Shiferaw, A., Birru, G., Tadesse, T., Schmer, M. R., Awada, T., Jin, V. L., Wardlow, B., Iqbal, J., Freidenreich, A., Kharel, T., Khorchani, M., Mersha, Z., Begna, S., Sohoulande, C. 2024. Optimizing cover crop management in Eastern Nebraska: Insights from crop simulation modeling. Agronomy, 14(7), 1561. | Online |
Wardlow, B.D., M.A. Anderson, T. Tadesse, M. Svoboda, B. Fuchs, C. Hain, W. Crow, and M. Rodell. 2024. Remote Sensing of Drought: Satellite-Based Monitoring Tools for the United States. Chapter 3, Remote Sensing Handbook Vol. III: Water Resources, Disasters, and Urban: Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping, 2nd edition, ed. P. Thenakenbail, Boca Raton, FL:CRC Press. | |
Zhao, B., Stephenson, B.M., Awada, T., Volesky, J., Wardlow, B., Zhou, Y., and Shi, Y. (2024). 15-Yr Biomass Production in Semiarid Nebraska Sandhills Grasslands: Part 1—Plant Functional Group Analysis. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 93:49-61. | Online |
Birru, G., Shiferaw, A., Tadesse, T., Schmer, M.R., Jin, V.L., Wardlow, B., Koehler‐Cole, K., Awada, T., Beebout, S., Tsegaye, T. and Kahrel, T., 2023. Simulated impacts of winter rye cover crop on continuous corn yield and soil parameters. Agronomy Journal, 115(3), pp.11141130. | Online |
Birru, G., Shiferaw, A., Tadesse, T., Wardlow, B., Jin, V.L., Schmer, M., Awada, T., Kharel, T. and Iqbal, J., 2023. Cover crop performance under a changing climate in continuous corn system over nebraska. Journal of Environmental Quality, 53(1):66-77. | Online |
Chanyang Sur, Won-Ho Nam, Xiang Zhang, Tsegaye Tadesse & Brian D. Wardlow, 2023. Assessment of an evapotranspiration algorithm accounting for land cover types and photosynthetic perspectives using remote sensing images, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 60:1, DOI: 10.1080/15481603.2023.2279802 | Online |
Mazis, A., Awada, T., Erickson, G. E., Wardlow, B., Wienhold, B. J., Jin, V., Schmer, M., Suyker, A., Zhou, Y., & Hiller, J. 2023. Synergistic use of optical and biophysical traits to assess Bromus inermis pasture performance and quality under different management strategies in Eastern Nebraska, U.S. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 348, 108400. | Online |
Poděbradská, M., Wylie, B.K., Hayes, M.J., Bathke, D.J., Bayissa, Y.A., Boyte, S.P., Brown, J.F. and Wardlow, B.D. (2023). Using seasonal climate scenarios in the ForageAhead annual forage production model for early drought impact assessment. Ecosphere, 14(5), 4496. | Online |
Zhang, B., F. Abu Salem, M. Hayes, K. Smith, T. Tadesse, and B. Wardlow, 2023. Explainable Machine Learning for the Prediction and Assessment of Complex Drought Impacts. Science of the Total Environment. 898: 165509. | |
Lee, H.J., Nam, W.H., Toon, D.H., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Otkin, J.A. (2022). Flash drought mechanism and characteristics in South Korea. Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation(3). | |
Asoka, A., Wardlow, B., Tadesse, T., Huber, M., Mishra, V. (2021). A satellite-based assessment of the relative contribution of hydroclimatic variables on vegetation growth in global agricultural and non-agricultural regions. Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. | Online |
Flanagan, P., Mahmood, R., Sohl, T., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Hayes, M. J., Rappin, E. (2021). Simulated Atmospheric Response to Four Projected Land-Use Land-Cover Change Scenarios for 2050 in the North-Central United States. Earth Interactions, 25(1), 177-194. | Online |
Gao, F., Anderson, M., Johnson, D., Seffren, R., Wardlow, B., Suyker, A., Diao, C., Browning (2021). Towards routine mapping of crop emergence within the growing season using the Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 dataset. Remote Sensing(13). | Online |
Mazis, A., Fowler, J.A., Hiller, J., Zhou, Y., Wardlow, B., Wedin, D.A., Awada, T. 2021. Ecophysio-optical traits of semiarid Nebraska grasslands under different Juniperus virginiana and Pinus ponderosa canopy covers. Ecological Indicators 131 (2021) 108159. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108159 | Online |
Mazis, T., Awada, T. N., Fowler, J., Hiller, J., Zhou, Y., Wardlow, B., Wedin, D. A. (2021). Changes in Ecophysio-Optical Traits of Semiarid Nebraska Grasslands with Juniperus virginiana and Pinus ponderosa Encroachment. Ecological Indicators, 131.
| Online |
Podebradska, M., Wylie, B. K., Bathke, D., Bayissa, Y. A., Dahal, D., Derner, J. D., Fay, P. A., Hayes, M. J., Schacht, W., Volesky, J., Wagle, P., Wardlow, B. (2021). Monitoring climate impacts on annual forage production across U.S. semi-arid grasslands. Remote Sensing, 14(1).
| Online |
Wang, R., Gamon, J., Moore, R., Zygielbaum, A., Arkebauer, T., Perk, R., Leavitt, B., Cogliati, S., Wardlow, B., Qi, Y. (2021). Errors associated with atmospheric correction methods for airborne imaging spectroscopy: Implications for vegetation indices and plant traits. Remote Sensing of Environment, 265.
| |
Zeng, L., Wardlow, B., Xiang, D., Hu, S., Li, D. (2021). A review of vegetation phenological metrics extraction using time-series multispectral satellite data. A review of vegetation phenological metrics extraction using time-series multispectral satellite data. | |
Donovan, V., Twidwell, D., Uden, D., Tadesse, T., Wardlow, B., Bielski, C., Jones, M., Allred, B., Naugle, D., Allen, C. (2020). Resilience to large, ‘catastrophic’ wildfires in North America’s grassland biome. Earth's Future. | Online |
Franz, T., Pokal, S., Gibson, J., Zhou, Y., Gholizadeh, H., Tenorio, F. A., Rudnick, D., Heeren, D., McCabe, M. F., Ziliani, M. G., Jin, Z., Guan, K. Y., Pan, M., Gates, J., Wardlow, B. (2020). The role of topography, soil, and remotely sensed vegetation condition towards predicting subfield-scale crop yield. Field Crops Research. 252:107788 DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107788 | Online |
Kulkarni, S.S., Wardlow, B.D., Bayissa, Y., Tadesse, T. Scoboda, M.D. Gedam, S.S. 2020. Developing a Remote Sensing-Based Combined Drought Indicator Approach for Agricultural Drought Monitoring over Marathwada, India. Remote Sens. 12, 2091. | Online |
Li, Y., Guan, K., Peng, B., Franz, T., Wardlow, B., Pan, M. (2020). Quantifying irrigation cooling benefits to maize yield in the US Midwest. Global Change Biology, 26(5). | Online |
Tadesse, T., Hollinger, D. Y., Bayissa, Y. A., Svoboda, M., Fuchs, B., Zhang, B., Demisse, G., Wardlow, B., Bohrer, G., Clark, K., Desai, A., Gu, L., Noormets, A., Novick, K., Richardson, A. (2020). Forest Drought Response Index (ForDRI): A New Combined Model to Monitor Forest Drought in the Eastern United States. Advances in Remote Sensing for Global Forest Monitoring. | Online |
Yoon, D.-H., Nam, W.-H., Lee, H.-J., Hong, E.-M., Feng, S., Wardlow, B., Tadesse, T., Svoboda, M., Hayes, M. J., Kim, D.-E. (2020). Agricultural drought assessment in East Asia using satellite-based indices. Remote Sensing, 12 (444). | Online |
Zhou, W., Guan, K., Peng, B., Shi, J., Jiang, C., Wardlow, B., Pan, M., Kimball, J., Franz, T., Gentine, P. (2020). Connections between the hydrological cycle and crop yield in the rainfed US Corn Belt. Journal of Hydrology 590:125398. | Online |
Bayissa, Y. A., Tadesse, T., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Poulsen, C., Swigart, J., van Andel, S. J. 2019. Developing and evaluating a satellite-based combined drought indicator to monitor agricultural drought: A case study for Ethiopia. GIScience Remote Sen | Online |
Bumann, E., Awada T., Wardlow B., Hayes M., Okalebo J., Helzer C., Mazis A., J. Hiller J., and Cherubini, P. 2019. Assessing Responses of Betula papyrifera to Climate Variability in a Remnant Population along the Niobrara River Valley in Nebraska through | Online |
Hua, L., Sui, H., Wang, H., Wardlow, B., Hayes, M. J., Wang, J. 2019. Mapping the spatial-temporal dynamics of vegetation response lag to drought in semi-arid region. Remote Sensing. 11, 1873: 2-22. | Online |
Jeffries, G.R., Griffin, T.S., Fleisher, D.H., Naumova, E.N., Koch, M., Wardlow, B. 2019. Mapping sub-field maize yields in Nebraska, USA by combining remote sensing imagery, crop simulation models, and machine learning. Precision Agriculture. | Online |
Poděbradská, M., Wylie, B., Hayes, M. J., Wardlow, B., Bathke, D., Dahal, D., Bliss, N. 2019. Monitoring Drought Impacts on Annual Forage Production in Semi-arid Grasslands: Nebraska Sandhills Case Study. Remote Sensing. 11(18), 2106. | Online |
Podebradska, M., Wylie, B., Hayes, M.J., Wardlow, B., Bathke, D. 2019. Developing a Tool to Monitor Drought Impacts on Semi-Arid U.S. Grasslands: Nebraska Sandhills Case Study. Littleton, Co: Society for Range Management. Pp. 74. | Online |
Podebradska, M., Wylie, B., Hayes, M.J., Wardlow, B., Bathke, D. 2019. Developing a Tool to Monitor Drought Impacts on Semi-Arid U.S. Grasslands: Nebraska Sandhills Case Study. Washington, D.C.: ESA. | Online |
Podebradska, M., Wylie, B., Hayes, M.J., Wardlow, B., Bathke, D. 2019. Drought Impacts on Annual Forage Production in Semi-arid Grasslands. AGU. | Online |
Podebradska, M., Wylie, B., Hayes, M.J., Wardlow, B.D., Bathke, D.J., Bliss, N.B., Dahal, D. (2019) Monitoring Drought Impact on Annual Forage Production in Semi-Arid Grasslands: A Case Study of Nebraska Sandhills. Remoste Sens. 11(18), 2106 | Online |
Zhang, X., Chen, N., Sheng, H., Ip, C., Yang, L., Chen, Y., Sang, Z., Tadesse, T., Lim, T. P. Y., Rajabifard, A., Bueti, C., Zeng, L., Wardlow, B., Wang, S., Tang, S., Xiong, Z., Li, D., Niyogi, D. 2019. Urban Drought Challenge to 2030 Sustainable Develop | Online |
Zhang, X., Chen, N., Sheng, H., Ip, C., Ynag, L., Chen, Y., Sang, Z., Tadesse, T., Lim, T. P. Y., Rajabifard, A., Bueti, C., Zeng, L., Wardlow, B., Wang, S., Xiong, Z., Li, D., Niyogi, D. 2019. Urban drought challenges to 2030 sustainable development goal | Online |
Bayissa, Y. A., Tadesse, T., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Poulsen, C., Swigart, J., van Andel, S. J. 2018. Developing a satellite-based combined drought indicator to monitor agricultural drought: a case study for Ethiopia. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 56(5): | Online |
Bijaber, N., El Hadani, Driss, Saidi, M., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Hain, C. R., Poulsen, C. C., Yessef, M., Rochdi, A. (2018). Developing a Remotely Sensed Drought Monitoring Indicator for Morocco. Geosciences, 8(2), 18pp. | |
Cai, Y., Guan, K., Wang, S., Li, Z., C. Seifert, Wardlow, B. (2018). A high-performance and time-lead classification system of field-level crop types using time-series Landsat data and deep learning approach for the U.S. Corn Belt: a case study in Champai | |
Gamon, J., Hmimina, G. Y., Miao, G., Guan, K., Springer, K., Wang, R., Yu, R., Gholizadeh, H., Moore, R., Walter-Shea, E., Arkebauer, T., Suyker, A., Franz, T., Wardlow, B., Wedin, D. A. (2018). Imaging spectrometry and fluorometry in support of FLEX: wha | |
Mariano, D. A., dos Santos, C. C., Wardlow, B., Anderson, M. C., Schiltmeyer, A. V., Tadesse, T., Svoboda, M. (2018). Use of remote sensing indicators to assess effects of drought and human-induced land degradation on ecosystem health in Northeastern Braz | |
Nam, W.-H., Tadesse, T., Wardlow, B., Hayes, M. J., Svoboda, M., Hong, E., Pachepsky, Y., Jang, M.-W. (2018). Developing the Vegetation Drought Response Index for South Korea (VegDRI-SKorea) to assess the vegetation condition during drought events. Intern | Online |
Trnka, M., Hayes, M. J., Jurecka, F., Bartosova, L., Anderson, M., Brazdil, R., Brown, J., Camarero, J., Cudlin, P., Dobrovolny, P., Eitzinger, J., Feng, S., Finnessey, T., Gregoric, G., Havlik, P., Hain, C., Holman, I., Johnson, D., Kersebaum, K., Ljungq | |
Yang, Y., Anderson, M., Gao, F., Suyker, A., Wardlow, B., Hain, C., Otkin, J., Sun, L., Delaney, W. (2018). Field-Scale Mapping of Evaporative Stress Indicators of Crop Yield: an Application over Mead, NE. Field-Scale Mapping of Evaporative Stress Indicat | |
Aegerter, C., Wang, J., Ge, S., Irmak, S., Oglesby, R. J., Wardlow, B., Yang, H., You, J., Shulski, M. (2017). Mesoscale modeling of the meteorological impacts of irrigation during the 2012 central plains drought. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climat | Online |
Demisse, G., Tadesse, T., Atnafu, A., Hill, S., Wardlow, B., Bayissa, Y. A., Shiferaw, A. (2017). Information Mining from Heterogeneous data sources: a case study on drought predictions. Information Mining from Heterogeneous data sources: a case study on | Online |
Tadesse, T., Wardlow, B., Demisse, G., Bayissa, Y., Champagne, C., Hadwen, T., Brown, J. (2017). Building the Vegetation Drought Response Index for Canada (VegDRI-Canada) to monitor agricultural drought. GIScience and Remote Sensing, 54(2), 230-257. | Online |
Wardlow, B., Anderson, M., Hain, C., Otkin, J., Crow, W., Tadesse, T., AghaKouchak, A. (2017). Advancements in Satellite Remote Sensing for Drought Monitoring. In Donald Wilhite, Roger S. Pulwarty (Ed.), Drought and Water Crisis (pp. 223-249). Boca Raton, | Online |
Ambika, A.K., B.D. Wardlow, and V. Mirsha. 2016. Data Descriptor: Remotely sensed high resolution irrigated area mapping in India for 2000 to 2015. Nature 3:160118. | Online |
Krishnankutty, A., Wardlow, B., Mishra, V. (2016). Remotely sensed high resolution (250 m) irrigated area mapping in India (2000-2015). Scientific Data. 3:160118. | Online |
Otkin, J., Anderson, M. C., Hain, C., Svoboda, M., Johnson, D. M., Mueller, R., Tadesse, T., Wardlow, B., Brown, J. (2016). Assessing the evolution of soil moisture and vegetation conditions during the 2012 United States flash drought. Agricultural and Fo | Online |
Wang, J., Kessner, C., Aegerter, C., Sharma, A., Judd, L., Wardlow, B., You, J., Shulze, M., Irmak, S., Kilic, A. 2016. A multi-sensor view of the 2012 Central Plains drought from space. Journal of Applied and Theoretical Meteorology, 4:1-13. | Online |
Zambrano, F., Wardlow, B., Tadesse, T., Lillo-Saavedra, M., Lagos, O. 2016. Evaluating satellite-derived long-term historical precipitation dataset for drought monitoring in Chile. Atmospheric Research. 186: 26-42. | Online |
Zeng, L., Wardlow, B., Wang, R., Shan, J., Tadesse, T., Hayes, M. J., Li, D. 2016. A Hybrid Approach for Detecting Corn and Soybean Phenology with Time-Series MODIS Data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 181:237-250. | Online |
Zeng, L., Wardlow, B., Wang, R., Tadesse, T., Shan, J., Hayes, M. J., Li, D. 2016. A hybrid approach for detecting corn and soybean phenology with time-series MODIS data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 181: 237-250. | Online |
AghaKouckak, A., Farahmand, A., Teixeira, J., Wardlow, B., Melton, F., Anderson, M., Hain, C. (2015). Remote sensing of drought: progress, challenges, and opportunities. Reviews of Geophysics. 53: 452-480. | Online |
Nam, W.H., T. Tadesse, B.D. Wardlow, MW Jang, and S.Y. Hong, 2015. Satellite-based Hybrid Drought Assessment using Vegetation Drought Response Index in South Korea (VegDRI-SKorea), Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers, 57(4):1-9; | |
Otkin, J., M. Shafer, M. Svoboda,
B. Wardlow, M.C. Anderson, C. Hain, and J. Basara. 2015. Facilitating the use of drought early warning inform
ation through interactions with stakeholders. Bulletin of the American Me
teorology Society (BAMS).96(7):10 | Online |
Otkin, J., Shafer, M., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Anderson, M., Hain, C., Basara, J. (2015). Facilitating the Use of Drought Early Warning Information through Interactions with Agricultural Stakeholders. American Meteorological Society. 96(7), 1073-1078. | Online |
Tadesse, T., B.D. Wardlow, J. Brown, M. Hayes, M. Svoboda, B. Fuchs, and D. Gutzmer, 2015. Assessing the vegetation condition impacts of the 2011 drought across the U.S. Southern Great Plains using the Vegetation Drought Response Index (VegDRI), Journal o | Online |
Trnka, M., Brazdil, R., Mozny, M., Stepanek, P., Dubrovsky, M., Zahradnicek, P., Balek, B., Dobrovolny, P., Semaradova, D., Hlavinka, P., Eitzinger, J., Wardlow, B., Svoboda, M., Hayes, M. J., Zalud, Z. (2015). Soil moisture trends in the Czech Republic b | Online |
Zeng, L., B.D. Wardlow, T. Tadesse, J. Shan, M. J. Hayes, D. Li, and D. Xiang, 2015. Estimation of Daily Air Temperature Based on MODIS Land Surface Temperature Products over the Corn Belt in the US, Remote Sensing, 7(1):951-970; | Online |
Zeng, L., Wardlow, B., Tadesse, T., Shan, J., Hayes, M. J., Li, D., Xiang, D. (2015). Estimating daily maximum and minimum air temperature using both daytime and nighttime MODIS land surface temperature products over the Corn Belt in US. Remote Sensing, 7 | |
Harms, S., T. Tadesse, and B.D. Wardlow, 2014. Improving drought risk modelling: Using multiple periods of satellite data with ensembles of data mining algorithm, International Journal of Society Systems Science, 6 (2):143-158. | |
Harms, S., Tadesse, T., Wardlow, B. (2014). Improving drought risk modeling: using multiple periods of satellite data with ensembles of data mining algorithms. International Journal of Society Systems Science. 6: 143-158. | |
Hunt, E., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Hubbard, K., Hayes, M. J., Arkebauer, T. (2014). Monitoring the effects of rapid onset of drought on non-irrigated maize with agronomic data and climate-based drought indices. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology/AMS, 19 | Online |
Wardlow, B., Callahan, K. (2014). A Multi-scale Accuracy Assessment of the MODIS-irrigated agriculture data-set (MIrAD) for the State of Nebraska, USA. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 51, 575-592. | |
Anderson., M. C., Hain, C., Otkin, J., Zhan, X., Mo, K., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Pimstein, A. (2013). An intercomparison of drought indicators based on thermal remote sensing and NLDAS-2 simulations. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 14: 1035-1056. | Online |
Swain, S., Wardlow, B., Narumalani, S., Rundquist, D., Hayes, M. J. (2013). Relationships between vegetation indices and root zone soil moisture under maize and soybean canopies in the U.S. Corn Belt: a comparative study using close-range sensing approach | |
Trnka, M., Kersenbaum, C., Eitzinger, J., Hayes, M. J., Hlavinka, P., Svoboda, M., Dubrovsky, M., Semeradova, D., Wardlow, B., Pokorny, E., Mozny, M., Wilhite, D., Waltman, W., Zalud, Z. (2013). Consequences of climate change for the soil climate in centr | |
Sakamoto, T., A.A. Gitelson, A.L. Nguy-Robertson, T.J. Arkebauer, B.D. Wardlow, A.E. Suyker, S.B. Verma, & M. Shibayama, (2012) An alternative method using digital cameras for continuous monitoring of crop status. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology. 154-1 | Online |
Sakamoto, T., Gitelson, A., Wardlow, B., Arkebauer, T., Verma, S., Suyker, A., Sibayama, M. (2012). Application of day and night digital photographs for estimating maize biophysical characteristics. Precision Agriculture. 13, 285-301. | |
Swain, S., D. Rundquist, T. Arkebauer, S. Narumalani, and B. Wardlow. 2012. Non-invasive estimation of relative water content in soybean leaves using infrared thermography, Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 60: 25-36. | |
Wardlow, B.D., T. Tadesse, K. Callahan, S. Swain, and E. Hunt, 2012. The Vegetation Drought Response Index (VegDRI): an integration of satellite, climate, and biophysical data. Drought Mitigation Center Faculty Publications. 107 | Online |
Swain, S., B. Wardlow, S. Narumalani, T. Tadessse, and K. Callahan. 2011. Assessing Vegetation Response to Drought in Nebraska Using Terra-MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 48 (3): 432-4 | Online |
Tadesse, T., B.D. Wardlow, M.J. Hayes, M.D. Svoboda, and J.F. Brown, 2010. The Vegetation Condition Outlook (VegOut): A New Method for Predicting Vegetation Seasonal Greenness. GIScience and Remote Sensing, 47(1):25-52. | Online |
Albright, T., A. Pidgeon, C. Rittenhouse, M. Clayton, C. Flather, P. Culbert, B. Wardlow, and V. Radeloff, 2009.. Effects of drought on avian community structure. Global Change Biology, In review. | |
Wardlow, B.D. and S.L. Egbert, 2009. A comparison of MODIS 250-m evi and ndvi data for crop mapping in the U.S. Central Great Plains. International Journal of Remote Sensing, In press. | Online |
Wardlow, B.D., M.J. Hayes, M.D. Svoboda, T. Tadesse, and K.H. Smith, 2009. Sharpening the Focus on Drought – New Monitoring and Assessment Tools at the National Drought Mitigation Center. Earthzine, In press. | |
Brown, J. F., B. D. Wardlow, T. Tadesse, M. J. Hayes, and B. C. Reed. 2008. The Vegetation Drought Response Index (VegDRI): A new integrated approach for monitoring drought stress in vegetation. GIScience and Remote Sensing 45 (1):16-46. | Online |
Gu, Y., E. Hunt, B.D. Wardlow, J.B. Basara, J.F. Brown, and J.P. Verdin, 2008. Evaluation and validation of modis ndvi and ndwi for vegetation drought monitoring using Oklahoma mesonet soil moisture data. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2008GL03 | |
T. Tadesse, M. Haile, G. Senay, B. D. Wardlow, and C. L. Knutson (2008) The need for integration of drought monitoring tools for proactive food security management in sub-Saharan Africa, Natural Resources Forum, 32:4, pp. 303-316 | Online |
Tadesse, T., B. Wardlow, and M. Hayes, 2008. The application of data mining for drought monitoring and prediction. Data Mining Applications for Empowering Knowledge Societies, Idea Group Publishers, New York, NY, pp. 280-291. | Online |
Tadesse, T., M. Haile, G. Senay, B.D. Wardlow, and C. Knutson, 2008. Building integrated drought monitoring and food security systems in sub-Saharan Africa. U.N. Natural Resources Forum, 32(4):303-316. | Online |
Tadesse, T., M. Haile, G. Senay, C. Knutson, and B.D. Wardlow, 2008. Building integrated drought monitoring and food security systems in sub-Saharan Africa. Natural Resources Forum, 32, 265-279. | Online |
Wardlow, B.D. and S.L. Egbert, 2008. Large-area crop mapping using time-series MODIS 250 mndvi data: an assessment for the U.S. Central Great Plains. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112:1096-1116. | Online |
Gitelson, A.A., B.D. Wardlow, G.P. Keydan, and B. Leavitt, 2007. Green leaf area index estimation in crops using MODIS 250 meter data. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L20403, doi:10.1029/2007GL031620. | Online |
Wardlow, B.D., S.L. Egbert, and J.H. Kastens, 2007. Analysis of time-series MODIS 250-meter vegetation index data for crop discrimination in the U.S. Central Great Plains. Remote Sensing of Environment, 108, 290-310. | Online |
Allen, R., Mazis, A., Wardlow, B., Cherubini, P., Hiller, J., Wedin, D.A., Awada, T. 2023. Coupling dendroecological and remote sensing techniques to assess the biophysical traits of Juniperus virginiana and Pinus ponderosa within the Semi-Arid grasslands of the Nebraska Sandhills. Forest Ecology and Management 544 (2023) 121184. | Online |