Forsberg M. 2024. Into Whooperland – A Photographer’s Journey with Whooping Cranes. Michael Forsberg Photography. 224 pgs. | Online |
Freese, E., Harner, M. Lundgren, T. Gilmore, M. Forsberg. Leveraging imagery to build
community and increase understanding of a watershed. AWRA, UCOWR, NIWR Joint
Water Resources Conference. St. Louis, MO. October 2024.
| |
Going the Distance. The harrowing 5000-mile flight of North America’s Wild
Whooping Cranes. National Geographic Magazine. April 2024. Pgs 112-131. Author
Rene Ebersole. Photographs Michael Forsberg.
| Online |
Andrew J. Caven, Michael L. Forsberg. 28 August 2023. Preliminary Report. Wood Buffalo National Park, Parks Canada, Fort Smith Northwest Territories Canada. North American Crane Working Group Meeting, Baraboo, Wisconsin. | |
Thinking Like A Watershed – Platte Basin Timelapse Turns Science Into Photographic Poetry. Sierra Magazine. Fall feature 2023 issue. Pgs 40-47. Author Carson Vaughan. Photographs Michael Forsberg and Platte Basin Timelapse. | Online |
Caven, A. J., Koupal, K. D., Baasch, D. M., Buckley, E. M., Malzahn, J., Forsberg, M. L., Lundgren, M. (2021). One home is a house for many: temporal portioning of vertebrates on an American Beaver lodge. The American Midland Naturalist(81(4)), 592-607. | |
Farrell, J. M., Forsberg, M. Great Plains - America's Lingering Wild. | |
Forsberg, M. (2021). On the Move: Pronghorn Migrations Across Seasons. The Nature Conservancy; The National Wildlife Federation. | Online |
Forsberg, M. (2021). Whooping Crane (Grus americana) family consumes a diversity of aquatic vertebrates during fall migration stopover at the Platte River, Nebraska. Western North American Naturalist. 81(4):592-607
| Online |
Forsberg. M.L. 2020. The Life Aquatic. Audubon Magazine. | Online |
Brinley Buckley, E.M., A.J. Caven, B.L. Gottesman, M.J. Harner, B.C. Pijanowski, and M.L. Forsberg. 2018. Assessing biological and environmental effects of a total solar eclipse with passive multimodal technologies. Ecological Indicators 95:353-369 | Online |
Brinley Buckley, E.M., A.J. Caven, B.L. Gottesman, M.J. Harner, B.C. Pijanowski, and M.L. Forsberg. 2018. Biological and environmental datasets from the August 2017 total solar eclipse. Data in Brief 21:552-555 | Online |
Brinley Buckley, E. M., Allen, C., Forsberg, M., Farrell, M., Caven., A. J. (2017). Capturing change: the duality of time lapse imagery to acquire data and depict ecological dynamics. Ecology and Society, 22(3), Article 30. | Online |
Forsberg, M.L., and K. Geluso. 2017. Terrapene ornata (Ornate Box Turtle): Scavenging. Herpetological Review 48:429 | Online |
Geluso, K. and M.L. Forsberg. 2017. Hitching a ride: First record of a Least Chipmunk (Tamias minimus) in eastern Nebraska. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 37:28-31 | Online |
Johnsgard, P. E. Fowler, M. Forsberg, M. Bomberger Brown, D. Ebbeka, J. Loomis and P. Freeman. 2014. Game Birds of the World: A catalog of the Madson collection. School of Natural Resources, and University of e Museum. 117 pp. | Online |
Forsberg, M. O'Brien, D., Wishart, D., Koozer, T. 2009. Great Plains America's Lingering Wild. University Of Chicago Press. pp. 256. | |
Great Plains – America’s Lingering Wild. University of Chicago Press. 2009. 260 pgs | |
On Ancient Wings – The Sandhill Cranes of North America. 2004. Self-published 1st edition. University of Nebraska Press 2nd and 3rd editions. 168 pgs | |