Walter-Shea, E.A., K.G. Hubbard, M. A. Mesarch and G. Roebke. (2019) Improving the calibration of silicon photodiode pyranometers. Meteo. Atmos. Physics. 131:1111–1120. | Online |
Arkebauer, T.J., E.A. Walter-Shea, M.A. Mesarch, A.E.Suyker, S.B. Verma. 2009. Scaling up of CO2 fluxes from leaf to canopy in maize-based agroecosystems. Agro. For. Meteo. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2009.04.013 | Online |
Antunes, M.A.H., Walter-Shea, E.A., Mesarch, M.A. 2001. Test of an extended mathematical approach to calculate maize leaf area index and leaf angle distribution. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 108:45-53 (Journal Series Number:13110) | Online |
Mesarch, M.A. 2001. Environmental Change and the Central Great Plains, Carbon Sequestration. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 6. | Online |
Mesarch, Mark A., Steve J. Meyer and David C. Gosselin (2000, September) A flexible K-12 weather data collection and education program. Electronic Journal of Science Education [Online serial] 5(1). | Online |
Mesarch, M.A., E.A. Walter-Shea, G.P. Asner, E.M. Middleton, and S.S. Chen 1999. A revised measurement methodology for conifer needles spectral optical properties evaluating the influence of gaps between elements. Remote Sensing of Environment. 68:177-192 | Online |
Blad B.L., E.A. Walter-Shea, M.A. Mesarch, C.J. Hays, P.J. Starks, D.W. Deering and T.F. Eck 1998. Estimating Net Radiation with Remotely Sensed Data: Resultsfrom KUREX-91 and FIFE Studies. Remote Sensing Reviews. 17:55-71. | |
Mesarch M.A., E.A. Walter-Shea, Blad B.L., C.J. Hays and E.M. Middleton 1998. Comparing Biophysical Properties of the Streletskaya Steppe Reserve and the Konza Prairie. Remote Sensing Reviews. 17:37-53. | Online |
Middleton,E.M., Walter-Shea, E.A., Mesarch, M.A., Chan, S.S., Rusin, R.J. 1998. Optical Properties of Canopy Elements in Black Spruce, Jack Pine and Aspen Stands in Saskatchewan, Canada. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 24(2): 169-186. | Online |
Starks, P.J., Blad B.L., E.A. Walter-Shea, C.J. Hays, and M.A. Mesarch 1998. Estimating emitted longwave components of the radiation balance in the KUREX-91 and FIFE studies. Remote Sensing Reviews. 17:73-87. | |
Walter-Shea E.A., Blad B.L., M.A. Mesarch, C.J. Hays, D.W. Deering, and T.F. Eck 1998. Absorbed Photosyntheticdally Active Radiation and Sun-View Geometry Effects on Remote Sensing Relationships. Remote Sensing Reviews. 17:89-102. | |
Walter-Shea, E.A., J. Privette, D. Cornell, M.A. Mesarch, and C.J. Hays 1997. Relations between directional spectral vegetation indices and leaf area and absorbed radiation in alfalfa. Remote Sensing of Environment. 61:162-177. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., D.R. Mohlman, M.A. Mesarch, and S.J. Meyers. 1996. Nebraska Earth Science Education Network, A University-Teacher Connection. Science Education International 7(2):4. | |
Walter-Shea, E.A., Mesarch, M.A. 1996. Conifer Shoot Bidirectional Scattering: Methodology and Preliminary Results. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. | Online |
Walter-Shea, E.A., C.J. Hays, and M.A. Mesarch 1993. An Improved Goniometer System for Calibrating Field Reference-Reflectance Panels. Remote Sensing of Environment. 43:131-138. | Online |
Walter-Shea E.A., Blad B.L., C.J. Hays, M.A. Mesarch, D.W. Deering, and E.M. Middleton 1992. Biophysical Properties Affecting Vegetative Canopy Reflectance and Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation at the FIFE Site. Journal of Geophysical Research. | Online |
Walter-Shea, E.A., Blad, B.L., Hays, C.J., Mesarch, M.A. 1991. Slope Effects on Shortwave Radiation Components and Net Radiation: Interim Report for Period April 1, 1991- December 31, 1991. Department of Agricultural Meteorology, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. pp. 18. | Online |
Blad, B.L., Walter-Shea, E.A., Hays, C.J., Mesarch, M.A. 1990. Calibration of Field Reference Panel and Radiometers Used in FIFE 1989: Semi-annual report for period February 1- September 30, 1990. Department of Agricultural Meteorology, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. pp. 14. | Online |
Scheduling Irrigation with a High Speed Center Pivot to Reduce Heat and Moisture Stress in Corn (RS-1296). Mark Mesarch, Blaine L. Blad and John M. Norman. 44 pp., 8.5 x 11. | |