Anatoly Gitelson

Anatoly Gitelson

  • Contact Information
  • My Story
  • Publications
  • Background
  • Grants

Contact Information

TitleEmeritus Remote Sensing Specialist
Faculty RankProfessor Emeritus
Address101 South Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln NE

East Campus
  • office: 402-472-3471
  • fax: 402-472-4915
VitaeDownload file


My Story

Hello, I'm Anatoly Gitelson, physicist, remote sensing specialist and professor emeritus in the School of Natural Resources.

Most of my research is on the development of models and remote sensing techniques for monitoring terrestrial and aquatic environments. Consequently, I also taught quantitative remote sensing classes that cover both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Remote sensing models and techniques are extremely useful in monitoring water quality and vegetation status. In fact, in a recent research project that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and NASA funded, we developed techniques to monitor phytoplankton density and suspended matter in lakes, reservoirs and coastal waters, and we used remote sensing to classify lakes across Nebraska.

Analyses that use remote sensing are equally valuable for land-based projects and often have several important applications. We have used remote sensing techniques in the past in the study of land cover change in different parts of the world, and we use it now in the assessment of vegetation "health" including carbon dioxide exchange.

Remote sensing tools are dynamic, permitting me to expand the scope of my projects. Hence, I have employed remote sensing techniques and models to track global carbon dioxide exchange and monitor global vegetation dynamics.

I started working at UNL in 2000. I have a master's and a Ph.D. from the Institute of Radio Technology in Taganrog in the former Soviet Union.

Selected Publications

Gutman, G., Skakun, S., Gitelson, A. 2021. Revisiting the Use of Red and Near-Infrared Reflectances in Vegetation Studies and Numerical Climate Models. Science of Remote Sensing. 4, 100025.Online
Gitelson, A., Arkebauer, T., Suyker, A. (2018). Convergence of daily light use efficiency in irrigated and rainfed C3 and C4 crops. Remote Sensing of Environment, 217, 30-37.
Gitelson, A., Gamon, J. A., Solovchenko, A. (2017). Multiple drivers of seasonal change in PRI: Implications for photosynthesis 1. Leaf level. Remote Sensing of Environment, 191, 110-116.Online
Gitelson, A., Gamon, J. A., Solovchenko, A. (2017). Multiple drivers of seasonal change in PRI: Implications for photosynthesis 2. Stand level. Remote Sensing of Environment, 190, 198-206.Online
Solovchenko, A., A. Gitelson, O. Chivkunova, M. Merzlyak. (2017) Foliar reflectance and biochemistry, 5 data sets. Researchgate 10.13140/RG.2.2.13225.29282Online
Gitelson, A., Peng, Y., Arkebauer, T., Suyker, A. (2015). Productivity, absorbed photosynthetically active radiation, and light use efficiency in crops: Implications for remote sensing of crop primary production. Journal of Plant Physiology, 177(0), 100-1Online
Merani, Paul B.T., Donald C. Rundquist, Deepak R. Mishra, John F. Schalles, Anatoly Gitelson, and Sunil Narumalani, 2014. Estimating above-ground green biomass using canopy level hyperspectral data in Gulf Coast salt marsh habitat. (In Preparation).
Nguy-Robertson, A.L., A.A. Gitelson, Y. Peng, T.J. Arkebauer, A. Pimstein, I. Herrmann, A. Karnieli, D.C. Rundquist, & D.J. Bonfil, (2014) Estimating green LAI in four crops: Determining optimal bands in the VIS/NIR. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 1Online
Nguy-Robertson, A.L., A.A. Gitelson, Y. Peng, E.A. Walter-Shea, B. Leavitt, & T.J. Arkebauer, (2013) Continuous monitoring of crop reflectance, vegetation fraction and identification of developmental stages using a four band radiometer. Agronomy Journal.
Gitelson, A., Peng, Y., Masek, J., Rundquist, D., Verma, S., Suyker, A., Baker, J., Hatfield, J., Meyers, T. (2012). Remote estimation of crop gross primary production with Landsat data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 121, 404–414.Online
Moses, W., Gitelson, A., Perk, R., Gurlin, D., Rundquist, D., Leavitt, B., Barrow, T., Brakhage, P. (2012). Estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration in turbid productive waters using airborne hyperspectral data. Water Research. 46, 993-1004.Online
Nguy-Robertson, A.L. A.A. Gitelson, Y. Peng, T.J. Arkebauer, & D.C. Rundquist, (2012). Green Leaf area index estimation in maize and soybean: combining vegetation Indices to achieve maximal sensitivity. Agronomy Journal. 104(5): 1336-1347.
Sakamoto, T., A.A. Gitelson, A.L. Nguy-Robertson, T.J. Arkebauer, B.D. Wardlow, A.E. Suyker, S.B. Verma, & M. Shibayama, (2012) An alternative method using digital cameras for continuous monitoring of crop status. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology. 154-1Online
Sakamoto, T., Gitelson, A., Wardlow, B., Arkebauer, T., Verma, S., Suyker, A., Sibayama, M. (2012). Application of day and night digital photographs for estimating maize biophysical characteristics. Precision Agriculture. 13, 285-301.
Peng, Yi, A. Gitelson. G. Keydan, D.Rundquist, and W. Moses, 2011. Remote estimation of gross primary production in maize and support for a new paradigm based on total crop chlorophyll content. Remote Sensing of Environment. 115: 978-989.Online
Vima, A., A. A. Gitelson, A. L. Nguy-Robertson & Y. Peng. (2011). Comparison of different vegetation indices for the remote assessment of green leaf area index of crops. Remote Sensing of Environment. 115: 3468-3478.Online
Rundquist, D., A. Gitelson, M. Lawson, G. Keydan, B. Leavitt, R. Perk, J. Keck, D. Mishra, and S. Narumalani, 2009. Proximal sensing of coral features: spectral characterization of Sidastrea siderea. GIScience and Remote Sensing, 46:2, 139-160.
Steele, M., A. Gitelson, and D. Rundquist, 2009. Non-destructive estimation of anthocyanin content in grapevine leaves. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 60:87-92.Online
Zygielbaum, A., A. Gitelson, T. Arkebauer, and D. Rundquist, 2009. Non-destructive detection of water stress and estimation of relative water content in maize. Geophysical Research Letters, 36,LI2403,Online
Zygielbaum, A.I., A.A. Gitelson, T.J. Arkebauer, and D.C. Rundquist, 2009, Crop water stress detection using visible spectrum reflectance, Poster presentation, AGU Fall Meeting.
Gitelson, A.A., G. Dall Olmo, W. Moses, D. C. Rundquist, T. Barrow, T. R. Fischer, D. Gurlin, and J. Holz. 2008. A simple semi-analytical model for remote estimation of chlorophyll-a in turbid waters: Validation. Remote Sensing of Environment. 112:3582-35Online
Gitelson, A.A., Vina, A., Masek J.G., Verma, S. B., and A. E. Suyker. 2008. Synoptic Monitoring of Gross Primary Productivity of Maize Using Landsat Data, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 5(2) 10.1109/LGRS.2008.915598.Online
Steele, M., A. Gitelson, and D. Rundquist, 2008. A comparison of two techniques for non-destructive measurement of chlorophyll content in grapevine leaves. Agronomy Journal, 100:3, 779-782.
Steele, M., A. Gitelson, and D. Rundquist, 2008. Non-destructive estimation of leaf chlorophyll content in grapes. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 59:3, 299-305.Online
Walker, S., Lund JC, Schumacher DG, Brakhage PA, McManus BC, Miller JD, Augustine MM, Carney JJ, Holland RS, Hoagland KD, Holz JC, Barrow TM, Rundquist DC, Gitelson AA. 2008. Nebraska Experience. Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms: State of the Science aOnline
Gitelson, A.A., B.D. Wardlow, G.P. Keydan, and B. Leavitt, 2007. Green leaf area index estimation in crops using MODIS 250 meter data. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L20403, doi:10.1029/2007GL031620.Online
Gitelson, A. A., A. Vina, S. B. Verma, D. C. Rundquist, T. J. Arkebauer, G. Keydan, B. Leavitt, V. Ciganda, G. G. Burba, and A. E. Suyker. 2006. Relationship between gross primary production and chlorophyll content in crops: Implications for the synoptic Online
Annual carbbon dioxide exchange in irrigated and rainfed maize-based agroecosystems (RS-1294). Shashi B. Verma, Achim Dobermann, Kenneth G. Cassman, Daniel T. Walters, Johannes M. Knops, Timothy J. Arkebauer, Andrew E. Suyker, Georfe G. Burba, Brigid Amos, Haishun Yang, Daniel Ginting, Kenneth G. Hubbard, Anatoly A. Gitelson and Elizabeth A. Walter-Shea. 20 pp.Online
Dall'lmo, G., A. A. Gitelson, D.C. Rundquist, B. Leavitt, T. M. Barrow and J. C. Holz. 2005. Assessing the potential of SeaWiFS and MODIS for estimating chlorophyll concentration in turbid productive waters using red and near-infrared bands. Remote SensinOnline
Dall'Olmo, G., A. Gitelson, D. Rundquist, B. Leavitt, T. Barrow, and J. Holz, 2005. Estimation of chlorophyll concentration in case-2 productive waters using existing ocean color sensors: calibration, validation, and radiometric considerations. Remote Sen
S.B. Verma, A. Dobermann, K.G. Cassman, D.T. Walters, J.M. Knops, T.J. Arkebauer, A.E. Suyker, G.G. Burba, B. Amos, H. Yang, D. Ginting, K.G. Hubbard, A.A. Gitelson, and E.A. Walter-Shea. 2005. Annual carbon dioxide exchange in irrigated and rainfed maizeOnline
Gitelson, A. A. 2004. Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index for Remote Quantification of Crop Biophysical Characteristics. Journal of Plant Physiology. 161:165-173.Online
Rundquist, D., R. Perk, B. Leavitt, G. Keydan, and A. Gitelson, 2004. Collecting spectral data over cropland vegetation using machine positioning versus hand-held positioning of the sensor. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 43, 173-178.Online
Dall'Olmo, G., A. A. Gitelson, and D. C. Rundquist 2003. Towards a unified approach for remote estimation of chlorophyll-a in both terrestrial vegetation and turbid productive waters, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(18):1938, doi:10.1029/2003GL018065.
Gitelson, A. A., S. B. Verma, A. Vina, D. C. Rundquist, G. Keydan, B. Leavitt, T. J. Arkebauer, G. G. Burba, and A. E. Suyker. 2003. Novel technique for remote estimation of CO2 flux in maize, Geophys. Res. Lett. 30(9):1486, doi:10.1029/2002GL016543Online
Gitelson, A.A., Gritz, U. and Merzlyak M.N. 2003. Relationships between leaf chlorophyll content and spectral reflectance and algorithms for non-destructive chlorophyll assessment in higher plant leaves. J Plant Physiol. 160(3): 271-282.Online
Gitelson, A.A., Gritz, U., Merzlyak M.N. 2003. Relationships between leaf chlorophyll content and spectral reflectance and algorithms for non-destructive chlorophyll assessment in higher plant leaves. Journal of Plant Physiology. 160(3):271-282.
Gitelson, A.A., Viña, A., Arkebauer, T.J., Rundquist, D.C., Keydan, G., Leavitt, B. 2003. Remote estimation of leaf area index and green leaf biomass in maize canopies. Geophysical Research Letters. 30(5):1248.Online
Gitelson, A., Kaufman, Y., Stark, R., Rundquist, D. 2002. Novel algorithms for remote estimation of vegetation fraction. Remote Sensing of Environment. Remote Sensing of Environment. 80:76-87.Online
Gitelson, A.A., Kaufman, Y.J., Stark, R., Rundquist, D. Novel algorithms for remote estimation of vegetation fraction. Remote Sensing of Environment. 80:76-87.Online
Gitelson, A.A., Stark, R., Grits, U., Rundquist, D., Kaufman, Y., Derry, D. 2002. Vegetation and soil lines in visible spectral space: a concept and technique for remote estimation of vegetation fraction. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 23(13):2
Gitelson, A.A., Merzlyak, M.N., Chivkunova, O.B. 2001. Optical properties and non-destructive estimation of anthocyanin content in plant leaves 2001. Optical properties and non-destructive estimation of anthocyanin content in plant leaves. Photochemistry
Gitelson, A.A., Grits, U., Stark, R., Rundquist, D., Kaufman, Y. 2000. Novel algorithms for remote estimation of vegetation fraction. Proceedings of the Second International on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry Conference, Lake Buena VisOnline
Gitelson, A.A., Grits, Y.A., Etzion, D., Ning, Z. Salmi, Y., Richmond, A. 2000. Optical properties of Nannochloropsis sp. and their application to remote estimation of cell mass. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Mari
Gitelson, A.A., Yacobi, Y.Z., Rundquist, D.C., Schalles, J.F., Stark, R., Han, L., Etzion, D. 2000. Remote estimation of chlorophyll concentration in productive waters: Principles, algorithm development and validation. Monitoring for the Millennium. ProceOnline
Rundquist, D., Ramirez, J., Gitelson, A.A. 2000. The effect of extreme background conditions on reflectance of vegetation and estimation of vegetation fraction. Proceedings of the Second International on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry
Schalles, J.D., Rundquist, D., Gitelson, A. Keck, J. 2000. Close range hyperspectral reflectance measurements of healthy Indo-Pacific and Carribbean Corals. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal EnvironOnline
Stark, R., Gitelson, A.A. 2000. Radiation regime in irrigated wheat. Proceedings of the Second International on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry Conference, Lake Buena Vista, FL. 89-96.
Zuy, Y., Gitelson, A.A., Chivkunova, O.B., Merzlyak, M.N. 2000. The spectral contribution of Carotenoids to light absorption and reflectance in green leaves. Second International on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry Conference, Lake Buen
Gitelson, A.A., Buschmann, C., and H.K. Lichtenthaler 1999. The chlorophyll Fluorescence Ratio F735/F700 as an Accurate Measure of the Chlorophyll Content in Plants. Remote Sensing of Environment. 69:296-302.Online
Gitelson, A., and Y. Kaufman 1998. MODIS NDVI Optimization to Fit the AVHRR Data Series - Spectral Considerations. Remote Sensing of Environment. 66(3):343-350.Online
Gitelson, A., and M. Merzlyak1997. Remote Estimation of Chlorophyll Content in higher Plant Leaves. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 18(12):291-298.
Gitelson, A., Y. Kaufman, and M. Merzlyak 1996. Use of a Green Channel in Remote Sensing of Global Vegetation from EOS-MODIS. Remote Sensing of Environment. 58:289-298.Online



DegreeMajorInstitutionYear Awarded
Doctorate of PhilosophyRadio PhysicsInstitute of Radio Technology in Taganrog, Soviet Union1972
Master of ScienceElectronicsInstitute of Radio Technology in Taganrog, Soviet Union1964






SNR Program Areas

  • Applied Climate and Spatial Science


Currently this page only displays grants that were awarded on 1/1/ 2009 to the present. If a grant was awarded prior to 1/1/ 2009 and is still active, it will not be displayed on this page.

Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as part of the AmeriFlux Mgt Project Network (Additional)
Starting Date10/07/2020


Ending Date09/30/2021
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network
Starting Date10/01/2020


Ending Date09/30/2025
Funding Level$113,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network (additional funds)
Starting Date01/17/2020


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$36,500.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of CA-Berkeley National'l Lab/ US Department of Energy


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network (additional funds)
Starting Date12/03/2019


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$76,000.00
Funding AgencyUniv. of California-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network (additional funds)
Starting Date11/12/2018


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Energy


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network (additional funds)
Starting Date02/17/2017


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$93,000.00
Funding AgencyUC-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network
Starting Date03/09/2014


Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$112,399.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleLong-Term Maize-Based Agro-Ecosystem Core Sites as Part of the AmeriFlux Management Project Network (additional funds)
Starting Date03/09/2014


Ending Date09/30/2016
Funding Level$112,399.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of California-Berkeley National Lab


Grant TitleMaize and Soybean Biomass and Yield Monitoring using MODIS
Starting Date09/01/2012


Ending Date05/31/2013
Funding Level$1,500.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha/National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleRemote Sensing of Maize and Soybeans in NE
Starting Date08/01/2011


Ending Date01/31/2012
Funding Level$1,000.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleCyanobacteria Detection in Water Systems
Starting Date05/01/2011


Ending Date04/30/2012
Funding Level$4,400.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska Foundation


Grant TitleA Modis Based Decision Support Tool for Gulf Coast Salt Marsh Conservation and Restoration
Starting Date02/01/2010


Ending Date01/31/2011
Funding Level$74,066.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of New Orleans


Grant TitleA Satellite-Based Quantification of Carbon Exchange of the Cominant Ecosystem (Maize-Soybean) in the NACP Mid-Continent Intensive (MCI) Region
Starting Date04/01/2009


Ending Date03/31/2010
Funding Level$180,101.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleSatelite Based Carbon Exchange (Maize Soybeans)
Starting Date04/01/2008


Ending Date03/31/2011
Funding Level$216,622.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration/Stennis