Ran Wang

Ran Wang

  • Contact Information
  • My Story
  • Publications
  • Background
  • Grants
  • Advising
  • Courses Taught

Contact Information

TitleEnvironmental Spatial Scientist
Faculty RankAssistant Professor
Address403 South Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln NE

East Campus
  • office: 402-472-8131
  • fax: 402-472-4915


Contact Preference


My Story

Ran Wang in field

Selected Publications

Gamon JA, Wang R, Russo SE (2023) Contrasting photoprotective responses of forest trees revealed using PRI light responses sampled with airborne imaging spectrometry New Phytologist. 238:1318-1332. doi: 10.1111/nph.18754 Online
Wang R, Bowling DR, Gamon JA, Smith KR, Yu R, Hmimina G, Masahito U, Noormets A, Kolb TE, Richardson AD, Bourque CPA, Bracho R, Blanken PD, Black TA, Arain MA (2023). Snow-corrected vegetation indices for improved gross primary productivity assessment in North American evergreen forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 340:109600. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109600.
Wang R, Springer KR. Gamon JA (2023) Confounding effects of snow cover on remotely sensed vegetation indices of evergreen and deciduous trees: An experimental study. Global Change Biology. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16916. Online
Wang, R., Gamon, J., Russo, S. (2023). Airborne Hyperspectral Reflectance Indian Cave Nebraska Multi-Day 1 m V001 [Data set]. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC. Accessed 2023-01-08 from https://doi.org/10.5067/Community/Airborne/AEHYPICNE1M.001
Quiros, J., Siegmann, B., Damm, A., Wang, R., Gamon, J., Krieger, V., Sagar, D., Muller, O., Rascher, U. (2022). Fractal geometry and the downscale of Sun-induced Chlorophyll (SIF) imagery. Encyclopedia of Mathematical Geosciences, Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Springer.
Wang, R., Gamon, J., Cavender-Bares, J. (2022). Seasonal patterns of prairie spectral diversity at leaf and canopy scales. Remote Sensing of Environment, 280, 113169.
Wang, R., Gamon, J., Hmimina, G., Cogliati, S., Zygielbaum, A., Arkebauer, T., Suyker, A. (2022). Harmonizing solar induced fluorescence across spatial scales, instruments, and extraction methods using proximal and airborne remote sensing: A multi-scale study in a soybean field. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 281.
Schweiger, A., Cavender-Bares, J., Townsend, P., Madritch, M., Grossman, J., Gholizadeh, H., Wang, R., Gamon, J. (2021). Coupling spectral and resource-use complementarity in experimental grassland and forest communites. Proc. R. Soc(288). Online
Wang, R., Gamon, J., Moore, R., Zygielbaum, A., Arkebauer, T., Perk, R., Leavitt, B., Cogliati, S., Wardlow, B., Qi, Y. (2021). Errors associated with atmospheric correction methods for airborne imaging spectroscopy: Implications for vegetation indices and plant traits. Remote Sensing of Environment, 265.
Yu, R., Hmimina, G., Billesbach, D. P., Lyapustin, A., Wang, Y., Jingchao, Z., Wang, R., Gamon, J. A. (2021). ABoVE: Angular-corrected MODIS MAIAC Reflectance across Alaska and Canada, 2000-2017. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, DAAC. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1858Online
Wang, R., Gamon, J. 2020. Detecting intra- and inter-annual variability in gross primary productivity of a North American grassland using MODIS MAIAC data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 281 (2020) 107859.Online
Wang, R., Gamon, J. 2019. Remote sensing of terrestrial plant biodiversity. Remote Sensing of Environment. 231, 111218.Online





SNR Program Areas

  • Applied Climate and Spatial Science


Currently this page only displays grants that were awarded on 1/1/ 2009 to the present. If a grant was awarded prior to 1/1/ 2009 and is still active, it will not be displayed on this page.

Grant TitleUsing Remote Sensing to Quantify Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function
Starting Date09/01/2021


Ending Date04/30/2022
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyUNO-NASA


Grant TitleAssessing the Utility of Remote Sensing for Emerald Ash Borer Detection
Starting Date03/10/2020


Ending Date05/10/2020
Funding Level$24,768.00
Funding AgencyCity of Lincoln NE



Graduate Programs

Master of Applied Science

Master of Science in Natural Resource Sciences
including specializations in

  • Bio-Atmospehric Interactions
  • Remote Sensing

Doctorate of Philosophy in Natural Resource Sciences
including specializations in

  • Bio-Atmospehric Interactions

Courses Taught

Course NumberCourse TitleFall Even YearsFall Odd YearsSpring Even YearsSpring Odd YearsSummer SessionCross Listing
NRES 218Introduction to Geospatial TechnologiesXXXX
NRES 415/815GIS for Agriculture and Natural ResourcesXX