Brian Wardlow

Brian Wardlow

  • Contact Information
  • My Story
  • Publications
  • Background
  • Interests
  • Grants
  • Advising
  • Courses Taught

Contact Information

TitleRemote Sensing Scientist | Director, Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies
Faculty RankProfessor
Address316 South Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln NE

East Campus
  • office: 402-472-6729
  • fax: 402-472-4915
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My Story

I joined UNL as a research assistant professor in 2006 and led the GIScience program at the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC) for six years. I have also been a faculty fellow with the Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies (CALMIT). I worked on a range of research projects that analyzed satellite-based Earth observations to incorporate information about vegetation health, soil moisture, and evapotranspiration into drought monitoring, both in the United States and internationally. In March 2012, I became an associate professor in the School of Natural Resources (SNR), where I teach remote sensing courses, maintain my current research program, and expand my remote sensing work through new collaborations within SNR and UNL. In April 2018, I became a full professor in SNR.

Research Interests

My selection of a career path in the field of remote sensing stems from interests in agriculture and natural resources that I developed growing up in small-town Nebraska, and during my academic training in environmental geography and GIScience. The remote sensing perspective from satellites and aircraft offers a unique vantage point to study key ecological and environmental patterns and processes across the landscape. As a result, my primary research focus has been to apply remote sensing as a tool to acquire critical information needed to better understand and address agricultural, environmental, and natural resource issues.

My current remote sensing research is centered on three predominant themes:

  • classifying and mapping land use/land cover (LULC) patterns of agricultural landscapes,
  • characterizing vegetation dynamics such as phenology and biophysical characteristics, and
  • drought monitoring and early warning.

Research Activities

I have been involved in a number of remote sensing projects that investigate how new types of satellite observations and innovative modeling techniques can improve drought monitoring systems. My research has been funded by various federal agencies including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NASA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). A prime example is the development of the Vegetation Drought Response Index, or VegDRI, online at, which integrates satellite, climate, and biophysical data to depict drought-related vegetation stress across the United States.

VegDRI map for July 25, 2011 depicting the extreme severe to extreme agricultural drought conditions over the south-central United States. VegDRI is becoming increasingly used by the U.S. Drought Monitor, National Weather Service, and individual states as part of their operational drought monitoring activities.
VegDRI map for July 25, 2011 depicting the severe to extreme agricultural drought conditions over the south-central United States. VegDRI is becoming increasingly used by the U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM), National Weather Service, and individual states as part of their operational drought monitoring activities.

I have also collaborated with NASA scientists to apply soil moisture and groundwater information from land surface models, which integrate satellite-based gravity information, into the operational USDM. Weekly maps from this project are published on the NDMC's website: I am also working with USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists to develop remote sensing-based drought indices related to evapotranspiration for drought assessments. These new tools are being increasingly adopted by state-of-the-art drought monitoring systems, such as the USDM, and attempts are underway to extend them to other parts of the world. In addition to monitoring, I have worked with faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Nevada-Reno to use historical remote sensing observations, climate data, and bird surveys, to better understand the impact of drought and heat waves on avian populations over the United States. This study is one of the few to focus on the ecological impacts of these natural hazards. It provided new insights into both the positive and negative impacts that droughts and heat waves can have on bird population dynamics, which can be used for natural resource and wildlife management.

Remote of Drought: Innovative Drought Monitoring approaches was published by CRC Press in April 2012, which summarize new cutting-edge satellite remote sensing techniques throughout the world being applied for drought monitoring and future considerations of such applications.
"Remote of Drought: Innovative Monitoring Approaches" was published by CRC Press in April 2012, which summarize new cutting-edge satellite remote sensing techniques throughout the world being applied for drought monitoring and future considerations of such applications.

I edited a book, "Remote Sensing of Drought: Innovative Monitoring Approaches," that includes contributions from leading remote sensing scientists around the world. They summarize cutting-edge remote sensing tools that are applicable to drought monitoring, food security and water scarcity. I also provide technical guidance for drought-related topics as a member of the NASA soil moisture active passive (SMAP) applications working group and the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) drought definitions and indices study team.

My research associated with characterization of agriculture-related LULC patterns and vegetation dynamics has involved projects such as classification of irrigated cropland, and estimation of crop phenology from both close range and satellite. I had the privilege to host and work with Dr. Toshihiro Sakamoto, a Japanese visiting scientist at SNR from the National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences (NIAES). We worked on developing new satellite-based methods to estimate critical crop stage dates for corn and soybeans. These dates can be used to detect inter-annual, local variations in crop phenology across large regions such as the U.S. Corn Belt, to better understand the interplay between climate, phenology, and crop yields. This work was also extended to develop cost-efficient digital camera methods to capture field-level crop phenology information, as well as satellite-based approaches, to estimate gross primary productivity (GPP) on crops in collaboration with Carbon Sequestration Program faculty at UNL. I have also worked with USGS scientists to develop methods to rapidly classify and map irrigated cropland across the United States . This improved LULC data helps various water resource management and environmental modeling efforts.

A 250-meter crop map derived from multitemporal MODIS vegetation index (VI) data and multispectral 30-meter Landsat imagery over southwest Kansas.  Field-level crop patterns and conditions can be mapped and monitored using time-series MODIS VI data detect changes in land use/land cover patterns, assess crop conditions, monitor crop phenology and estimate biophysical characteristics of crops.
A 250-meter crop map derived from multitemporal MODIS vegetation index (VI) data and multispectral 30-meter Landsat imagery over southwest Kansas. Field-level crop patterns and conditions can be mapped and monitoring using time-series MODIS VI data for detect changes in land use/land cover patterns, assess crop conditions, monitor crop phenology, and estimate biophysical characteristics of crops.


Outreach and education on the use of remote sensing and GIS for drought-related applications has been a major component of my work over the past six years. I have presented the use of these geospatial technologies to students and scientists from various disciplines - at national conferences and international workshops - in countries such as Argentina, China, Mali and Turkey. In addition, I have been involved in hands-on technical training with scientists from Canada, the Czech Republic and India. I also serve as the co-advisor for the Geography Student Organization (GSO) and Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU) geographic honor society at UNL. My teaching responsibilities include remote sensing courses offered at UNL such as Introduction to Remote Sensing, Digital Image Analysis, Applications of Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Natural Resources, and special topics.

Selected Publications

Shiferaw, A., Birru, G., Tadesse, T., Schmer, M. R., Awada, T., Jin, V. L., Wardlow, B., Iqbal, J., Freidenreich, A., Kharel, T., Khorchani, M., Mersha, Z., Begna, S., Sohoulande, C. 2024. Optimizing cover crop management in Eastern Nebraska: Insights from crop simulation modeling. Agronomy, 14(7), 1561.
Wardlow, B.D., M.A. Anderson, T. Tadesse, M. Svoboda, B. Fuchs, C. Hain, W. Crow, and M. Rodell. 2024. Remote Sensing of Drought: Satellite-Based Monitoring Tools for the United States. Chapter 3, Remote Sensing Handbook Vol. III: Water Resources, Disasters, and Urban: Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping, 2nd edition, ed. P. Thenakenbail, Boca Raton, FL:CRC Press.
Zhao, B., Stephenson, B.M., Awada, T., Volesky, J., Wardlow, B., Zhou, Y., and Shi, Y. (2024). 15-Yr Biomass Production in Semiarid Nebraska Sandhills Grasslands: Part 1—Plant Functional Group Analysis. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 93:49-61.
Birru, G., Shiferaw, A., Tadesse, T., Schmer, M.R., Jin, V.L., Wardlow, B., Koehler‐Cole, K., Awada, T., Beebout, S., Tsegaye, T. and Kahrel, T., 2023. Simulated impacts of winter rye cover crop on continuous corn yield and soil parameters. Agronomy Journal, 115(3), pp.11141130.Online
Birru, G., Shiferaw, A., Tadesse, T., Wardlow, B., Jin, V.L., Schmer, M., Awada, T., Kharel, T. and Iqbal, J., 2023. Cover crop performance under a changing climate in continuous corn system over nebraska. Journal of Environmental Quality, 53(1):66-77.Online
Chanyang Sur, Won-Ho Nam, Xiang Zhang, Tsegaye Tadesse & Brian D. Wardlow, 2023. Assessment of an evapotranspiration algorithm accounting for land cover types and photosynthetic perspectives using remote sensing images, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 60:1, DOI: 10.1080/15481603.2023.2279802 Online
Mazis, A., Awada, T., Erickson, G. E., Wardlow, B., Wienhold, B. J., Jin, V., Schmer, M., Suyker, A., Zhou, Y., & Hiller, J. 2023. Synergistic use of optical and biophysical traits to assess Bromus inermis pasture performance and quality under different management strategies in Eastern Nebraska, U.S. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 348, 108400. Online
Poděbradská, M., Wylie, B.K., Hayes, M.J., Bathke, D.J., Bayissa, Y.A., Boyte, S.P., Brown, J.F. and Wardlow, B.D. (2023). Using seasonal climate scenarios in the ForageAhead annual forage production model for early drought impact assessment. Ecosphere, 14(5), 4496.Online
Zhang, B., F. Abu Salem, M. Hayes, K. Smith, T. Tadesse, and B. Wardlow, 2023. Explainable Machine Learning for the Prediction and Assessment of Complex Drought Impacts. Science of the Total Environment. 898: 165509.
Lee, H.J., Nam, W.H., Toon, D.H., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Otkin, J.A. (2022). Flash drought mechanism and characteristics in South Korea. Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation(3).
Asoka, A., Wardlow, B., Tadesse, T., Huber, M., Mishra, V. (2021). A satellite-based assessment of the relative contribution of hydroclimatic variables on vegetation growth in global agricultural and non-agricultural regions. Geophysical Research-Atmospheres.
Flanagan, P., Mahmood, R., Sohl, T., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Hayes, M. J., Rappin, E. (2021). Simulated Atmospheric Response to Four Projected Land-Use Land-Cover Change Scenarios for 2050 in the North-Central United States. Earth Interactions, 25(1), 177-194.Online
Gao, F., Anderson, M., Johnson, D., Seffren, R., Wardlow, B., Suyker, A., Diao, C., Browning (2021). Towards routine mapping of crop emergence within the growing season using the Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 dataset. Remote Sensing(13).Online
Mazis, A., Fowler, J.A., Hiller, J., Zhou, Y., Wardlow, B., Wedin, D.A., Awada, T. 2021. Ecophysio-optical traits of semiarid Nebraska grasslands under different Juniperus virginiana and Pinus ponderosa canopy covers. Ecological Indicators 131 (2021) 108159. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108159Online
Mazis, T., Awada, T. N., Fowler, J., Hiller, J., Zhou, Y., Wardlow, B., Wedin, D. A. (2021). Changes in Ecophysio-Optical Traits of Semiarid Nebraska Grasslands with Juniperus virginiana and Pinus ponderosa Encroachment. Ecological Indicators, 131. Online
Podebradska, M., Wylie, B. K., Bathke, D., Bayissa, Y. A., Dahal, D., Derner, J. D., Fay, P. A., Hayes, M. J., Schacht, W., Volesky, J., Wagle, P., Wardlow, B. (2021). Monitoring climate impacts on annual forage production across U.S. semi-arid grasslands. Remote Sensing, 14(1). Online
Wang, R., Gamon, J., Moore, R., Zygielbaum, A., Arkebauer, T., Perk, R., Leavitt, B., Cogliati, S., Wardlow, B., Qi, Y. (2021). Errors associated with atmospheric correction methods for airborne imaging spectroscopy: Implications for vegetation indices and plant traits. Remote Sensing of Environment, 265.
Zeng, L., Wardlow, B., Xiang, D., Hu, S., Li, D. (2021). A review of vegetation phenological metrics extraction using time-series multispectral satellite data. A review of vegetation phenological metrics extraction using time-series multispectral satellite data.
Donovan, V., Twidwell, D., Uden, D., Tadesse, T., Wardlow, B., Bielski, C., Jones, M., Allred, B., Naugle, D., Allen, C. (2020). Resilience to large, ‘catastrophic’ wildfires in North America’s grassland biome. Earth's Future.
Franz, T., Pokal, S., Gibson, J., Zhou, Y., Gholizadeh, H., Tenorio, F. A., Rudnick, D., Heeren, D., McCabe, M. F., Ziliani, M. G., Jin, Z., Guan, K. Y., Pan, M., Gates, J., Wardlow, B. (2020). The role of topography, soil, and remotely sensed vegetation condition towards predicting subfield-scale crop yield. Field Crops Research. 252:107788 DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107788Online
Kulkarni, S.S., Wardlow, B.D., Bayissa, Y., Tadesse, T. Scoboda, M.D. Gedam, S.S. 2020. Developing a Remote Sensing-Based Combined Drought Indicator Approach for Agricultural Drought Monitoring over Marathwada, India. Remote Sens. 12, 2091.Online
Li, Y., Guan, K., Peng, B., Franz, T., Wardlow, B., Pan, M. (2020). Quantifying irrigation cooling benefits to maize yield in the US Midwest. Global Change Biology, 26(5).
Tadesse, T., Hollinger, D. Y., Bayissa, Y. A., Svoboda, M., Fuchs, B., Zhang, B., Demisse, G., Wardlow, B., Bohrer, G., Clark, K., Desai, A., Gu, L., Noormets, A., Novick, K., Richardson, A. (2020). Forest Drought Response Index (ForDRI): A New Combined Model to Monitor Forest Drought in the Eastern United States. Advances in Remote Sensing for Global Forest Monitoring.
Yoon, D.-H., Nam, W.-H., Lee, H.-J., Hong, E.-M., Feng, S., Wardlow, B., Tadesse, T., Svoboda, M., Hayes, M. J., Kim, D.-E. (2020). Agricultural drought assessment in East Asia using satellite-based indices. Remote Sensing, 12 (444).Online
Zhou, W., Guan, K., Peng, B., Shi, J., Jiang, C., Wardlow, B., Pan, M., Kimball, J., Franz, T., Gentine, P. (2020). Connections between the hydrological cycle and crop yield in the rainfed US Corn Belt. Journal of Hydrology 590:125398.
Bayissa, Y. A., Tadesse, T., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Poulsen, C., Swigart, J., van Andel, S. J. 2019. Developing and evaluating a satellite-based combined drought indicator to monitor agricultural drought: A case study for Ethiopia. GIScience Remote SenOnline
Bumann, E., Awada T., Wardlow B., Hayes M., Okalebo J., Helzer C., Mazis A., J. Hiller J., and Cherubini, P. 2019. Assessing Responses of Betula papyrifera to Climate Variability in a Remnant Population along the Niobrara River Valley in Nebraska through Online
Hua, L., Sui, H., Wang, H., Wardlow, B., Hayes, M. J., Wang, J. 2019. Mapping the spatial-temporal dynamics of vegetation response lag to drought in semi-arid region. Remote Sensing. 11, 1873: 2-22.Online
Jeffries, G.R., Griffin, T.S., Fleisher, D.H., Naumova, E.N., Koch, M., Wardlow, B. 2019. Mapping sub-field maize yields in Nebraska, USA by combining remote sensing imagery, crop simulation models, and machine learning. Precision Agriculture.Online
Poděbradská, M., Wylie, B., Hayes, M. J., Wardlow, B., Bathke, D., Dahal, D., Bliss, N. 2019. Monitoring Drought Impacts on Annual Forage Production in Semi-arid Grasslands: Nebraska Sandhills Case Study. Remote Sensing. 11(18), 2106.Online
Podebradska, M., Wylie, B., Hayes, M.J., Wardlow, B., Bathke, D. 2019. Developing a Tool to Monitor Drought Impacts on Semi-Arid U.S. Grasslands: Nebraska Sandhills Case Study. Littleton, Co: Society for Range Management. Pp. 74.Online
Podebradska, M., Wylie, B., Hayes, M.J., Wardlow, B., Bathke, D. 2019. Developing a Tool to Monitor Drought Impacts on Semi-Arid U.S. Grasslands: Nebraska Sandhills Case Study. Washington, D.C.: ESA.Online
Podebradska, M., Wylie, B., Hayes, M.J., Wardlow, B., Bathke, D. 2019. Drought Impacts on Annual Forage Production in Semi-arid Grasslands. AGU.Online
Podebradska, M., Wylie, B., Hayes, M.J., Wardlow, B.D., Bathke, D.J., Bliss, N.B., Dahal, D. (2019) Monitoring Drought Impact on Annual Forage Production in Semi-Arid Grasslands: A Case Study of Nebraska Sandhills. Remoste Sens. 11(18), 2106Online
Zhang, X., Chen, N., Sheng, H., Ip, C., Yang, L., Chen, Y., Sang, Z., Tadesse, T., Lim, T. P. Y., Rajabifard, A., Bueti, C., Zeng, L., Wardlow, B., Wang, S., Tang, S., Xiong, Z., Li, D., Niyogi, D. 2019. Urban Drought Challenge to 2030 Sustainable DevelopOnline
Zhang, X., Chen, N., Sheng, H., Ip, C., Ynag, L., Chen, Y., Sang, Z., Tadesse, T., Lim, T. P. Y., Rajabifard, A., Bueti, C., Zeng, L., Wardlow, B., Wang, S., Xiong, Z., Li, D., Niyogi, D. 2019. Urban drought challenges to 2030 sustainable development goalOnline
Bayissa, Y. A., Tadesse, T., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Poulsen, C., Swigart, J., van Andel, S. J. 2018. Developing a satellite-based combined drought indicator to monitor agricultural drought: a case study for Ethiopia. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 56(5): Online
Bijaber, N., El Hadani, Driss, Saidi, M., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Hain, C. R., Poulsen, C. C., Yessef, M., Rochdi, A. (2018). Developing a Remotely Sensed Drought Monitoring Indicator for Morocco. Geosciences, 8(2), 18pp.
Cai, Y., Guan, K., Wang, S., Li, Z., C. Seifert, Wardlow, B. (2018). A high-performance and time-lead classification system of field-level crop types using time-series Landsat data and deep learning approach for the U.S. Corn Belt: a case study in Champai
Gamon, J., Hmimina, G. Y., Miao, G., Guan, K., Springer, K., Wang, R., Yu, R., Gholizadeh, H., Moore, R., Walter-Shea, E., Arkebauer, T., Suyker, A., Franz, T., Wardlow, B., Wedin, D. A. (2018). Imaging spectrometry and fluorometry in support of FLEX: wha
Mariano, D. A., dos Santos, C. C., Wardlow, B., Anderson, M. C., Schiltmeyer, A. V., Tadesse, T., Svoboda, M. (2018). Use of remote sensing indicators to assess effects of drought and human-induced land degradation on ecosystem health in Northeastern Braz
Nam, W.-H., Tadesse, T., Wardlow, B., Hayes, M. J., Svoboda, M., Hong, E., Pachepsky, Y., Jang, M.-W. (2018). Developing the Vegetation Drought Response Index for South Korea (VegDRI-SKorea) to assess the vegetation condition during drought events. InternOnline
Trnka, M., Hayes, M. J., Jurecka, F., Bartosova, L., Anderson, M., Brazdil, R., Brown, J., Camarero, J., Cudlin, P., Dobrovolny, P., Eitzinger, J., Feng, S., Finnessey, T., Gregoric, G., Havlik, P., Hain, C., Holman, I., Johnson, D., Kersebaum, K., Ljungq
Yang, Y., Anderson, M., Gao, F., Suyker, A., Wardlow, B., Hain, C., Otkin, J., Sun, L., Delaney, W. (2018). Field-Scale Mapping of Evaporative Stress Indicators of Crop Yield: an Application over Mead, NE. Field-Scale Mapping of Evaporative Stress Indicat
Aegerter, C., Wang, J., Ge, S., Irmak, S., Oglesby, R. J., Wardlow, B., Yang, H., You, J., Shulski, M. (2017). Mesoscale modeling of the meteorological impacts of irrigation during the 2012 central plains drought. Journal of Applied Meteorology and ClimatOnline
Demisse, G., Tadesse, T., Atnafu, A., Hill, S., Wardlow, B., Bayissa, Y. A., Shiferaw, A. (2017). Information Mining from Heterogeneous data sources: a case study on drought predictions. Information Mining from Heterogeneous data sources: a case study on Online
Tadesse, T., Wardlow, B., Demisse, G., Bayissa, Y., Champagne, C., Hadwen, T., Brown, J. (2017). Building the Vegetation Drought Response Index for Canada (VegDRI-Canada) to monitor agricultural drought. GIScience and Remote Sensing, 54(2), 230-257.Online
Wardlow, B., Anderson, M., Hain, C., Otkin, J., Crow, W., Tadesse, T., AghaKouchak, A. (2017). Advancements in Satellite Remote Sensing for Drought Monitoring. In Donald Wilhite, Roger S. Pulwarty (Ed.), Drought and Water Crisis (pp. 223-249). Boca Raton,Online
Ambika, A.K., B.D. Wardlow, and V. Mirsha. 2016. Data Descriptor: Remotely sensed high resolution irrigated area mapping in India for 2000 to 2015. Nature 3:160118.Online
Krishnankutty, A., Wardlow, B., Mishra, V. (2016). Remotely sensed high resolution (250 m) irrigated area mapping in India (2000-2015). Scientific Data. 3:160118.Online
Otkin, J., Anderson, M. C., Hain, C., Svoboda, M., Johnson, D. M., Mueller, R., Tadesse, T., Wardlow, B., Brown, J. (2016). Assessing the evolution of soil moisture and vegetation conditions during the 2012 United States flash drought. Agricultural and FoOnline
Wang, J., Kessner, C., Aegerter, C., Sharma, A., Judd, L., Wardlow, B., You, J., Shulze, M., Irmak, S., Kilic, A. 2016. A multi-sensor view of the 2012 Central Plains drought from space. Journal of Applied and Theoretical Meteorology, 4:1-13.Online
Zambrano, F., Wardlow, B., Tadesse, T., Lillo-Saavedra, M., Lagos, O. 2016. Evaluating satellite-derived long-term historical precipitation dataset for drought monitoring in Chile. Atmospheric Research. 186: 26-42.Online
Zeng, L., Wardlow, B., Wang, R., Shan, J., Tadesse, T., Hayes, M. J., Li, D. 2016. A Hybrid Approach for Detecting Corn and Soybean Phenology with Time-Series MODIS Data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 181:237-250.Online
Zeng, L., Wardlow, B., Wang, R., Tadesse, T., Shan, J., Hayes, M. J., Li, D. 2016. A hybrid approach for detecting corn and soybean phenology with time-series MODIS data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 181: 237-250.Online
AghaKouckak, A., Farahmand, A., Teixeira, J., Wardlow, B., Melton, F., Anderson, M., Hain, C. (2015). Remote sensing of drought: progress, challenges, and opportunities. Reviews of Geophysics. 53: 452-480.Online
Nam, W.H., T. Tadesse, B.D. Wardlow, MW Jang, and S.Y. Hong, 2015. Satellite-based Hybrid Drought Assessment using Vegetation Drought Response Index in South Korea (VegDRI-SKorea), Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers, 57(4):1-9;
Otkin, J., M. Shafer, M. Svoboda, B. Wardlow, M.C. Anderson, C. Hain, and J. Basara. 2015. Facilitating the use of drought early warning inform ation through interactions with stakeholders. Bulletin of the American Me teorology Society (BAMS).96(7):10Online
Otkin, J., Shafer, M., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Anderson, M., Hain, C., Basara, J. (2015). Facilitating the Use of Drought Early Warning Information through Interactions with Agricultural Stakeholders. American Meteorological Society. 96(7), 1073-1078.Online
Tadesse, T., B.D. Wardlow, J. Brown, M. Hayes, M. Svoboda, B. Fuchs, and D. Gutzmer, 2015. Assessing the vegetation condition impacts of the 2011 drought across the U.S. Southern Great Plains using the Vegetation Drought Response Index (VegDRI), Journal oOnline
Trnka, M., Brazdil, R., Mozny, M., Stepanek, P., Dubrovsky, M., Zahradnicek, P., Balek, B., Dobrovolny, P., Semaradova, D., Hlavinka, P., Eitzinger, J., Wardlow, B., Svoboda, M., Hayes, M. J., Zalud, Z. (2015). Soil moisture trends in the Czech Republic bOnline
Zeng, L., B.D. Wardlow, T. Tadesse, J. Shan, M. J. Hayes, D. Li, and D. Xiang, 2015. Estimation of Daily Air Temperature Based on MODIS Land Surface Temperature Products over the Corn Belt in the US, Remote Sensing, 7(1):951-970;Online
Zeng, L., Wardlow, B., Tadesse, T., Shan, J., Hayes, M. J., Li, D., Xiang, D. (2015). Estimating daily maximum and minimum air temperature using both daytime and nighttime MODIS land surface temperature products over the Corn Belt in US. Remote Sensing, 7
Harms, S., T. Tadesse, and B.D. Wardlow, 2014. Improving drought risk modelling: Using multiple periods of satellite data with ensembles of data mining algorithm, International Journal of Society Systems Science, 6 (2):143-158.
Harms, S., Tadesse, T., Wardlow, B. (2014). Improving drought risk modeling: using multiple periods of satellite data with ensembles of data mining algorithms. International Journal of Society Systems Science. 6: 143-158.
Hunt, E., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Hubbard, K., Hayes, M. J., Arkebauer, T. (2014). Monitoring the effects of rapid onset of drought on non-irrigated maize with agronomic data and climate-based drought indices. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology/AMS, 19Online
Wardlow, B., Callahan, K. (2014). A Multi-scale Accuracy Assessment of the MODIS-irrigated agriculture data-set (MIrAD) for the State of Nebraska, USA. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 51, 575-592.
Anderson., M. C., Hain, C., Otkin, J., Zhan, X., Mo, K., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Pimstein, A. (2013). An intercomparison of drought indicators based on thermal remote sensing and NLDAS-2 simulations. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 14: 1035-1056.Online
Swain, S., Wardlow, B., Narumalani, S., Rundquist, D., Hayes, M. J. (2013). Relationships between vegetation indices and root zone soil moisture under maize and soybean canopies in the U.S. Corn Belt: a comparative study using close-range sensing approach
Trnka, M., Kersenbaum, C., Eitzinger, J., Hayes, M. J., Hlavinka, P., Svoboda, M., Dubrovsky, M., Semeradova, D., Wardlow, B., Pokorny, E., Mozny, M., Wilhite, D., Waltman, W., Zalud, Z. (2013). Consequences of climate change for the soil climate in centr
Sakamoto, T., A.A. Gitelson, A.L. Nguy-Robertson, T.J. Arkebauer, B.D. Wardlow, A.E. Suyker, S.B. Verma, & M. Shibayama, (2012) An alternative method using digital cameras for continuous monitoring of crop status. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology. 154-1Online
Sakamoto, T., Gitelson, A., Wardlow, B., Arkebauer, T., Verma, S., Suyker, A., Sibayama, M. (2012). Application of day and night digital photographs for estimating maize biophysical characteristics. Precision Agriculture. 13, 285-301.
Swain, S., D. Rundquist, T. Arkebauer, S. Narumalani, and B. Wardlow. 2012. Non-invasive estimation of relative water content in soybean leaves using infrared thermography, Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 60: 25-36.
Wardlow, B.D., T. Tadesse, K. Callahan, S. Swain, and E. Hunt, 2012. The Vegetation Drought Response Index (VegDRI): an integration of satellite, climate, and biophysical data. Drought Mitigation Center Faculty Publications. 107Online
Swain, S., B. Wardlow, S. Narumalani, T. Tadessse, and K. Callahan. 2011. Assessing Vegetation Response to Drought in Nebraska Using Terra-MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 48 (3): 432-4Online
Tadesse, T., B.D. Wardlow, M.J. Hayes, M.D. Svoboda, and J.F. Brown, 2010. The Vegetation Condition Outlook (VegOut): A New Method for Predicting Vegetation Seasonal Greenness. GIScience and Remote Sensing, 47(1):25-52.Online
Albright, T., A. Pidgeon, C. Rittenhouse, M. Clayton, C. Flather, P. Culbert, B. Wardlow, and V. Radeloff, 2009.. Effects of drought on avian community structure. Global Change Biology, In review.
Wardlow, B.D. and S.L. Egbert, 2009. A comparison of MODIS 250-m evi and ndvi data for crop mapping in the U.S. Central Great Plains. International Journal of Remote Sensing, In press.Online
Wardlow, B.D., M.J. Hayes, M.D. Svoboda, T. Tadesse, and K.H. Smith, 2009. Sharpening the Focus on Drought – New Monitoring and Assessment Tools at the National Drought Mitigation Center. Earthzine, In press.
Brown, J. F., B. D. Wardlow, T. Tadesse, M. J. Hayes, and B. C. Reed. 2008. The Vegetation Drought Response Index (VegDRI): A new integrated approach for monitoring drought stress in vegetation. GIScience and Remote Sensing 45 (1):16-46.Online
Gu, Y., E. Hunt, B.D. Wardlow, J.B. Basara, J.F. Brown, and J.P. Verdin, 2008. Evaluation and validation of modis ndvi and ndwi for vegetation drought monitoring using Oklahoma mesonet soil moisture data. Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2008GL03
T. Tadesse, M. Haile, G. Senay, B. D. Wardlow, and C. L. Knutson (2008) The need for integration of drought monitoring tools for proactive food security management in sub-Saharan Africa, Natural Resources Forum, 32:4, pp. 303-316Online
Tadesse, T., B. Wardlow, and M. Hayes, 2008. The application of data mining for drought monitoring and prediction. Data Mining Applications for Empowering Knowledge Societies, Idea Group Publishers, New York, NY, pp. 280-291.Online
Tadesse, T., M. Haile, G. Senay, B.D. Wardlow, and C. Knutson, 2008. Building integrated drought monitoring and food security systems in sub-Saharan Africa. U.N. Natural Resources Forum, 32(4):303-316.Online
Tadesse, T., M. Haile, G. Senay, C. Knutson, and B.D. Wardlow, 2008. Building integrated drought monitoring and food security systems in sub-Saharan Africa. Natural Resources Forum, 32, 265-279.Online
Wardlow, B.D. and S.L. Egbert, 2008. Large-area crop mapping using time-series MODIS 250 mndvi data: an assessment for the U.S. Central Great Plains. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112:1096-1116.Online
Gitelson, A.A., B.D. Wardlow, G.P. Keydan, and B. Leavitt, 2007. Green leaf area index estimation in crops using MODIS 250 meter data. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L20403, doi:10.1029/2007GL031620.Online
Wardlow, B.D., S.L. Egbert, and J.H. Kastens, 2007. Analysis of time-series MODIS 250-meter vegetation index data for crop discrimination in the U.S. Central Great Plains. Remote Sensing of Environment, 108, 290-310.Online
Allen, R., Mazis, A., Wardlow, B., Cherubini, P., Hiller, J., Wedin, D.A., Awada, T. 2023. Coupling dendroecological and remote sensing techniques to assess the biophysical traits of Juniperus virginiana and Pinus ponderosa within the Semi-Arid grasslands of the Nebraska Sandhills. Forest Ecology and Management 544 (2023) 121184.



DegreeMajorInstitutionYear Awarded
Doctorate of PhilosophyGeographyUniversity of Kansas2005
Master of ScienceGeographyKansas State University1996
Bachelor of ScienceGeographyNorthwest Missouri State University1994





TitleAwarded byYear Awarded
FellowNational Strategic Research Institute at University of Nebraska2021




SNR Program Areas

  • Applied Climate and Spatial Science

Areas of Interest/Expertise

  • Remote Sensing
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Land Use/Land Cover Characterization
  • Vegetation-Climate Interactions
  • Drought Monitoring
  • Biogeography
  • Landscape Ecology
  • Remote Sensing/GIS Applications for Agricultural and Natural Resource Management/Monitoring
  • Geography


Currently this page only displays grants that were awarded on 1/1/ 2009 to the present. If a grant was awarded prior to 1/1/ 2009 and is still active, it will not be displayed on this page.

Grant TitleIdentifying Public Health Applications of Satellit-derived Drought Indicators: Improved Monitoring for Respiratory Health (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/23/2024


Ending Date05/12/2025
Funding Level$27,394.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska Medical Center


Grant TitleOptimizing Cover Crop Decisions for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/23/2024


Ending Date07/31/2025
Funding Level$19,670.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Department of Agriculture - Agriculture Research Service


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2024


Ending Date09/14/2025
Funding Level$25,500.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleContributing to a UAS?UAV Fleet Mgt System and Imagery Data Mgt System with USDA-ARS and Partnerships for Data Innovations
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date08/31/2024
Funding Level$33,738.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date09/14/2024
Funding Level$25,500.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleOptimizing Cover Crop Decisions for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability
Starting Date11/10/2023


Ending Date07/31/2025
Funding Level$58,000.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleIdentifying Public Health Applications of Satellit-derived Drought Indicators: Improved Monitoring for Respiratory Health
Starting Date11/10/2023


Ending Date05/12/2024
Funding Level$26,705.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska - Medical Center


Grant TitleOptimizing Cover Crop Decisions for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability
Starting Date07/06/2023


Ending Date07/31/2024
Funding Level$33,938.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2022


Ending Date09/07/2023
Funding Level$23,500.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Deparment of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleIdentifying Public Health Applications of Satellite-derived Drought Indicators: Improved Monitoring for Respiratory Health
Starting Date09/01/2022


Ending Date05/12/2023
Funding Level$26,035.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebrask-Medical Center


Grant TitleOptimizing Cover Crop Decisions for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability
Starting Date09/01/2022


Ending Date07/31/2023
Funding Level$78,250.00
Funding AgencyUSDA-Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/18/2021


Ending Date09/17/2022
Funding Level$23,500.00
Funding AgencyU.S. Department of Agriculture - AmericaView


Grant TitleOptimizing Cover Crop Decisions for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability
Starting Date08/01/2021


Ending Date07/31/2022
Funding Level$28,228.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Service


Grant Title Optimizing Cover Crop Decisions for Enhanced Productivity, Profitability, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/01/2021


Ending Date07/31/2022
Funding Level$10,972.00
Funding AgencyUSDA - Agricultural Research Service


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (Additional)
Starting Date11/17/2020


Ending Date09/17/2021
Funding Level$23,500.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior-AmericaView


Grant TitleA Multi-Spatial Approach to Monitoring Forage Characteristics of Western US Grasslands
Starting Date10/01/2020


Ending Date08/16/2021
Funding Level$84,999.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleDrought Information Services and Research for Ag across the US
Starting Date09/30/2020


Ending Date09/29/2021
Funding Level$800,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Deparment of Agriculture - OCE


Grant TitleProviding Drought Risk Management Services for the World Bank
Starting Date05/29/2020


Ending Date03/24/2021
Funding Level$199,994.00
Funding AgencyWorld Bank Group


Grant TitleAssessing the Utility of Remote Sensing for Emerald Ash Borer Detection
Starting Date03/10/2020


Ending Date05/10/2020
Funding Level$24,768.00
Funding AgencyCity of Lincoln NE


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Global Evaporative Stress Indes Based on Thermal and Microwave LST towards Improved Monitoring of Agricultural Water and Vegetation Stress
Starting Date01/17/2020


Ending Date03/31/2020
Funding Level$56,019.00
Funding AgencyNASA


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (additional funding)
Starting Date09/18/2019


Ending Date09/17/2020
Funding Level$23,500.00
Funding AgencyUS Dept of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleDrought Risk Management in South Africa
Starting Date06/07/2019


Ending Date08/15/2020
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyWorld Bank Group


Grant TitleDrought Impacts on Grasslands
Starting Date03/15/2019


Ending Date09/14/2019
Funding Level$84,995.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - GS


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (additional funding)
Starting Date09/18/2018


Ending Date09/17/2019
Funding Level$23,500.00
Funding AgencyDOI-AmericaView


Grant TitleHigh Resolution Land Cover for Nebraska and Windbreak Assessments for the Northern Plains (additional funding)
Starting Date07/20/2018


Ending Date09/30/2018
Funding Level$14,895.00
Funding AgencyForest Service


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Global Evaporative Stress Index Based on Thermal and Microwave LST towards Improved Monitoring of Agricultural Water and Vegetation Stress
Starting Date07/11/2018


Ending Date03/31/2020
Funding Level$27,750.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleGlobal ESI (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/01/2018


Ending Date03/31/2019
Funding Level$24,114.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautic and Space Administration


Grant TitleHigh Resolution Land Cover for Nebraska and Windbreak Assessments for the Northern Plains (additional funding)
Starting Date06/20/2017


Ending Date10/31/2017
Funding Level$13,492.00
Funding AgencyForest Service


Grant TitleHigh Resolution Land Cover for Nebraska and Windbreak Assessments for the Northern Plains (additional funding)
Starting Date06/17/2017


Ending Date05/31/2019
Funding Level$39,989.00
Funding AgencyForest Service


Grant TitleCALMIT GIS Support (Additional Support)
Starting Date04/01/2017


Ending Date03/31/2018
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleIntegrating GRACE and GRACE Follow On Data into Flood and Drought Forecasts for the Continental U.S. (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/05/2017


Ending Date12/10/2018
Funding Level$51,878.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleHigh Resolution Land Cover for Nebraska and Windbreak Assessments for the Northern Plains
Starting Date07/20/2016


Ending Date12/31/2017
Funding Level$54,421.00
Funding AgencyUS Forest Service


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2016


Ending Date06/30/2017
Funding Level$23,500.00
Funding AgencyDOI-AmericaView


Grant TitleUCGIS Annual Membership
Starting Date03/01/2016


Ending Date02/28/2017
Funding Level$1,000.00
Funding AgencyARD Strategic Funding


Grant TitleNASA GRACE Follow On Drought/Flood (Additional Funding)
Starting Date02/12/2016


Ending Date12/10/2018
Funding Level$50,451.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleMENA Regional Drought Management
Starting Date01/01/2016


Ending Date03/31/2017
Funding Level$1,025,440.00
Funding AgencyICBA


Grant TitlePredicting Climate Extreme GHA (additional funding)
Starting Date12/02/2015


Ending Date01/13/2017
Funding Level$277,065.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleET Mapping Over North America (additional funding)
Starting Date11/10/2015


Ending Date12/12/2016
Funding Level$29,916.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleDeveloping Operational VegDRI Model
Starting Date11/09/2015


Ending Date03/18/2016
Funding Level$21,297.00
Funding AgencyAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Grant TitlePhenoCam Project (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2015


Ending Date01/31/2017
Funding Level$1,000.00
Funding AgencyU. S. Department of the Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleDecadal Drought Risk Assessment and Scenario Development for Food and Bio-Fuels Agriculture in Four Sub-Basins in the Missouri River Basin
Starting Date08/01/2015


Ending Date07/31/2017
Funding Level$129,051.00
Funding AgencyCenter for Research on Changing Earth Systems


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development and Operations (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2015


Ending Date06/30/2016
Funding Level$23,500.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of the Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleThe Quick Drought Response Index (QuickDRI): An Integrated Approach to Maximizing the Use of NASA Data Sets for Rapid Response Drought Monitoring (additional funding)
Starting Date06/25/2015


Ending Date08/13/2016
Funding Level$93,169.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Multi-Scale Remote-Sensing Based Framework for Mapping Drought over North America (additional funding)
Starting Date06/16/2015


Ending Date12/12/2016
Funding Level$10,731.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleDownscaling of GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Observations and Applications to Global Drought Monitoring
Starting Date03/11/2015


Ending Date03/10/2018
Funding Level$20,830.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleThe Quick Drought Response Index (QuickDRI): An Integrated Approach to Maximizing the Use of NASA Data Sets for Rapid Response Drought Monitoring (additional funding)
Starting Date02/27/2015


Ending Date08/13/2016
Funding Level$93,169.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Multi-Scale Remote-Sensing Based Framework for Mapping Drought over North America (additional funding)
Starting Date02/27/2015


Ending Date12/12/2016
Funding Level$10,731.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleMonitoring Phenology in the North Central Region of the United States (additional funding)
Starting Date02/15/2015


Ending Date08/31/2015
Funding Level$4,850.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleTask Order 2: Mapping Irrigated Lands Across Nebraska
Starting Date02/01/2015


Ending Date11/01/2015
Funding Level$68,067.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleIntegrating GRACE and GRACE Follow On Data into Flood and Drought Forecasts for the Continental U.S. (additional funding)
Starting Date12/11/2014


Ending Date12/10/2018
Funding Level$15,157.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleIntegrating GRACE and GRACE Follow On Data into Flood and Drought Forecasts for the Continental U.S. (additional funding)
Starting Date12/11/2014


Ending Date12/10/2018
Funding Level$15,156.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleIntegrating GRACE and GRACE Follow On Data into Flood and Drought Forecasts for the Continental U.S.
Starting Date12/11/2014


Ending Date12/10/2018
Funding Level$20,208.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration - Goodard Space Flight Center


Grant TitleStateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Nebraska
Starting Date09/16/2014


Ending Date06/30/2015
Funding Level$24,900.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleESI Rapid Drought Onset (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2014


Ending Date08/31/2015
Funding Level$21,300.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleET Mapping Over North America (additional funding)
Starting Date08/21/2014


Ending Date12/12/2016
Funding Level$5,960.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Multi-Scale Remote-Sensing Based Framework for Mapping Drought over North America (additional funding)
Starting Date08/21/2014


Ending Date12/12/2016
Funding Level$5,960.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleThe Quick Drought Response Index (QuickDRI): An Integrated Approach to Maximizing the Use of NASA Data Sets for Rapid Response Drought Monitoring (additional funding)
Starting Date08/15/2014


Ending Date08/13/2016
Funding Level$58,113.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleThe Quick Drought Response Index (QuickDRI): An Integrated Approach to Maximizing the Use of NASA Data Sets for Rapid Response Drought Monitoring (additional funding)
Starting Date08/15/2014


Ending Date08/13/2016
Funding Level$124,225.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleCrop Type Classification
Starting Date08/15/2014


Ending Date12/31/2016
Funding Level$25,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Natural Resources


Grant TitleCALMIT GIS Support
Starting Date04/01/2014


Ending Date03/31/2016
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleSeasonal Prediction of Hydro-Climatic Extremes in the Greater Horn of Africa under Evolving Climate Conditions to Support Adaptation Strategies (additional funds)
Starting Date01/14/2014


Ending Date01/13/2017
Funding Level$343,462.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleET Mapping Over North America
Starting Date12/31/2013


Ending Date12/12/2016
Funding Level$106,576.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development 2013 (additional funding)
Starting Date12/13/2013


Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$1,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant TitleDevelopment of a Multi-Scale Remote-Sensing Based Framework for Mapping Drought over North America (additional funding)
Starting Date12/13/2013


Ending Date12/12/2016
Funding Level$14,308.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleNebraskaView Program Development 2013
Starting Date12/01/2013


Ending Date09/15/2014
Funding Level$23,673.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior


Grant TitleDeveloping VegDRI-Canada-Phase 2
Starting Date11/15/2013


Ending Date03/31/2014
Funding Level$21,943.00
Funding AgencyAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Grant TitlePredicting Climate Extreme GHA
Starting Date11/01/2013


Ending Date10/31/2016
Funding Level$987,767.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleGeographical Information Systems (GIS) Support for the Nebraska Department of Agriculture
Starting Date10/01/2013


Ending Date03/31/2014
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleNebraska Update PAD
Starting Date09/15/2013


Ending Date09/14/2014
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleMoisture into NLDAS (additional funding)
Starting Date09/01/2013


Ending Date08/31/2014
Funding Level$37,491.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleMonitoring Phenology in the North Central Region of the United States
Starting Date09/01/2013


Ending Date08/31/2015
Funding Level$3,998.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Interior - AmericaView


Grant Title2013 Workshop on Remote Sensing for Drought Monitoring and Water Resources Applications
Starting Date08/15/2013


Ending Date10/01/2013
Funding Level$24,553.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleCollaboration WI: Facilitating Adaptive Management under Conditions of Rapid Drought Onset using the Goes-Based Evaporative Stress Index
Starting Date08/01/2013


Ending Date07/31/2015
Funding Level$20,737.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleEcological Spectral Information System (additional funding)
Starting Date06/15/2013


Ending Date12/31/2015
Funding Level$43,835.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison


Grant TitleEcological Spectral Information System (ESIS): Integration of Spectral Data with Measurements of Vegetation Functional Traits (additional funding)
Starting Date06/03/2013


Ending Date06/14/2016
Funding Level$16,375.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison


Grant TitleEcological Spectral Information System
Starting Date06/01/2013


Ending Date06/14/2014
Funding Level$75,665.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Wisconsin


Grant TitleEvapotranspiration & Drought Monitor
Starting Date08/24/2012


Ending Date08/22/2013
Funding Level$8,864.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleRapid Response Drought Monitoring (additional funding)
Starting Date08/14/2012


Ending Date08/13/2016
Funding Level$324,564.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleRapid Response Drought Monitoring
Starting Date08/14/2012


Ending Date08/13/2013
Funding Level$121,082.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleMoisture in to NLDAS (additional funding)
Starting Date08/01/2012


Ending Date08/31/2013
Funding Level$36,519.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleET Mapping Over North America
Starting Date06/22/2012


Ending Date06/21/2013
Funding Level$29,144.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Maryland


Grant TitleDual Assimiliation of Microwave and Thermal-Infrared Satellite Observations of Soil Moisture
Starting Date09/01/2011


Ending Date08/31/2012
Funding Level$4,365.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Grant TitleMitigation of Ag Drought Models
Starting Date10/01/2010


Ending Date07/31/2012
Funding Level$20,383.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Alabama


Grant TitleA GOES Thermal-Bases Frought Early Warning Index for NIDIS
Starting Date08/01/2009


Ending Date07/31/2012
Funding Level$62,441.00
Funding AgencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/OAR


Grant TitleDrought Mitigation, Nebraska Project
Starting Date07/15/2009


Ending Date07/14/2010
Funding Level$437,243.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - CSREES


Grant TitleIntegrating Enhanced GRACE Water Storage Data (additional funding)
Starting Date08/06/2008


Ending Date08/05/2011
Funding Level$77,006.00
Funding AgencyNational Aeronautics and Space Administration


Grant TitleIncorporating Remote Sensing Information into the U.S. Drought Monitor
Starting Date02/01/2007


Ending Date09/30/2010
Funding Level$54,824.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey



Graduate Programs

Master of Applied Science

Master of Science in Natural Resource Sciences
including specializations in

  • Climate Assessment and Impacts
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Remote Sensing

Doctorate of Philosophy in Natural Resource Sciences
including specializations in

  • Climate Assessment and Impacts

Courses Taught

Course NumberCourse TitleFall Even YearsFall Odd YearsSpring Even YearsSpring Odd YearsSummer SessionCross Listing
NRES 418/818Introduction to Remote SensingXXGEOG 418/818
NRES 420/820Applications of Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Natural ResourcesXAGRO/GEOG/GEOL 419/819, NRES 420/820