12/31/2017
Funding Level$54,421.00
Funding AgencyUS Forest Service


Grant TitleWahoo Creek Fish and Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Assessment
Starting Date07/11/2016


Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$27,456.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/01/2016


Ending Date03/05/2017
Funding Level$335,937.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleAquatic Nuisance Species (Additional Funding)
Starting Date06/22/2015


Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$52,400.00
Funding AgencyUS Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleScanning and Geo-Rectifying Historical Aerial from Nebraska
Starting Date08/01/2016
Ending Date09/30/2018
Funding Level$100,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - NRCS


Grant TitleMaster Naturalist PI Support
Starting Date09/01/2016


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$36,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleInvestment in Photosynthetic Infra-red Gas Analyzers (LI-6800) to Support Interdisciplinary Teams
Starting Date04/20/2016
Ending Date07/31/2016
Funding Level$110,700.00
Funding AgencyARD Strategic Funds


Grant TitleIUSE: Fostering Undergraduate Students Disciplinary Learning and Water Literacy
Starting Date08/01/2016


Ending Date07/31/2019
Funding Level$299,018.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleTest Hole Drilling and Monitoring - Nemaha NRD
Starting Date07/14/2016


Ending Date07/13/2017
Funding Level$9,150.00
Funding AgencyNemaha NRD


Grant TitleCSD Participation as a Data Provider in the National Ground-Water Monitoring Network
Starting Date08/15/2016


Ending Date08/14/2017
Funding Level$42,387.00
Funding AgencyUSGS


Grant TitlePlatte River Tributaries
Starting Date08/01/2016


Ending Date07/31/2017
Funding Level$21,603.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleGreat Plains Agroecosystems Carbon Flux
Starting Date09/01/2016


Ending Date08/31/2020
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - ARS


Grant TitleRole of Bats in Controlling Agricultural Pests
Starting Date09/01/2016


Ending Date05/31/2018
Funding Level$11,528.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Minnesota - SARE


Grant TitleMissouri Basin Drought Indicators
Starting Date07/01/2016


Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$34,607.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleDynamics and trade-offs among social, economic, and ecological components of resilience in working agricultural landscapes
Starting Date09/12/2016


Ending Date08/30/2018
Funding Level$37,000.00
Funding AgencyARD Stategic Fund


Grant TitleDigital Video Training Materials for the Soil Survey Program
Starting Date08/29/2016


Ending Date09/30/2017
Funding Level$12,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - NRCS


Grant TitleDrought Risk Management - California
Starting Date07/01/2016


Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$7,615.00
Funding AgencyDeer Research Institute


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2016-2017 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2016


Ending Date09/14/2017
Funding Level$44,140.00
Funding AgencyUSGS


Grant TitleGeologic Mapping Missouri NRR
Starting Date09/15/2016


Ending Date12/31/2017
Funding Level$98,549.00
Funding AgencyNational Parks Service


Grant TitleNebraska Wildlife
Starting Date09/01/2016


Ending Date08/31/2018
Funding Level$234,846.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleDrought Information Services for Agriculture across the United States (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/01/2016


Ending Date09/30/2017
Funding Level$827,501.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - OCE


Grant TitleAgriculture Data Clearinghouse (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/01/2016
Ending Date09/30/2018
Funding Level$69,615.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleTern and Plover Conservation (additional funding)
Starting Date09/15/2016
Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$75,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleDetermining the Nutritional Requirements of Colonized and Genetic Profile of Colonized and Endemic Screwworms
Starting Date09/01/2016


Ending Date08/31/2019
Funding Level$30,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - ARS


Grant TitleIncreasing the Capacity for Municipal Climate Adaptation Planning in the Lower Missouri River Basin States
Starting Date07/01/2016


Ending Date06/30/2017
Funding Level$97,889.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleAgrichemical Contaminant Database Project (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/01/2016
Ending Date09/30/2017
Funding Level$34,433.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant Title2016 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
Starting Date10/01/2016


Ending Date10/03/2016
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR Travel Funds


Grant Title2016-2017 La Nina Early Warning and Impacts In the Rio Grande Basin
Starting Date09/01/2016


Ending Date05/31/2017
Funding Level$100,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - ARS


Grant TitleMiddle Republican Hydrogeologic Framework and Groundwater Observation Network (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/24/2016


Ending Date05/23/2017
Funding Level$16,133.00
Funding AgencyMiddle Republican NRD


Grant TitleNP NRD Drought Tournament
Starting Date10/25/2016


Ending Date10/24/2017
Funding Level$5,823.00
Funding AgencyNorth Platte NRD


Grant TitleNIDIS Portal Assistance
Starting Date09/01/2016


Ending Date08/31/2017
Funding Level$150,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleAWR: Tribal Climate Summaries
Starting Date09/01/2016


Ending Date08/31/2017
Funding Level$60,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleAWR: NIDIS DEWS Assistance
Starting Date09/01/2016


Ending Date08/31/2017
Funding Level$110,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleWater Education Leaders for Secondary Science
Starting Date12/01/2016
Ending Date11/30/2019
Funding Level$144,150.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - NIFA


Grant TitleNon-Game Bird Research Assistance
Starting Date12/01/2006
Ending Date08/31/2017
Funding Level$40,208.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleSTEP Center: InTeGrate: Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geoscience for a Sustainable Future (additional funding)
Starting Date12/01/2016


Ending Date11/30/2017
Funding Level$11,260.00
Funding AgencyCarleton College


Grant TitleHydrogeologic Framework Studies of Portions of the Niobrara River
Starting Date11/18/2016


Ending Date06/30/2017
Funding Level$22,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleWaterfowl Population Surveys
Starting Date12/27/2016


Ending Date06/30/2017
Funding Level$25,822.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleEvaluating Zoonotic Viral Sharing among Bats, Primates, and People at a High Risk Transmission Interface in Southern Tanzania (Additional Funding)
Starting Date12/21/2016


Ending Date07/31/2017
Funding Level$51,901.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Davis


Grant TitleIntegrating GRACE and GRACE Follow On Data into Flood and Drought Forecasts for the Continental U.S. (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/05/2017


Ending Date12/10/2018
Funding Level$51,878.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleGreat Plains Tribal Water Alliance Climate Partnership: Development of Water Resource Vulnerability Assessments to Build Tribal Resilience Category 1
Starting Date10/01/2016


Ending Date09/30/2018
Funding Level$42,000.00
Funding AgencyGreat Plains Tribal Water Alliance


Grant TitleGreat Plains Tribal Water Alliance Climate Partnership: Development of Water Resource Vulnerability Assessments to Build Tribal Resilience
Starting Date10/01/2016


Ending Date09/30/2018
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyGreat Plains Tribal Water Alliance


Grant TitleNitrate and Atrazine: Is the mixture toxic to the developing embryo?
Starting Date01/01/2016


Ending Date12/31/2016
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyResearch Council Faculty Seed Grant


Grant TitleUCGIS Annual Membership
Starting Date03/01/2016


Ending Date02/28/2017
Funding Level$1,000.00
Funding AgencyARD Strategic Funding


Grant TitleMultistate Project NC-1179 (NEB-38-105)
Starting Date02/01/2016


Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyIANR/USDA


Grant TitleLewis and Clark NRD Cooperative Agreement (additional funding)
Starting Date02/01/2016


Ending Date12/31/2018
Funding Level$19,900.00
Funding AgencyLewis and Clark NRD


Grant TitleNASA GRACE Follow On Drought/Flood (Additional Funding)
Starting Date02/12/2016


Ending Date12/10/2018
Funding Level$50,451.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleAt-Risk Bird Species Surveys, Monitoring and Research
Starting Date04/01/2016
Ending Date02/28/2018
Funding Level$30,596.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleAssessing the Effects of Habitat Incentive Programs and Public Access Programs on Pheasant Population Dynamics and Hunter Harvest
Starting Date08/01/2015


Ending Date07/31/2017
Funding Level$346,320.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleCarbon Flux from Great Plains Agroecosystems Associated with the ARS LTAR Network (Additional Funding)
Starting Date02/19/2016


Ending Date08/31/2020
Funding Level$100,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA-ARS


Grant Title2016 Wetland Assessment
Starting Date08/01/2015


Ending Date12/31/2017
Funding Level$69,541.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleEastern Caribbean Drought Workshops
Starting Date01/22/2015


Ending Date05/20/2016
Funding Level$49,227.00
Funding AgencyOECS


Grant TitleBarriers to Waterfowl Hunter Participation
Starting Date01/01/2016


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$233,628.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleSutherland Rsvr 2016 Assessment
Starting Date02/25/2016


Ending Date01/31/2017
Funding Level$50,274.00
Funding AgencyNPPD


Grant TitleMENA Regional Drought Management
Starting Date01/01/2016


Ending Date03/31/2017
Funding Level$1,025,440.00
Funding AgencyICBA


Grant TitleRegional Climate Services Support in the High Plains Region (additional funding)
Starting Date03/13/2016


Ending Date07/31/2016
Funding Level$244,783.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant Title2016 Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture
Starting Date05/01/2016
Ending Date05/03/2016
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR Travel Funds


Grant TitleThe Wind River Indian Reservation's Vulerability to the Impacts of Drought and the Development of Decision Tools to Support Drought Preparedness (additional funding)
Starting Date06/01/2015


Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$124,117.00
Funding AgencyColorado State University


Grant TitleET Mapping Over North America (additional funding)
Starting Date11/10/2015


Ending Date12/12/2016
Funding Level$29,916.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitlePredicting Climate Extreme GHA (additional funding)
Starting Date12/02/2015


Ending Date01/13/2017
Funding Level$277,065.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitlePhenoCam Project (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2015


Ending Date01/31/2017
Funding Level$1,000.00
Funding AgencyU. S. Department of the Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleDeveloping Operational VegDRI Model
Starting Date11/09/2015


Ending Date03/18/2016
Funding Level$21,297.00
Funding AgencyAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Grant TitleRegional Climate Services Support in the High Plains Region (additional funding)
Starting Date07/31/2015


Ending Date07/31/2016
Funding Level$162,572.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleEcological Spectral Information System (ESIS): Integration of Spectral Data with Measurements of Vegetation Functional Traits (additional funding)
Starting Date06/03/2013


Ending Date06/14/2016
Funding Level$16,375.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison


Grant TitleGlobal Change, Vulnerability and Resilience: Management Options for an Uncertain Future
Starting Date09/25/2015


Ending Date09/25/2019
Funding Level$728,122.00
Funding AgencyU. S. Department of Defense - Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program
Starting Date07/01/2015


Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$150,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleEstablishing a Monitoring Network to Assess Distribution, Population Trends, and Habitat Use of Bats in Nebraska
Starting Date08/01/2015


Ending Date07/31/2018
Funding Level$118,116.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2015-2016 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2015


Ending Date09/14/2016
Funding Level$86,366.00
Funding AgencyU. S. Geological Survey


Grant TitleTest Hole Logging and Monitoring Well Design Program for the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District
Starting Date09/11/2015


Ending Date09/10/2016
Funding Level$3,500.00
Funding AgencyPapio-Missouri River Natural Resources District


Grant TitleAgrichemical Contaminant Database Project
Starting Date10/01/2015
Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$34,433.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleCESU GRPL Leadership, Coordination, and Administrative Oversight for the Great Plains Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit
Starting Date09/15/2015


Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$17,400.00
Funding AgencyNational Parks Service


Grant TitleCarbon Flux from Great Plains Agroecosystems Associated with the ARS LTAR Network
Starting Date09/01/2015


Ending Date08/31/2020
Funding Level$80,000.00
Funding AgencyU. S. Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitlePreliminary Assessment of Movements of Channel Catfish in the Red River Using Passive Telemetry
Starting Date08/17/2015


Ending Date03/31/2016
Funding Level$8,113.00
Funding AgencyManitoba Fisheries Enhancement Fund


Grant TitleNebraska Water Leaders Academy
Starting Date04/01/2015


Ending Date03/31/2016
Funding Level$27,165.00
Funding AgencyNebraska State Irrigation Association


Grant TitleLower Platte North Test Hole Drilling and Monitoring
Starting Date06/24/2015


Ending Date06/23/2016
Funding Level$32,000.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte North NRD


Grant TitleRegional Climate Services Support in the High Plains Region (additional funding)
Starting Date07/31/2015
Ending Date07/31/2016
Funding Level$393,782.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleRiver Otter Population Study (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2014


Ending Date02/28/2016
Funding Level$60,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network (additional funds)
Starting Date03/09/2014


Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$112,399.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleThe Wind River Indian Reservation's Vulerability to the Impacts of Drought and the Development of Decision Tools to Support Drought Preparedness (additional funding)
Starting Date06/01/2015


Ending Date09/30/2015
Funding Level$43,547.00
Funding AgencyColorado State


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2015


Ending Date06/30/2016
Funding Level$23,500.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of the Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleSoil Survey Information Production and Management
Starting Date09/18/2015


Ending Date09/30/2017
Funding Level$64,700.00
Funding AgencyU. S. Department of Agriculture - National Soil Survey Center


Grant TitleSoil Quality from Selected Areas of the United States
Starting Date09/18/2015


Ending Date09/30/2017
Funding Level$215,000.00
Funding AgencyU. S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service


Grant TitleNebraska Mesonet
Starting Date07/01/2015
Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$150,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitlePonderosa Pine on the Edge
Starting Date10/01/2015


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$373,900.00
Funding AgencyAgricultural Research Division - McIntire Stennis


Grant TitleDrought Information Services for Agriculture across the United States
Starting Date10/01/2015


Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$839,442.00
Funding AgencyU. S. Department of Agriculture - Office of the Chief Economist


Grant TitleNOAA High Plains Regional Climate Center (additional funding)
Starting Date10/01/2014
Ending Date03/31/2015
Funding Level$319,283.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleStateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Nebraska
Starting Date09/16/2014


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$24,900.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleDrought Impacts: DRIVER (additional funding)
Starting Date08/27/2014


Ending Date08/31/2016
Funding Level$183,111.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleDissolved Gasses for NEON (additional funding)
Starting Date10/01/2014
Ending Date09/30/2015
Funding Level$21,955.00
Funding AgencyNEON, Inc.


Grant TitleSoil Carbon for Climate Change
Starting Date09/15/2014
Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$165,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service


Grant TitleCollaborative Conservation in the Great Plains: Opportunities and Barriers for Cross-Property Private-Lands Management
Starting Date10/01/2014


Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$9,996.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Minnesota - SARE (USDA-NIFA)


Grant TitleThe Quick Drought Response Index (QuickDRI): An Integrated Approach to Maximizing the Use of NASA Data Sets for Rapid Response Drought Monitoring (additional funding)
Starting Date08/15/2014


Ending Date08/13/2016
Funding Level$58,113.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Multi-Scale Remote-Sensing Based Framework for Mapping Drought over North America (additional funding)
Starting Date08/21/2014


Ending Date12/12/2016
Funding Level$5,960.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleRegional Climate Support Services in the High Plains Region (additional funding)
Starting Date08/01/2015
Ending Date07/31/2016
Funding Level$393,782.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleWorking with Rural Students to Document Swift Fox on Nebraska Ranches
Starting Date06/09/2015


Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$258,757.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Multi-Scale Remote-Sensing Based Framework for Mapping Drought over North America (additional funding)
Starting Date02/27/2015


Ending Date12/12/2016
Funding Level$10,731.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program: Statewide Expansion and Specialized Training in Habitat Management (additional funding)
Starting Date04/02/2015


Ending Date06/30/2016
Funding Level$89,656.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleThe Quick Drought Response Index (QuickDRI): An Integrated Approach to Maximizing the Use of NASA Data Sets for Rapid Response Drought Monitoring (additional funding)
Starting Date06/25/2015


Ending Date08/13/2016
Funding Level$93,169.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleExtension Graduate Assistantship (Smith Lever)
Starting Date08/24/2015
Ending Date07/31/2016
Funding Level$18,000.00
Funding AgencySmith Lever Funds


Grant TitleExtension Graduate Assistantship (Smith Lever)
Starting Date08/24/2015


Ending Date07/31/2016
Funding Level$18,000.00
Funding AgencySmith Lever Funds


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Multi-Scale Remote-Sensing Based Framework for Mapping Drought over North America (additional funding)
Starting Date06/16/2015


Ending Date12/12/2016
Funding Level$10,731.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleCan Improving Predictions of Soil Oxygen Dynamics Increase Understanding of Greenhouse Gas Hotspots and Hot Moments
Starting Date06/01/2015


Ending Date05/31/2018
Funding Level$445,429.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleAgricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP): Indo-Gangetic Basin
Starting Date03/01/2015
Ending Date02/28/2017
Funding Level$44,000.00
Funding AgencyInterntational Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics


Grant TitleImplications of Climatic Changes in the Arctic on Agriculture and Water Management in the Great Plains and Midwest Regions of the U.S.: An Exploratory Workshop
Starting Date06/01/2015


Ending Date05/31/2016
Funding Level$9,600.00
Funding AgencyAgricultural Research Division Strategic Funds


Grant TitlePredicitng the zone of influence of direct-push oxidant candles with aerators
Starting Date07/01/2015


Ending Date06/30/2017
Funding Level$12,000.00
Funding AgencyAgricultural Research Division Graduate Research Assistant Support


Grant TitleNovel VNIR spectroscopy for soil carbon stock assessment and high resolution vertical soil sensing
Starting Date07/01/2015
Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$48,000.00
Funding AgencyAgricultural Research Division Graduate Research Assistant Support


Grant TitleCALMIT GIS Support
Starting Date04/01/2014


Ending Date03/31/2016
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleDeveloping a Network for Invasive Species Outreach and Monitoring (additional funding)
Starting Date04/02/2015


Ending Date06/30/2016
Funding Level$60,456.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleBat Movements Across Transforming Landscapes (additional funding)
Starting Date04/02/2015


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$38,715.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleChannel Catfish Movements in the Lower Red River
Starting Date06/15/2015


Ending Date03/31/2016
Funding Level$16,161.00
Funding AgencyManitoba Fisheries Enhancement Fund


Grant TitleNebraska Aquatic Nuisance Species Mangement Plan
Starting Date06/22/2015


Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$25,315.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleProviding Drought Information Services for the Nation: the National Drought Mitigation Center
Starting Date06/01/2015


Ending Date05/31/2018
Funding Level$798,885.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleForestry Major - Regional and Community Forestry
Starting Date07/20/2015


Ending Date07/11/2020
Funding Level$313,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Forest Service


Grant TitleDeveloping, Testing, Implementing, and Sharing a First-Year College Student Retention Instrument (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2015


Ending Date06/30/2016
Funding Level$12,451.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln - Kelly Funds


Grant TitleAdvancing Drought Moitoring and Prediction Using a Multi-Index Multivariate Framework
Starting Date08/01/2014


Ending Date07/31/2017
Funding Level$28,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleDevelopment of Probabilistic Drought Intensification Forecasts Using the GOES-BASED Evaporative Stress Index
Starting Date09/01/2014


Ending Date08/31/2017
Funding Level$28,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleField Mobil Platform Enhancement, Repair, and Refurbishment
Starting Date05/15/2015


Ending Date06/15/2015
Funding Level$17,195.00
Funding AgencyAgricultural Research Division Strategic Funds


Grant TitleIntegrating GRACE and GRACE Follow On Data into Flood and Drought Forecasts for the Continental U.S. (additional funding)
Starting Date12/11/2014


Ending Date12/10/2018
Funding Level$15,156.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleDevelopment of Probabilistic Drought Intensification Forecasts Using the GOES-BASED Evaporative Stress Index (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2015


Ending Date08/31/2017
Funding Level$29,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleAdvancing Drought Moitoring and Prediction Using a Multi-Index Multivariate Framework (additional funding)
Starting Date08/01/2015


Ending Date07/31/2016
Funding Level$30,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleImplementation of the EEFux/METRIC Algorithms into the Google Earth Engine for Computation of Water Consumption
Starting Date12/12/2014


Ending Date06/30/2016
Funding Level$77,301.00
Funding AgencyGoogle, Inc.


Grant TitleRisk Management Education for Ranchers in Oklahoma City, OK, RMA Region: Drought Planning, Range Management, and FCIC Options including Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Insurance and Rainfall Index-Annual Forage Insurance
Starting Date09/30/2014


Ending Date03/29/2015
Funding Level$75,594.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Agriculture - RMA


Grant TitleEffects of Compaction and Soil Moisture on American Burying Beetles
Starting Date03/04/2015


Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$33,372.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Roads


Grant TitleTask Order 2: Mapping Irrigated Lands Across Nebraska
Starting Date02/01/2015


Ending Date11/01/2015
Funding Level$68,067.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleIntegrating GRACE and GRACE Follow On Data into Flood and Drought Forecasts for the Continental U.S. (additional funding)
Starting Date12/11/2014


Ending Date12/10/2018
Funding Level$15,157.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network
Starting Date03/09/2014


Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$112,399.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleWildlife Management and Human Dimensions
Starting Date03/12/2015


Ending Date05/31/2021
Funding Level$255,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleHydrosphere and Biosphere GLOBE Protocols: Citizen Science and Teacher Professional Development On-line Tutorials
Starting Date02/20/2015


Ending Date02/19/2016
Funding Level$150,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration - Langley Research Center


Grant TitleThe Quick Drought Response Index (QuickDRI): An Integrated Approach to Maximizing the Use of NASA Data Sets for Rapid Response Drought Monitoring (additional funding)
Starting Date02/27/2015


Ending Date08/13/2016
Funding Level$93,169.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleDevelopment of the Middle East and North Africa Network of Water Centers
Starting Date02/01/2015


Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$40,052.00
Funding AgencyDeveloment Alternatives, Inc.


Grant TitleNebraska WETS
Starting Date02/19/2015


Ending Date08/15/2016
Funding Level$71,140.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education


Grant TitleDownscaling of GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Observations and Applications to Global Drought Monitoring
Starting Date03/11/2015


Ending Date03/10/2018
Funding Level$20,830.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleNorthern Long-Eared Bats in Nebraska
Starting Date03/01/2015


Ending Date12/31/2016
Funding Level$208,478.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Roads


Grant TitleImpacts of Agricultural Toxicants on Amphibians in the Rainwater Basin in Central Nebraska
Starting Date10/01/2014


Ending Date12/31/2016
Funding Level$119,971.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleRegional Climate Services Support in the High Plains Region (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2015
Ending Date07/31/2015
Funding Level$212,855.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleTransforming Climate Variability and Change Information for Cereal Crop Producers (additional funding)
Starting Date04/15/2011


Ending Date04/14/2016
Funding Level$21,182.00
Funding AgencyPurdue University


Grant TitleMonitoring Phenology in the North Central Region of the United States (additional funding)
Starting Date02/15/2015


Ending Date08/31/2015
Funding Level$4,850.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleLewis and Clark NRD Cooperative Agreement (additional funding)
Starting Date05/21/2015


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$86,000.00
Funding AgencyLewis and Clark NRD


Grant TitleLower Big Blue Well Monitoring Installation Supervision
Starting Date11/01/2014


Ending Date11/01/2015
Funding Level$3,300.00
Funding AgencyLower Big Blue NRD


Grant Title2015 Annual International Conference
Starting Date01/01/2015
Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR Travel Funds


Grant TitleNARST Annual Conference
Starting Date01/01/2015
Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$500.00
Funding AgencyIANR Travel Funds


Grant TitleImproving US Drought Monitoring - Integrating Soil Moisture Data and Developing a Drought Blends Portal
Starting Date10/01/2014


Ending Date10/30/2015
Funding Level$150,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleTechnical Services Support for Five Weather Stations in the Green River Basin in Wyoming
Starting Date09/01/2014
Ending Date12/31/2016
Funding Level$33,112.00
Funding AgencyWyoming State Engineer's Office


Grant TitleDeveloping a Drought Ask the Expert Framework
Starting Date09/01/2014


Ending Date08/31/2015
Funding Level$4,200.00
Funding AgencyPurdue University


Grant TitleNebraska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2014


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$50,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleDrought Risk Management for the United States
Starting Date09/01/2014


Ending Date08/31/2015
Funding Level$693,696.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Oklahoma (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)


Grant TitleSeasonal Prediction of Hydro-Climatic Extremes in the Greater Horn of Africa under Evolving Climate Conditions to Support Adaptation Strategies (additional funds)
Starting Date01/14/2014


Ending Date01/13/2017
Funding Level$343,462.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleWhite Nose Syndrome Survey 2: Continuation of Acoustical Survey and Begin Searching for Nebraska hibernacula with Radio Tracking
Starting Date08/15/2014


Ending Date07/31/2015
Funding Level$49,527.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleSTEP Center: InTeGrate: Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geoscience for a Sustainable Future (additional funding)
Starting Date12/01/2013


Ending Date11/30/2015
Funding Level$28,892.00
Funding AgencyCarleton College


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Multi-Scale Remote-Sensing Based Framework for Mapping Drought over North America (additional funding)
Starting Date12/13/2013


Ending Date12/12/2016
Funding Level$14,308.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleThe Quick Drought Response Index (QuickDRI): An Integrated Approach to Maximizing the Use of NASA Data Sets for Rapid Response Drought Monitoring (additional funding)
Starting Date08/15/2014


Ending Date08/13/2016
Funding Level$124,225.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleMonitoring, Mapping, Risk Assessment and Management of Invasive Species in Nebraska (additional funding)
Starting Date01/01/2015


Ending Date12/31/2019
Funding Level$350,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleThe Effects of Alum and Fish Restoration on Water Quality in the Fremont Lake, NE (additional extension funding)
Starting Date05/01/2014


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$31,009.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleIntegrating GRACE and GRACE Follow On Data into Flood and Drought Forecasts for the Continental U.S.
Starting Date12/11/2014


Ending Date12/10/2018
Funding Level$20,208.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration - Goodard Space Flight Center


Grant TitleAgriculture Data Clearinghouse (Additional Funding)
Starting Date10/01/2014
Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$69,826.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleChute Monitoring at Camp Ashland
Starting Date09/15/2014


Ending Date09/30/2017
Funding Level$196,946.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Military Department


Grant TitleScanning Aerial Imagery
Starting Date09/25/2014
Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$30,000.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Agriculture - National Resources Conservation Service


Grant TitleUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln / Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Liaison (additional funding)
Starting Date08/31/2014
Ending Date09/30/2017
Funding Level$20,771.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleBurying Beetle Occurrence Model
Starting Date08/01/2014


Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$74,148.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Roads


Grant TitleAgrichemical Contaminant Database
Starting Date10/01/2014
Ending Date09/30/2015
Funding Level$34,433.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleDrinking Water Utilities
Starting Date09/25/2014


Ending Date06/15/2015
Funding Level$17,072.00
Funding AgencyCadmus Group, Inc.


Grant TitleCrop Type Classification
Starting Date08/15/2014


Ending Date12/31/2016
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleET Mapping Over North America (additional funding)
Starting Date08/21/2014


Ending Date12/12/2016
Funding Level$5,960.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2014-2015 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2014


Ending Date09/14/2015
Funding Level$65,623.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleFremont Continuation
Starting Date04/01/2014


Ending Date05/31/2015
Funding Level$26,400.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNebraska Game and Parks Commission Wind and Wildlife Project
Starting Date08/21/2014


Ending Date07/31/2016
Funding Level$142,894.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleChlorophyll Analysis Shonka Ditch
Starting Date06/01/2014
Ending Date10/01/2014
Funding Level$504.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleTech Assist on Drought Preparedness
Starting Date07/01/2014


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyWorld Bank Group


Grant TitleDissolved Gasses for NEON
Starting Date08/04/2014
Ending Date09/30/2014
Funding Level$7,490.00
Funding AgencyNEON, Inc.


Grant TitleAquatic Nuisance Species (additional funding)
Starting Date10/12/2011


Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$24,875.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleAdvancing the Cosmic-Ray Method
Starting Date09/05/2014


Ending Date09/04/2015
Funding Level$50,000.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Defense - Army - Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory


Grant TitlePreservation of Rock Cores
Starting Date09/15/2014


Ending Date09/14/2015
Funding Level$20,018.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitlePheasant Population and Hunters
Starting Date08/01/2014


Ending Date07/31/2017
Funding Level$462,384.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleSoil Eco Knowledge and Conservation Reserve Progam Management
Starting Date09/01/2013


Ending Date08/31/2016
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Minnesota - SARE


Grant TitleImproving U.S. Drought Monitoring
Starting Date07/16/2014


Ending Date07/15/2015
Funding Level$240,000.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Agriculture


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development 2013 (additional funding)
Starting Date12/13/2013


Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$1,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleWater Leaders Academy (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2012


Ending Date03/31/2015
Funding Level$21,302.00
Funding AgencyNebraska State Irrigation Association


Grant TitleQuail Physiological Ecology
Starting Date05/01/2014


Ending Date05/31/2019
Funding Level$299,686.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNOAA High Plains Regional Climate Center (additional funding)
Starting Date10/01/2013
Ending Date03/31/2015
Funding Level$309,989.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleNOAA High Plains Regional Climate Center (additional funding)
Starting Date10/01/2013


Ending Date03/31/2015
Funding Level$129,050.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleRemote Sensing Biodiversity (additional funding)
Starting Date05/01/2014


Ending Date04/30/2019
Funding Level$566,076.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleTesting of Direct-Push Candles
Starting Date08/01/2014


Ending Date10/31/2015
Funding Level$32,243.00
Funding AgencyAir Lift Environmental LLC


Grant TitleEcological Spectral Information System (additional funding)
Starting Date06/15/2013


Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$43,835.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison


Grant TitleDrought Impacts: DRIVER (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2013


Ending Date08/31/2016
Funding Level$193,347.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleLewis & Clark Natural Resources District Cooperative Agreement (additional funding)
Starting Date05/21/2014


Ending Date05/20/2015
Funding Level$86,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleMonitoring Phenology in the North Central Region of the United States
Starting Date09/01/2013


Ending Date08/31/2015
Funding Level$3,998.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleAddressing Soil Property Issues
Starting Date04/01/2014
Ending Date09/30/2015
Funding Level$86,034.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Roads


Grant TitleClimate Masters of Nebraska Revised
Starting Date01/01/2014


Ending Date12/31/2014
Funding Level$31,847.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleClimate Information for Cereal Crop Production (additional funding)
Starting Date04/15/2011


Ending Date04/04/2015
Funding Level$36,795.00
Funding AgencyPurdue University


Grant TitleNaturePalooza
Starting Date06/01/2013


Ending Date06/01/2014
Funding Level$2,725.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Academy of Sciences


Grant TitleESI Rapid Drought Onset (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2014


Ending Date08/31/2015
Funding Level$21,300.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleBat Migration in Eastern Nebraska
Starting Date03/03/2014


Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleBat Movement and Landscapes (additional funding)
Starting Date04/03/2014


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$43,067.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleShell Creek Assessment
Starting Date05/01/2014


Ending Date09/30/2015
Funding Level$89,870.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleHydrologic Systems in Elementary Science
Starting Date12/31/2013
Ending Date08/31/2015
Funding Level$327,537.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program
Starting Date04/29/2014


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$87,433.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleNetwork Invasive Species Monitoring (additional funding)
Starting Date04/03/2014


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$62,456.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleTern and Plover Conservation (additional funding)
Starting Date04/03/2014
Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$58,880.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleWater Quality Monitoring Wells (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2013
Ending Date08/31/2014
Funding Level$70,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleBuilding Better Soils for Birds
Starting Date02/01/2014


Ending Date01/31/2017
Funding Level$150,644.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleLearning from the 2012 Niobrara Fire
Starting Date06/05/2013


Ending Date08/31/2015
Funding Level$132,050.00
Funding AgencyNature Conservancy


Grant TitleEvaluating Extreme Drought (additional funding)
Starting Date05/15/2014


Ending Date08/31/2015
Funding Level$27,734.00
Funding AgencyPurdue University


Grant TitleHunter Survey
Starting Date04/01/2014


Ending Date12/31/2016
Funding Level$1,240,600.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNational Center for Agricultural Literacy
Starting Date05/01/2013
Ending Date12/31/2014
Funding Level$10,300.00
Funding AgencyUtah State University


Grant TitleSwift Fox Distribution
Starting Date07/01/2014


Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$96,888.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Roads


Grant TitleNational Center for Agricultural Literacy
Starting Date05/01/2013
Ending Date04/30/2016
Funding Level$68,450.00
Funding AgencyUtah State University


Grant TitleAgrichemical Contaminant (additional funding)
Starting Date10/01/2013
Ending Date09/30/2014
Funding Level$33,375.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleAn Exploratory Study of Elementary Teachers' Use of Formative Assessment in Science
Starting Date01/01/2014
Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$39,663.00
Funding AgencySpencer Foundation


Grant TitleSpatial and Temporal Habitat Suitability of Ephemeral Playas for Migratory Waterbirds
Starting Date08/01/2013


Ending Date10/31/2016
Funding Level$50,941.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleEvaluating Extreme Drought
Starting Date09/01/2013


Ending Date08/31/2014
Funding Level$21,640.00
Funding AgencyPurdue University


Grant TitleDrought Information Service
Starting Date10/01/2013


Ending Date09/30/2014
Funding Level$739,809.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleNDMC Drought Information Services for Agriculture
Starting Date09/27/2013


Ending Date09/26/2014
Funding Level$200,000.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Agriculture


Grant TitleCozad Contaminated Groundwater
Starting Date10/22/2013


Ending Date10/21/2018
Funding Level$12,500.00
Funding AgencyCity of Cozad


Grant TitleTech Assist on Drought Preparedness
Starting Date10/03/2013


Ending Date06/30/2014
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyWorld Bank Group - IBRD


Grant TitleDeveloping Hydrogeologic Databases (additional funding)
Starting Date10/01/2013


Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$79,500.00
Funding AgencyLower Elkhorn NRD


Grant TitleNOAA High Plains Regional Climate Center
Starting Date10/01/2013
Ending Date03/31/2015
Funding Level$459,951.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleAgricultural Tile Drainage Contaminants (additional funding)
Starting Date08/01/2012


Ending Date08/01/2017
Funding Level$19,400.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleWater Quality Monitoring Wells
Starting Date10/17/2013
Ending Date08/31/2014
Funding Level$744,250.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleCRP Assessment
Starting Date08/01/2013


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$100,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleDo Phosphorus Cycling Time Lags Delay the Response of Lakes to Ecological Restoration
Starting Date01/01/2014
Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$92,452.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleBiogeochemical Controls on Saline Wetland Plant Establishment in Nebraska's Eastern Saline Wetlands
Starting Date01/01/2014
Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$119,720.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleAutomated Weather Data Network
Starting Date07/01/2013
Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$300,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleET Mapping Over North America
Starting Date12/31/2013


Ending Date12/12/2016
Funding Level$106,576.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleSTEP Center: InTeGrate: Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geoscience for a Sustainable Future (additional funding)
Starting Date12/01/2013


Ending Date11/30/2016
Funding Level$28,292.00
Funding AgencyCarleton College


Grant TitleHuman Dimensions of Nebraska's Fisheries
Starting Date01/01/2014


Ending Date12/31/2018
Funding Level$2,165,236.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleManagement of Private Grazing Lands in Nebraska: Do Differences in Ranch Management and Landowner Characteristics Affect Conservation Impacts
Starting Date09/01/2013


Ending Date08/31/2017
Funding Level$174,289.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleQuantifying the Relative Roles of Local versus Remote Effects on North American Summertime Drought
Starting Date12/20/2013


Ending Date11/05/2014
Funding Level$124,750.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleToward Adaptive Management Evaluating Piping Plover Management at Lake McConaughy NE
Starting Date09/11/2013
Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$34,509.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleSTTR: Improving the Treatment of Contaminated Aquifers by Developing Direct Push Slowp Release Oxidant Candles with Pneumatic Circulators
Starting Date09/12/2013


Ending Date08/31/2014
Funding Level$49,450.00
Funding AgencyAir Lift Environmental LLC


Grant TitleGeographical Information Systems (GIS) Support for the Nebraska Department of Agriculture
Starting Date10/01/2013


Ending Date03/31/2014
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleEarth Engine App to Conserve Urban Water Use
Starting Date01/01/2014


Ending Date12/31/2014
Funding Level$55,330.00
Funding AgencyGoogle, Inc.


Grant TitleDeveloping VegDRI-Canada-Phase 2
Starting Date11/15/2013


Ending Date03/31/2014
Funding Level$21,943.00
Funding AgencyAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Grant TitleRed River Bibliography
Starting Date02/01/2014


Ending Date08/31/2014
Funding Level$21,850.00
Funding AgencyManitoba Fisheries Enhancement Fund


Grant TitleTIR Specifications for Landsat
Starting Date01/02/2014


Ending Date12/31/2014
Funding Level$98,707.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleSwift Fox Connectivity
Starting Date10/01/2013


Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$114,644.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development 2013
Starting Date12/01/2013


Ending Date09/15/2014
Funding Level$23,673.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior


Grant TitleNebraska Game and Parks Commission Missouri River Sportfish Ecology and Management (additional funding)
Starting Date03/01/2014


Ending Date02/28/2018
Funding Level$923,578.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleChlorophyll in Nebraska Lake Samples
Starting Date01/01/2014


Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$4,050.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleRiver Otter Populations
Starting Date04/01/2014


Ending Date02/28/2015
Funding Level$60,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitlePredicting Climate Extreme GHA
Starting Date11/01/2013


Ending Date10/31/2016
Funding Level$987,767.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitlePlayas for Migratory Waterbirds (additional funding)
Starting Date08/01/2013


Ending Date10/31/2016
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleQuantifying the Relative Roles of Progressive Land Use Change, Irrigation, and Remote Forcing in Southern Great Plains Precipitation Variability (AGS-1355916)
Starting Date07/01/2014


Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$446,697.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleCentral Platte Natural Resources District Mapping Evapotranspiration with High Resolution Satelite Data (additional funding)
Starting Date11/01/2010


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$195,916.00
Funding AgencyCentral Platte Natural Resources District


Grant TitleOutdoor U
Starting Date07/01/2013


Ending Date06/30/2016
Funding Level$262,381.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleImplications for Connectivity and Movement of Iotic Great Plains Fishes in the Face of Climate Change
Starting Date08/01/2013


Ending Date07/31/2014
Funding Level$101,850.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleNebraska Update PAD
Starting Date09/15/2013


Ending Date09/14/2014
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleEcological Spectral Information System
Starting Date06/01/2013


Ending Date06/14/2014
Funding Level$75,665.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Wisconsin


Grant TitleGreat Plains Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit FSA Amendment
Starting Date06/01/2013


Ending Date10/06/2015
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior


Grant TitleCollaboration WI: Facilitating Adaptive Management under Conditions of Rapid Drought Onset using the Goes-Based Evaporative Stress Index
Starting Date08/01/2013


Ending Date07/31/2015
Funding Level$20,737.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Catastrophic Insurance Index for Quinoa Producers in Puno-Peru
Starting Date04/01/2013
Ending Date04/20/2013
Funding Level$3,620.00
Funding AgencyLa Positiva Seguros y Reaseguros


Grant Title2013 Workshop on Remote Sensing for Drought Monitoring and Water Resources Applications
Starting Date08/15/2013


Ending Date10/01/2013
Funding Level$24,553.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleDrought Impacts: DRIVER
Starting Date09/01/2013


Ending Date08/31/2016
Funding Level$165,615.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleRapid Response Drought Monitoring (additional funding)
Starting Date08/14/2012


Ending Date08/13/2016
Funding Level$324,564.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleRemote Sensing Biodiversity
Starting Date05/01/2014


Ending Date04/30/2019
Funding Level$150,817.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleIGERT: Resilience and Adaptive Governance in Stressed Watersheds (additional funding)
Starting Date08/13/2013


Ending Date07/31/2014
Funding Level$649,860.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleAquatic Nuisance Species (additional funding)
Starting Date10/12/2013


Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$24,286.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2013-2014 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2013


Ending Date09/14/2014
Funding Level$72,636.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior


Grant TitleWhite-nose Syndrome
Starting Date08/01/2013


Ending Date07/31/2014
Funding Level$36,767.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleMercury Deposit Network
Starting Date10/01/2013


Ending Date09/30/2018
Funding Level$32,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleIGERT: Resilience and Adaptive Governance in Stressed Watersheds (additional funding)
Starting Date07/18/2012


Ending Date07/31/2013
Funding Level$646,993.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center: ACIS Tool (additional funding)
Starting Date06/01/2012
Ending Date03/31/2013
Funding Level$35,404.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist
Starting Date07/01/2012


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$135,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleMule Deer Population Model
Starting Date07/15/2012
Ending Date06/30/2013
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleMethane Uptake by Grassland Soils (additional funding)
Starting Date04/15/2011


Ending Date03/31/2015
Funding Level$13,165.00
Funding AgencyColorado State University


Grant TitleTern and Plover Conservation (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2012
Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$75,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleRapid Response Drought Monitoring
Starting Date08/14/2012


Ending Date08/13/2013
Funding Level$121,082.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleEvapotranspiration & Drought Monitor
Starting Date08/24/2012


Ending Date08/22/2013
Funding Level$8,864.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleGeospatial Data Analysis Support/Nebraska Emergency Management Agency
Starting Date09/01/2012
Ending Date08/31/2013
Funding Level$74,639.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Military Department/Nebraska Emergency Management Agency


Grant TitleImplementation of Nebraska Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan (additional funding)
Starting Date10/12/2011
Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$25,473.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleOptimizing Future Crop Yield Projections Using Weighted Multi-Model Ensemble Approaches: A New Framework for an Integrated Climate Application System
Starting Date10/01/2012
Ending Date03/14/2013
Funding Level$80,000.00
Funding AgencyFlorida State University


Grant TitleHigh Plains Reg Climate Center (additional funding)
Starting Date08/01/2012
Ending Date07/31/2013
Funding Level$866,148.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleStakeholder Workshop (additional funding)
Starting Date10/01/2010


Ending Date10/09/2012
Funding Level$13,367.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Idaho


Grant TitleBasses in Nebraska Reservoirs
Starting Date07/01/2012


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$212,683.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleAgrichemical Contaminant Database
Starting Date10/01/2012
Ending Date09/30/2013
Funding Level$32,714.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleRAPID: Using Drought-enhanced Nitrate Pulse to Understand Stream N Retention and Processing
Starting Date10/01/2012


Ending Date09/30/2013
Funding Level$198,949.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleAgriculture Clearinghouse
Starting Date10/01/2012
Ending Date09/30/2014
Funding Level$66,337.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleNational Drought Mitigation Center Drought Risk Atlas
Starting Date08/01/2012


Ending Date07/31/2014
Funding Level$127,186.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitlePhosphorus Reservoir Sediments
Starting Date07/01/2012
Ending Date09/30/2012
Funding Level$38,500.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleBo Dong Fellowship
Starting Date08/16/2012
Ending Date12/31/2012
Funding Level$15,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitlePheasant Population and Hunters (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2011


Ending Date08/31/2015
Funding Level$181,099.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleMaize and Soybean Biomass and Yield Monitoring using MODIS
Starting Date09/01/2012


Ending Date05/31/2013
Funding Level$1,500.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha/National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleHunter Study on OFW Effectiveness in Nebraska
Starting Date08/10/2012


Ending Date07/31/2015
Funding Level$59,662.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleWater Leaders Academy
Starting Date04/01/2012


Ending Date03/31/2013
Funding Level$22,190.00
Funding AgencyNebraska State Irrigation Association


Grant TitleFremont Water Quality (additional funding)
Starting Date04/13/2012


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$23,700.00
Funding AgencyNebraksa Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleET Mapping Over North America
Starting Date06/22/2012


Ending Date06/21/2013
Funding Level$29,144.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Maryland


Grant TitleAdministrative Support for Great Plains Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit
Starting Date05/01/2012


Ending Date10/16/2015
Funding Level$5,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Parks Service/Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit


Grant TitleInTeGrated: Teaching Geosciences (additional funding)
Starting Date12/01/2012


Ending Date11/30/2013
Funding Level$27,708.00
Funding AgencyCarleton College


Grant TitleGeneration of Novelty in Complex Systems
Starting Date01/01/2013


Ending Date12/31/2013
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyMcDonnell Foundation


Grant TitleDepreciated Structure Database
Starting Date01/01/2013
Ending Date07/31/2014
Funding Level$100,626.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Defense - Army Corps of Engineers


Grant TitleCooperative Agreement with the City of Edgar, NE Water Table Monitoring Wells
Starting Date01/21/2013
Ending Date07/01/2014
Funding Level$29,150.00
Funding AgencyCity of Edgar, NE


Grant TitleIntegration of NASA Models and Missions into Agricultural Decision Support
Starting Date01/01/2012
Ending Date09/01/2013
Funding Level$76,943.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Florida


Grant TitleUnderstanding Cyanobacteria Blooms in Willow Creek Reservoir
Starting Date08/01/2012


Ending Date07/31/2014
Funding Level$79,860.00
Funding AgencyLower Elkhorn NRD


Grant TitlePersistent Effects of Wind-Power Development on Prairie Grouse in Nebraska
Starting Date01/29/2013


Ending Date06/30/2016
Funding Level$88,300.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant Title2012 Assessment of Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program
Starting Date12/10/2012


Ending Date06/30/2013
Funding Level$9,547.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleAgricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP): Indo-Gangetic Basin
Starting Date03/01/2012
Ending Date03/15/2014
Funding Level$41,798.00
Funding AgencyColumbia University


Grant TitleCooperative Agreement for the High Plains Regional Climate Center
Starting Date04/01/2012
Ending Date10/30/2015
Funding Level$12,500.00
Funding AgencyBayer Crop Science


Grant TitleNE Annular Seal Task Force Cedar Bluffs
Starting Date11/01/2012


Ending Date10/31/2013
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Health and Human Services


Grant TitleNDEQ Liaison for Coordination of Water Quality Education Programming in Nebraska (additional funding)
Starting Date11/01/2012
Ending Date09/30/2017
Funding Level$187,560.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleVegetation Drought Response
Starting Date02/21/2013


Ending Date03/28/2013
Funding Level$24,000.00
Funding AgencyAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Grant TitleUnderstanding and Managing for Resilience in the Face of Global Change (additional funding)
Starting Date03/19/2013


Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$30,400.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleTransforming Climate Variability and Change Information for Cereal Crop Producers (additional funding)
Starting Date04/15/2011


Ending Date04/14/2014
Funding Level$63,315.00
Funding AgencyPurdue University


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Simple Concentrator-Detection Kit for Monitoring the Safety of Recycled Water 104b (additional funding)
Starting Date03/01/2013
Ending Date02/28/2014
Funding Level$31,471.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Simple Concentrator-Detection Kit for Monitoring the Safety of Recycled Water 104b
Starting Date03/01/2013


Ending Date02/28/2014
Funding Level$12,027.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Simple Concentrator-Detection Kit for Monitoring the Safety of Recycled Water 104b
Starting Date03/01/2013


Ending Date02/28/2014
Funding Level$12,027.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleSoil Survey Training Video Development and Support for International Union of Soil Scientists Soil Classification Conference
Starting Date04/05/2013
Ending Date03/31/2015
Funding Level$13,500.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service


Grant TitleCanid Distribution and the Potential Impacts of Energy Development in Nebraska
Starting Date04/05/2013


Ending Date03/31/2015
Funding Level$147,349.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleRegional Climate Services Support in the High Plains Region (additional funding)
Starting Date03/28/2013
Ending Date04/30/2013
Funding Level$52,011.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitlePlatte River Recover Implementation Program Cooperative Agreement
Starting Date07/01/2013
Ending Date06/30/2016
Funding Level$31,002.00
Funding AgencyPlatte River Recovery Implement


Grant TitlePiping Plover Management at Lake McConaughy, NE
Starting Date03/28/2013
Ending Date07/31/2014
Funding Level$14,576.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleBat Movements Across Transforming Landscapes
Starting Date05/01/2013


Ending Date04/30/2016
Funding Level$162,715.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleRegional Climate Services Support in the High Plains Region (additional funding)
Starting Date05/01/2013
Ending Date09/30/2013
Funding Level$260,055.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleNetwork Invasive Species Monitoring
Starting Date05/03/2013


Ending Date06/30/2014
Funding Level$76,056.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleFuture Crop Yield Projections (additional funding)
Starting Date10/01/2012
Ending Date03/14/2014
Funding Level$80,000.00
Funding AgencyFlorida State University


Grant TitleMoisture into NLDAS (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2013


Ending Date08/31/2014
Funding Level$37,491.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleTern and Plover Conservation (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2013
Ending Date06/30/2014
Funding Level$77,577.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleImproving Breeding Habitat for Greater-Prairie Chickens on Grazed Land in the Nebraska Sandhills (additional funding)
Starting Date03/01/2010


Ending Date12/31/2012
Funding Level$15,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleInfluence of Trout Stockings on Tier I/II Fishes
Starting Date05/01/2012


Ending Date04/30/2014
Funding Level$114,576.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleGlobal Drought Info Workshop
Starting Date05/07/2012


Ending Date05/06/2013
Funding Level$29,343.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleMethane Uptake by Grassland Soils: Biogeochemistry, Microbial Ecology and Integrative Modeling (additional funding)
Starting Date04/15/2011


Ending Date03/31/2015
Funding Level$12,871.00
Funding AgencyCU


Grant TitleChanges in Snowfall/Precipitation Ratio in the Contiguous United States
Starting Date03/15/2012


Ending Date07/15/2012
Funding Level$24,922.00
Funding AgencyEnvironmental Protection Agency


Grant TitleMoisture in to NLDAS (additional funding)
Starting Date08/01/2012


Ending Date08/31/2013
Funding Level$36,519.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleDimensions: Stream Biodiversity: Supp. (additional funding)
Starting Date06/06/2012


Ending Date03/31/2016
Funding Level$20,582.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln/Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Liaison for Coordination of Water Quality Education Programming in Nebraska
Starting Date04/01/2012


Ending Date09/30/2012
Funding Level$27,750.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleGeologist-Hydrogeologist
Starting Date05/24/2012
Ending Date05/23/2017
Funding Level$95,100.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleCoupled C, N & S Cycling (additional funding)
Starting Date06/15/2012
Ending Date09/30/2013
Funding Level$7,500.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleGraduate Research Fellowship
Starting Date08/01/2012


Ending Date07/31/2017
Funding Level$126,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitlePhosphorous Load Potent of Soils
Starting Date05/10/2012
Ending Date05/31/2014
Funding Level$100,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleGIS Support to NE Dept of Ag
Starting Date04/01/2012
Ending Date03/31/2013
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant Title2012 American View
Starting Date07/01/2012
Ending Date06/30/2013
Funding Level$23,500.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Sustainable Agriculture


Grant TitleUrban Water Policy and Decision Spt
Starting Date09/01/2011


Ending Date08/31/2013
Funding Level$107,725.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleConserve Bell's Vireo in Agroecosystems (additional funding)
Starting Date05/01/2012
Ending Date05/31/2014
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2012-2013 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2012


Ending Date06/30/2013
Funding Level$69,667.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleAssembly, Archive, and Dist
Starting Date08/01/2012
Ending Date07/31/2014
Funding Level$30,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service


Grant TitleAgricultural Tile Drainage Contaminants
Starting Date08/01/2012


Ending Date08/01/2017
Funding Level$12,500.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleManaging for Resilience
Starting Date08/01/2012


Ending Date07/31/2013
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist
Starting Date07/31/2012


Ending Date06/30/2013
Funding Level$77,900.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleTern and Plover Conservation
Starting Date04/25/2012
Ending Date06/30/2013
Funding Level$54,362.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleSoil Carbon Transformation in Heterogeneous Landscapes: Implications for Soil, Water and Air
Starting Date06/01/2012


Ending Date05/31/2015
Funding Level$480,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - NIFA


Grant TitleContaminants Project: Sampling Processing & Analysis 2011-2013
Starting Date09/14/2011


Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$22,600.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitlePrecipitation Dataset Northern Hemisphere (additional funding)
Starting Date08/01/2012


Ending Date07/31/2013
Funding Level$179,502.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleNebraska Water Resource 104B 2012 (additional funding)
Starting Date02/28/2012
Ending Date02/28/2013
Funding Level$92,335.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleRegional Climate Services Support (additional funding)
Starting Date03/31/2012


Ending Date03/31/2013
Funding Level$624,138.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleChlorophyll in Nebraska Lake Samples
Starting Date03/01/2012


Ending Date12/31/2013
Funding Level$4,013.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleStakeholder Workshop
Starting Date10/01/2010


Ending Date10/09/2012
Funding Level$13,367.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Idaho


Grant TitleInTeGrate: Teaching Geoscience
Starting Date12/01/2011


Ending Date11/30/2012
Funding Level$27,141.00
Funding AgencyCarleton College


Grant TitleFremont Water Quality
Starting Date04/06/2012


Ending Date06/30/2014
Funding Level$240,448.00
Funding AgencyNebraksa Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleEnsuring Sustainable Ag in the Face of a Changing Climate
Starting Date01/01/2012
Ending Date12/31/2013
Funding Level$74,286.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - NIFA


Grant TitlePersistent Effects of Wind-Power Development on Prairie Grouse in Nebraska
Starting Date01/19/2012


Ending Date06/30/2016
Funding Level$598,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleThe Role of Drought Preparedness in Improving the Sustainability of Great Plains Ranches
Starting Date02/01/2012


Ending Date01/31/2014
Funding Level$56,366.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Missouri


Grant TitleImplementation of Nebraska Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan (additional funds)
Starting Date10/12/2011


Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$22,395.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleTransforming Climate Variability and Change Information for Cereal Crop Producers (additional funding)
Starting Date04/15/2011


Ending Date04/14/2013
Funding Level$80,187.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleCoupled C, N and S Cycling in Coastal Plain Wetlands: How Will Climate Change and Salt Water Intrusion Alter Ecosystem Dynamics
Starting Date08/14/2011
Ending Date09/30/2013
Funding Level$232,055.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleGIS Support to Nebraska Department of Agriculture (additional funding)
Starting Date02/01/2011
Ending Date03/30/2012
Funding Level$15,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleInvestigation of Stream-Aquifier Hydrologic Relationship for Clear Creek in Polk and Butler Counties, Nebraska (additional funding)
Starting Date10/16/2009
Ending Date12/31/2012
Funding Level$29,928.00
Funding AgencyUpper Big Blue Natural Resources District


Grant TitleTemperate Agroforestry in GHG Mitigation on Agricultural Lands: Accounting and Methodologies for Carbon and Indirect Benefits
Starting Date08/01/2011


Ending Date07/31/2015
Funding Level$50,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleOutdoor U Program (additional funding)
Starting Date02/01/2011


Ending Date06/30/2012
Funding Level$26,135.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleHigher Diversity CRP Planting
Starting Date04/01/2011


Ending Date12/31/2013
Funding Level$26,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleOSL Dating of Sediment Samples
Starting Date07/01/2011


Ending Date12/31/2012
Funding Level$15,522.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior


Grant TitleConnecting Youth to Science
Starting Date08/01/2011


Ending Date08/30/2011
Funding Level$8,073.00
Funding AgencyNational Council for Science and the Environment


Grant TitleWildlife Disease Surveillance
Starting Date09/23/2011


Ending Date09/22/2012
Funding Level$30,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleWorkshops for Livestock Production
Starting Date09/26/2011


Ending Date09/25/2012
Funding Level$93,752.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Agriculture


Grant TitleNOAA High Plains Regional Climate Center
Starting Date12/31/2011


Ending Date03/31/2013
Funding Level$829,888.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleNOAA High Plains Regional Climate Center (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2010
Ending Date03/31/2013
Funding Level$64,088.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleGlobal Climate Change, International Food
Starting Date09/01/2011


Ending Date03/01/2014
Funding Level$91,857.00
Funding AgencyBrooklyn College


Grant TitleFEW NET Drought Monitor in Ethiopia
Starting Date11/21/2011


Ending Date02/20/2012
Funding Level$5,755.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleAquatic Nuisance Species
Starting Date10/12/2011


Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$7,466.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleUpland Bird Management (additional funding)
Starting Date08/08/2011


Ending Date12/31/2012
Funding Level$2,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleAmericaView Mini Grant (additional funding)
Starting Date10/14/2011
Ending Date12/31/2012
Funding Level$5,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleClimate Impact in Missouri River Basin
Starting Date05/15/2011


Ending Date05/14/2014
Funding Level$215,142.00
Funding AgencyCRCES


Grant TitleWaterfowl Harvest Information
Starting Date08/01/2011


Ending Date06/30/2014
Funding Level$91,119.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitlePheasant Population and Hunters
Starting Date09/01/2011


Ending Date08/31/2012
Funding Level$224,283.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNE EIPM-CS Coordination Program 2011 (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2010


Ending Date08/31/2012
Funding Level$223,305.00
Funding AgencyNE EIPM


Grant TitleUniversity of Alaska - Fairbanks Mesoscale Meteorology Modeling (additional funding)
Starting Date11/05/2009
Ending Date12/31/2012
Funding Level$39,702.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Alaska-Fairbanks


Grant TitleToward the Development of Spatially Explicit Models of Wildlife Disease (additional funding)
Starting Date08/30/2011


Ending Date08/30/2012
Funding Level$100,100.00
Funding AgencyAnimal and Plant Health Inspection Service


Grant TitleDeveloping a Stochastic Population Reconstruction Method for Cougar Populations in Oregon
Starting Date10/03/2011
Ending Date07/31/2012
Funding Level$40,650.00
Funding AgencyOregon Department of Fish and Wildlife


Grant TitleClimate Masters of Nebraska
Starting Date09/01/2011


Ending Date08/31/2013
Funding Level$41,752.00
Funding AgencyEnvironmental Protection Agency


Grant TitleUS Geological Survey Missouri River Mitigation (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2009


Ending Date03/31/2014
Funding Level$258,491.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior


Grant TitleSoil Classification Video
Starting Date09/15/2011
Ending Date09/30/2012
Funding Level$2,200.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleMercury Deposit Network -- North Platte (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2007
Ending Date09/01/2013
Funding Level$12,800.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleBiometric Techniques for the Reliable Estimation and Prediction of Carbon Inventory in Woody Plants (additional funding)
Starting Date06/15/2010


Ending Date12/31/2012
Funding Level$17,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleAquatic Invasive Species Prevention Program (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2011


Ending Date06/30/2012
Funding Level$12,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleTransition of an Interactive Drought Management Database
Starting Date09/01/2011


Ending Date08/31/2013
Funding Level$203,861.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleRemote Sensing of Maize and Soybeans in NE
Starting Date08/01/2011


Ending Date01/31/2012
Funding Level$1,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleGlobal Patterns and Long-Term Trends in Lake Temperature: A Collaborative Workshop to Synthesize in Situ and Remote Sensing Data and Analyze Controlling Factors
Starting Date09/15/2011
Ending Date08/31/2012
Funding Level$49,973.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleNE Science Partnership with the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Coop
Starting Date03/29/2011


Ending Date09/30/2012
Funding Level$28,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleToward a Circumarctic Lakes Observation Network (CALON)
Starting Date09/15/2011
Ending Date08/31/2015
Funding Level$297,082.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleEvaluate Deer Crossing I-80 (additional funding)
Starting Date08/01/2008


Ending Date12/31/2011
Funding Level$5,553.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Roads


Grant TitleUNO-NASA Space Grant
Starting Date09/01/2011
Ending Date05/31/2012
Funding Level$1,500.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha/National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleGeospatial Data Analysis Support/Nebraska Emergency Management Agency
Starting Date09/01/2011
Ending Date08/31/2012
Funding Level$77,465.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Emergency Management Agency


Grant TitleImproving, Rearing and Reintroduction Procedures for the Salt Creek Tiger Beetle in Nebraska
Starting Date07/01/2010


Ending Date12/31/2011
Funding Level$25,500.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleRecruitment of Walleye and White Bass (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2011


Ending Date08/31/2013
Funding Level$143,519.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleDual Assimiliation of Microwave and Thermal-Infrared Satellite Observations of Soil Moisture
Starting Date09/01/2011


Ending Date08/31/2012
Funding Level$4,365.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleCyanobacteria Detection in Water Systems
Starting Date05/01/2011


Ending Date04/30/2012
Funding Level$4,400.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska Foundation


Grant TitleMethane Uptake by Grassland Soils: Biogeochemistry, Microbial Ecology and Integrative Modeling
Starting Date04/15/2011


Ending Date03/31/2015
Funding Level$12,587.00
Funding AgencyCU


Grant TitleNIDIS Portal Content Development and Help Desk Support (additional funding)
Starting Date08/15/2009


Ending Date08/14/2012
Funding Level$169,478.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/NCDC


Grant TitleStream Aquifier Relationships in the Elkhorn River Basin
Starting Date03/11/2011


Ending Date06/30/2013
Funding Level$58,648.00
Funding AgencyLower Elkhorn NRD


Grant TitleClimate for Cereal Crops
Starting Date02/01/2011


Ending Date01/31/2016
Funding Level$283,835.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - AFRI


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2011
Ending Date03/31/2013
Funding Level$51,009.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleNebraska Water Pollution Control (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2011


Ending Date05/31/2014
Funding Level$96,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleGreat Lakes Evaporation
Starting Date05/01/2011


Ending Date08/31/2011
Funding Level$29,992.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Michigan


Grant TitleNebraska Water Resource 104B 2011 (additional funding)
Starting Date03/01/2011
Ending Date02/28/2015
Funding Level$44,317.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleFIBR: Linking Genes to Ecosystems (additional funding)
Starting Date10/01/2010


Ending Date09/30/2011
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Riverside


Grant TitleUnderstanding and Predicting Tropical and North Atlantic SST Forcing on Variations in Warm Season Precipitation over North America (additional funding)
Starting Date08/01/2011


Ending Date07/31/2012
Funding Level$100,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/CPO


Grant TitleSalmonid Benefits Project
Starting Date05/16/2011
Ending Date09/30/2011
Funding Level$15,113.00
Funding AgencyPNNL


Grant TitleRain Water Basin Joint Venture
Starting Date06/21/2011


Ending Date06/21/2014
Funding Level$150,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2011-2012 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2011


Ending Date06/30/2012
Funding Level$71,017.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleIGERT: Resilience and Adaptive Governance in Stressed Watersheds (additional funding)
Starting Date07/14/2011


Ending Date07/31/2012
Funding Level$650,212.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleNebraska View (additional funding)
Starting Date09/30/2008
Ending Date06/30/2012
Funding Level$23,800.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior


Grant TitleTransforming Climate Variability
Starting Date04/15/2011


Ending Date04/14/2012
Funding Level$82,989.00
Funding AgencyPurdue University


Grant TitleInfluence of Trout Stockings on Tier I/II Fishes
Starting Date05/01/2011


Ending Date04/30/2012
Funding Level$32,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleAquatic Invasive Species Prevention
Starting Date04/21/2011


Ending Date06/30/2012
Funding Level$100,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleMaster Naturalist Program (additional funding)
Starting Date06/01/2009


Ending Date06/30/2012
Funding Level$3,707.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleUseful to Usable Transforming Climate Variability and Change Information for Cereal Crop Producers
Starting Date02/01/2011


Ending Date01/31/2016
Funding Level$283,835.00
Funding AgencyPurdue University


Grant TitleMegadrought-Local vs Remote Causal Factors for Medieval North America
Starting Date05/01/2011


Ending Date04/30/2014
Funding Level$469,398.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitlePrecipitation Dataset Northern Hemisphere (additional funding)
Starting Date08/01/2010


Ending Date07/31/2012
Funding Level$84,999.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleShallow Groundwater Nitrate Verification Study
Starting Date04/01/2011


Ending Date12/31/2012
Funding Level$14,705.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleNSF NE EPSCoR
Starting Date04/01/2011


Ending Date03/31/2012
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyEPSCoR


Grant TitleMonitoring, Mapping, Risk Assessment and Management of Invasive Species in Nebraska (additional funding)
Starting Date01/01/2011


Ending Date12/31/2011
Funding Level$51,794.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleGIS Support of Nebraska Department of Agriculture
Starting Date02/01/2011
Ending Date12/31/2011
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleDOD Agreement
Starting Date01/01/2011
Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Defense


Grant TitleNebraska Water Resource 104B 2011
Starting Date03/01/2011
Ending Date02/28/2015
Funding Level$23,335.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleNebraska Water Resource 104B 2011
Starting Date03/01/2011
Ending Date02/28/2015
Funding Level$19,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleNebraska Water Resource 104B 2011
Starting Date03/01/2011


Ending Date02/28/2015
Funding Level$19,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleNebraska Water Resource 104B 2011
Starting Date03/01/2011


Ending Date02/28/2015
Funding Level$12,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleNebraska Water Resource 104B 2011
Starting Date03/01/2011
Ending Date02/28/2015
Funding Level$19,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleWind and Wildlife Project
Starting Date03/01/2011


Ending Date02/28/2014
Funding Level$394,360.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleCyanobacteria Bloom
Starting Date03/01/2011


Ending Date02/28/2013
Funding Level$178,376.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleCLEAR Program Summary
Starting Date04/01/2011
Ending Date02/28/2012
Funding Level$51,472.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleInitial Design and Implementation of the Nebraska Geospatial Data Sharing and Web Services Network
Starting Date08/06/2008
Ending Date02/05/2011
Funding Level$260,870.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Office of the Chief Information Officer


Grant TitleImplementation of the AmericaView Program in Nebraska
Starting Date09/01/2002
Ending Date06/30/2011
Funding Level$597,808.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleGeospatial Data Analysis Support for the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency
Starting Date01/01/2006
Ending Date08/31/2011
Funding Level$341,007.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Emergency Management Agency


Grant TitleThe Effect of a Transition from Prairie to Forest Ecosystems
Starting Date10/01/2010


Ending Date09/30/2011
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service


Grant TitleNebraska Wetland Conditions Assessment (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2010


Ending Date05/31/2014
Funding Level$338,250.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleIntegrating Enhanced GRACE Water Storage Data (additional funding)
Starting Date08/06/2008


Ending Date08/05/2011
Funding Level$77,006.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleAvian Conservation in Prairie Pothole Region (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2010


Ending Date09/30/2012
Funding Level$84,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleAssessing Completing Research Hypothesis in an Adaptive Management Process
Starting Date07/01/2010
Ending Date04/30/2011
Funding Level$24,798.00
Funding AgencyPlatte River Recovery Implement


Grant TitleScenarios of Climate Change and Land Use Change in Biological Invasions
Starting Date08/01/2010


Ending Date07/31/2012
Funding Level$30,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleRegional Climate Support Services (additional funding)
Starting Date05/24/2010
Ending Date06/30/2010
Funding Level$59,750.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleSubsurface Investigation for Eolin and Interdune Deposits Near Crecent Lake
Starting Date08/01/2010


Ending Date12/31/2011
Funding Level$65,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Northern Hemisphere Gridded Precipitation Dataset Spanning the Past Half Millennium
Starting Date08/01/2010


Ending Date07/31/2011
Funding Level$165,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant Title2nd Generation BioFuels
Starting Date09/10/2010
Ending Date09/30/2013
Funding Level$500,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Energy


Grant TitleDevelopment of Spatially Explicit Models of Wildlife Disease (additional funding)
Starting Date08/30/2010


Ending Date08/30/2011
Funding Level$220,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleEstablishing Blow Fly Development
Starting Date10/01/2010


Ending Date09/30/2013
Funding Level$483,323.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Justice


Grant TitleAn Integrative Traits-Based Approach to Predicting Variation in Vulnerability of Tropical and Temperate Stream Biodiversity to Climate Change (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2011


Ending Date03/31/2016
Funding Level$290,229.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleCarbon Sequestration in Dryland and Irrigated Agroecosystems (additional funding)
Starting Date09/15/2010
Ending Date09/14/2011
Funding Level$99,500.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Energy


Grant TitleStateview Program Development and Operations (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2010
Ending Date06/30/2011
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleDeveloping Captive Rearing Capacity for the Salt Creek Tiger Beetle
Starting Date07/01/2009


Ending Date06/30/2011
Funding Level$25,961.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleGIS Data Analysis Support
Starting Date09/01/2010
Ending Date08/31/2011
Funding Level$77,121.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Emergency Management Agency


Grant TitleHigh Plains Regional Climate Center (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2010
Ending Date03/31/2013
Funding Level$556,490.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleInvestigate Stream-Aquifer
Starting Date09/01/2010
Ending Date08/30/2012
Funding Level$79,800.00
Funding AgencyCentral Platte Natural Resources District


Grant TitleEvaluate Deer Crossing I-80 (additional funding)
Starting Date01/01/2011


Ending Date12/31/2012
Funding Level$16,069.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Roads


Grant TitleMapping Evapotranspiration with High Resolution Satellite Data
Starting Date11/01/2010


Ending Date10/31/2012
Funding Level$325,789.00
Funding AgencyCentral Platte Natural Resources District


Grant TitlePesticide Sensitive Crop Locater (additional funding)
Starting Date11/01/2010
Ending Date09/30/2012
Funding Level$25,507.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleConnecting Youth to Science through Experiences in Nature
Starting Date08/01/2010


Ending Date12/31/2011
Funding Level$5,086.00
Funding AgencyNational Council for Science and the Environment


Grant TitleAutomated Weather Data Network Collecting Data Regarding Climated Conditions in Wyoming
Starting Date03/10/2010
Ending Date03/09/2015
Funding Level$55,450.00
Funding AgencyNPDC


Grant TitleEnhanced NASA Resources for Educators: Supporting Professional Development
Starting Date09/01/2010


Ending Date03/31/2011
Funding Level$9,800.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha/National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleGlobal Climate Change Education
Starting Date01/01/2011


Ending Date12/31/2013
Funding Level$349,973.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleGroundwater Data Management (additional funding)
Starting Date10/01/2001
Ending Date09/30/2012
Funding Level$68,756.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleBest Buy Tag Team Award
Starting Date04/01/2010
Ending Date08/30/2011
Funding Level$1,000.00
Funding AgencyBest Buy


Grant TitleWalleye/White Bass in Irrigation (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2010


Ending Date08/31/2011
Funding Level$50,917.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleGeographic Info System Support (additional funding)
Starting Date01/01/2011
Ending Date09/30/2011
Funding Level$55,008.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Military Department


Grant TitleMitigation of Ag Drought Models
Starting Date10/01/2010


Ending Date07/31/2012
Funding Level$20,383.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Alabama


Grant TitleFIBR: Linking Genes to Ecosystems (additional funding)
Starting Date10/01/2010


Ending Date09/30/2011
Funding Level$81,018.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Riverside


Grant TitleMesoscale Meteorology Modeling (additional funding)
Starting Date11/05/2009
Ending Date12/31/2010
Funding Level$36,414.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Alaska-Fairbanks


Grant TitleRiver Otter Home Range (additional funding)
Starting Date05/01/2006


Ending Date12/31/2010
Funding Level$3,100.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleABR Salmonella in Produces
Starting Date01/01/2011


Ending Date12/31/2014
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - AFRI


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2010-2011 (additional funding)
Starting Date05/15/2010


Ending Date05/14/2011
Funding Level$75,854.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleNebraska Game and Parks Commission Niobrara River Flows (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2009


Ending Date06/30/2012
Funding Level$52,500.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Warm Season Precipatation over North America
Starting Date08/01/2009


Ending Date07/31/2011
Funding Level$97,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleGreat Plains Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Program Support (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2010
Ending Date12/31/2010
Funding Level$27,926.00
Funding AgencyNational Parks Service


Grant TitleRestoring Interior Least Tern and Piping Plover Populations by Restoring Lower Platte River Sandbar Habitat
Starting Date03/18/2010
Ending Date09/15/2011
Funding Level$49,336.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program: Recruitment, Training, and Management of Conservation Volunteers (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2010


Ending Date06/30/2011
Funding Level$50,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleImpacts of Historical and Future Changes in Climate and Atmospheric CO2 on Terrestrial Ecosystem Structure and Functioning in the Midwestern United States (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2008
Ending Date06/30/2011
Funding Level$43,117.00
Funding AgencyMichigan Tech University


Grant TitleRapid Assessment of U.S. Soil Carbon for Climate Change and Conservation Planning (CESU)
Starting Date05/20/2010
Ending Date04/30/2012
Funding Level$182,952.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service


Grant TitleA Common Sense Approach to Interior Least Tern and Piping Plover Conservation in Nebraska
Starting Date03/18/2010
Ending Date09/15/2011
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Bird Partnership


Grant TitleConestoga and Carter Lake Water Quality Monitoring
Starting Date04/01/2010


Ending Date06/30/2011
Funding Level$121,485.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleTesting of At-Home Water Test Kits
Starting Date06/04/2010


Ending Date09/03/2010
Funding Level$5,165.00
Funding AgencyHearst Communications


Grant TitleA Modis Based Decision Support Tool for Gulf Coast Salt Marsh Conservation and Restoration
Starting Date02/01/2010


Ending Date01/31/2011
Funding Level$74,066.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of New Orleans


Grant TitleWater Quality Extension and Outreach 2010-2011
Starting Date07/01/2010
Ending Date06/30/2011
Funding Level$95,957.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleBiometric Techniques for the Reliable Estimation and Prediction of Carbon Inventory in Woody Plants in Agroforestry Systems
Starting Date06/15/2010


Ending Date05/31/2012
Funding Level$34,220.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleAssessing Landscape Constraints on Habitat Management of Upland Birds (additional funding)
Starting Date01/01/2010


Ending Date01/31/2013
Funding Level$90,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleConsolidated Program Grant (additional funding)
Starting Date10/01/2009
Ending Date09/30/2014
Funding Level$2,845,692.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleSoutheast Prairies BUL
Starting Date07/01/2010


Ending Date06/30/2013
Funding Level$11,300.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleDrought Monitor
Starting Date10/01/2010


Ending Date09/30/2013
Funding Level$558,401.00
Funding AgencyAgriculture and Food Research Initiative/National Institute of Food and Agriculture


Grant TitleStateview Program Development and Operations for the State of Nebraska (additional funding)
Starting Date08/31/2008
Ending Date09/29/2010
Funding Level$5,788.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleOutdoor U Program
Starting Date07/01/2010


Ending Date06/30/2013
Funding Level$226,655.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNNLP: Research Inventory and Monitoring
Starting Date05/01/2010


Ending Date07/30/2012
Funding Level$150,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleIGERT: Resilience and Adaptive Governance in Stressed Watersheds (additional funding)
Starting Date06/22/2010


Ending Date07/31/2011
Funding Level$649,126.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleUNO NASA Fellowship
Starting Date01/01/2010
Ending Date03/31/2010
Funding Level$1,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleGreat Plains Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Program Support (additional funding)
Starting Date03/01/2010
Ending Date12/31/2010
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Parks Service


Grant TitleRiver Otter Home Range and Habitats Use Pilot Study (additional funding)
Starting Date05/01/2010


Ending Date12/31/2010
Funding Level$9,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleU.S. Geologic Service Missouri River Adapative Management (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2009


Ending Date04/30/2011
Funding Level$163,754.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleAdvancing Tern and Plover Common Sense Conservation (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2010
Ending Date06/30/2011
Funding Level$70,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleAFF Project Learning Tree (additional funding)
Starting Date02/01/2010
Ending Date05/20/2010
Funding Level$2,000.00
Funding AgencyAmerican Forest Foundation


Grant TitleEarth Systems Literacy for Educators: Professional Development FY10
Starting Date02/01/2009


Ending Date03/01/2010
Funding Level$7,500.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha/National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleMercury Deposition Network -- North Platte
Starting Date10/23/2008


Ending Date10/01/2010
Funding Level$604.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleAnalysis of Games and Parks Commission Data Related to Hemorrhagic Disease
Starting Date10/01/2008


Ending Date03/31/2009
Funding Level$5,500.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleWild Turkeys: Real and Perceived Damage Literature Review
Starting Date01/01/2009


Ending Date12/31/2009
Funding Level$1,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Wild Turkey Federation


Grant TitleHuman Dimensions of Grassland Management Decisions Made by Nambian Landowners
Starting Date01/01/2009


Ending Date12/31/2009
Funding Level$63,000.00
Funding AgencyURC Layman


Grant TitleRemote Sensing on the Fremont Lake System
Starting Date05/08/2007
Ending Date09/30/2009
Funding Level$3,100.00
Funding AgencyNebraksa Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleNorth Platte Decree Committee: Wyoming Data Collection
Starting Date02/02/2007
Ending Date03/09/2010
Funding Level$3,166.00
Funding AgencyNPDC/NCF


Grant TitleWildlife Damage Management Enhancement
Starting Date07/01/2008


Ending Date06/30/2009
Funding Level$3,750.00
Funding AgencyeXtension Fund


Grant TitleEarth Systems Literacy for Educators: Professional Development
Starting Date01/01/2009


Ending Date12/31/2009
Funding Level$7,500.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha/National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleDeveloping a Vineyard-Suitability Map for Five Counties in Southeast Nebraska Using a Geographic Information System and Aircraft/Satellite Imagery
Starting Date02/01/2008
Ending Date12/31/2009
Funding Level$782.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleMc-Stennis FY 09
Starting Date01/01/2009


Ending Date09/30/2009
Funding Level$6,904.00
Funding AgencyMcIntire-Stennis


Grant TitleA Study of Issues Faced by Private Landowners in Namibia and the Great Plains: Critical Decisions Made to Support Grasslands
Starting Date01/01/2009


Ending Date12/31/2009
Funding Level$4,500.00
Funding AgencyGrassland Foundation


Grant TitleEarth Systems Literacy for Educators: Support for an Assistant Professor of Practice
Starting Date08/01/2009


Ending Date05/31/2010
Funding Level$7,500.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha/National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleChlorophyll Analysis in Nebraska Lake Samples
Starting Date07/01/2009
Ending Date12/31/2011
Funding Level$5,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleProject Learning Tree
Starting Date06/01/2009
Ending Date06/01/2010
Funding Level$5,000.00
Funding AgencyAmerican Forest Foundation


Grant TitleLower Platte North NRD Observation Well Program
Starting Date08/01/2009


Ending Date01/11/2011
Funding Level$9,000.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte North NRD


Grant TitleDeveloping a Vineyard-Suitability Model and Map for the State of Nebraska Using a Geographic Information System and Aircraft/Satellite Imagery
Starting Date07/01/2009
Ending Date09/30/2009
Funding Level$5,500.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Pilot Drought Information System for National Drought Disaster Reduction (additional funding)
Starting Date10/01/2008


Ending Date09/30/2010
Funding Level$17,040.00
Funding AgencyKongju National University


Grant TitleGlobal Gateway Facility Association 2010
Starting Date01/01/2010


Ending Date12/17/2010
Funding Level$5,800.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln Foundation


Grant TitleRegional Climate Services Support in the High Plains Region
Starting Date04/01/2007
Ending Date05/31/2010
Funding Level$108,125.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleMissouri River Mitigation
Starting Date04/01/2010


Ending Date03/31/2011
Funding Level$129,245.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleWater Resources Research Institute Annual Base
Starting Date03/01/2010


Ending Date02/28/2011
Funding Level$92,335.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleRecharge Rates and Quality Near Grand Island and North Platte
Starting Date03/25/2008


Ending Date03/25/2011
Funding Level$17,500.00
Funding AgencyCentral Platte Natural Resources District


Grant TitleDrought Information System
Starting Date07/01/2010


Ending Date06/30/2011
Funding Level$13,175.00
Funding AgencyKongju National University


Grant TitleAgriculture and Peri-urban Development: Synergism for the Future
Starting Date03/01/2009


Ending Date09/30/2010
Funding Level$25,563.00
Funding AgencyMcIntire-Stennis


Grant TitleEffectiveness of a Humane, Non-Lethal Technique for Raccoon Removal from Human-Occupied Structures in Urban Areas
Starting Date03/01/2009


Ending Date12/31/2009
Funding Level$13,758.00
Funding AgencyPest Management Foundation


Grant TitleUnderstanding the Role of Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures on Persisitent Drought in the United States Great Plains
Starting Date06/01/2009
Ending Date05/31/2010
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyLayman


Grant TitleWater Quality Sampling at Holmes and Wagon Train Reservoirs
Starting Date06/22/2009


Ending Date12/31/2010
Funding Level$57,992.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleDeveloping Models of Wildlife Disease
Starting Date08/31/2008


Ending Date05/31/2010
Funding Level$138,015.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service


Grant TitleAngler Behavior in Response to Management Actions on Nebraska Reservoirs
Starting Date01/01/2009


Ending Date12/31/2013
Funding Level$3,147,776.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleRiver Otter Habitat Pilot Study
Starting Date05/01/2006


Ending Date12/31/2009
Funding Level$22,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleRemote Sensing Services in Support of the Florida A&M Environmental Cooperative Science Center
Starting Date09/01/2006
Ending Date08/31/2010
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyFlorida A&M University


Grant TitleIncorporating Remote Sensing Information into the U.S. Drought Monitor
Starting Date02/01/2007


Ending Date09/30/2010
Funding Level$54,824.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleAssessing Local and Regional Variability in Productivity and Fidelity of Grassland Birds on National Park Service Units in the Great Plains
Starting Date06/01/2007


Ending Date09/30/2010
Funding Level$95,572.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleMeasure Recharge Rates and Determine Recharge Quality Near Grand Island and North Platte
Starting Date03/17/2008


Ending Date03/25/2010
Funding Level$36,100.00
Funding AgencyCentral Platte Natural Resources District


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program: Recruitment, Training, and Management of Conservation Volunteers
Starting Date04/15/2008


Ending Date06/30/2012
Funding Level$192,639.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleSoutheast Prairies BUL and Sandstone Prairies BUL Research
Starting Date05/15/2008


Ending Date06/30/2010
Funding Level$49,478.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleGIS Support to the Nebraska Department of Agriculture
Starting Date07/01/2008
Ending Date06/30/2009
Funding Level$14,740.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Pilot Drought Information System for National Drought Disaster Reduction
Starting Date08/01/2008


Ending Date05/31/2011
Funding Level$70,000.00
Funding AgencyKongju National University


Grant TitleChemical Fingerprinting of Containment Sources in the Shell Creek Watershed Using Passive Samplers
Starting Date08/01/2008


Ending Date12/31/2010
Funding Level$35,617.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleEastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment
Starting Date08/01/2008


Ending Date07/01/2010
Funding Level$17,080.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte North NRD


Grant TitleLeadership to Design and Implement the Nebraska Geospatial Data Sharing and Web Services Network
Starting Date08/05/2008
Ending Date02/28/2011
Funding Level$34,441.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Office of the Chief Information Officer


Grant TitleStandard of Practice for Adaptive Management
Starting Date12/01/2008
Ending Date06/30/2009
Funding Level$84,332.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitlePlatte River Catfish Population Dynamics
Starting Date01/01/2009


Ending Date12/31/2009
Funding Level$33,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleUSGS Nebraska Water Resource 104B 2009
Starting Date03/01/2009
Ending Date02/28/2010
Funding Level$92,335.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleMissouri River Sportfish Ecology and Management
Starting Date03/01/2009


Ending Date02/28/2014
Funding Level$401,210.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleAdaptive Management of Prairie Remnants for Legacy Goals
Starting Date03/01/2009


Ending Date02/28/2010
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleDetermination of Appropriate Lake Water Quality Expectations (Nutrient Criteria) for Nebraska 2009
Starting Date03/01/2009


Ending Date02/28/2010
Funding Level$39,087.00
Funding AgencyEnvironmental Protection Agency


Grant TitleDevelopment of Niobrara Basin Hydrogeologic and Hydrostratigraphic Framework
Starting Date04/01/2009
Ending Date06/30/2010
Funding Level$160,462.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Natural Resources District


Grant TitleLower Salt Creek Ground Water Reservoir Modeling Project
Starting Date04/01/2009


Ending Date05/31/2010
Funding Level$14,971.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleAdvanced Regional Climate Services: Development and Implementation (modification)
Starting Date04/01/2009
Ending Date03/31/2010
Funding Level$325,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleQuantifying Uncertainity in Missouri River Adaptive Management Processes
Starting Date04/01/2009
Ending Date12/31/2009
Funding Level$247,104.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey - USACE


Grant TitleA Satellite-Based Quantification of Carbon Exchange of the Cominant Ecosystem (Maize-Soybean) in the NACP Mid-Continent Intensive (MCI) Region
Starting Date04/01/2009


Ending Date03/31/2010
Funding Level$180,101.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleAdvanced Regional Climate Services: Development and Implementation (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2009
Ending Date03/31/2010
Funding Level$199,983.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleAirborne Remote Sensing Studies for 2009 and 2010
Starting Date04/01/2009
Ending Date12/31/2010
Funding Level$69,926.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleMissouri River Mitigation: Implementation of Amphibian Monitoring and Adaptive Management for Wetland Restoration Evaluation
Starting Date04/01/2009


Ending Date03/31/2014
Funding Level$556,603.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey - USACE


Grant TitleAdvanced Regional Climate Services: Development and Implementation (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2009
Ending Date03/31/2010
Funding Level$124,350.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleAdvancing Tern and Plover Common Sense Conservation into the Future
Starting Date04/17/2009
Ending Date06/30/2010
Funding Level$70,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Educational Telecommunications


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2009-2010
Starting Date05/01/2009


Ending Date04/30/2010
Funding Level$82,156.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleCarbon Sequestration in Dryland
Starting Date09/03/2009


Ending Date09/14/2010
Funding Level$236,250.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Energy


Grant TitleNDA Geospatial Dataset Support Agreement #18-05-174
Starting Date01/01/2010
Ending Date03/31/2010
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleGreater Prairie-Chicken Habitat SWG
Starting Date04/01/2010


Ending Date12/31/2012
Funding Level$64,646.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleQuality Assurance Project Plan for Unmonitored Waterbodies (Section 303(d) Category 3 Waters)
Starting Date05/01/2009


Ending Date12/31/2011
Funding Level$134,395.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleRole of Forbs and Shrubs in Semi-arid Grasslands of Nebraska Sandhills
Starting Date05/01/2009
Ending Date04/30/2010
Funding Level$30,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln Foundation


Grant TitleRemote Sensing-Based Energy Balance for Mapping Riparian Evapotranspiration
Starting Date05/01/2009


Ending Date04/30/2010
Funding Level$29,860.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska Foundation


Grant TitleUnderstanding and Predicting Tropical and North Atlantic SST Forcing on Variations in Warm Season Precipitation over North America
Starting Date05/01/2009


Ending Date04/30/2012
Funding Level$95,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/CPO


Grant TitleMaster Naturalist Program
Starting Date06/01/2009


Ending Date05/31/2012
Funding Level$75,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleREU Site: Collaborative Research: Dune Undergraduate Geomorphology and Geochronology (DUGG) Project in Wisconsin
Starting Date06/01/2009


Ending Date05/31/2012
Funding Level$44,228.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Wisconsin-Platteville


Grant TitleMaster Naturalist Program
Starting Date06/01/2009


Ending Date05/31/2012
Funding Level$46,977.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleGreat Plains Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Program Support
Starting Date06/01/2009
Ending Date05/31/2010
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Parks Service


Grant TitleCarter Lake Water Quality Study
Starting Date06/08/2009


Ending Date12/31/2009
Funding Level$32,605.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleImpacts of Historical and Future Changes in Climate and Atmospheric CO2 on Terrestrial Ecosystem Structure and Functioning in the Midwestern United States
Starting Date07/01/2009
Ending Date06/30/2010
Funding Level$45,667.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Energy - NICCR


Grant TitleTechnical Services Support for Five Weather Stations in the Green River Basin in Wyoming
Starting Date07/01/2009
Ending Date12/31/2013
Funding Level$38,923.00
Funding AgencyWyoming State Engineer's Office


Grant TitleWater Quality Extension and Outreach
Starting Date07/01/2009


Ending Date06/30/2010
Funding Level$60,484.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleCollaborative Research: Linking Loess landforms and Eolian Processes
Starting Date07/01/2009


Ending Date06/30/2011
Funding Level$45,730.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleGlobal Climate Change Literacy for Educators: Using On-line Professional Development to Integrate Content and Pedagogy
Starting Date07/01/2009


Ending Date06/30/2011
Funding Level$146,688.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleStatewide Algae Monitoring and Assessment Program
Starting Date07/01/2009


Ending Date06/30/2010
Funding Level$29,854.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleDeveloping Environmental Flows in the Niobrara River for Fish and Wildlife
Starting Date07/01/2009


Ending Date06/30/2012
Funding Level$726,754.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleEastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment Study, Ashland, Firth, and Oakland Bulletins
Starting Date07/01/2009


Ending Date07/01/2011
Funding Level$84,500.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte North NRD


Grant TitleGlobal Climate Change Literacy for Educators: Using On-line Professional Development to Integrate Content and Pedagogy (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2009


Ending Date06/30/2011
Funding Level$29,305.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleDrought Mitigation, Nebraska Project
Starting Date07/15/2009


Ending Date07/14/2010
Funding Level$437,243.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - CSREES


Grant TitleEastern Nebraska HEM Aquifier Mapping
Starting Date07/15/2009


Ending Date07/01/2010
Funding Level$60,000.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleA GOES Thermal-Bases Frought Early Warning Index for NIDIS
Starting Date08/01/2009


Ending Date07/31/2012
Funding Level$62,441.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/OAR


Grant TitleAssessment of Best Practices for Redistribution Elk to Benefit Vegetation in Rocky Mountain National Park
Starting Date08/15/2009


Ending Date09/30/2010
Funding Level$35,761.00
Funding AgencyNational Parks Service


Grant TitleNIDIS Portal Content Development and Help Desk Support
Starting Date08/15/2009


Ending Date08/14/2012
Funding Level$497,797.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/NCDC


Grant TitleIGERT: Resilience and Adaptive Governance in Stressed Watersheds
Starting Date08/15/2009


Ending Date08/14/2014
Funding Level$2,966,035.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleGeospatial Data Analysis for the Nebraska Department of Emergency Management
Starting Date09/01/2009
Ending Date08/31/2010
Funding Level$85,192.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Miliatry Department/Nebraska Emergency Management Agency


Grant TitleCarbon Sequestration in Dryland and Irrigated Agroecosystems? Qualifications at Different Scale for Improved Prediction
Starting Date09/15/2009


Ending Date09/14/2010
Funding Level$78,750.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Energy


Grant TitleInvestigation of Stream-Aquifier Hydrologic Relationship for Clear Creek in Polk and Butler Counties, Nebraska
Starting Date09/21/2009
Ending Date12/31/2010
Funding Level$34,000.00
Funding AgencyUpper Big Blue Natural Resources District


Grant TitleStateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Nebraska
Starting Date09/30/2009
Ending Date09/29/2010
Funding Level$23,100.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleGeographic Information System Support
Starting Date10/01/2009
Ending Date09/30/2010
Funding Level$66,443.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Military Department


Grant TitlePesticide Sensitive Crop Locater
Starting Date10/01/2009
Ending Date09/30/2010
Funding Level$23,969.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleAdaptive Management for Nebraska Legacy Program Goals
Starting Date09/01/2009


Ending Date07/31/2012
Funding Level$200,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNDA Geospatial Dataset Support Agreement #18-05-173
Starting Date01/01/2010
Ending Date06/30/2010
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleSatelite Based Carbon Exchange (Maize Soybeans)
Starting Date04/01/2008


Ending Date03/31/2011
Funding Level$216,622.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration/Stennis


Grant TitlePlatte River Catfish Population Dynamics
Starting Date01/01/2007


Ending Date12/31/2014
Funding Level$356,767.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleMonitoring, Mapping, Risk Assessment and Management of Invasive Species in Nebraska
Starting Date01/01/2010


Ending Date12/31/2014
Funding Level$350,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleRiver Otter Habitat Pilot Study
Starting Date05/01/2006


Ending Date12/31/2010
Funding Level$22,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNebraska Game and Parks Commission Upland Birds Habitat Management
Starting Date01/01/2010


Ending Date12/31/2013
Funding Level$153,844.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleAvian conservation in the Prairie Pothole Region, northern Great Plains: understanding the links between climate, ecosystem processes, wetland management, and bird communities
Starting Date12/31/2009


Ending Date07/31/2011
Funding Level$109,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleBeaufort/Chukchi Seas Mesoscale Meteorology Modeling Study
Starting Date11/05/2009
Ending Date12/31/2009
Funding Level$26,046.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Alaska-Fairbanks


Grant TitleRemote Sensing as a Tool for Enhancing Nebraska's Emerging Wine Industry
Starting Date01/01/2010
Ending Date06/30/2010
Funding Level$16,510.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha/National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleRegional Evapotranspiration Estimation Using Land Surface Modeling, Data Assimilation, and Satellite Remote Sensing
Starting Date10/01/2009


Ending Date03/31/2010
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha/National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleFIBR: Linking Genes to Ecosystems (additional funding)
Starting Date10/01/2009


Ending Date09/30/2010
Funding Level$126,570.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Riverside


Grant TitleAnalysis of Survey Data of Staging Sandhill Crane Along the Platte River, NE
Starting Date01/01/2010
Ending Date12/31/2012
Funding Level$46,686.00
Funding AgencyWhooping Crane Maintenance Fund