Tonya Bernadt

Tonya Bernadt

  • Contact Information
  • My Story
  • Publications
  • Background
  • Interests
  • Grants

Contact Information

TitleEducation and Outreach Specialist
Address822 South Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln NE

East Campus
  • office: 402-472-2712
  • fax: 402-472-4915


Contact Preference

Office Hours

M - F 8 am to 5 pm

My Story

Hello. My name is Tonya Bernadt. I joined the National Drought Mitigation Center in January of 2009 as a Research and Outreach Specialist. Areas of focus include educating and gathering input from community leaders, residents, agricultural producers, and other stakeholders about drought related issues; developing content for websites to assist stakeholders in their drought management and planning; and assisting with other projects within the Center.

Ive been fortunate to experience a variety of sectors in my career, which has given me a diverse outlook on the professional world. After receiving a Bachelor of Science with a major in Environmental Studies from UNL in 2000, I started working at the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Department on East Campus. While working at EHS as the Waste Minimization Coordinator I obtained a Master of Science in Leadership Education in 2004.

After four years at UNL, I moved onto a nonprofit organization called WasteCap Nebraska, where my main responsibilities consisted of membership recruitment and maintenance, workshop development, and assisting businesses in setting up recycling programs. In 2005 Midland Recycling approached me with a job as the Business Relations Manager for their Lincoln branch so I decided to see what the corporate sector had to offer. It opened my eyes to a new way of looking at how businesses work.

My passion for the environment has been a core part of each job that I've had. Each one has given me new experiences in regards to environmental sustainability and protection. I look forward to more opportunities at the National Drought Mitigation Center and School of Natural Resources.

Selected Publications

E Elias, B Fuchs, J Lisonbee, T Bernadt, V Martinez, T Haigh. (2023). Evolution of the Southwest Drought Learning Network: Collective Response to Exceptional Drought. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 104 (5), E935-E942. DOI:
Riganit, C., Bernadt, T. K., Bathke, D., Nothwehr, J., Prendeville, H. R. (2022). Overview of Weather Water Land Sites. Lincoln, NE: National Drought Mitigation Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Bathke, D., Bernadt, T. (2020). Collaborative Drought Planning Using Scenario Exercises ( ed.). Lincoln, NE: National Drought Mitigation Center
Bathke, D., Haigh, T., Bernadt, T., Wall, N., Hill, H., Carson, A. 2019. Using Serious Games to Facilitate Collaborative Water Management Planning Under Climate Extremes. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education (167), 55-60.Online
Wickham, E., Bathke, D., Bulling, D., Abdel-Monem, T., Pytlik Zillig, L., Bernadt,T., Wall, N., Stiles, C. 2019. Conducting a drought-specific THIRA (Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment): A powerful tool for integrating all-hazard mitigatOnline
Bulling, D., Bathke, D., Pytlik Zillig, L., Abdel-Monem, T., Stiles, C., Wickham, E., Bernadt, T., Wall, N. (2018). Drought THIRA Application Toolkit.Online
Jedd, T., Bathke, D., Gill, D., Paul, B., Wall, N., Bernadt, T., Petr, J., Mucia, A., Wall, M. (2018). Tracking Drought Recovery and Resilience at the Community Level: A Rural Case Study of a Recurrent Invisible Hazard. Tracking Drought Perspectives: A Ru
Jedd. T., Bathke, D.J., Gill, D., Paul, B., Wall, N., Bernadt, T.K., Petr, J., Mucia, A.J., Wall, M. 2018. Weather , Climate, and Society, Volume 10 (October 2018), pp 653-672. DOI: 10.1175/WCAS-D-17-0067.1Online
Collins, K., Hannaford, J., Svoboda, M., Knutson, C., Wall, N., Bernadt, T., Crossman, N., Overton, I., Acreman, M., Bachmair, S., Stahl, K. 2016. Stakeholders Coinquiries on Drought Impacts, Monitoring, and Early Warning Systems. American Meteorology SocOnline
Pytlik-Zillig, L., Wang, S., Soh, L.-K., Tomkins, A., Samal, A. K., Bernadt, T., Hayes, M. J. (2014). Exploring Reactions to Hacktivism Among STEM College Students: A Preliminary. Social Science Computer Review. 33: 479-497.Online
Mehta, V., Knutson, C., Rosenberg, N. J., Olsen, J. R., Hayes, M. J., Wall, N., Bernadt, T. (2013). Decadal Climate Information Needs of Stakeholders for Decision Support in Water and Agriculture Production Sectors: A Case Study of the Missouri Basin. WeaOnline
Pathak, T.B., T. B. Bernadt, and N. Umphlett. 2013. Climate Masters of Nebraska: Innovative Action Based Approach towards Climate Change Education. Journal of Extension. 52.
Bathke, D., N. Wall, J. Nothwehr, K. Smith, D. Woudenberg, T. Bernadt, C. Bergman, J. Robine, M. Hayes, M. Svoboda, L. Darby, and R. Pulwarty, 2012: Building a Sustainable Network of Drought Communities. National Integrated Drought Information System EngaOnline
Bathke, D., Bernadt, T., Fuchs, B., Svoboda, M. (in press). A Tutorial for the U.S. Drought Monitor.







SNR Program Areas

  • Environmental Science

Areas of Interest/Expertise

  • Outreach and Education
  • Drought Education/Research
  • Stakeholder Engagement


Currently this page only displays grants that were awarded on 1/1/ 2009 to the present. If a grant was awarded prior to 1/1/ 2009 and is still active, it will not be displayed on this page.

Grant TitleExtension Guidebook to Help Communities Plan for Drought
Starting Date02/29/2020


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$14,897.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Wisconsin Extension


Grant TitleNP NRD Drought Tournament
Starting Date10/25/2016


Ending Date10/24/2017
Funding Level$5,823.00
Funding AgencyNorth Platte NRD


Grant TitleCan Improving Predictions of Soil Oxygen Dynamics Increase Understanding of Greenhouse Gas Hotspots and Hot Moments
Starting Date06/01/2015


Ending Date05/31/2018
Funding Level$445,429.00
Funding AgencyNational Science Foundation


Grant TitleNebraska WETS
Starting Date02/19/2015


Ending Date08/15/2016
Funding Level$71,140.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education


Grant TitleDeveloping a Drought Ask the Expert Framework
Starting Date09/01/2014


Ending Date08/31/2015
Funding Level$4,200.00
Funding AgencyPurdue University


Grant TitleClimate Masters of Nebraska Revised
Starting Date01/01/2014


Ending Date12/31/2014
Funding Level$31,847.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Environmental Quality


Grant TitleThe Role of Drought Preparedness in Improving the Sustainability of Great Plains Ranches
Starting Date02/01/2012


Ending Date01/31/2014
Funding Level$56,366.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Missouri


Grant TitleClimate Masters of Nebraska
Starting Date09/01/2011


Ending Date08/31/2013
Funding Level$41,752.00
Funding AgencyEnvironmental Protection Agency