Gilmore, Troy, Korus, Jesse, 2024. Groundwater In Nebraska (ESN-1): 2 pp., size 8.5" x 11". | Online |
Korus, J.T., Cameron, K., Waszgis, M., 2024. Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) Survey for Targeted Drilling on the Kurtzhals Property, Cedar County, Nebraska. Open-File Report 258, Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. | Online |
Korus, J.T., Joeckel, R.M., Mittelstet, A.R. & Shrestha, N. (2024) Multiscale characterization of splays produced by a historic, rain-on-snow flood on a large braided stream (Platte River, Central USA). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1–20. Available from: | Online |
Subsurface Investigation of the Hideaway Hills Subdivision in Blackhawk, South Dakota Using Electric Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Self-Potential (SP) Surveys | |
Kawo, N.S., Korus, J.T., Gulbrandsen, M.L. 2023. Multiple‑point statistical modeling of three‑dimensional glacial aquifer heterogeneity for improved groundwater management. Hydrogeology Journal | Online |
Kawo, N.S., Korus, J.T., Gulbrandsen, M.L., 2023. Multiple-Point Statistical (MPS) modeling of 3D glacial aquifer heterogeneity for improved groundwater management. Hydrogeology Journal. | Online |
Khalil, M., Hallum, D., Korus, J. (2023) Resistivity Survey for Locating a Well Site on the Howell Property. Conservation and Survey Division Open-File Report 239 (pp. 14.). Lincoln, NE: Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. | |
Khalil, M., J. Korus, D. Halum and R.M Joeckel. (2023) A Geophysical Survey of the Northdale Sanitary District, Meade County, South Dakota, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 35 pp.
| |
Korus, J.T., Joeckel, R.M.,2023. Exhumed fluvial landforms reveal evolution of late Eocene– Pliocene rivers on the Central and Northern Great Plains, USA. Geological Society of America Geosphere, 19(3), 695-718 []. | Online |
Korus, J.T., Joeckel, R.M.,2023. Telescopic megafans on the High Plains, USA were signal buffers in a major source-to-sink system. The Sedimentary Record 21(1). []. | Online |
Tilahun, T.A., Korus, J.T., 2023. 3D hydrostratigraphic and hydraulic conductivity modeling using supervised machine learning. Applied Computing and Geosciences 19, 100122:
| Online |
Fielding, C. R., Hutsky, A. J., Korus, J. (2022). Cenomanian-Turonian sediment dispersal patterns in Utah and Wyoming: A product of spatially and temporally variable accommodation. Gulf Coast Section of the Society for Sedimentary Geology | |
Joeckel, R. M., Hanson, P., and Korus, J.: The Grain of the Plains Remains: Widespread Northwest-Southeast Ridgelines and Associated Oriented Landforms, Northern Interior Plains, USA , 10th International Conference on Geomorphology, Coimbra, Portugal, 12–16 Sep 2022, ICG2022-672,, 2022. | Online |
Joeckel, R. M., Korus, J. T., Turk, J. K., Arps, C. C., Arps, N. V., Howard, L. M. (2022). Strange stones of Skull Creek: Basalt glacial erratics and omars in eastern Nebraska. Great Plains Research, 32, 1-20.
| Online |
Joeckel, R. M., Korus, J., Turk, J. K., Aarps, C. C., Aarps, N. V. (2022). The strange stones of Skull Creek: basalt glacial erratics and omars in eastern Nebraska. Great Plains Research.
| Online |
Korus, J. T., Joeckel, R. M. (2022). Sandstone-body geometry and hydrostratigraphy of the northern High Plain aquifer system, USA. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 55(3). | |
Korus, J., Joeckel, R. (2022). Discovery of fluvial ridges on the Great Plains fills big data gap in Rocky Mountain-Gulf of Mexico source-to-sink systems (5th ed., vol. 54). | |
Tilahun, T., Korus, J. (2022). 3D hydrostratigraphic modeling using supervised machine learning: case study of the High Plains Aquifer, SW Nebraska (5th ed., vol. 54). | |
Korus, J. T., Joeckel, R. M., Abraham, J. D., Hoyer, A.-S., Jorgenson, F. (2021). Reconstruction of pre-Illinoian ice margins and glaciotectonic structures from airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys at the western limit of Laurentide glaciation, Midcontinent U.S.A. Quaternary Science Advances, 4, 15.
| Online |
Russell, M. V., Mittelstet, A. R., Messer, T. L., Korus, J. T., Joeckel, R. M. (2021). Evolution of three streambanks before and after stabilization and record flooding. Ecological Engineering, 170(106357), 1-8. | Online |
Russell, M., Mittelstet, A., Joeckel, R. M., Korus, J., Castro Bolinaga, C. (2021). Impact of bank stabilization structures on upstream and downstream bank mobilization at Cedar River, Nebraska. Transactions of the ASABE, 64(5), 1555-1567. | Online |
Abimbola, O. P., Mittelstet, A., Gilmore, T., Korus, J. (2020). Influence of watershed characteristics on streambed hydraulic conductivity across multiple stream orders. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 3696. | Online |
Dave, N., Mittelstet, A., Korus, J., Waszgis, M. 2020. Impact of an Extreme Flood Event on Streambank Retreat: Cedar River, Nebraska, USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Paper No. JAWRA-19-0070-P February 14, 2020. | Online |
Korus, J., Fraundorfer, W. P., Gilmore, T., Karnik, K. (2020). Transient streambed hydraulic conductivity in channel and bar environments, Loup River, Nebraska. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 34(14), 3061-3077.
| Online |
Korus, J., Hensen, H. (2020). Depletion percentage and non-linear transmissivity as design criteria for groundwater-level observation networks. Environmental Earth Sciences, 79(382).
| |
Korus, J., Joeckel, M., Tucker, S. T. 2020. Genesis of giant, bouldery bars in a Miocene gravel-bed river: Insights from outcrop sedimentology, UAS-SfM photogrammetry, and GPR. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 90(1): 27-47. | Online |
Li, Y., Liu, C., Ou, G., Wang, Z., Korus, J., Jiang, R. (2020). Can Hydraulic Conductivity of Fluvial Sediments be Informed by Spectral Reflectance? Water Resources, 47(5).
| Online |
Gilmore, T., Johnson, M., Korus, J., Mittelstet, A., Briggs, M. A., Zlotnik, V., Corcoran, S. 2019. Streambed Flux Measurement Informed by Distributed Temperature Sensing Leads to a Significantly Different Characterization of Groundwater Discharge. Water. | Online |
Gilmore, T., Korus, J., Pennisi, L., Martin, D. L., Pekarek, K. 2019. Needs Assessment: Watershed Science for Water Resources Directors. Journal of Extension. 57(4). | Online |
Korus, J.T. and Howard, L.M., Maps showing the Physical Hydrogeology and Changes in Saturated Thickness (Predevelopment to Spring 2016 and Spring 2011 to Spring 2016) in the Middle Republican Natural Resources District, Southwestern Nebraska. University o | Online |
Pennisi, L., Gilmore, T., Gilmore, T. E., Korus, J., Pennisi, L., Martin, D., Pekarek, K. 2019. Needs Assessment: Watershed Science for Water-Resources Directors. Journal of Extension. 57(4). | Online |
Joeckel, R. M., Diffendal, Jr., R. F., Hanson, P. R., Korus, J. T. (2018). Geologic mapping in Nebraska: Old rocks, new maps, fresh insights. Great Plains Research, 28, 119-147. | |
Joeckel, R.M., Diffendal, R F., Jr., Hanson, P.R., Korus, J.T. 2018. Geologic mapping of Nebraska: Old rocks, new maps, fresh insights. Great Plains Research, 28, 119-147. | Online |
Korus, J. (2018). Combining hydraulic head analysis with airborne electromagnetics to detect and map impermeable aquifer boundaries. Water, 10, 975. | |
Korus, J. (2018). Nebraska GeoCloud brings high-tech hydrogeologic data down to earth (1st ed., vol. 72, pp. 10-11). Westerville, OH: Water Well Journal. | |
Korus, J. T., Joeckel, R. M. (2018). Airborne geophysics resolves stratigraphic and hydrogeologic complexity at the eastern boundary of the Great Plains in Nebraska. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs (vol. 50). Boulder, CO: Geological | Online |
Korus, J. T., Fielding, C. R. (2017). Hierarchical architecture of sequences and bounding surfaces in a depositional-dip transect of the fluvio-deltaic Ferron Sandstone (Turonian), southeastern Utah, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 87(8), 897-920. | Online |
Korus, J.T., Gilmore, T.E., Waszgis, M.M., Mittelstet, A.R. 2017. Unit-bar migration and bar-trough deposition: impacts on hydraulic conductivity and grain size heterogeneity in a sandy streambed. Hydrogeology Journal, V26 (2), 553-564 p. | Online |
Korus, J. T., Joeckel, R. M., Divine, D. P., Abraham, J. D. 2016. Three-dimensional architecture and hydrostratigraphy of cross-cutting buried valleys using airborne electromagnetics, glaciated Central Lowlands, Nebraska, USA. Sedimentology. 64:553-581. | Online |
Burberry, C. M., Korus, J. T., Joeckel, R. M. 2015. Post-Mississippian tectonics of the Nemaha Tectonic Zone and Mid-Continent Rift System, SE Nebraska and N Kansas. The Mountain Geologist. 52: 47-73. | Online |
Divine, Dana P., Joeckel, R.M., Korus, Jesse T. 2015. Basic Guide for Description of Cuttings from Boreholes in Nebraska. Lincoln, NE: Conservation and Survey Division, UNL. pp. 36. | Online |
Korus, J.T., Fielding, C.R., 2015, Asymmetry in Holocene river deltas: patterns, controls, and stratigraphic effects. Earth Science Reviews. V. 150, p. 219-242. | Online |
Korus, J.T., Fielding, C.R., 2015, Enhanced bioturbation on the down-drift flank of a Turonian asymmetric delta: Implications for seaway circulation, river nutrients, and facies models. Sedimentology. 62: 1899-1922. | Online |
Korus, J.T., Joeckel, R.M., Hanson, P.R., Goeke, J.W., Lackey, S.O., and Burbach, M.B. 2011. Reference List For Describing Cuttings And Cores Of Sediments And Sedimentary Rocks In Nebraska. Lincoln, NE: Conservation and Survey Division, UNL. pp. 7. | Online |
Joeckel, R.M., Wooden, S.R., Jr., Korus, J.T., and Garbisch, J.O., 2014. Architecture, heterogeneity, and origin of late Miocene fluvial deposits hosting the most important aquifer in the Great Plains, USA. Sedimentary Geology, v. 311, p. 75-95. | Online |
Divine, D. P. and J. T. Korus (2013). Three-dimensional hydrostratigrapy of the Swedeburg, Nebraska area: Results from helicopter electromagnetic (HEM) mapping for the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA), Conservation and Survey Division, | Online |
Jesse T. Korus, Leslie M. Howard, Aaron R. Young, Dana P. Divine, Mark E. Burbach, J. Michael Jess, and Douglas R. Hallum. (2013). The Groundwater Atlas of Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska, Resource Atlas 4b. | Online |
Korus, J. T., D. P. Divine, P. R. Hanson and J. S. Dillon (2013). Three geologic cross sections across portions of eastern Nebraska showing Quaternary lithologic units and stratigraphy of uppermost bedrock. Conservation and Survey Division, University of | Online |
Korus, J.T., Joeckel, R.M., and Divine, D.P., 2013, Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphy of the Firth, Nebraska area: Results from Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) mapping in the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA). Geological Survey Bullet | Online |
Korus, J.T., Joeckel, R.M., Divine, D.P. 2013. Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphy of the Firth, Nebraska Area: Results from Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) mapping in the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA). Conservation and Survey Divi | Online |
Divine, D. P. and J. T. Korus (2012). Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphy of the Sprague, Nebraska area: results from helicopter electromagnetic (HEM) mapping for the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA), Conservation and Survey Division, U | Online |
Hanson, P. R., J. T. Korus and D. P. Divine (2012). Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphy of the Platte River valley near Ashland, Nebraska: Results from helicopter electromagnetic (HEM) mapping in the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA), Co | Online |
Joeckel, R.M., and Korus, J.T., 2012, Bayhead delta interpretation of an Upper Pennsylvanian sheetlike sandbody and the broader understanding of transgressive deposits in cyclothems. Sedimentary Geology, 275-276, 22-37. | Online |
Korus, J.T., Burbach, M.E., and Howard, L.M. 2011. Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2011. Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. pp. 23. | Online |
Young, A.R., Burbach, M.E., Korus, J.T., Howard, L.M. Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2012. Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. pp. 23. | Online |
Korus, J.T., and Joeckel, R.M., 2011, Generalized geologic and hydrostratigraphic framework of Nebraska 2011, ver. 2. Geologic Maps and Charts 38, Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Print. | |
Wooden, S.R., Joeckel, R.M., Korus, J.T.,and Diffendal, R.F., Jr.; 2011. Lithofacies and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Ash Hollow Formation, Ogallala Group in the General Type Area: Geological Society of America Abstracts With Programs, v. 43 (5), p. | |
Divine, D., Ross, S., Korus, J. 2010. Compilation of Geologic Cross Sections of Eastern Nebraska. Lower Platte South Natural Resources Distict; Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. | |
Korus, J.T., Burbach, M.E., Howard, L.M., and Joeckel, R.M., 2010, Nebraska statewide groundwater-level monitoring report: Nebraska Water Survey Paper Number 77, Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Online |
Korus, J.T., Burbach, M.E., Howard, L.M., Joeckel, R.M. Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2010. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 21. | Online |
Divine, D. P., R. M. Joeckel, J. T. Korus, P. R. Hanson and S. Lackey (2009). Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA): Introduction to a hydrogeological study, Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska, Bulletin 1 (New Series), | Online |
Divine, D.P., Joeckel, R.M., Korus, J.T., Hanson, P.R., Olafsen Lackey, S., 2009, Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA): Introduction to a Hydrogeologic Study, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division Bulletin 1 (New | Online |
Korus, J.T., & Burbach, M.E. (2009). Analysis of aquifer depletion criteria with implications for groundwater management in Nebraska. Great Plains Research, 19, 187-200. | Online |
Korus, J.T., and Burbach, M.E., 2009, Analysis of aquifer depletion criteria with implications for groundwater management: Great Plains Research, v. 19, p. 187-200. | Online |
korus, Jesse T., Burbach, Mark E. Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2009. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 38. | Online |
Korus, J.T., Kvale, E.P., Eriksson, K.A., and Joeckel, R.M., 2008, Compound paleovalley fills in the Lower Pennsylvanian New River Formation, West Virginia, USA: Sedimentary Geology, v. 208, p. 15-26. | Online |
Korus, Jesse Thomas and Divine, Dana, 2007, The Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 39, No. 6, p. 525. | |