R.M. (Matt) Joeckel

R.M. (Matt) Joeckel

  • Contact Information
  • My Story
  • Publications
  • Background
  • Interests
  • Grants
  • Advising

Contact Information

TitleSNR Senior Associate Director | Director, Conservation and Survey Division | Nebraska State Geologist
Faculty RankProfessor
Address615 South Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln NE

East Campus
  • office: 402-472-7520
  • fax: 402-472-4915
VitaeDownload file


My Story

I am Matt Joeckel, research geologist, State Geologist and Director for the Conservation and Survey Division in the School of Natural Resources. I am also the Senior Associate Director of the School of Natural Resources. I began working at UNL in 2000.

The majority of my university appointment is in the Conservation and Survey Division (CSD), Nebraska's geological, geographic, water and soil survey. I am pleased to hold a joint appointment in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, where I teach (or have taught) GEOL 100 Introduction to Geology, GEOL 101 Physical Geology, GEOL 110 Geological Natural Hazards, and GEOL 450/850 Surficial Processes. In 2010, I became a Fellow of the Geological Society of America. In 2011, I was selected to serve as Curator of Geology in the University of Nebraska State Museum.

My main areas of expertise are sedimentology, the study of sediments and their environments of deposition; and stratigraphy, the study of rock and sediment layers; environmental geology (including groundwater); mineral resources; terrestrial paleoecology and paleoclimatology; and geomorphology. I am also interested in soil formation processes and soil-landscape-parent material relationships.

RMJ in southeasternmost Richardson County at the original boundary marker between the Kansas and Nebraska territories
RMJ in southeastern most Richardson County at the original boundary marker between the Kansas and Nebraska territories, established in 1854. Pennsylvanian strata in the immediate area include fluvial-estuarine sediments with thin coals, in which early settlers placed great (but unfounded) hopes for economic development.

In mapping and analyzing surficial geology, I promote an understanding of how Nebraska's current landscape originated and how people interact with that landscape and the geologic materials underneath it. My research on bedrock helps determine where mineral (e.g., clay and limestone) and groundwater resources can be found, and also illuminates the origins of those resources.

Much of my stratigraphic research has focused on Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks. Recent projects include studies of Pennsylvanian cyclothems in Midcontinent USA; geochemistry, mineralogy, and sequence stratigraphy of the Dakota Formation, a secondary aquifer in north-central and eastern Nebraska; stable-isotope chemostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy of the Cedar Mountain Formation (Cretaceous) in Utah, which yields important dinosaur fossils; and the examination ancient soils and land surfaces from the perspectives of stratigraphy and climate change.

I began research projects on Neogene strata in western Nebraska, particularly the Ash Hollow Member of the Ogallala Group, which is a major part of the High Plains Aquifer. With others, I am reconstructing the depositional history and paleoclimatic implications of stream and lake sediments in those strata. I cooperate with personnel from the Kansas Geological Survey, Iowa Geological Survey Bureau, the Utah Geological Survey, and others on projects that deal with region-wide stratigraphic problems, and the calibration of worldwide geologic events and time scales.

In the areas of geomorphology and environmental geology, I have also researched acid rock drainage and the neoformation of minerals in acid weathering environments. I and my co-authors have found several minerals hitherto undescribed from the state, and in some cases, the entire Great Plains region. I am involved in collaborative research on the origin and behavior of eolian dust, eolian erosion and its impact on landforms, loess stratigraphy, and loess pseudokarst. I have examined the historical evolution of channels and patterns of sedimentation in the eastern Platte River. I also have examined soil formation on modern landscapes, including the evolution of saline and alkaline wetlands.

I am currently a participant in the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA), which has the long-term goal of an improved understanding of groundwater and groundwater-surface water interactions in eastern Nebraska. I have yearly geologic mapping projects funded through the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) STATEMAP geologic mapping program. I also compile a yearly inventory of mineral resource operations in Nebraska for USGS, as well as provide service to the mineral industry of Nebraska. This form of applied scholarship can range from helping producers locate economic quantities of minerals and environmentally sound ways of extracting them to helping them settle disagreements regarding the nature, quality and application of mineral products. My recent efforts have assisted the development of niobium, rare-earth, and limestone deposits in southeastern Nebraska. I also field questions from the public regarding groundwater, rocks, minerals, soils, earthquakes and geologic hazards.

Feature Stories

Selected Publications

Hanson, P.R., Shrestha, N., Girard, M., Joeckel, R.M., Reinier, C.L. 2024. Surficial geology of the Central City West 7.5’ Quadrangle, Nebraska.
Subsurface Investigation of the Hideaway Hills Subdivision in Blackhawk, South Dakota Using Electric Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Self-Potential (SP) Surveys
Young, A.R., Burbach, M.E., Lackey, S.O., Joeckel, R.M., Shrestha, N., Westrop, J.P., 2023, Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2023. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division, Nebraska Water Survey Paper 92, 24 pp.Online
Joeckel, R. M., Suarez, C. A., McLean, N. M., Möller, A., Ludvigson, G. A., Suarez, M. B., Kirkland, J. I., Andrew, J., Kiessling, S., Hatzell, G. (2023). Berriasian–Valanginian geochronology and carbon-isotope stratigraphy of the Yellow Cat Member, Cedar Mountain Formation, eastern Utah, USA. Geosciences, 13(2), 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences13020032Online
Khalil, M., J. Korus, D. Halum and R.M Joeckel. (2023) A Geophysical Survey of the Northdale Sanitary District, Meade County, South Dakota, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 35 pp.
Korus, J.T., Joeckel, R.M.,2023. Exhumed fluvial landforms reveal evolution of late Eocene– Pliocene rivers on the Central and Northern Great Plains, USA. Geological Society of America Geosphere, 19(3), 695-718 [https://doi.org/10.1130/GES02587.1.]. Online
Korus, J.T., Joeckel, R.M.,2023. Telescopic megafans on the High Plains, USA were signal buffers in a major source-to-sink system. The Sedimentary Record 21(1). [https://doi.org/10.2110/001c.89096.].Online
Mohamed A. Khalil, David Barrick, and R. M. Joeckel 2023 Characterization of seepage in an earthfill dam by the integration of geophysical surveys and geotechnical data. Journal of Applied Geophysics.APPGEO-D-23-00368R2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jappgeo.2023.105273
Report 2022 (WSP-91). University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division, Nebraska Water Survey Paper 91, 18 pp.Online
Andrzejewski, K. A., Layzell, A. L., Ludvigson, G. A., Joeckel, R. M., Möller, A., Mandel, R. D. (2022). Unique insights to the Cretaceous OAE1d, Mid-Cenomanian Event, and OAE2 from long-line drillcores along the eastern cratonic margin of the Western Interior Basin. Proceedings of 38th Annual Gulf Coast Section SEPM Foundation, Perkins-Rosen Conference and Core Workshop. (pp. 14). Houston, TX: Gulf Coast Section SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology). https://sepm.org/gcssepm-perkins-rosen-conferenceOnline
Burbach, M. E., Joeckel, R. M., Matkin, G. S. (2022). 2022 Nebraska Water Leaders Academy Final Report. Conservation and Survey Division Open-File Report 230 (pp. 55 p.). Lincoln, NE: Conservation and Survey Division, SNR, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.Online
Hanson, P., Reinier, C., Bruihler, J., Joeckel, R. (2022). Dating the Platte: Luminescence Geochronology of the Alluvial History of an Iconic Braided Stream. New World Luminescence Dating Workshop.
Hanson, P., Reinier, C., Joeckel, R., Bruihler, J., Young, A. (2022). Late Quaternary evolution of an iconic braided stream: Dating the alluvial fill of the Platte River, Nebraska, USA. International Association of Geomorphologists. https://doi.org/10.5194/icg2022-675, 2022
Hanson, P., Reinier, C., Joeckel, R., Turk, J. (2022). Stratigraphy and geochronology of the Todd Valley, an abandoned segment of the Platte River Valley, eastern Nebraska. Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America.
Joeckel, R. M., Hanson, P., and Korus, J.: The Grain of the Plains Remains: Widespread Northwest-Southeast Ridgelines and Associated Oriented Landforms, Northern Interior Plains, USA , 10th International Conference on Geomorphology, Coimbra, Portugal, 12–16 Sep 2022, ICG2022-672, https://doi.org/10.5194/icg2022-672, 2022.Online
Joeckel, R. M., Howard, L. M. (2022). Surficial Geology of the Springview Quadrangle, Nebraska. Lincoln, Nebraska: Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources.
Joeckel, R. M., Korus, J. T., Turk, J. K., Arps, C. C., Arps, N. V., Howard, L. M. (2022). Strange stones of Skull Creek: Basalt glacial erratics and omars in eastern Nebraska. Great Plains Research, 32, 1-20. Online
Joeckel, R. M., Korus, J., Turk, J. K., Aarps, C. C., Aarps, N. V. (2022). The strange stones of Skull Creek: basalt glacial erratics and omars in eastern Nebraska. Great Plains Research. Online
Joeckel, R. M., Suarez, C., McLean, N. M., Moller, A., Ludvigson, G., Suarez, M. B., Kirkland, J. I., Andrew, J., Kiessling, S., Hatzell, G. (2022). Valanginian carbon-isotope exsursion identified and dated in paleosol-bearing Yellow Cat Member, Cedar Mountain Formation, eastern Utah, USA (5th ed., vol. 54, pp. 1 p.). Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America. https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2022AM/webprogram/Paper377052.html
Khalil, M. A., Sadeghiamirishahidi, M., Joeckel, R. M., Santos, F. M., Riahi, A. (2022). Mapping a hazardous abandoned gypsum mine using self-potential, electrical resistivity tomography, and frequency domain electromagnetic methods. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 205(104771), 1-21.
Khalil, M. A., Temraz, M. G., Joeckel, R. M., Einaggar, O. M., Abuseda, H. H. (2022). Estimating hydraulic conductivity from reservoir resistivity logs, northern Western Desert, Egypt. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 179, 4489-4501. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00024-022-03178-7
Korus, J. T., Joeckel, R. M. (2022). Sandstone-body geometry and hydrostratigraphy of the northern High Plain aquifer system, USA. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 55(3). https://qjegh.lyellcollection.org/
Korus, J., Joeckel, R. (2022). Discovery of fluvial ridges on the Great Plains fills big data gap in Rocky Mountain-Gulf of Mexico source-to-sink systems (5th ed., vol. 54). https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2022AM/webprogram/Paper378407.html
Oborny, S., Layzell, A. L., Hasiuk, F., Mulvany, P., Bridges, D., Joeckel, R. M., Stanley, T., Eichler, C. M., Bancroft, A. M., Clark, R. (2022). Reconciliation of Pennsylvanian stratigraphic nomenclature in the Midcontinent, USA (5th ed., vol. 54, pp. 1 p.). Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America. https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2022AM/webprogram/Paper382965.html
Young, A.R., Burbach, M.E., Howard, L.M., Lackey, S.O., Joeckel R.M., 2021, Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2021. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division, Nebraska Water Survey Paper 90, 25 pp.Online
Burbach, Mark E., R.M. Joeckel, Brooke Mott, Gina Matkin. (2021) Nebraska Water Leaders Academy Final Report University of Nebraska - Lincoln. 53 pp.Online
Joeckel, R. M., Suarez, C. A., Ludvigson, G. A., Suarez, M. B., Lee, J., Kirkland, J. I. (2021). First in-situ terrestrial record of Early Cretaceous “Weissert Event” calibrated with U-Pb cryptotephra ages from paleosols; Yellow Cat Member of Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah (vol. 21, pp. 357). Broken Arrow, OK: Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM). https://sedimentary-geology-store.com/catalog/book/1st-international-sedimentary-geosciences-congress-isgc-abstract-bookOnline
Joeckel, R.M., 2021, Annual Report 2020 Conservation and Survey Division, Lincoln, NE, University of Nebraska - LincolnOnline
Korus, J. T., Joeckel, R. M., Abraham, J. D., Hoyer, A.-S., Jorgenson, F. (2021). Reconstruction of pre-Illinoian ice margins and glaciotectonic structures from airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys at the western limit of Laurentide glaciation, Midcontinent U.S.A. Quaternary Science Advances, 4, 15. https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/quaternary-science-advances main-1.pdf Online
Lee, J. D., Ludvigson, G. A., Suarez, M. N., McLean, N. M., Joeckel, R. M., Maxson, J. M., Hunt-Foster, R. (2021). Volcanogenic zircons from mudrocks and chronostratigraphic refinement of the Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah (3rd ed., vol. 53, pp. 1). Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America. https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2021NC/webprogram/Paper362848.htmlOnline
Ludvigson, G. A., Moller, A., McLean, N. M., Lee, J. D., Joeckel, R. M., Suarez, M. B., Maxson, J. (2021). Cryptotephras in siliciclastic mudstone paleosols and the geochronologic calibration of Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) C-isotope stratigraphy (6th ed., vol. 53, pp. 1). Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America. https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2021AM/webprogram/Paper367824.htmlOnline
Moller, A., Lee, J. D., Suarez, M. B., Joeckel, R. M., McLean, N. M., Gulbranson, E., Rasbury, E. T., Maxson, J., Hunt-Foster, R. (2021). Improving the age constraints on Cretaceous carbon isotope excursions: A combined U-Pb dating approach using paleosol cryptotephras and pedogenic carbonates (6th ed., vol. 53, pp. 1). Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America. https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2021AM/webprogram/Paper367530.htmlOnline
Robertson, C., Ludvigson, G. A., Joeckel, R. M., Mohammadi, S., Kirkland, J. I. (2021). in a Differentiating early from later diagenesis Cretaceous sandstone and petroleum reservoir of the Cedar Mountain Formation in Utah. Rocky Mountain Geology(1), 18. https://geobookstore.uwyo.edu/rmg Online
Russell, M. V., Mittelstet, A. R., Messer, T. L., Korus, J. T., Joeckel, R. M. (2021). Evolution of three streambanks before and after stabilization and record flooding. Ecological Engineering, 170(106357), 1-8. https://www.journals.elsevier.com/ecological-engineeringOnline
Russell, M., Mittelstet, A., Joeckel, R. M., Korus, J., Castro Bolinaga, C. (2021). Impact of bank stabilization structures on upstream and downstream bank mobilization at Cedar River, Nebraska. Transactions of the ASABE, 64(5), 1555-1567. https://elibrary.asabe.org/abstract.asp?aid=52756Online
Scharenberg, M., Bacon, D., Blankenau, D., Duguid, A., Hawkins, J., Heinrichs, M., Hollenbach, J., Holubnyak, Y., Joeckel, R. M., Keister, L., Koperna, G., Lee, S.-Y., McDonald, S., Meuleman, E., Middleton, R., Riestenberg, D. E., Smith, V., Swanson, J., Walker, J. (2021). Development of an Integrated Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Hub in the United States. 15th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-15 (pp. 8). Abu Dhabi:. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3820814Online
Young, A.R., Burbach, M.E., Howard, L.M., Lackey, S.O., Joeckel R.M., 2020, Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2020. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division, Nebraska Water Survey Paper 88, 24 pp.Online
Joeckel, R. M., Ludvigson, G. A., Möller, A., Hotton, C. L., Suarez, M. B., Suarez, C. A., Sames, B., Kirkland, J. I., Hendrix, B. 2020. Chronostratigraphy and Terrestrial Palaeoclimatology of Berriasian–Hauterivian Strata of the Cedar Mountain Formation,Online
Korus, J., Joeckel, M., Tucker, S. T. 2020. Genesis of giant, bouldery bars in a Miocene gravel-bed river: Insights from outcrop sedimentology, UAS-SfM photogrammetry, and GPR. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 90(1): 27-47.Online
Lee, J. D., M. A., Ludvigson, G. A., Suarez, M. B., McLean, N. M., Joeckel, R. M. (2020). Volcanogenic zircons from mudrocks: A new tool for chronostratigraphy (1st ed., vol. 52). Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America. https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2020SC/webprogram/Paper343823.html
Lee, J. D., Möller, A., Ludvigson, G. A., Suarez, M., Joeckel, R. M., Maxson, J. (2020). Refining the chronostratigraphy of the Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, using volcanogenic zircons from mature paleosols (6th ed., vol. 52). Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America.
Smith, V. L., Joeckel, R. M. (2020). Reservoir characterization and static Earth model for potential CO2 storage in Upper Pennsylvanian Cyclothems, Nebraska, USA. Environmental Geosciences, 27(2), 67-86. https://www.aapg.org/publications/journals/environmental-geosciencesOnline
Young, A.R., Burbach, M.E., Howard, L.M., Lackey, S.O., Joeckel R.M. 2020. Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2019. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division, Nebraska Water Survey Paper 87, 28 p.Online
Feitl, M., Kern, A. K., Jones, A., Fritz, S. C., Baker, P. A., Joeckel, R. M., Salenbien, W., Willard, D. 2019. Paleoclimate of the subtropical Andes during the latest Miocene, Lauca Basin, Chile. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 534.Online
Joeckel, M., Hanson, P. R., Howard, L. 2019. Solving a periglacial puzzle: Pleistocene polygonal ground in north-central Nebraska. Great Plains Research. (29): 153-168.Online
Joeckel, R.M., Divine, D.P., Howard, L.M., Cameron, K.A., Waszgis, M.M. 2019. Geology of Southeastern Nebraska. Lincoln, Ne: Conservation and Survey Division, Nebraska Well Drillers Association and Nebraska Geological Survey. pp. 62.Online
Young, A.R., Burbach, M.E., Howard, L.M., Waszgis M.M., Lackey, S.O., Joeckel R.M. 2019. Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2018. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division, Nebraska Water Survey Paper 86, 24 p.Online
Bishop, I. W., Tucker, S. T., Joeckel, R. M., Spaulding, S. A. (2018). Benthic fossil diatoms from the upper Ogallala Group (late Miocene) near Scotia, NE (USA). Nova Hedwigia, Beihefte, 147, 261-294.
Bishop, I.W., Tucker, S.T., Joeckel, R.M., Spaulding, S.A. 2018. Benthic fossil diatoms from the upper Ogallala Group (late Miocene) near Scotia, NE (USA). Nova Hedwigia, Beihefte, 147, 261-294.Online
Divine, D. P., Joeckel, R. M., Olafsen Lackey, S. (2018). Characterizing the aquifer properties of the Cretaceous Niobrara Formation in eastern Nebraska. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs (vol. 50). Boulder, CO: Geological Society of AOnline
Fielding, C.R. and Joeckel, R.M., Compilers, 2018, New Insights into Carboniferous Cyclothems. The Fourth Biennial Field Conference of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Midcontinent Section Fourth Biennial Field Conference AbstractsOnline
Joeckel, R M. and Howard, L.M. 2018. The ups and downs of Nebraska: Recognizing gilgai in the state. Great Plains Research, 28(1), 51-64. Online
Joeckel, R. M. (2018). Alberta's Lower Athabasca Basin: Archaeology and Paleoenvironments, Edited by Brian M. Ronaghan, etc. (1st ed., vol. 28, pp. 98-99). Lincoln, Nebraska: Center for Great Plains Studies.Online
Joeckel, R. M., Diffendal, Jr., R. F., Hanson, P. R., Korus, J. T. (2018). Geologic mapping in Nebraska: Old rocks, new maps, fresh insights. Great Plains Research, 28, 119-147.
Joeckel, R. M., Howard, L. M. (2018). The ups and downs of Nebraska: Recognizing gilgai in the state. Great Plains Research, 28(1), 51-64
Joeckel, R.M., Diffendal, R F., Jr., Hanson, P.R., Korus, J.T. 2018. Geologic mapping of Nebraska: Old rocks, new maps, fresh insights. Great Plains Research, 28, 119-147.Online
Korus, J. T., Joeckel, R. M. (2018). Airborne geophysics resolves stratigraphic and hydrogeologic complexity at the eastern boundary of the Great Plains in Nebraska. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs (vol. 50). Boulder, CO: Geological Online
Ludvigson, G. A., Möller, A., Joeckel, R. M., Upchurch, Jr., G. R., Smith, J. J. (2018). Scientific investigations on Cretaceous (Albian-Turonian) strata from the Rose Creek Escarpment (RCE) along the Nebraska-Kansas border, cratonic margin of the WesternOnline
Richey, J. D., Upchurch, G. R., Montañez, I. P., Lomax, B. H., Suarez, M. B., Crout, N. M. J., Joeckel, R. M., Ludvigson, G. A., Smith, J. J. (2018). Changes in CO2 during the Ocean Anoxic Event 1d indicate similarities to other carbon cycle perturbations
Richey, J. D., Upchurch, G.R., Montañez, I.P., Lomax, B.H., Suarez, M.B., Crout, N.M.J., Joeckel, R.M., Ludvigson, G.A., Smith, J.J. 2018. Changes in CO2 during the Ocean Anoxic Event 1d indicate similarities to other carbon cycle perturbations. Earth anOnline
Scofield, N. I., Joeckel, R. M., Divine, D. P. (2018). Surficial geologic mapping in the Missouri National Recreational River in Nebraska and landscape evolution at the eastern margin of the Great Plains. Geological Society of America Abstracts with ProgrOnline
Smith, J. J., Turner, E., Moller, A., Joeckel, R. M., Otto, R. E. (2018). First U-Pb zircon ages for late Miocene Ashfall Konservat-Lagerstätte and Grove Lake ashes from eastern Great Plains, USA. PLoS One.
Smith, J. J., Turner, E., Möller, A., Joeckel, R. M., Tucker, S. T., Otto, R. E. (2018). Discovery of zircons in the Ashfall Fossil Beds and Grove Lake volcanic deposits of northeastern Nebraska: U-Pb ages and successful sampling strategies. Geological SoOnline
Smith, J.J., Turner, E., Moller, A., Joeckel, R.M., Otto, R.E. 2018. First U-Pb zircon ages for late Miocene Ashfall Konservat-Lagerstätte and Grove Lake ashes from eastern Great Plains, USA. PLoS One [https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0207103].Online
Divine, D., Joeckel, R.M., Olafsen Lackey, Susan. 2017. Aquifers of Nebraska II: The Niobrara Aquifer. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 32Online
Joeckel, R. M., Ludvigson, G. A., Kirkland, J. I. (2017). Lower Cretaceous paleo-Vertisols and sedimentary interrelationships in stacked alluvial sequences, Utah, USA. Sedimentary Geology, 361, 1-24.Online
Joeckel, R.M., Divine, D.P., Hanson, P.R., Howard, L.M. 2017. Geology Of Northeastern Nebraska And Environs: Cedar, Dakota, and Dixon Counties in Nebraska, and Plymouth and Woodbury County in Iowa. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska, Conservation and SuOnline
Joeckel, R.M., Tucker, S.T., Howard, L.M. 2017. Geology and Paleontology Along Part of the Niobrara River in Northern Nebraska. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division. pp. 52Online
Suarez, M. B., Suarez, C. A., Al-Suwaidi, A. H., Hatzell, G., Kirkland, J. I., Salazar-Verdin, J., Ludvigson, G. A., Joeckel, R. M. (2017). Terrestrial carbon isotope chemostratigraphy in the Yellow Cat Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation: ComplicationOnline
Young, A., Burbach, M., Howard, L., Waszgis, M. 2017. Groundwater-Level Changes in Nebraska- Predevelopment to Spring 2016 [map]. No Scale. Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. Online
Young, A.R., Burbach, M.E., Howard, L.M., Waszgis, M.M., Joeckel, R.M., Lackey, S.O. 2017. Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2016. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division, Nebraska Water Survey Paper 84, 24 p.Online
Divine, D. P., R. M. Joeckel and S. Lackey (2016). Aquifers of Nebraska I: The Codell aquifer in northeastern Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska, Bulletin 7 (New Series), 21 p.Online
Joeckel, R. M., Tucker, S. T., McMullin, J. D. 2016. Morphosedimentary features from a major flood on a small, lower-sinuosity, single-thread river: The unknown quantity of overbank deposition, historical-change context, and comparisons with a multichanneOnline
Korus, J. T., Joeckel, R. M., Divine, D. P., Abraham, J. D. 2016. Three-dimensional architecture and hydrostratigraphy of cross-cutting buried valleys using airborne electromagnetics, glaciated Central Lowlands, Nebraska, USA. Sedimentology. 64:553-581.Online
Sweeney, M. R., Zlotnik, V. A., Joeckel, R. M., Stout, J. E. 2016. Geomorphic and hydrologic controls of dust emissions during drought from Yellow Lake playa, West Texas, USA. Journal of Arid Environments. 133:37-46.Online
Burberry, C. M., Korus, J. T., Joeckel, R. M. 2015. Post-Mississippian tectonics of the Nemaha Tectonic Zone and Mid-Continent Rift System, SE Nebraska and N Kansas. The Mountain Geologist. 52: 47-73.Online
Divine, Dana P., Joeckel, R.M., Korus, Jesse T. 2015. Basic Guide for Description of Cuttings from Boreholes in Nebraska. Lincoln, NE: Conservation and Survey Division, UNL. pp. 36.Online
Fielding, C. R., Joeckel, R. M. (2015). Recognition of tidal-bore deposits in the rock record: towards a facies model. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 85, 118-123.
Joeckel, R. M., Tucker, S. T., Fielding, C. R. (2015). Sedimentological effects and stratigraphic implications of a rare, high-stage flow in an evolving, braided to anabranching stream with riparian woodland. Sedimentary Geology, 325, 71-89.Online
Joeckel, R.M., Howard, L.M., Tucker, S.T. 2015. North-Central Nebraska Geology: Niobrara River Valley in Brown, Cherry, and Keya Paha Counties. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division. Pp 36.Online
Korus, J.T., Joeckel, R.M., Hanson, P.R., Goeke, J.W., Lackey, S.O., and Burbach, M.B. 2011. Reference List For Describing Cuttings And Cores Of Sediments And Sedimentary Rocks In Nebraska. Lincoln, NE: Conservation and Survey Division, UNL. pp. 7.Online
Ludvigson, G. A., Joeckel, R. M., Murphy, L. R., Stockli, D. F., Gonzalez, L. A., Suarez, C. A., Kirkland, J. I., Al-Suwaidi, A. (2015). The emerging terrestrial record of early Cretaceous global change. Cretaceous Research, 56, 1-24.
Joeckel, R. (2014). Exceptionally well-preserved latest Miocene (Hemphillian) rodent burrows from the eastern Great Plains, United States, and a review of the burrows of North American rodents. Palaios, 28(11), 793-824.Online
Joeckel, R.M., Wooden, S.R., Jr., Korus, J.T., and Garbisch, J.O., 2014. Architecture, heterogeneity, and origin of late Miocene fluvial deposits hosting the most important aquifer in the Great Plains, USA. Sedimentary Geology, v. 311, p. 75-95.Online
Korus, J.T., Joeckel, R.M., and Divine, D.P., 2013, Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphy of the Firth, Nebraska area: Results from Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) mapping in the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA). Geological Survey BulletOnline
Korus, J.T., Joeckel, R.M., Divine, D.P. 2013. Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphy of the Firth, Nebraska Area: Results from Helicopter Electromagnetic (HEM) mapping in the Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA). Conservation and Survey DiviOnline
Zhang, L., Fang, J., Joeckel, R. (2013). Microbial biomass and community structure in alkaline lakes of the Nebraska Sand Hills, USA. Chemical Geology, 356, 171-180.Online
Horn, J. D., Fielding, C. R., Joeckel, R. (2012). Revision of Platte River alluvial facies model through observations of extant channels and barforms, and subsurface alluvial valley fills. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 82, 72-91.Online
Horn, J. D., Joeckel, R., Fielding, C. R. (2012). Progressive abandonment and planform changes of the central Platte River in Nebraska, central USA, over historical timeframes. Geomorphology, 139-140, 372-383.Online
Joeckel, R.M., and Korus, J.T., 2012, Bayhead delta interpretation of an Upper Pennsylvanian sheetlike sandbody and the broader understanding of transgressive deposits in cyclothems. Sedimentary Geology, 275-276, 22-37.Online
Joeckel, R.M., Wally, K.D., Ang Clement, B. J., Hanson, P.R., Dillon, J.S., and Wilson, S.K., 2011, Low-temperature acidic weathering of sulfidic shales and neoformation of aluminum-bearing minerals, Eastern Nebraska, USA, Catena, v. 85, p. 253-266.
Korus, J.T., and Joeckel, R.M., 2011, Generalized geologic and hydrostratigraphic framework of Nebraska 2011, ver. 2. Geologic Maps and Charts 38, Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Print.
Wooden, S.R., Joeckel, R.M., Korus, J.T.,and Diffendal, R.F., Jr.; 2011. Lithofacies and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Ash Hollow Formation, Ogallala Group in the General Type Area: Geological Society of America Abstracts With Programs, v. 43 (5), p.
Korus, J.T., Burbach, M.E., Howard, L.M., and Joeckel, R.M., 2010, Nebraska statewide groundwater-level monitoring report: Nebraska Water Survey Paper Number 77, Conservation and Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-LincolnOnline
Korus, J.T., Burbach, M.E., Howard, L.M., Joeckel, R.M. Nebraska Statewide Groundwater-Level Monitoring Report 2010. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 21.Online
Ludvigson, G.A., Joeckel, R.M., Gonzalez, L.A., Gulbranson, E.L., Rasbury, E.T., Hunt, G.J., Kirkland, J.I., and Madsen, S., 2010, Correlation of Aptian-Albian Carbon Isotope Excursions in Continental Strata of the Cretaceous Foreland Basin of eastern Uta
Ludvigson, G.A., Witzke, B.J., Joeckel, R.M., Ravn, R.L., Phillips, P.L., Gonzalez, L.A., Brenner, R.L., 2010. New insights on the sequence stratigraphic architecture of the Dakota Formation in Kansas-Nebraska-Iowa from a decade of sponsored research acti
Divine, D. P., R. M. Joeckel, J. T. Korus, P. R. Hanson and S. Lackey (2009). Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA): Introduction to a hydrogeological study, Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska, Bulletin 1 (New Series), Online
Divine, D.P., Joeckel, R.M., Korus, J.T., Hanson, P.R., Olafsen Lackey, S., 2009, Eastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment (ENWRA): Introduction to a Hydrogeologic Study, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division Bulletin 1 (New Online
Hanson, P.R., Joeckel, R.M., Young, A.R., Horn, J. 2009. Late Holocene Dune Activity in the Eastern Platte River Valley, Nebraska, Geomorphology 103:555-561.Online
Gao, S.S., Niemi, T.M., Black, R.A., Liu, K.H., Anderson, R.R., Joeckel, R.M., Busby, R.W., and Taber, J. 2008. Rationale for a permanent seismic network in the U.S. Central Plains utilizing U.S. Array. Eos, v. 89, p.85.Online
Joeckel, R.M., 2008, Enigmatic structures in an Upper Pennsylvanian (Stephanian/Kasimovian) marine limestone. Palaios, v. 23, p. 833-847.
Joeckel, R.M., and Henebry, G.M., 2008, Channel and Island Change in the Lower Platte River, Eastern Nebraska, USA: 1855-2005. Geomorphology, v. 102, p. 407-418Online
Korus, J.T., Kvale, E.P., Eriksson, K.A., and Joeckel, R.M., 2008, Compound paleovalley fills in the Lower Pennsylvanian New River Formation, West Virginia, USA: Sedimentary Geology, v. 208, p. 15-26.Online
Carlson. M.P., R.M. Joeckel and B.L. Nicklen. 2007. Low-accommodation detrital apron alongside a basement uplift, Pennsylvanian of Midcontinent North America. Sedimentary Geology 197:165-187.Online
Mason, J.A., Joeckel, R.M., and Bettis, E.A., 2007, Middle to Late Pleistocene loess record in eastern Nebraska, USA, and implications for the unique record of Oxygen Isotope Stage 2. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 26, p. 773-792.Online
Phillips, P.L., Ludvigson, G.A., Joeckel, R.M., Gonzalez, L.A., Brenner, R.L., and Witzke, B.J., 2007, Sequence stratigraphic controls on synsedimentary cementation and preservation of dinosaur tracks: Examples from the lower Cretaceous (upper Albian) DakOnline
R.M. Joeckel, H.M. Loope, K.D. Wally, and J.E. Hellerich, 2007. Late Cenozoic geomorphology of a bedrock-dominated landscape adjacent to the Laurentide glacial limit: southeastern Nebraska, USA. Z. Geomorph. N. F. 51: 469-486.
R.M. Joeckel, K.D. Wally, S.A. Fischbein, and P.R. Hanson. 2007. Sulfate Mineral Paragenesis in Pennsylvanian Rocks and the Occurrence of Slavikite in Nebraska. Great Plains Research. 17: 17-33.Online
Burbach, M.E., and Joeckel, R.M. 2006. A delicate balance: Rainfall and groundwater in Nebraska during the 2000-2005 drought. Great Plains Research 16(1): 5-16.Online
Burbach, M.E., and Joeckel, R.M., 2006, A delicate balance: Rainfall and groundwater in Nebraska during the 2000-2005 drought. Great Plains Research, v. 16, p. 5-16.Online
Gosselin, D.C., L.M. Klawer, R. M. Joeckel, F.E. Harvey, A.R. Reade, and K. McVey. 2006. Arsenic in Rural Public Water Supplies, Nebraska, U.S.A., Great Plains Research. 16:137-148.Online
Greene, R.S.B., Joeckel, R.M., and Mason, J.A., 2006, Dry-saline lakebeds as potential source areas of aeolian dust: studies from the central Great Plains of USA and SE Australia. Regolith 2006: Consolidation and Dispersion of Ideas. Proceedings of the CROnline
Grocke, D.R., Ludvigson, G.A., Witzke, B.L. Robinson, S.A., Joeckel, R.M., Ufnar, D. F., Ravn, R.L., 2006, Recognizing the Albian-Cenomanian (OAE1d) sequence boundary using plant carbon isotopes: Dakota Formation, Western Interior Basin, USA. Geology, v.
Joeckel R.M. and B.J. Clement. 2005. Soils, surficial geology, and geomicrobiology of saline-sodic wetlands, North Platte River Valley, Nebraska, USA. CATENA 61(1):63-101.
Joeckel, R.M., B.J. Ang Clement, and L.R. VanFleet Bates. Sulfate-mineral crusts from pyrite weathering and acid rock drainage in the Dakota Formation and Graneros Shale, Jefferson County, Nebraska. Chemical Geology 215(1-4):443-452.Online
Joeckel, R. M., Diffendal, R. F. Jr., 2004 (RS-1070). Geomorphic and Environmental Change Around a Large, Aging Reservoir: Lake C. W. McConaughy, Western Nebraska, USA. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, 10: 69-90.Online
Joeckel, R.M., Cunningham, J.M., Corner, R.G., Brown, G.W., Phillips, P.L., and Ludvigson, G.A., 2004, Late Albian dinosaur tracks from the cratonic (eastern) margin of the Western Interior Seaway, Nebraska, USA. Ichnos v. 11, p. 275-284.Online
Brenner, R.L., Ludvigson, G.A., Witzke, B.L., Phillips, P.L., Ufnar, D.F., González, L.A., Joeckel, R.M., Goettemoeller, A., and Shirk, B.R., 2003, Aggradation of gravels in tidally influenced systems: upper Albian (Lower Cretaceous) on the cratonic margOnline
Gosselin, D., Joeckel, R.M., Carlson, M.P. 2003. History, Geology and Water in the Lower Platte River Valley in Eastern Nebraska. Lincoln, NE: Association of American Sate Geologist.Online
Joeckel, R.M., Hunt, R.M., Jr., Peigne, S., Skolnick, R.I. 2002. The auditory region and nasal cavity of Oligocene Nimravidae (Mammalia, Carnivora). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 22:830-847.
Loope, D.B., Rowe, C.M., Joeckel, R.M. 2001. Annual Monsoon rains recorded by Jurassic dunes. Nature. 412:64-66.Online
Brenner, R.L., Ludvigson, G.A., Witzke, B.J., Zawistoski, A.N., Kvale, E.P., Ravn, R.L., and Joeckel, R.M., 2000, Late Albian Kiowa-Skull Creek marine transgression, lower Dakota Formation, eastern margin of western interior seaway, U.S.A. Journal of SedOnline
Driese, S.G., Mora, I., Stiles, C.A., Joeckel, R.M., Nordt, L.C., 2000. Mass-balance reconstruction of a modern Vertisol: implications for interpreting the geochemistry and burial alteration of paleo-Vertisols. Geoderma. 95:179-204.
Joeckel, R. M., and B.J. Ang-Clement 1999. Surface features of the Salt Basin of Lancaster County, Nebraska: Reconnaissance of inland sabkhas at the subhumid eastern margin of the Great Plains, USA. Catena. 34:243-275.
Joeckel, R.M. 1999. Paleosol in Galesburg Formation (Kansas City Group, Upper Pennsylvanian), northern Midcontinent, U.S.A.: Evidence for climate change and mechanisms of marine transgression. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 69:720-737.
Joeckel, R.M., 1998, Unique frontal sinuses in fossil and living Hyaenidae (Mammalia, Carnivora): Description and interpretation. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology v. 18, p. 627-639.Online
Joeckel, R.M., Bond, H.W., and Kabalka, G.W., 1997, Internal anatomy of the snout and paranasal sinuses of Hyaenodon (Mammalia, Creodonta). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology v. 17, p. 440-446.Online
Joeckel, R.M. and J.M. Stavas. 1996. Basicranial Anatomy of Syndyoceras Cooki (Artiodactyla, Protoceratidae) and the Need for a Reappraisal of Tylopod Relationships. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: 16(2):320-327.
Joeckel, R.M., 1995, Paleosols below the Ames Marine Unit (Upper Pennsylvanian, Virgilian, Conemaugh Group) in the Appalachian Basin, U.S.A.: variability on an ancient depositional landscape. Journal of Sedimentary Research v. A65, p. 393-407.Online
Joeckel, R.M., 1995, Tectonic and paleoclimatic significance of a Locally Prominent Upper Pennsylvanian (Virgilian/Stephanian) weathering profile, Iowa and Nebraska, U.S.A. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology v. 118, p.159-179.Online
Joeckel, R.M., 1995, Virgilian (Upper Pennsylvanian) Paleosols in the Upper Lawrence Formation (Douglas Group) and in the Snyderville Shale Member (Shawnee Group, Oread Formation) of the Northern Midcontinent, U.S.A.: Pedologic Contrasts in a Cyclothem SeOnline
Joeckel, R.M., 1994, Virgilian (Upper Pennsylvanian) Paleosols in the Upper Lawrence Formation (Douglas Group) and in the Snyderville Shale Member (Shawnee Group, Oread Formation) of the Northern Midcontinent, U.S.A.: Pedologic Contrasts in a Cyclothem SeOnline
Joeckel, R.M. 1992. Comparative Anatomy and Function of the Leptaucheniine Oreodont Middle Ear. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontolgy 12(4):505-523.
Joeckel, R.M. 1990. A Functional Interpretation of the Masticatory System and Paleoecology of Entelodonts. Paleobiology, 16(4):459-482.
Joeckel, R.M., 1989, Geomorphology of a Pennsylvanian land surface: pedogenesis in the rock lake shale member, Southeastern Nebraska. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology v. 59, p. 469-481.Online
Joeckel, R.M., 1988, A new Late Miocene herpetofauna from Franklin County, Nebraska. Copeia 1988(3), p. 787-789.Online
Joeckel, R.M., 1987, Paleogeomorphic significance of two paleosols in the Dakota Formation (Cretaceous), southeastern Nebraska. Contributions to Geology (University of Wyoming) v. 25, p. 95-102.Online
Burbach, Mark E., R.M. Joeckel, (2023) Nebraska Water Leaders Academy Final Report University of Nebraska - Lincoln. 54 pp.Online
Burbach, Mark E., R.M. Joeckel, Brooke Mott, Gina Matkin. (2022) Nebraska Water Leaders Academy Final Report University of Nebraska - Lincoln. 54 pp.Online



DegreeMajorInstitutionYear Awarded
Doctorate of PhilosophyGeologyUniversity of Iowa1993
Master of ScienceGeologyUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln1988
Bachelor of ScienceGeologyUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln1985





TitleAwarded byYear Awarded
John C. Frye Memorial AwardAssociation of American State Geologists2014




SNR Program Areas

  • Environmental Science

Areas of Interest/Expertise

  • Regional geology
  • Environmental geology
  • Mineral resources
  • Clays and clay minerals
  • Paleosols
  • Geologic mapping
  • Paleontology
  • Geomorphology and landscape evolution
  • Sedimentary petrology
  • Paleoenvironments
  • Rock, mineral, and fossil identification
  • Tectonics
  • Geologic mapping
  • Cenozoic stratigraphy
  • Mesozoic and Paleozoic stratigraphy


Currently this page only displays grants that were awarded on 1/1/ 2009 to the present. If a grant was awarded prior to 1/1/ 2009 and is still active, it will not be displayed on this page.

Grant TitleCMCSCFCB-Critical Minerals in Coaly Strata of the Cherokee-Forest City Basin
Starting Date11/13/2023


Ending Date09/14/2024
Funding Level$6,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Kansas Center for Research


Grant TitleCMCSCFCB-Critical Minerals in Coaly Strata of the Cherokee-Forest City Basin(Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2022


Ending Date09/14/2023
Funding Level$50,227.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Kansas Center for Research


Grant TitleGeological-Hydrogeologist Cooperative Agreement
Starting Date07/13/2022


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$63,368.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleGeologist-Hyrdrogeologist Cooperative Agreement
Starting Date04/15/2022


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$63,379.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitlePennsylvanian Stratigraphic Nomenclature Reconciliation in the Midcontinent
Starting Date03/03/2022


Ending Date08/17/2022
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Kansas Center for Research


Grant TitleCritical Minerals in Coaly Strata of the Cherokee-Forest City Basin
Starting Date09/15/2021


Ending Date09/14/2022
Funding Level$48,773.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Kansas Center for Research


Grant TitleNE Water Leaders Academy (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/24/2021


Ending Date03/31/2023
Funding Level$118,536.00
Funding AgencyNE Water Leaders Academy


Grant TitleGeologist-Hydrogeologist Coop Agreement (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/22/2020


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$61,704.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleNebraska Water Leaders Academy (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/20/2020


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$40,263.00
Funding AgencyNebraska State Irrigation Association / Nebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleCarbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE): Storage Complex Feasibility
Starting Date11/27/2019


Ending Date08/09/2020
Funding Level$73,749.00
Funding AgencyBattelle Memorial Institute


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2019-2020 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2019


Ending Date09/30/2020
Funding Level$92,630.00
Funding AgencyUS Geological Service


Grant TitleCarbonSAFE
Starting Date03/19/2019


Ending Date08/09/2019
Funding Level$6,207.00
Funding AgencyBattelie


Grant TitleGeologist-Hydrogeologist Cooperative Agreement (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/19/2019


Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$58,864.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleGeologist-Hydrogeologist Cooperative Agreement (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/19/2019


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$60,442.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2018-2019 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2018


Ending Date09/14/2019
Funding Level$47,476.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Interior


Grant TitleNational Groundwater Monitoring Network (Additional)
Starting Date08/20/2018


Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$64,432.00
Funding AgencyDepartment of Interior


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2017-2018 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2017


Ending Date09/14/2018
Funding Level$43,093.00
Funding AgencyUSGS


Grant TitleGeologic Mapping Missouri NRR (Additional Funding)
Starting Date08/25/2017


Ending Date12/31/2018
Funding Level$98,549.00
Funding AgencyNPS


Grant TitleNational Ground-Water Monitoring Network Provider
Starting Date06/20/2017


Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$29,962.00
Funding AgencyUS Geological Service


Grant TitleGeologist-Hydrogeologist Cooperative Agreement (Additional Funding)
Starting Date05/04/2017


Ending Date05/03/2020
Funding Level$176,637.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleNebraska Basin CarbonSAFE
Starting Date03/09/2017


Ending Date06/01/2018
Funding Level$116,237.00
Funding AgencyBattelle Memorial Institute


Grant TitleNebraska GeoCloud
Starting Date03/03/2017


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$264,014.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South Natural Resource District


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2016-2017 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2016


Ending Date09/14/2017
Funding Level$44,140.00
Funding AgencyUSGS


Grant TitleGeologic Mapping Missouri NRR
Starting Date09/15/2016


Ending Date12/31/2017
Funding Level$98,549.00
Funding AgencyNational Parks Service


Grant TitleCSD Participation as a Data Provider in the National Ground-Water Monitoring Network
Starting Date08/15/2016


Ending Date08/14/2017
Funding Level$42,387.00
Funding AgencyUSGS


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2015-2016 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2015


Ending Date09/14/2016
Funding Level$86,366.00
Funding AgencyU. S. Geological Survey


Grant TitleLower Big Blue Well Monitoring Installation Supervision
Starting Date11/01/2014


Ending Date11/01/2015
Funding Level$3,300.00
Funding AgencyLower Big Blue NRD


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2014-2015 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2014


Ending Date09/14/2015
Funding Level$65,623.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2013-2014 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date09/15/2013


Ending Date09/14/2014
Funding Level$72,636.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior


Grant TitleWater Leaders Academy (additional funding)
Starting Date04/01/2012


Ending Date03/31/2015
Funding Level$21,302.00
Funding AgencyNebraska State Irrigation Association


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2011-2012 (Additional Funding)
Starting Date07/01/2011


Ending Date06/30/2012
Funding Level$71,017.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture


Grant TitleThe Effect of a Transition from Prairie to Forest Ecosystems
Starting Date10/01/2010


Ending Date09/30/2011
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2010-2011 (additional funding)
Starting Date05/15/2010


Ending Date05/14/2011
Funding Level$75,854.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleGlobal Gateway Facility Association 2010
Starting Date01/01/2010


Ending Date12/17/2010
Funding Level$5,800.00
Funding AgencyUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln Foundation


Grant TitleEastern Nebraska HEM Aquifier Mapping
Starting Date07/15/2009


Ending Date07/01/2010
Funding Level$60,000.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte South NRD


Grant TitleEastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment Study, Ashland, Firth, and Oakland Bulletins
Starting Date07/01/2009


Ending Date07/01/2011
Funding Level$84,500.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte North NRD


Grant TitleNebraska State Map 2009-2010
Starting Date05/01/2009


Ending Date04/30/2010
Funding Level$82,156.00
Funding AgencyUS Department of the Interior - Geological Survey


Grant TitleMc-Stennis FY 09
Starting Date01/01/2009


Ending Date09/30/2009
Funding Level$6,904.00
Funding AgencyMcIntire-Stennis


Grant TitleEastern Nebraska Water Resources Assessment
Starting Date08/01/2008


Ending Date07/01/2010
Funding Level$17,080.00
Funding AgencyLower Platte North NRD



Graduate Programs

Master of Applied Science

Master of Science in Natural Resource Sciences
including specializations in

    Doctorate of Philosophy in Natural Resource Sciences
    including specializations in