Chaffee, M., A. Mittelstet, S. Comfort, T. Messer, N. Shrestha, K. Eskridge, J. McCoy. 2023. Monitoring temporal chlorophyll-a using Sentinel-2 imagery in urban retention ponds receiving a biological-chemical treatment. Ecological Eng. 197, 107123. | |
Chanat Chokejaroenrat, Chainarong Sakulthaew, Athaphon Angkaew, Apiladda Pattanateeradetch, Wuttinun Raksajit, Kanokwan Teingtham, Piyaporn Phansak, Pawee Klongvessa, Daniel D Snow, Clifford E Harris, Steve D Comfort. 2023. AdsorptivePhotocatalytic Performance for Antibiotic and Personal Care Product Using Cu0.5Mn0.5Fe2O4. Antibiotics. 12(7) 1151. | Online |
Chokejaroenrat, C., C. Sakulthaew, S. Chantakulvanich, A. Angkaew, K. Teingtham, P. Phansak, T. Poompoung, D. D. Snow, C. E. Harris, S.D. Comfort. 2023. Enhanced degradation of herbicides in groundwater using sulfur-containing reductants and spinel zinc ferrite activated persulfate. Science of The Total Environment, 164652 | |
Deemer, B.R., R.H. Reibold, A. Fatta, J.R. Corman, C.B. Yackulic, and S.C. Reed. 2023. Storms and pH of dam releases affects downstream phosphorus cycling in an arid regulated river. Biogeochemistry 165(1): 57-74. | Online |
McCright, C., J McCoy, N. Robbins, S. Comfort. 2023. Slow-Release Lanthanum Effectively Reduces Phosphate in Eutrophic Ponds without Accumulating in Fish. Environments 10 (2), 20. | Online |
Sakulthaew, C., C. Chokejaroenrat, S. Panya, A. Songsasen, K. Poomipuen, S. Imman, N. Suriyachai, T. Kreetachat, S. Comfort. 2023. Developing a Slow-Release Permanganate Composite for Degrading Aquaculture Antibiotics. Antibiotics 12 (6), 1025. | Online |
Angkaew, A., Sakulthaew, C., Comfort, S. (2022). Enhanced Photo-Fenton Activity Using Magnetic Cu0.5Mn0.5Fe2O4 Nanoparticles as a Recoverable Catalyst for Degrading Organic Contaminants. Water, 14, 3717. | Online |
McKercher, M., Messer, T., Mittelstet, A., Comfort, S. (2022). A biological and chemical approach to restoring water quality: A case study in an urban eutrophic pond. Journal of Environmental Management, 318, 115463.
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Pattanateeradetch, A., Comfort, S. (2022). Fabrication of Ternary Nanoparticles for Catalytic Ozonation to Treat Parabens: Mechanisms, Efficiency, and Effects on Ceratophyllum demersum L. and Eker Leiomyoma Tumor-3 Cells. Nanomaterials, 12. | Online |
Yanagida, A.;Webb, E.; Harris, C.E.; Christenson, M.; Comfort, S. Using Electrochemical Oxidation to Remove PFAS in Simulated Investigation-Derived Waste (IDW): Laboratory and Pilot-Scale Experiments. Water 2022, 14, 2708. w14172708 | Online |
Kambhu, A., Li, Y., Gilmore, T., Comfort, S.D. 2021. Modeling the Release and Spreading of Permanganate from Aerated Slow-Release Oxidants in a Laboratory Flow Tank. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 403: 1-35. | Online |
Yoo-iama, M., Satapanajarua, T., Chokejaroenrata, C., Sakulthaew, C., Comfort, S., Kambhu, A. (2021). Developing persulfate-activator soft solid (PASS) as slow release oxidant to remediate phenol-contaminated groundwater. Environmental Technology and Innovation., 22, 101396 | Online |
Borsuah, J.F., Messer, T.L., Snow, D.D., Comfort, S.D., Mittelstet, A.R. 2020. Literature Review: Global Neonicotinoid Insecticide Occurrence in Aquatic Environments. Water. 12, 3388. | Online |
Reece, J., Christenson, M., Kambhu, A., Li, Y., Harris, C. Comfort, S.D. 2020. Remediating Contaminated Groundwater with an Aerated, Direct-Push, Oxidant Delivery System. Water. 12, 3383. | Online |
Kambhu, A., Gren, M., Tang, W., Comfort, S., Harris, C. (2017). Remediating 1,4-dioxane-contaminated water with slow-release persulfate and zerovalent iron. Chemosphere, 175, 170-177. | Online |
Christenson, M., Kambhu, A., Reece, J., Comfort, S., Brunner, L. 2016. A five-year performance review of field-scale, slow-release permanganate candles with recommendations for second-generation improvements. Chemosphere. 150:239-247. | Online |
Chainarong Sakulthaew, Steve D. Comfort, Chanat Chokejaroenrat, Xu Li, Clifford E. Harris. 2015. Removing PAHs from urban runoff water by combining ozonation and carbon nano-onions. Chemosphere, 141: 265-273 | Online |
Kananizadeh, N., C. Chokejaroenrat, Y. Li and S. Comfort. 2015. Modeling improved ISCO treatment of low permeable zones via viscosity modification: Assessment of system variables. J. Contam. Hydrol. 173: 25-37 | Online |
Chokejaroenrata, C., S.D. Comfort, C. Sakulthaew, and B. Dvorak. 2014. Improving the treatment of non-aqueous phase TCE in low permeability zones with permanganate. J. Hazardous Materials 268:177-184. | Online |
Huang,Yong H., Tian C. Zhang, Patrick J. Shea, and Steve D. Comfort. 2014. Competitive Reduction of Nitrate, Nitrite, and Nitrobenzene in Fe0-Water Systems. Journal of Environmental Engineering Aug 2014, Vol. 140, No. 8 | |
Sakulthaew, Chainarong, Steve Comfort, Chanat Chokejaroenrat, Clifford Harris, and Xu Li. 2014. A combined chemical and biological approach to transforming and mineralizing PAHs in runoff water. Chemosphere, 117:1-9 | Online |
Chokejaroenrat Chanat, Negin Kananizadeh, Chainarong Sakulthaew, Steve Comfort, and Yusong Li. 2013. Improving the sweeping efficiency of permanganate into low permeable zones to treat TCE: Experimental results and model development. Environ. Sci. Technol | Online |
A. Kambhu, S.D. Comfort, C. Chokejaroenrat, and C. Sakultahew. 2012. Developing slow-release persulfate candles to treat BTEX contaminated groundwater. Chemosphere 89:656-664 | Online |
Christenson, M.D., A. Kambhu, and S.D. Comfort. 2012. Using slow-release permanganate candles to remove TCE from a low permeable aquifer at a former landfill. Chemosphere 89:680-687. | Online |
Halihan, T., J. Albano, S.D. Comfort, and V.A. Zlotnik. 2012. Electrical resistivity imaging of a permanganate injection during in situ treatment of RDX-contaminated groundwater. Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation 32:43-52. | Online |
Rauscher, Lindy, Chainarong Sakulthaew, and Steve Comfort. 2012. Using slow-release permanganate candles to remediate PAH-contaminated water. J. Hazard. Materials 241-242:441-449. | Online |
Chokejaroenrat, C., S.D. Comfort, C. Harris, D. Snow, D. Cassada, C. Sakulthaew, and T. Satapanajaru. 2011. Transformation of Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) by Permanganate. Environ. Sci. Technol., 45:3643-3649 | Online |
Kalderis, D, A. Juhasz, R. Boopathy, and S.D. Comfort. 2011. Soil contaminated by explosives - environmental fate and evaluation of state of the art remediation processes (IUPAC Technical Report). Pure and Applied Chemistry. 83:1407-1484 | Online |
Albano, J. S.D. Comfort, V. Zlotnik, T. Halihan, M. Burbach, C. Chokejaroenrat, S. Onanong, W. Clayton. 2010. In Situ Chemical Oxidation of RDX-Contaminated Ground Water with Permanganate at the Nebraska Ordnance Plant. Ground Water Monitoring & Remediati | Online |
Boparai, H.K., S.D. Comfort, T. Satapanajaru, J.E. Szecsody, P.R. Grossl and P.J. Shea. 2010. Abiotic transformation of high explosives by freshly precipitated iron minerals in aqueous FeII solutions. Chemosphere, 79:865-872. | Online |
Satapanajaru, T.; Onanong, S.; Comfort, S. D.; Snow, D. D.; Cassada, D. A.; Harris, C., 2009. Remediating dinoseb-contaminated soil with zerovalent iron. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 168, (2-3), 930-937. | Online |
Waria, M.; Comfort, S. D.; Onanong, S.; Satapanajaru, T.; Boparai, H.; Harris, C.; Snow, D. D.; Cassada, D. A., 2009. Field-Scale Cleanup of Atrazine and Cyanazine Contaminated Soil with a Combined Chemical-Biological Approach. J Environmental Quality, 38 | |
Boparai, H.K., P.J. Shea, S.D. Comfort, and T.A. Machacek. 2008. Sequencing zerovalent iron treatment with carbon amendments to remediate agrichemical-contaminated soil. Water, Air and Soil Pollution.193:189-196. | Online |
Boparai, H.K., S.D. Comfort, P.J. Shea, and J.E. Szecsody. 2008. Remediating explosive-contaminated groundwater by in situ redox manipulation (ISRM) of aquifer sediments. Chemosphere 71:933-941. | Online |
Onanong, S. S.D. Comfort, P.D. Burrow, and P.J. Shea. 2007. Using gas-phase molecular descriptors to predict dechlorination rates of chloroalkanes by zerovalent iron. Environ. Sci. Technol.41:1200-1205. | Online |
Adam, M.A., S.D. Comfort, D.D. Snow, D. Cassada, M.C. Morley, and W. Clayton. 2006. Evaluating ozone as a remedial treatment for removing RDX from unsaturated soils. Journal of Environmental Engineering.132:1580-1588. | Online |
Boparai, H.K., P.J. Shea, S.D. Comfort, and D.D. Snow. 2006. Dechlorinating chloroacetanilide herbicides by dithionite-treated aquifer sediment and surface soil. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40:3043-3049. | Online |
Onanong, S., P.D. Burrow, S.D. Comfort, and P.J. Shea. 2006. Electron capture detector response and dissociative electron attachment cross sections in chloroalkanes and chloroalkenes. J. Phys. Chem. A 110:4363-4368. | Online |
Adam, M.L., S.D. Comfort, T.C. Zhang, and M.C. Morley. 2005. Evaluating Biodegradation as a Primary and Secondary Treatment for Removing RDX (Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine) from a Perched Aquifer. Bioremediation Journal 9:9-19. | Online |
Comfort, S.D. 2005. Remediating RDX and HMX Contaminated Soil and Water. In M. Fingerman and R. Nagabhushanam (eds) Bioremediation of Aquatic and Terrestrial EcoSystems. Science Publishers, Inc. Enfield, NH p. 263-310. | Online |
Park, J., S.D. Comfort, P.J. Shea, and J.S. Kim. 2005. Increasing Fe0-mediated HMX destruction in highly contaminated soil with didecyldimethylammonium bromide surfactant. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39:9683-9688. | Online |
Comfort, S.D., P.J. Shea, T.A. Machacek, and T. Satapanajaru. 2003. Pilot-scale treatment of RDX-contaminated soil with zerovalent iron. Journal of Environmental Quality. 32(5):1717-25. | Online |
Huang, Y.H., Zhang, T.C., Shea, P.J., Comfort, S.D. 2003. Effects of oxide coating and selected cations on nitrate reduction by iron metal. Journal of Environmental Quality. 32(4):1306-1315. | |
Satapanajaru, T., Comfort, S.D., Shea, P.J. 2003. Enhancing metolachlor destruction rates with aluminum and iron salts during zerovalent iron treatment. Journal of Environmental Quality. 32(5): 1726-34. | |
Smith, S.K., Franti, T.G., Comfort, S.D. 2002. Impact of initial soil water content, residue cover, and post-herbicide irrigation on atrazine and metolachlor runoff. Transactions of the ASAE. 45:1817-1824. | Online |
Comfort, S.D., Shea, P.J., Machacek, T.A., Gaber, H., Oh, B.-T. 2001.Field-scale remediation of a metolachlor spill site using zerovalent iron. Journal of Environmental Quality. 30:1636-1643 (Journal Series Number:13306) | Online |
Gorneau, W.S., Franti, T.G., Benham, B.L., Comfort, S.D. 2001. Reducing long-term atrazine runoff from south central Nebraska. Transactions of the ASAE. 44:45-52 (Journal Series Number:12677). | Online |
Oh, B.-T. Sarath, G., Shea, P.J., Drijber, R.A., Comfort, S.D. 2000. Rapid spectrophotometric determination of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in a Pseudomonas enzyme assay. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 42:149-158 (Journal Series Number:12803). | |
Bier, E.L., J. Singh, Z. Li, S.D. Comfort, and P.J. Shea 1999. Remediating hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine-contaminated water and soil by Fenton oxidation. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 18:1078-1084 (Journal Series Number:12206) | |
Kreslavski, V.D., G.K. Vasilyeva, S.D. Comfort, R.A. Drijber, and P.J. Shea 1999. Accelerated transformation and binding of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in rhizosphere soil. Bioremediation Journal. 3:59-67 (Journal Series Number:12333). | |
Singh, J., Comfort, S.D., Shea, P.J. 1999. Iron-mediated remediation of RDX-contaminated water and soil under controlled Eh-pH. Environmental Science and Technology. Environmental Science and Technology. 33:1488-1494 (Journal Series Number:12224) | Online |
Li, Z.M, P.J. Shea, and S.D. Comfort 1998. Nitrotoluene destruction by UV-catalyzed Fenton oxidation. Chemosphere. 36:1849-1865 (Journal Series Number:11825). | |
Peterson, M.M., G.L. Horst, P.J. Shea, and S.D. Comfort 1998. Germination and seedling development of switchgrass and smooth bromegrass exposed to 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. Environmental Pollution. 99:53-59 (Journal Series Number:11968) | |
Singh, J., P.J. Shea, L.S. Hundal, S.D. Comfort, T.C. Zhang, and D.S. Hage 1998. Iron-enhanced remediation of water and soil containing atrazine. Weed Science. 46:381-388 (Journal Series Number:12032) | |
Singh, J., S.D. Comfort, and P.J. Shea 1998. Remediating RDX-contaminated water and soil using zero-valent iron. Journal of Environmental Quality. 27:1240-1245 (Journal Series Number:12001) | |
Singh, J., S.D. Comfort, L.S. Hundal, and P.J. Shea 1998. Long-term RDX sorption and fate in soil. Journal of Environmental Quality. 27:572-577 (Journal Series Number:11906) | |
Hundal, L.S., J. Singh, E.L. Bier, P.J. Shea, S.D. Comfort, and W.L. Powers 1997. Removal of TNT and RDX from water and soil using iron metal. Environmental Pollution. 26:896-904 (Journal Series Number:11703) | |
Hundal, L.S., P.J. Shea, S.D. Comfort, W.L. Powers, and J. Singh 1997. Long-term TNT sorption and bound residue formation in soil. Journal of Environmental Quality. 26:896-204 (Journal Series Number:11551) | |