Kevin Pope

Kevin Pope

  • Contact Information
  • My Story
  • Publications
  • Background
  • Interests
  • Grants
  • Courses Taught

Contact Information

TitleDeputy Chief, USGS Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Program
Faculty RankResearch Professor
Address101 South Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln NE

East Campus
  • office: 402-472-7028


My Story

I'm the unit leader of the U.S. Geological Survey-Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit, and a professor in the School of Natural Resources.

The Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit is a unique, collaborative relationship between the U.S. Geological Survey, the University of Nebraska, the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Wildlife Management Institute. The mission of the Unit is

  1. to train graduate students for professional careers in natural resources research and management
  2. to conduct research that will create new information useful for management of natural resources
  3. to provide technical assistance to cooperators

As such, the research focus of the Unit is applied problems and issues--relevant to the wise use of natural resources--within and beyond Nebraska.

I advance the education of graduate students by teaching Quantitative Fishery Assessment (in spring of even years) and co-teaching Managed Aquatic Systems (in spring of odd years) with Dr. Mark Pegg. I also have an active research lab for masters and doctoral students and postdoctoral associates.

The goal of my research program is to increase our understanding of recreational fisheries as complex social--ecological systems. Many of my studies are initiated in response to the needs of cooperators and are designed to provide information useful in directly improving management of aquatic resources.

I've been at UNL since 2005 and I participate in Applied Ecology program area.

Selected Publications

Kane, D. S., Pope, K. L., Koupal, K. D., Pegg, M. A., Chizinski, C. J., & Kaemingk, M. A. (2023). Waterbody size predicts bank‑and boat‑angler efforts. Fisheries Research, 267.Online
Kane, D., K. Pope, K. Koupal, M. Pegg, C. Chizinski, and M. Kaemingk. 2023. Waterbody size predicts bank and boater angler efforts. Fisheries Research 267: Online
DaRugna, O. A., Chizinski, C., Pope, K. L., Powell, L. A., Kaemingk, M. (2022). Visualizing social-ecological intensities for management of recreation visitors in a multiuse system. Journal of environmental management, 304, 114224
DaRugna, O. A., Kaemingk, M., Chizinski, C., Pope, K. L. (2022). Heterogeneity of recreationists in a park and protected area. Plos one, 17(5), e0268303. Online
Kaemingk, M., Arlinghaus, R., Birdsong, M. H., Chizinski, C., Lyach, R., Wilson, K. L., Pope, K. L. (2022). Matching of resource use and investment according to waterbody size in recreational fisheries. Fisheries Research, 254, 106388.
Kane, D. S., Pope, K. L., Koupal, K. D., Pegg, M. A., Chizinski, C., Kaemingk, M. (2022). Natural resource system size can be used for managing recreational use. Ecological Indicators, 145, 109711Online
Melstrom, R. T., Kaemingk, M., Cole, N. W., Whitehead, J. C., Chizinski, C., Pope, K. L. (2022). Valuing Angling on Reservoirs Using Benefit Transfer. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.Online
Midway, S., Sievert, N., Lynch, A., Whittier, J., Pope, K. L. (2022). Asking nicely: best practices for requesting data. Ecological Informatics, 70, 101729.
Lynch, A. J., Sievert, N. A., Embke, H. S., Robertson, A. M., Myers, B. J. E., Allen, M. S., Feiner, Z. S., Hoogakker, F., Knoche, S., Krogman, R. B., Midway, S. R., Nieman, C. L., Paukert, C. P., Pope, K. L., Rogers, M. W., Wszola, L. S., Beard, Jr., T. D. (2021). The U.S. inland creel and angler survey catalog (CreelCat): development, applications, and opportunities. Fisheries, 46, 574-583.Online
Pope, K. L. and L. A. Powell, eds. 2021. Harvest of Fish and Wildlife: New Paradigms for Sustainable Management. CRC Press, New York, NY.
Pope, K. L., Powell, L. A. (2021). Harvest of fish and wildlife: new paradigms for sustainable management. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
Vrtiska, M. (2021). Migratory game bird regulations. K. L. Pope and L. A. Powell, editors. Harvest of fish and wildlife: new paradigms for sustainable management (pp. Pages 283-300). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
Angeler, D., Chaffin, B., Sundstrom, S., Garmestani, A., Pope, K. L., Uden, D., Twidwell, D., Allen, C. (2020). Coerced regimes: management challenges in the Anthropocene. Ecology and Society, 25(1), 4.Online
Gaughan, S., Pope, K. L., White, J., Lemen, C., Freeman, P. (2020). Mitochondrial genome of northern long-eared bat. Mitochondrial DNA, Part B, 5, 3610-3611.
Hansen, Forzono, Grams, Ohlman, Ruskamp, Pegg, Pope, K. L. 2020. Exit here: strategies for dealing with aging dams and reservoirs. Aquatic Sciences, 82, 2.Online
Hinrichs, M.P., Price, N.B., Gruntorad, M.P., Pope, K.L., Fontaine, J.J., Chizinski, C.J. 2020. Understanding Sportsperson Retention and Reactivation Through License Purchasing Behavior. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44(2):383-390. Online
Kane, D.S., M.A. Kaemingk, C.J. Chizinski, and K.L. Pope. (2020) Spatial and temporal behavioral differences between angler-access types. Fisheries Research. Vol 224.
Price, N., Chizinski, C., Fontaine, T. J., Pope, K. L., Rahe, M., Rawlinson, J. (2020). An open-sourced, web-based application to improve our ability to understand hunter and angler purchasing behavior from license data. PLoS ONE, 15(10), e0226397. Online
Spurgeon, J., Pegg, M. A., Pope, K. L., Xie, L. (2020). Ecosystem-specific growth responses to climate pattern by a temperate freshwater fish. Ecological Indicators, 106310. Online
Wszola, Madsen, Stuber, Chizinski, Lusk, Taylor, Pope, K. L., Fontaine (2020). Public access for pheasant hunters: understanding an emerging need. Journal of Wildlife Management, 84, 45-55.Online
Brownscombe, Hyder, Potts, Wilson, Pope, K. L., Danylchuk, Cooke, Clarke, Arlinghaus, Post. 2019. The future of recreational fisheries: advances in science, monitoring, management, and practice. Fisheries Research. 211: 247-255.Online
Kaemingk, M., Hurley, K. L., Chizinski, C., Pope, K. L. 2019. Harvest-release decisions in recreational fisheries. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences: 1-8.Online
Kaemingk, M.A., C.J. Chizinski, C.R. Allen, and K.L. Pope. 2019. Ecosystem size predicts social-ecological dynamics. Ecology and Society. 24(2):17.Online
Uphoff, Schoenebeck, Koupal, Pope, K. L., Hoback. 2019. Age-0 walleye Sander vitreus display length-dependent diet shift to piscivory. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 34: 27-36.Online
Angeler, D., Allen, C., Garmestani, A., Pope, K. L., Twidwell, D., Bundschuh, M. (2018). Resilience in environmental risk and impact assessment: concepts and measurement. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 101, 543-548.
Burnett, J., Pope, K. L., Allen, C., Uden, D. (2018). Thermal Tolerance Limits of the Chinese Mystery Snail (Bellamya chinensis): Implications for Management. American Malacological Bulletin, 36, 140-144.
Harmon, B. S., Martin, D. R., Chizinski, C., Pope, K. L. (2018). Variation in angler distribution and catch rates of stocked rainbow trout in a small reservoir. PLOS One.
Kaemingk, M., Chizinski, C., Hurley, K. L., Pope, K. L. 2018. Synchrony - An emergent property of recreational fisheries. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(6), 2986-2996.Online
Allen, C., Angeler, D. G., Fontaine, J. J., Garmestani, A. S., Hart, N. M., Pope, K. L., Twidwell, D. (2017). Adaptive management of rangeland ecosystems. In D. D. Briske (Ed.), Rangeland systems: processes, management and challenges (pp. 373-394). New YOnline
Chizinski, C., Martin, D. R., Shizuka, D., Pope, K. L. (2017). Bipartite networks improve understanding of effects of waterbody size and angling method on angler-fish interactions. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 75(28), 72-81.Online
Haak, D. M., B. D. Fath, V. E. Forbes, D. R. Martin, and K. L. Pope. 2017. Coupling ecological and social network models to assess "transmission" and "contagion" of an aquatic invasive species. Journal of Environmental Management 190:243-251.Online
Martin, D.R., D. Shizuka, C. Chizinski, K. Pope. 2017.Network analysis of a regional fishery: Implications for management of natural resources, and recruitment and retention of anglers. Fisheries Research 194(2017):31-41.Online
Pope, K.L., L.A. Powell, B.S. Harmon, M.A. Pegg, and. C.J. Chizinski. 2017. Estimating the number of recreational anglers for a given waterbody. Fisheries Research 191 (2017) 69–75Online
Birge, H. E., Garmestani, A. S., Allen, C., Pope, K. L. 2016. Adaptive management for ecosystem services. Journal of Environmental Management, 183:343-352.Online
DeBoer, J. A., Pope, K. L. 2016. Factors influencing recruitment of walleye and white bass to three distinct early ontogenetic stages. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 25:504-517.Online
DeBoer, J. A., Weber, C. M., Dixon, T. A., Pope, K. L. 2016. The influence of a severe reservoir drawdown on springtime zooplankton and larval fish assemblages in Red Willow Reservoir, Nebraska. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 31:131-146.Online
Pope, K. L., Chizinski, C., Wiley, C. L., Martin, D. 2016. Influence of anglers' specializations on catch, harvest, and bycatch of targeted taxa. Fisheries Research. 183:128–137.Online
Pope, K. L., Hamel, M., Pegg, M. A., Spurgeon, J. J. 2016. The global status of freshwater fish age validation studies and a prioritization framework for future research. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture, 23:329–345.Online
Pope, K. L., Pegg, M. A., Cole, N. W., Siddons, S. F., Fedele, A. D., Harmon, B. S., Ruskamp, R. L., Turner, D. R., Uerling, C. C. 2016. Fishing for ecosystem services. Journal of environmental management. 183:408-417.Online
Spurgeon, J. J., Stewart, N. T., Pegg, M. A., Pope, K. L., Porath, M. T. 2016. Using standardized fishery data to inform rehabilitation efforts. Lake and Reservoir Management. 32(1):41–50.Online
Turek, K. C., Pegg, M. A., Pope, K. L., Schainost, S. 2016. Potential population and assemblage influences of non-native trout on native nongame fish in Nebraska headwater streams. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 25(1):99–108.Online
Kowalewski, L. K., C. Chizinski, L. A. Powell, K. L. Pope, and M. A. Pegg. 2015. Accuracy or Precision: Implications of Sample Design and Methodology on Abundance Estimation. Ecological Modelling 316:185-190Online
Martin, D., Chizinski, C., Pope, K. L. (2015). Reservoir area of influence and implications for fisheries management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 35(2), 185-190.Online
Pegg, M. A., K. L. Pope, L. A. Powell, K. C. Turek, J. J. Spurgeon, N. T. Stewart, N. P. Hogberg, and M. T. Porath. 2015. Lake and reservoir rehabilitations: seeking the fountain of youth. Fisheries 40:177-181.
Spurgeon, J., Hamel, M., Pope, K., Pegg, M. A. (2015). The global status of freshwater fish age-validation and a prioritization framework for further research. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 23, 329-345.Online
Beck (Zysset), A., Stephen, B., Kill, R., Smeenk, N., Allen, C., Pope, K. L. (2014). Toxicity of copper sulfate and rotenone to Chinese mystery snail (Bellamya chinensis). Management of Biological Invasions, 5, 371-375.Online
Chizinski, C., Martin, D. R., Pope, K. L., Barada, T. J., Schuckman, J. J. (2014). Angler effort and catch within a spatially complex system of small lakes. Fisheries Research, 154, 172-178.Online
Chizinski, C., Martin, D., Huber, C. G., Pope, K. L. (2014). The Influence of a Rapid Drawdown and Prolonged Dewatering on Fishing Effort, Catch, and Harvest in a Nebraska Reservoir. Great Plains Research, 24(2), 145-152.Online
Chizinski, C., Martin, D., Hurley, K. L., Pope, K. L. (2014). Self-imposed length limits in recreational fisheries. Fisheries Research.Online
Chizinski, C., Martin, D., Pope, K. L. (2014). Self‐confidence of anglers in identification of freshwater sport fish. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 21(6), 448-453.Online
Huber, C., Grabowski, T., Patino, R., Pope, K. L. (2014). Distribution and habitat associations of juvenile common snook in the lower Rio Grande, Texas. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science, 6, 170-180.Online
Martin, D., Chizinski, C., Eskridge, K., Pope, K. L. (2014). Using angler-posted information to an online social network to assess fishing effort. Fisheries Research, 157, 24-27Online
Pope, K. L., C. R. Allen, and D. G. Angeler. 2014. Fishing for resilience. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:467-478.Online
Spurgeon, J., Pegg, M. A., Pope, K. L., Cunningham, G., Stasiak, R. (2014). Status of native stream fishes within selected protected areas of Niobrara River in western Nebraska, USA. Great Plains Research, 24, 71-78.Online
Turek, K., Pegg, M. A., Pope, K. L. (2014). Evaluation of visible implant alpha tags in three fish species. Journal of Fish Biology, 84, 971-981.Online
DeBoer, J. A., Pope, K. L., Koupal, K. D. (2013). Environmental factors regulating the recruitment of walleye Sander vitreus and white bass Morone chrysops in irrigation reservoirs. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 22, 43-54.Online
Turek, K. C., Pegg, M. A., Pope, K. L. (2013). Review of the influences of non-native salmonids on species of concern. Great Plains Research, 23, 39-49.Online
Unstad, K.M., D.R. Uden, C.R. Allen, N.M. Chaine, D.M. Haak, D.M., R.A. Kill, K.L. Pope, B.J. Stephen and A. Wong. 2013. Survival and behavior of Chinese mystery snails (Bellamya chinensis) in response to simulation water body drawdowns and air exposure. Online
Uphoff, C. S., Schoenebeck, C., Hoback, W., Koupal, K. D., Pope, K. L. (2013). Degree-day accumulation influences annual variability in growth of age-0 walleye. Fisheries Research, 147, 394-398.Online
Wilde, G. R., and K. L. Pope. 2013. Worldwide trends in fishing interest indicated by internet search volume. Fisheries Management and Ecology 20:211-222.Online
Chaine, N., Allen, C., Fricke, K., Haak, D., Hellman, M., Kill, R., Nemec, K., Pope, K. L., Smeenk, N., Stephen, B., Uden, D., Unstad, K., VanderHam, A. (2012). Population estimate of Chinese mystery snail (Bellamya chinensis) in a Nebraska reservoir. BioOnline
Chaine, N.M., C.R. Allen, K.A. Fricke, D.M. Haak, M.L. Hellman, R.A. Kill, K.T. Nemec, K.L. Pope, N.A. Smeenk, B.J. Stephen, D.R. Uden, K.M. Unstad and A.E. Vanderham. 2012. Population estimate of Chinese mystery snail (Bellamya chinensis) in a Nebraska Online
Kowalewski, L. K., Maple, A. P., Pegg, M. A., Pope, K. L. (2012). Latitudinal influence on age estimates derived from otoliths and scales for bluegill. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 32, 1175-1179.Online
Martin, D., Powell, L. A., Pope, K. L. (2012). Habitat selection by adult walleye during spawning season in irrigation reservoirs: a patch occupancy modeling approach. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 93, 589-598.Online
Martin, D., Pracheil, B., DeBoer, J. A., Pope, K. L., Wilde, G. R. (2012). Using the internet to understand angler behavior in the information age. Fisheries, 37, 458-463.Online
Martin, D. R., and K. L. Pope. 2011. Luring anglers to enhance fisheries. Journal of Environmental Management 92:1399-1403.Online
Chizinski, C. J., K. L. Pope, G. R. Wilde and R. L. Strauss. 2010. Implications of stunting on morphology of freshwater fish. Journal of Fish Biology 76:564-579.Online
Pope, K. L., and G. R. Wilde. 2010. Survival of foul-hooked largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Journal of Freshwater Ecology 25:135-139.Online
Pope, K. L., S. E. Lochmann, and M. K. Young. 2010. Methods for assessing fish populations. Inland fisheries management in North America, 3rd edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. Pages 325-351Online
Martin, D. R., Powell, L., Pope, K. 2009. Spring Home ranges of white bass in irrigation reservoirs of the Republican River Basin, Nebraska . Ecology of Freshwater Fish 18:514-519.Online
Chizinski, C. J., B. Sharma, K. L. Pope, and R. Patiño. 2008. A bioenergetic model for zebrafish Danio rerio (Hamilton). Journal of Fish Biology 73:35-43.Online
Wilde, G. R., and K. L. Pope. 2008. A simple model for predicting survival of angler-caught and released largemouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:834-840Online
Pope, K. L., and C. G. Kruse. 2007. Condition. Pages 423-471 in C. S. Guy and M. L. Brown, editors. Analysis and interpretation of freshwater fisheries data. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.Online
Pope, K. L., G. R. Wilde, and D. W. Knabe. 2007. Effect of catch-and-release angling on growth and survival of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Fisheries Management and Ecology 14:115-121.Online
Pope, K. L., and G. R. Wilde. 2004. Effect of catch-and-release angling on growth of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. Fisheries Management and Ecology 11:39-44.Online
Pope, K. L., G. R. Wilde, and B. W. Durham. 2004. Age-specific patterns in density-dependent growth of white crappie, Pomoxis annularis. Fisheries Management and Ecology 11:33-38.Online
Wilde, G. R., K. L. Pope, and B. W. Durham. 2003. Lure-size restrictions in recreational fisheries. Fisheries (Bethesda) 28(6):18-26.Online
Pope, K. L., M. L. Brown, W. G. Duffy, and P. H. Michaletz. 2001. A caloric-based evaluation of diet indices for largemouth bass. Environmental Biology of Fishes 61:329-339.Online
Pope, K. L., and D. W. Willis. 1998. Early life history and recruitment of black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) in two South Dakota waters. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 7:56-68.Online
Pope, K. L., and D. W. Willis. 1996. Seasonal influences on freshwater fisheries sampling data. Reviews in Fisheries Science 4:57-73.Online



DegreeMajorInstitutionYear Awarded
Doctorate of PhilosophyBiological SciencesSouth Dakota State University1996
Master of ScienceFisheries and Allied AquaculturesAuburn Univeristy1993
Bachelor of ScienceWildlife and Fisheries ManagementTexas A & M University1991





TitleAwarded byYear Awarded
Fisheries Management Award of ExcellenceAmerican Fisheries Society2019
Award of ExcellenceNebraska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society2019




SNR Program Areas

  • Applied Ecology

Areas of Interest/Expertise

  • complexity of fishery management, with specific foci on understanding
  • influences of sampling approaches on fishery data
  • dynamics within and among fish communities and angler groups
  • social and ecological outcomes and consequences of management actions


Currently this page only displays grants that were awarded on 1/1/ 2009 to the present. If a grant was awarded prior to 1/1/ 2009 and is still active, it will not be displayed on this page.

Grant TitleWorking to Conserve Nebraska's ESA Species
Starting Date02/16/2024


Ending Date12/31/2028
Funding Level$42,000.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Grant TitleNRCS WRE Story
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date09/30/2024
Funding Level$77,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleRain Water Basin Joint Venture Science Coordinator (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2023


Ending Date06/06/2026
Funding Level$232,650.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleAt-Risk Species Monitoring Technician
Starting Date06/01/2023


Ending Date12/31/2023
Funding Level$19,892.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleWetlands of Nebraska
Starting Date12/13/2022


Ending Date03/31/2023
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleRain Water Basin Joint Venture Science Coordinator (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/07/2022


Ending Date04/07/2022
Funding Level$62,832.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Park Commission


Grant TitleAssessment of Angler Satisfaction in the Mainstream Missouri River, NE
Starting Date01/06/2022


Ending Date12/31/2023
Funding Level$116,188.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Park Commission


Grant TitleGeospatial Analysis of Wildlife Research
Starting Date09/01/2021


Ending Date08/31/2022
Funding Level$203,227.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Park Commission


Grant TitleRain Water Basin Joint Venture Science Coordinator (Additional)
Starting Date11/17/2020


Ending Date12/31/2021
Funding Level$67,992.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Park Commission


Grant TitleAssessment of Angler Use and Catch during 2020 at Sutherland Reservoir
Starting Date03/09/2020


Ending Date02/26/2021
Funding Level$56,230.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Public Power District


Grant TitleWetlands of Nebraska: An Outreach and Education Project
Starting Date01/23/2020


Ending Date09/30/2022
Funding Level$109,865.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commission / EPA


Grant TitleRainwater Basin Joint Venture Science Coordinator
Starting Date01/01/2020


Ending Date01/31/2021
Funding Level$61,495.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commission


Grant TitleMonitoring, Mapping, Risk Assessment and Management of Invasive Species in Nebraska
Starting Date01/01/2020


Ending Date12/31/2024
Funding Level$673,689.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commission


Grant TitleBat Resilience in Ag Landscapes (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/02/2019


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$21,800.00
Funding AgencyNational Park Service


Grant TitleRain Water Basin Science Coordinator (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/23/2019


Ending Date01/01/2020
Funding Level$55,167.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commision


Grant TitleNE/WY Bat Conservation and Recovery
Starting Date02/01/2019


Ending Date01/31/2021
Funding Level$240,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Park Commission


Grant TitleHuman Dimensions of Nebraska's Fisheries
Starting Date01/01/2019


Ending Date12/31/2019
Funding Level$1,747,226.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Parks Commision


Grant TitleAssessment of Angler Use and Catch 2018 Sutherland
Starting Date03/23/2018


Ending Date01/31/2019
Funding Level$54,723.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Public Power District


Grant TitleSutherland Rsvr 2016 Assessment
Starting Date02/25/2016


Ending Date01/31/2017
Funding Level$50,274.00
Funding AgencyNPPD


Grant TitleComprehensive Evaluation of the Nebraska Outdoor Enthusiast
Starting Date01/01/2016


Ending Date01/31/2019
Funding Level$293,372.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleThe Effects of Alum and Fish Restoration on Water Quality in the Fremont Lake, NE (additional extension funding)
Starting Date05/01/2014


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$31,009.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleFremont Continuation
Starting Date04/01/2014


Ending Date05/31/2015
Funding Level$26,400.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleHuman Dimensions of Nebraska's Fisheries
Starting Date01/01/2014


Ending Date12/31/2018
Funding Level$2,165,236.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleBasses in Nebraska Reservoirs
Starting Date07/01/2012


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$212,683.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleInfluence of Trout Stockings on Tier I/II Fishes
Starting Date05/01/2012


Ending Date04/30/2014
Funding Level$114,576.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleFremont Water Quality (additional funding)
Starting Date04/13/2012


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$23,700.00
Funding AgencyNebraksa Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleFremont Water Quality
Starting Date04/06/2012


Ending Date06/30/2014
Funding Level$240,448.00
Funding AgencyNebraksa Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleRecruitment of Walleye and White Bass (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2011


Ending Date08/31/2013
Funding Level$143,519.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleInfluence of Trout Stockings on Tier I/II Fishes
Starting Date05/01/2011


Ending Date04/30/2012
Funding Level$32,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleWalleye/White Bass in Irrigation (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2010


Ending Date08/31/2011
Funding Level$50,917.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleAngler Behavior in Response to Management Actions on Nebraska Reservoirs
Starting Date01/01/2009


Ending Date12/31/2013
Funding Level$3,147,776.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Courses Taught

Course NumberCourse TitleFall Even YearsFall Odd YearsSpring Even YearsSpring Odd YearsSummer SessionCross Listing
NRES 965Managed Aquatic SystemsX
NRES 971Quantitative Fishery AssessmentX