Trenton Franz

Trenton Franz

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Contact Information

Faculty RankProfessor
Address303 South Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln NE

East Campus
  • office: 402-413-1647 Ext:
  • fax: 402-472-4915
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Selected Publications

Becker, S.M.; Franz, T.E.; Morris, T.C.; Mullins, B. Field Testing of Gamma-Spectroscopy Method for SoilWater Content Estimation in an Agricultural Field. Sensors 2024, 24, 2223. s24072223Online
Gaspar, L., Franz, T.E., Catala, A., Lizaga, I., Ramos, M.C., Navas, A. 2023. Combining cosmic-ray neutron sensor and fallout 137Cs to explore the connection of soil water content with soil redistribution in an agroforestry hillslope. Environmental Research 233 (2023) 116451.
Goswami MM, Mujumdar M, Singh BB, Ingale M, Ganeshi N, Ranalkar M, Franz TE, Srivastav P, Niyogi D, Krishnan R, Patil SN (2023). Understanding the soil water dynamics during excess and deficit rainfall conditions over the core monsoon zone of India. Environmental Research Letters, 18(11):114011. Online
Katimbo A, Rudnick DR, Zhang J, Ge Y, DeJonge KC, Franz TE, Shi Y, Liang W, Qiao X, Heeren DM (2023). Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms with Sensor Data Assimilation in Estimating Crop Evapotranspiration and Crop Water Stress Index for Irrigation Water Management. Smart Agricultural Technology, :100176. [IF = NA; WoS = 0].Online
Lachenmeier, E., R. Mahmood, C. Phillips, U. Nair, E. Rappin, R. Pielke Sr., W. Brown, S. Oncley, J. Wurman, K. Kosiba, A. Kaulfus, J. Santanello Jr., E. Kim, P. Lawston-Parker, M. Hayes, and T. Franz, 2023. Irrigated agriculture significantly modifies seasonal boundary layer atmosphere and lower tropospheric convective environment. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.
Nakabuye HN, Rudnick DR, DeJonge KC, Ascough K, Liang W, Lo TH, Franz TE, Qiao X, Katimbo A, Duan J (2023). Weather data-centric prediction of maize non-stressed canopy temperature in semi-arid climates for irrigation management. Irrigation Science, [IF = 3.772; WoS = 0]. Trenton Franz Curriculum Vitae 8
Nasta, P., Franz, T.E., Gibson, J.P., Romano, N. 2023. Revisiting the definition of field capacity as a functional parameter in a layered agronomic soil profile beneath irrigated maize. Agricultural Water Management 284 (2023) 108368.
Zhang J, Guan K, Zhou W, Jiang C, Peng B, Pan M, Grant RF, Franz TE, Suyker A, Yang Y, Chen X, Lin K, Ma Z (2023). Combining Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration and an Agroecosystem Model to Estimate Center-Pivot Irrigation Water Use at High Spatio-Temporal Resolution. Water Resources Research, 59(3). [IF = 4.703; WoS = 0].
Abimbola, O., Franz, T., Rudnick, D., Heeren, D., Lo, T., Wolf, A., Katimbo, A., Nakabuye, H. N., Amori, A. (2022). Improving crop modeling to better simulate maize yield variability under different irrigation managements. Agricultural Water Management.
Becker, S.M., Franz, T.E., Abimbola, O., Steele, D.D., Flores, J.P., Jia, X., Scherer, T.F., Rudnick, D., Neale, C.M.U. 2022. Feasibility assessment on use of proximal geophysical sensors to support precision management. Vadose Zone J. 2022;e20228. DOI: 10.1002/vzj2.20228Online
Bhatti, S., Heeren, D., Evett, S., O’Shaughnessy, S., Rudnick, D., Franz, T., Ge, Y., Neale, C. (2022). Crop response to thermal stress without yield loss in irrigated maize and soybean in Nebraska. Agricultural Water Management. Online
Johansen, K., Ziliani, M.G., Houborg, R., Franz, T.E. McCabe, M.F. 2022. CubeSat constellations provide enhanced crop phenology and digital agricultural insights using daily leaf area index retrievals. Scientific Reports | (2022) 12:5244 |
Katimbo, A., Rudnick, D., DeJonge, K., Lo, T., Lo, T., Franz, T., Nakabuye, H. N., Duan, J. (2022). Crop water stress index computation approaches and their sensitivity to soil water dynamics. Agricultural Water ManagementOnline
Nakabuye, H. N., Rudnick, D., DeJonge, K., Lo, T., Heeren, D., Qiao, X., Franz, T., Katimbo, A., Duan, J. (2022). Real-time irrigation scheduling of maize using Degrees Above Non-Stressed (DANS) index in semi-arid environment. Agricultural Water ManagementOnline
Ziliani, M., Altaf, M., Aragon, B., Houborg, R., Franz, T., Lu, Y., Sheffield, J., Hoteit, I., McCabe, M. (2022). Early season prediction of within-field crop yield variability by assimilating CubeSat data into a crop model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 313:15
Abimbola, O., Meyer, G. E., Mittelstet, A., Rudnick, D., Franz, T. (2021). Knowledge‐guided machine learning for improving daily soil temperature prediction across the United States. Vadose Zone Journal. 20(5)
Aragon, B., Ziliani, M.G., Houborg, R., Franz, T.E., McCabe, M.F. 2021. CubeSats Deliver New Insights into Agricultural Water Use at Daily and 3 m Resolutions. Scientific Reports. 11:12131.Online
Franz, T., Larios, A., Victor, C. (2021). The Bleeps, the Sweeps, and the Creeps: Convergence Rates for Dynamic Observer Patterns via Data Assimilation for the 2D Navier-Stokes Equations. ArXiv Preprint.Online
Yang, Y., Guan, K., Peng, B., Pan, M., Jiang, C., Franz, T. (2021). High-resolution spatially explicit land surface model calibration using field-scale satellite-based daily evapotranspiration product. Journal of Hydrology. 596.
Zhang, J., Guan, K., Peng, B., Pan, M., Zhou, W., Grant, R., Franz, T., Rudnick, D., Heeren, D., Suyker, A. (2021). Assessing Different Plant‐Centric Water Stress Metrics for Irrigation Efficacy Using Soil‐Plant‐Atmosphere‐Continuum Simulation. Water Resources Research. 57:9
Zhang, J., Guan, K., Peng, B., Pan, M., Zhou, W., Jiang, C., Kimm, H., Franz, T., Grant, R., Yang, Y. (2021). Sustainable irrigation based on co-regulation of soil water supply and atmospheric evaporative demand. Nature Communications. 12:5549Online
Zhang, J., K. Guan, B. Peng, C. Jiang, W. Zhou, Y. Yang, M. Pan, T. E. Franz, D. M. Heeren, D. R. Rudnick, O. Abimbola, H. Kimm, K. Caylor, S. Good, M. Khanna, J. Gates, and Y. Cai. 2021. Challenges and opportunities in precision irrigation decision-support systems for center pivots. Environmental Research Letters 16: 053003, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abe436.Online
Franz, T., Ammar, W., Zhang, J., Vreugdenhil, M., Heng, L., Dercon, G., Strauss, P., Brocca, L., Wagner, W. (2020). Practical Data Products From Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing for Hydrological Applications. Frontiers in Water. 2(9).
Franz, T., Pokal, S., Gibson, J., Zhou, Y., Gholizadeh, H., Tenorio, F. A., Rudnick, D., Heeren, D., McCabe, M. F., Ziliani, M. G., Jin, Z., Guan, K. Y., Pan, M., Gates, J., Wardlow, B. (2020). The role of topography, soil, and remotely sensed vegetation condition towards predicting subfield-scale crop yield. Field Crops Research. 252:107788 DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107788Online
Lally, D., Franz, T., Forbes, C. (2020). Undergraduate education about water and climate change: Students’ use of a water balance model. Journal of Sustainability Education.Online
Li, Y., Guan, K., Peng, B., Franz, T., Wardlow, B., Pan, M. (2020). Quantifying irrigation cooling benefits to maize yield in the US Midwest. Global Change Biology, 26(5).
Lo, T. H., Rudnick, D., DeJonge, K. C., Bai, G., Nakabuye, H. N., Ge, Y., Franz, T., Qiao, X., Heeren, D. (2020). Differences in soil water changes and canopy temperature under varying water × nitrogen sufficiency for maize. Irrigation Science 38:519–534. doi:10.1007/s00271-020-00683-2Online
Miao, G., Guan, K. Y., Suyker, A., Yang, X., Arkebauer, T., Walter-Shea, E., Hmimina, G. Y., Gamon, J., Franz, T., Frankenberg, C., Berry, J. A., Wu, G. (2020). Varying contributions of drivers to the relationship between canopy photosynthesis and far-red sun-induced fluorescence for two maize sites at different temporal scales. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 125(2)
Scheiffele, L.M., Baroni, G., Franz, T.E., Jakobi, J., Oswald, S.E. 2020. A Profile Shape Correction to Reduce the Vertical Sensitivity of Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing of Soil Moisture. Vadose Zone Journal. pp.1-25.Online
Szilagyi, J., Franz, T. (2020). Anthropogenic hydrometeorological changes at a regional scale: observed irrigation-precipitation feedback (1979-2015) in Nebraska, USA. Sustainable Water Resources management, 6(1), 1-10.Online
Vather, T., Everson, C.S., Franz, T. 2020. The Applicability of the Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensor to Simultaneously Monitor Soil Water Content and Biomass in an Acacia Mearnsii Forest. Hydrology. 7,48. Online
Zhou, W., Guan, K., Peng, B., Shi, J., Jiang, C., Wardlow, B., Pan, M., Kimball, J., Franz, T., Gentine, P. (2020). Connections between the hydrological cycle and crop yield in the rainfed US Corn Belt. Journal of Hydrology 590:125398.
Vather, T., Everson, C., Franz, T. 2019. Calibration and Validation of the Cosmic Ray Neutron Rover for Soil Water Mapping within Two South African Land Classes. Hydrology 6(3), 65.Online
Babaeian, E., Sadeghi, M., Franz, T., Jones, S., Tueller, M. (2018). Mapping soil moisture with the OPtical TRApezoid Model (OPTRAM) based on long-term MODIS observations. Remote Sensing of the Environment, 211.
Forbes, C., Brozovic, N., Franz, T., Lally, D., Petitt, D. (2018). Water in Society: An interdisciplinary course to support undergraduate students’ water literacy. Journal of College Science Teaching(1), 36-42.
Franz, T. (2018). Soil Moisture Mapping with a Portable Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensor. International Atomic Energency Agency (IAEA)TECDOC SERIES No. 1809. Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing: Use, Calibration and Validation for Soil Moisture Estimation (vol. 1845, pp
Gamon, J., Hmimina, G. Y., Miao, G., Guan, K., Springer, K., Wang, R., Yu, R., Gholizadeh, H., Moore, R., Walter-Shea, E., Arkebauer, T., Suyker, A., Franz, T., Wardlow, B., Wedin, D. A. (2018). Imaging spectrometry and fluorometry in support of FLEX: wha
Gibson, J., Franz, T. (2018). Spatial prediction of near surface soil water retention functions using hydrogeophysics and empirical orthogonal functions. Journal of Hydrology, 561.
Smyth, A., Loecke, T., Franz, T., Burgin, A. (2018). Using high-frequency soil oxygen sensors to predict greenhouse gas emissions from wetlands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 128: 182-192.Online
Vather, T., Everson, C., Mengistu, M., Franz, T. (2018). Cosmic ray neutrons provide an innovative technique for estimating intermediate scale soil moisture. South African Journal of Science, 114sou.
Wieder, Shoop, Barna, Franz, T., Finkenbiner (2018). Comparison of Soil Strength Measurements of Agricultural Soils in Nebraska. Terramechanics
Adams, H., Zeppel, M., Anderegg, W., Hartmann, H., Landhausser, S., Huxman, T. E., Hudson, P., Franz, T., Allen, C. D., Anderegg, L., Barron-Gafford, G., Beerling, D., Breshears, D. D., Brodribb, T., Bugmann, H., Cobb, R., Collins, A., Dickman, L., Duan, Online
Andreasen, Jensen, Desilets, Franz, T., Zreda, Bogena, Looms (2017). Status and perspectives of the cosmic-ray neutron method for soil moisture estimation and other environmental science applications. Vadose Zone Journal.
Barker, J., Franz, T., Heeren, D., Neale, C., Luck, J. (2017). Soil Water Content Monitoring for Irrigation Management: A Geostatistical Analysis. Agricultural water management. 188, 36-49.Online
Foolad, F., Franz, T. E., Wang, T., Gibson, J., Kilic, A., Allen, R. A., Suyker, A. (2017). Feasibility analysis of using inverse modeling for estimating field-scale evapotranspiration in maize and soybean fields from soil water content monitoring networkOnline
Franz, T. (2017). Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing: Use, Calibration and Validation for Soil Moisture Estimation. International Atomic Energency Agency (IAEA)TECDOC SERIES No. 1809. Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing: Use, Calibration and Validation for Soil Moisture Online
Gibson, J., Franz, T., Wang, T., Gates, J., Grassini, P., Yang, H., Eisenhauer, D. E. (2017). A case study of field-scale maize irrigation patterns in Western Nebraska: Implications to water managers and recommendations for hyper-resolution land surface mOnline
Gibson, K., Yang, H., Franz, T., Hanford, K., Eisenhauer, D. E., Gates, J., Nasta, P., Farmaha, B., Grassini, P. (2017). Assessing explanatory factors for variation in irrigation amounts across farmer fields. Agricultural Water Management, 197, 34-40.Online
Lawston, Santanello, Franz, T., Rodell (2017). Assessment of Irrigation Physics in a Land Surface Modeling Framework Using Non-traditional and Human-Practice Datasets. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), 21(6), 2953-2966.Online
McCabe, Rodell, Rodell, Alsdorf, Miralles, Uijlenhoet, Wagner, Lucieer, Houborg, Verhoest, Franz, T., Shi, Gao, Wood (2017). The Future of Earth Observation in Hydrology. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), 21(7), 3879-3914.Online
Peters-Lidard, C., Clark, Samaniego, Verhoest, van Emmerik, Uijlenhoet, Achieng, Franz, T., Woods (2017). Scaling, Similarity, and the Fourth Paradigm for Hydrology. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) Discussions, 21(7), 3701-3713.Online
Shulski, M., Wang, T., Franz, T., You, J., Shulski, M., Ray, C. (2017). Evaluating Controls of Soil Properties and Climatic Conditions on the Use of an Exponential Filter for Converting Near Surface to Root Zone Soil Moisture Contents. Journal of HydrologOnline
Wang, Liu, Franz, T., Li, Lang (2017). Spatial patterns of soil moisture from two regional monitoring networks in the United States. Journal of Hydrology, 552, 578-585.Online
Wang, T., Franz, T., Li, M., Shulski, M., Ray, C. (2017). Evaluating climate and soil effects on regional soil moisture spatial variability using EOFs. Water Resources Research, 53(5), 4022-4035.Online
Avery, W., Finkenbiner, C., Franz, T., Wang, T., Nguy-Robertson, A., Munoz-Arriola, F., Suyker, A., Arkebauer, T. 2016. Incorporation of globally available datasets into the cosmic-ray neutron probe method for estimating field scale soil water content. HyOnline
Franz, T., Wahbi, A., Vreugdenhil, M., Weltin, G., Heng, L., Oismueller, M., Straub, P., Dercon, G., Desilets, D. 2016. Using Cosmic-ray Neutron Probes to Monitor Landscape Scale Soil Water Content in Mixed Land Use Agricultural Systems. Applied and EnvirOnline
King, E. G., Franz, T. 2016. Combining ecohydrologic and transition probability-based modeling to simulate hillslope-scale vegetation dynamics in a semi-arid rangeland. Ecological Modeling. 329: 41-63.Online
Schreiner-McGraw, A. P., Vivoni, E. R., Mascaro, G., Franz, T. 2016. Closing the Water Balance with Cosmic-ray Soil Moisture Measurements and Assessing Their Spatial Variability within Two Semiarid Watersheds. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 329-345.Online
Wang, T., Franz, T., Yue, W., Szilagyi, J., Zlotnik, V., You, J., Shulski, M., Young, A. 2016. Feasibility analysis of using inverse modeling for estimating natural groundwater recharge from a large-scale soil moisture monitoring network. Journal of HydroOnline
Wonkka, C., Twidwell Jr, D., Franz, T., Taylor Jr., C. A., Rogers, W. E. 2016. Persistence of a Severe Drought Increases Desertification but not Woody Dieback in Semiarid Savanna. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 69: 491-498.Online
Woodbury, B., Eigenberg, R., Franz, T. (2016). Development of non-collinear arrays for use near wastewater holding ponds. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. 21: 231-236.
Yue, W., Wang, T., Franz, T., Chen, X.-H. 2016. Spatiotemporal patterns of watertable fluctuations and evapotranspiration induced by riparian vegetation in a semi-arid area. Water Resource Research. 52: 1948-1960.Online
Franz, T. E., T. Wang, W. Avery, C. Finkenbiner, and L. Brocca (2015), Combined analysis of soil moisture measurements from roving and fixed cosmic ray neutron probes for multiscale real-time monitoring, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 3389-3396.Online
Wang, T., Franz, T. (2015). Field Observations of Regional Controls of Soil Hydraulic Properties on Soil Moisture Spatial Variability in Different Climate ZonesOnline
Wang, T., Franz, T., Zlotnik, V. (2015). Controls of soil hydraulic characteristics on modeling groundwater recharge under different climatic conditions. Journal of Hydrology. 521: 470-481.Online
Wang, T., Franz, T., Zlotnik, V., You, J., Shulski, M. (2015). Investigating soil controls on soil moisture spatial variability: numerical simulations and field observations. Journal of Hydrology. 524: 576-586.Online
Wang, T., Wedin, D. A., Franz, T., Hiller, J. (2015). Effect of vegetation on the temporal stability of soil moisture in grass-stabilized semi-arid sand dunes. Journal of Hydrology. 521: 447-459.Online
Woodbury, B., Eigenberg, R., Franz, T. (2015). Resistivity Arrays as an Early-Warning System for Monitoring Runoff Holding Ponds. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. 20(4).
Almeida, A., Dutta, R., Franz, T., Terhorst, A., Smethurst, P., Baillie, C., Worledge, D. (2014). Combining Cosmic-Ray Neutron and Capacitance Sensors and Fuzzy Inference to Spatially Quantify Soil Moisture Distribution. IEEE Sensors Journal. 14: 3465-347Online
Ling, L. V., Franz, T., Robinson, D., Jones, S. (2014). Measured and Modeled Soil Moisture Compared with Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probe Estimates in a Mixed Forest. Vadose Zone Journal.
McJannet, D., Franz, T., Hawdon, A., Boadle, D., Baker, B., Almeida, A., Silberstein, R., Lambert, T., Desilets, D. (2014). Field testing of the universal calibration function for determination of soil moisture with cosmic-ray neutrons. Water Resources ReOnline
Rafael, R., Hoar, T., Arellano, A., Anderson, J. L., Shuttleworth, W., Zeng, X., Franz, T. (2014). Translating aboveground cosmic-ray neutron intensity to high-frequency soil moisture profiles at sub-kilometer scale. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 1Online
Stillman, S., Ninneman, J., Zeng, X., Franz, T., Scott, R., Shuttleworth, W., Cummins, K. (2014). Summer Soil Moisture Spatiotemporal Variability in Southeastern Arizona. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 15: 1473-1484.Online
Franz, T. E., M. Zreda, R. Rosolem, and P. A. Ferre (2013), A universal calibration function for determination of soil moisture with cosmic-ray neutrons, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 453-460Online
Franz, T. E., M. Zreda, R. Rosolem, B. Hornbuckle, S. Irvin, H. Adams, T. Kolb, C. Zweck, and W. J. Shuttleworth (2013), Ecosystem scale measurements of biomass water using cosmic-ray neutrons, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 3929-3933.Online
Franz, T., Zreda, M., Ferre, P. T., Rosolem, R. (2013). An assessment of the effect of horizontal soil moisture heterogeneity on the area-average measurement of cosmic-ray neutrons. Water Resources Research, 49: 6450-6458.Online
Rosolem, R., W. J. Shuttleworth, M. Zreda, T. E. Franz, X. Zeng, and S. A. Kurc (2013), The Effect of Atmospheric Water Vapor on the Cosmic-ray Soil Moisture Signal, J. Hydrometeorol.Online
Shuttleworth, W. J., R. Rosolem, M. Zreda, and T. E. Franz (2013), The COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Interaction Code (COSMIC) for use in data assimilation, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, 3205-3217.Online
Franz, T. E., K. K. Caylor, E. G. King, J. M. Nordbotten, M. A. Celia, and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe (2012), An ecohydrological approach to predicting hillslope-scale vegetation patterns in dryland ecosystems, Water Resources Research, 48.Online
Franz, T. E., M. Zreda, P. A. Ferre, R. Rosolem, C. Zweck, S. Stillman, X. Zeng, and W. J. Shuttleworth (2012), Measurement depth of the cosmic-ray soil moisture probe affected by hydrogen from various sources, Water Resources Research, 48Online
Franz, T. E., M. Zreda, R. Rosolem, and P. A. Ferre (2012), Field validation of cosmic-ray soil moisture sensor using a distributed sensor network, Vadose Zone Journal, 11(4).Online
King, E. G., T. E. Franz, and K. K. Caylor (2012), Ecohydrological interactions in a degraded two-phase mosaic dryland: implications for regime shifts, resilience, and restoration. Ecohydrology, 5(6), 733-745.Online
Miller, G. R., J. M. Cable, A. K. McDonald, B. Bond, T. E. Franz, L. X. Wang, S. Gou, A. P. Tyler, C. B. Zou, and R. L. Scott (2012), Understanding ecohydrological connectivity in savannas: a system dynamics modelling approach, Ecohydrology, 5(2), 200-220Online
Wang, L. X., C. Zou, F. O'Donnell, S. Good, T. E. Franz, G. R. Miller, K. K. Caylor, J. M. Cable, and B. Bond (2012), Characterizing ecohydrological and biogeochemical connectivity across multiple scales: a new conceptual framework, Ecohydrology, 5(2), 22Online
Zreda, M., W. J. Shuttleworth, X. Xeng, C. Zweck, D. Desilets, T. E. Franz, and R. Rosolem (2012), COSMOS: The COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Observing System, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16, 4079-4099.Online
Franz, T. E., E. G. King, K. K. Caylor, and D. A. Robinson (2011), Coupling vegetation organization patterns to soil resource heterogeneity in a central Kenyan dryland using geophysical imagery, Water Resources Research, 47.Online
Franz, T. E., J. Nolan, J. M. Nordbotten, K. K. Caylor, and L. D. Slater (2011), Quantifying Lateral Subsurface Transient Soil Moisture Dynamics Using Multi-Point Direct-Current Resistivity in Homogeneous Sand, Vadose Zone Journal, 10(1), 286-298.
Franz, T. E., K. K. Caylor, J. M. Nordbotten, R. I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, and M. A. Celia (2010), An ecohydrological approach to predicting regional woody species distribution patterns in dryland ecosystems, Adv. Water Resour., 33(2), 215-230.Online






TitleAwarded byYear Awarded
Parent's Recognition AwardUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln Teaching Council and Parents Association2019


Professional Organizations

American Geophysical UnionMember (2008)




SNR Program Areas

  • Applied Climate and Spatial Science

Areas of Interest/Expertise

  • Hydrogeophysics
  • Hydrology
  • Ecohydrology
  • Evapotranspiration
  • Water
  • Geospatial Applications


Currently this page only displays grants that were awarded on 1/1/ 2009 to the present. If a grant was awarded prior to 1/1/ 2009 and is still active, it will not be displayed on this page.

Grant TitleLong Term Monitoring of Snow Water Equivalent with Cosmic Rays
Starting Date07/31/2024


Ending Date09/30/2026
Funding Level$81,434.00
Funding AgencyHydroinnova LLC


Grant TitleDevelopment of Improved Soil Sampling Design using Geophysical Layers (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/06/2024


Ending Date05/31/2025
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleConference: Coordinated Cosmic-Ray Observation System (CCROS)
Starting Date03/08/2024


Ending Date01/31/2025
Funding Level$59,123.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleImproved Processing and Delivery of Stationary and Mobile Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensor Data
Starting Date11/08/2023


Ending Date03/22/2025
Funding Level$150,119.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Geological Service


Grant TitleImproved Processing and Delivery of Stationary and Mobile Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensor Data
Starting Date05/09/2023


Ending Date05/09/2023
Funding Level$199,703.00
Funding AgencyU.S. - Geological Service


Grant TitleDevelopment of Improved Soil Sampling Design using Geophysical Layers
Starting Date05/16/2022


Ending Date05/31/2023
Funding Level$39,239.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Department of Agricultural - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleDevelopment of Improved Soil Sampling Design using Geophysical Layers
Starting Date06/01/2021


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$66,916.00
Funding AgencyUSDA Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleImproved Irrigation Scheduling Combining Soil Water Supply and Atmospheric Evaporative Demand
Starting Date04/01/2021


Ending Date12/31/2022
Funding Level$83,333.00
Funding AgencyColorado State University


Grant TitleTNC: Clean Natural Resources
Starting Date03/01/2021


Ending Date08/31/2021
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyThe Nature Conservancy


Grant TitleA scalable real-time sensing and decision-making system for field-level row-crop irrigation management
Starting Date02/03/2021


Ending Date04/14/2022
Funding Level$44,480.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Illinois - Urbana/Champaigne


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as part of the AmeriFlux Mgt Project Network (Additional)
Starting Date10/07/2020


Ending Date09/30/2021
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network
Starting Date10/01/2020


Ending Date09/30/2025
Funding Level$113,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleCPS: Medum: Scalable realtime sensing and decision-making system for field-level row-crop irrigation management (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/10/2020


Ending Date04/14/2021
Funding Level$138,724.00
Funding AgencyUniv of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network (additional funds)
Starting Date01/17/2020


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$36,500.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of CA-Berkeley National'l Lab/ US Department of Energy


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network (additional funds)
Starting Date12/03/2019


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$76,000.00
Funding AgencyUniv. of California-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network (additional funds)
Starting Date11/12/2018


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Energy


Grant TitleSoil Moisture Mapping of the South Fork Iowa Soil Moisture Network with Proximal COSMOS Rovers
Starting Date09/01/2017


Ending Date08/31/2018
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - ARS


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network (additional funds)
Starting Date02/17/2017


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$93,000.00
Funding AgencyUC-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleIUSE: Fostering Undergraduate Students Disciplinary Learning and Water Literacy
Starting Date08/01/2016


Ending Date07/31/2019
Funding Level$299,018.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleExtension Graduate Assistantship (Smith Lever)
Starting Date08/24/2015


Ending Date07/31/2016
Funding Level$18,000.00
Funding AgencySmith Lever Funds


Grant TitleCan Improving Predictions of Soil Oxygen Dynamics Increase Understanding of Greenhouse Gas Hotspots and Hot Moments
Starting Date06/01/2015


Ending Date05/31/2018
Funding Level$445,429.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleAdvancing the Cosmic-Ray Method
Starting Date09/05/2014


Ending Date09/04/2015
Funding Level$50,000.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Defense - Army - Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network
Starting Date03/09/2014


Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$112,399.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network (additional funds)
Starting Date03/09/2014


Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$112,399.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Berkeley National Lab



Graduate Programs

Master of Applied Science

Master of Science in Natural Resource Sciences
including specializations in

  • Bio-Atmospehric Interactions
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Hydrological Sciences
  • Remote Sensing

Doctorate of Philosophy in Natural Resource Sciences
including specializations in

  • Bio-Atmospehric Interactions
  • Hydrological Sciences

Courses Taught

Course NumberCourse TitleFall Even YearsFall Odd YearsSpring Even YearsSpring Odd YearsSummer SessionCross Listing
NRES 281Introduction to Water ScienceXXGEOG/WATS 281
NRES 453/853HydrologyXX