Dennis Ferraro

Dennis Ferraro

  • Contact Information
  • My Story
  • Publications
  • Background
  • Interests
  • Grants
  • Courses Taught

Contact Information

TitleConservation Biologist/Herpetologist
Faculty RankProfessor of Practice
Address415 South Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln NE

East Campus
  • office: 402-490-2155
  • fax: 402-472-4915
VitaeDownload file


Contact Preference


Office Hours

MW 1:00 - 4:00 PM

My Story

Dennis Ferraro is the resident herpetologist and a professor of practice at the School of Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He has been a UNL faculty member since 1990.

He is originally from Connecticut, and grew up fascinated with the creatures in and around ponds near his home. By the time he was in third grade, he knew what a herpetologist was and that he wanted to be one. "My mother started out being afraid of snakes, but after so many got loose in the house, she had to learn to live with it," he recalled. "My husbandry technique was not as refined as it is now. Now nothing gets out."

"My main goal in my career and in life is the conservation of amphibians, reptiles and turtles in North America," he said. Ferraro maintains the university's live animal lab of native Herpetofauna - that's reptiles and amphibians - for research and educational purposes, and has developed a health and medical protocol for the animals' care.

He teaches Conservation Biology (NRES 211) every semester, Introduction to Herpetology (NRES 474/874) every fall, and now teaches Tropical Ecology (NRES 492) each spring, which includes 10 days in Puerto Rico. He also helps to advise students working on master's theses and supervises independent studies. Ferraro received the 2010 Holling Family Excellence in Teaching Award in March 2010.

Dennis Ferraro

Ferraro and a UCARE student have worked on a study of prey selection in water snakes. Collecting data "is easy if they've just eaten because the water snake's first defense is to regurgitate their half-digested food on you," he explained. "We've both been vomited on quite regularly by water snakes." Preliminary findings show that the snakes are feeding on injured or sick fish, not game fish, so the snakes are actually enhancing sport fishing experiences.

Ferraro is well-known for handling snakes as he speaks, and his talks around the state typically draw large, enthusiastic crowds. He reaches approximately 6,000 people a year through various presentations, such as the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission annual Outdoor Expo. Ferraro has ventured into multimedia as well, releasing an 11-track CD, Frog Calls of Nebraska, in 2008, and following up with a video, "Handling an American Alligator."

Ferraro said that while he doesn't necessarily hold out hope that all who hear him speak will build a backyard hibernaculum for garter snakes - although he has the instructions, if anyone is interested - one of his goals is "to get them to appreciate snakes in the environment." Snakes are the natural predators of gophers, rats and other rodents that can become a nuisance if their numbers go unchecked.

Contrary to popular belief, even venomous snakes do not chase people. "No snake in Nebraska has territory or protects its young," Ferraro said. "Sometimes people might have the impression because of a snake's fright mechanism that they're chasing them." In fact, Ferraro said, snakes chasing humans "only happens in my dreams. Since 1990 I have had just over 4,000 snake captures. I can't remember any of them coming to me. I had to chase every single one. I wish they'd stay still."

Ferraro typically drives 5,000 miles each year, checking on the communities and populations of various species across the state. Specifically, he has collected data on more than 3,700 snakes, 3,400 amphibians and 410 turtles and lizards since 1990. He does radio tracking and telemetry in reptiles, and surgically implants transmitters in snakes. He shares the data he gathers on reptile and amphibian populations with the Nebraska State Museum, the Game and Parks Commission, and other agencies that need it.

Dennis Ferraro

Amphibians are particularly sensitive to environmental contaminants. Some researchers believe that amphibians, with their sensitivity to environmental degradation, may also point the way to factors that lead to increased outbreaks of disease in humans. Ferraro conducts amphibian disease and malformity tests in Nebraska.

Besides health benefits, working with our native fauna can be an economic boost. Prairie dogs, humble though they may be, are a keystone species, creating ecosystems in which other species thrive, including rattlesnakes, burrowing owls, salamanders and beetles. And, Ferraro adds, there is no research to back the popular notion that cows and horses break legs in prairie dog holes.

He sees rattlesnake-oriented ecotourism possibilities for western Nebraska. After a presentation at a national conference, Ferraro received email requests for tours of prairie dog towns. He organized a trip that brought several people from Texas and New York to western Nebraska via Omaha, and guided them through safe encounters with wildlife. Ferraro also used his knowledge of rattlesnakes' habits and defenses to help park officials at Scottsbluff National Monument in western Nebraska create boardwalks and tunnels that allowed park visitors and rattlesnakes to coexist safely.

As the head of the curriculum committee for Nebraska's Master Naturalist program, Ferraro is hoping to inspire outdoor outfitters and bed and breakfast owners to turn prairie dog villages into destinations of choice.

Underlying the many projects that Ferraro has in the works are his ongoing goals: to promote the conservation of Nebraska's amphibians and reptiles to the public, and to instill appreciation of and stewardship for natural resources in students and youth.

Feature Stories

Selected Publications

Hladik, M.L., Schoup, A., Ferraro, D., and VanWormer, E., 2023, Pesticide Concentrations in American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) Tadpoles Collected from Ponds and Reservoirs near Mead, Nebraska: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
Browning, S., Hygnstrom, J., Skipton, S., Tonn, S., Stoner, N., Ferraro, D., Ogg, B. P., Jarvi, K., Fech, J. C., Franzen-Castle, L., Chichester, L., Anderson, K. P., Ingram, E., Ellis, M., Young, S., Vantassel, S., Feehan, K., Herbst, G., Hancock, C. K., Lesoing, G., Nielsen, S., Meduna, R., Larsen, K., Hammond, V., Wilson, J., Urbanec, N., Holm, B., Dvorak, B., DePra, H., Erickson, G., Hay, F., Lownes, C. UNL Acreage Insights website. Lincoln, NE: UNL Extension.
Browning, S., Baxendale, F., Kalisch, J., Ohnesorg, W., Gaussoin, R. E., Giesler, L. J., Timmerman, A., Korus, K., Feehan, K., Exstrom, E., Culbertson, J., Ferraro, D., Todd, K., Reicher, Z., James, T., Hammond, V., Golick, D., Hoyt, C., Weissling, T., Berg, E., Hardin, L. E., Evertson, J., Sutton, R. K., Buresh, D., Schild, J. UNL Backyard Farmer website. Lincoln, NE: UNL Extension. http://byf.unl.eduOnline
Browning, S., Hygnstrom, J., Skipton, S., Tonn, S., Stoner, N., Ferraro, D., Ogg, B. P., Jarvi, K., Fech, J. C., Franzen-Castle, L., Chichester, L., Anderson, K. P., Ingram, E., Ellis, M., Young, S., Vantassel, S., Feehan, K., Herbst, G., Hancock, C. K., Lesoing, G., Nielsen, S., Meduna, R., Larsen, K., Hammond, V., Wilson, J., Urbanec, N., Holm, B., Dvorak, B., DePra, H., Erickson, G., Hay, F., Lownes, C. UNL Acreage Insights website. Lincoln, NE: UNL Extension. http://acreage.unl.eduOnline
O'Connell, K. A., Maldonda, J., Ferraro, D. M., Mulder, K. P. 2019. Sampling related individuals within ponds biases estimates of population structure in a pond-breeding amphibian. Ecology and Evolution.Online
Virchow, D.R., S.M. Vantassel, S.E. Hygnstrom, D.M. Ferraro, J.J. Lusk, and M. Wilhite. 2010. Cottontail control: an overview. Wildlife Control Technology. 17(3):32-34.
Virchow, D.R., S.M. Vantassel, S.E. Hygnstrom, D.M. Ferraro, J.J. Lusk, and M. Wilhite. 2010. Habits and habitat: cottontail rabbits. Wildlife Control Technology. 17(3):13-14.
Vantassel, S., Hygnstrom, S.E., Ferraro, D. 2005. Controlling House Mice. Lincoln Extension, University of Nebraska.Online
Vantassel, S., Hygnstrom, S.E., Ferraro, D., 2005. Remvoing Skunk Odor. Cooperative Extension, University of Nebraska. pp. 4.Online
Hygnstrom, S. E., Hobbs, J. M.,Bruner, J. G., Weverka, J., Virchow, D. R., Ferraro, D. M. 2003. Assistance with Wildlife Damage Problems in Nebraska. Cooperative Extension, University of Nebraska. pp. 4Online
Ferraro, D., Hygnstrom, S.E. 1996. Moles and Their Control. [Brochure]. Lincoln, NE. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.Online
Vantassel, S., Hygnstrom, S. E., Ferraro, D. 1988, revised 2005. Controlling Vole Damage. [Brochure]. Lincoln, NE. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.Online



DegreeMajorInstitutionYear Awarded
Master of ScienceBiology (specialization in Herpetology)University of Nebraska-Omaha1993
OtherGraduate Research in HerpetologyIowa State University1978
Bachelor of ScienceZoologyIowa State University1978





TitleAwarded byYear Awarded
Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor AwardUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln2024
Conservation Educator AwardThe Wildlife Society2021
Parents' Recognition AwardUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln Teaching Council and Parents Association2020
Parents' Recognition AwardUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln Teaching Council and Parents Association2019
Parents' Recognition AwardUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln Teaching Council and Parents Association2018
Holling Family Award for Senior Faculty Teaching ExcellanceCollege of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources | University of Nebraska-Lincoln2017
Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to StudentsUNL Parents Association2015
Nebraska Urban Pest Management Conference Recognition AwardNebraska Urban Pest Management2013




SNR Program Areas

  • Applied Ecology

Areas of Interest/Expertise

  • Monitoring and Conservation of Nebraska's Herpetofauna
  • Herpetology
  • Wildlife Management and Conservation
  • Wildilfe IPM
  • Programing Amphibian and Reptile Awareness and Appreciation
  • Wildlife Damage Management
  • Master Naturalist
  • Amphibians
  • Reptiles
  • Biodiversity
  • Ecosystems
  • Endangered Species
  • Wetlands


Currently this page only displays grants that were awarded on 1/1/ 2009 to the present. If a grant was awarded prior to 1/1/ 2009 and is still active, it will not be displayed on this page.

Grant TitleSpatial Ecology of Bullsnakes (Pituophis Catenifer) Unveiled Insights from Radio Telemetry at Cedar Point Biological Station (UCARE: Nia Meyer)
Starting Date05/02/2024


Ending Date05/01/2025
Funding Level$2,640.00
Funding AgencyInternal - 24-25 UCARE


Grant TitleHerpetology Lab Live Animal Support
Starting Date03/04/2024


Ending Date06/30/2025
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyARD Strategic Funding


Grant TitleAwareness, Education, Monitoring, Status and Conservation of Nebraska's Herpetofauna
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date12/31/2026
Funding Level$72,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNE Master Naturalist Foundation NMNP Coordinator Support (Additional Funding)
Starting Date01/01/2024


Ending Date08/31/2024
Funding Level$10,000.00
Funding AgencyNE Master National Foundation


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalists Program - Engaging Nebraska's Youth as Naturalists
Starting Date10/12/2022


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$71,630.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/07/2022


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Foundation NMNP Coordintor Support (Additional Funding)
Starting Date03/03/2022


Ending Date06/30/2023
Funding Level$70,000.00
Funding AgencyNE Master Naturalist Foundation


Grant TitleMaster Naturalist Junior
Starting Date05/17/2021


Ending Date06/30/2022
Funding Level$71,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Project (Additional Funding)
Starting Date02/06/2021


Ending Date06/23/2023
Funding Level$14,000.00
Funding AgencyNE Master Naturalist Foundation


Grant TitleThe Master Naturalist program: Expanding Conservation Capacity (Additional)
Starting Date06/11/2020


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$49,179.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Evironmental Trust


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/09/2020


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$20,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Park Commission


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Foundation NMNP Coordinator Support
Starting Date07/01/2019


Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$70,000.00
Funding AgencyNE Master Naturalist Foundation


Grant TitleNMNP: Expanding Capacity
Starting Date05/13/2019


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$97,500.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program: Recruitment, Training, and Management of Conservation Volunteers (additional funding)
Starting Date05/13/2019


Ending Date06/30/2021
Funding Level$97,500.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program: Recruitment, Training, and Management of Conservation Volunteers (additional funding)
Starting Date07/01/2018


Ending Date06/30/2019
Funding Level$40,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Games and Park Commission


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program: Recruitment, Training, and Management of Conservation Volunteers (additional funding)
Starting Date04/26/2017


Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$685,060.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Educational Telecommunications


Grant TitleMaster Naturalist PI Support
Starting Date09/01/2016


Ending Date06/30/2020
Funding Level$36,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program (Additional Funding)
Starting Date04/07/2016


Ending Date06/30/2017
Funding Level$91,947.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Educational Telecommunications


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program
Starting Date07/01/2015


Ending Date06/30/2018
Funding Level$150,000.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Game and Parks Commission


Grant TitleNebraska Master Naturalist Program: Statewide Expansion and Specialized Training in Habitat Management (additional funding)
Starting Date04/02/2015


Ending Date06/30/2016
Funding Level$89,656.00
Funding AgencyNebraska Environmental Trust


Courses Taught

Course NumberCourse TitleFall Even YearsFall Odd YearsSpring Even YearsSpring Odd YearsSummer SessionCross Listing
NRES 211Introduction to Conservation BiologyXXXX
NRES 348Wildlife Damage ManagementX
NRES 374Field HerpetologyX
NRES 474/874HerpetologyXXBIOS 474/874
NRES 492/892Natural Resources Management - Puerto RicoXXNRES 492H; NRES 892
SCIL 101 Science and Decision-Making for a Complex WorldXXXX