Carroll Steward, K., Gosselin, D., Bhattacharya, D., Chandler, M., & Forbes, C. T. (2024). Teachers’ use and adaptation of a model-based climate curriculum: A three-year longitudinal study. Journal of Geoscience Education, 0(0), 1–13. | |
Bonnstetter, R.J., Gosselin, D.C. 2023. Chapter 2. What’s the Brain Got to Do With It? Unlocking and Activating the Brain for Better Collaboration. Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Book Series, Springer – Nature. | |
Carroll Steward, K., Gosselin, D., Chandler, M., & Forbes, C. T. (2023). Student Outcomes of Teaching About Socio-scientific Issues in Secondary Science Classrooms: Applications of EzGCM. Journal of Science Education and Technology. | Online |
Gosselin, D. (2023). Five Key Questions to Ask Before, During, and After Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration Energy Curriculum Development. Energy Education in a Transitioning World. Cambridge University Press. | |
Gosselin, D.C. 2023. Chapter 1. Introduction to Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration: Definitions, Systems, and the Brain. In Gosselin, D. (ed) A Practical Guide for Developing Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration Skills. Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Book Series, Springer – Nature. | |
Gosselin, D.C. 2023. Chapter 3. Five Key Questions to Facilitate Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration. . In Gosselin, D. (ed) A Practical Guide for Developing Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration Skills. Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Book Series, Springer – Nature. | |
Gosselin, D.C. 2023. Five Key Questions to Ask Before, During, and After Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration Energy Curriculum Development. In: Valentini Pappa and Antje Danielson. Energy Education in a Transitioning World. Cambridge University Press. | |
Gosselin, D.C. 2023. Preface. Practical Guide to Cross Disciplinary Collaboration. In Gosselin, D. (ed) A Practical Guide for Developing Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration Skills. Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Book Series, Springer – Nature. | |
Gosselin, D.C., Bonnstetter, R.J. 2023. Chapter 4. Who is on the Team? Exploring the Diverse Characteristics of Collaborative Teams. In Gosselin, D. (ed) A Practical Guide for Developing Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration Skills. Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Book Series, Springer – Nature. | |
Pennington, D., Thompson, K., Vincent, S., Gosselin, D.C. 2023. Chapter 5. EMBeRS Model for Facilitating Interdisciplinary Learning and Systems Thinking. In Gosselin, D. (ed) A Practical Guide for Developing Cross Disciplinary Collaboration Skills. Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Book Series, Springer – Nature. | |
Gosselin, D., Bonnstetter, R., Gehrig, E., Stokes, R. (2021). Professional Competency Self-Efficacy of Undergraduate Environmental Studies Students: A Case Study of Gender Differences and Longitudinal Change. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis, 4, 379-394 | Online |
Metzger, E., Gosselin, D., Huyck-Orr, K. (2021). Sustainable Development Goal 4. Geosciences and the Sustainable Development Goals. Springer. | |
Pennington, D., Vincent, S., Gosselin, D., Thompson, K. (2021). Learning across disciplines in socio-environmental problem framing. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 3. | Online |
Shrestha, N., Mittelstet, A.R., Young, A., Gilmore, T.E., Gosselin, D., Zeyrek, C. (2021). Groundwater level assessment and prediction in the Nebraska Sand Hills using LIDAR-derived lake water level. Journal of Hydrology. Vol. 600, 126582. | Online |
Thompson, K., Gosselin, D., Other Authors, T. Designing the EMBeRS Summer School: Connecting Stakeholders in Learning, Teaching and Research. (pp. 210-215.). Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. | |
Gosselin, D., Bralower, T., Manduca, C., Egger, A. 2019. Preparing Students to Address Societally Relevant Challenges in the Geosciences: The InTeGrate Approach. Interdisciplinary Teaching About Earth and the Environment for a Sustainable Future. Springer | |
Gosselin, D., Egger, A., Taber, J. 2019. "Interdisciplinary Teaching About Earth and the Environment for a Sustainable Future," in Springer Nature - Association of Environmental Sciences and Studies (AESS) Book Series, Springer. pp. 2. | |
Gosselin, David C., Egger, Anne E., Taber, John (Eds.). 2019. Interdisciplinary Teaching About Earth and the Environment for a Sustainable Future. Springer International Publishing | |
Gosselin, D., Vincent, S., Boone, C., Danielson, A., Parnell, R., Pennington, D. 2016. Introduction to the special issue: Negotiating Boundaries: Effective Leadership of Interdisciplinary Environmental and Sustainability Programs. Journal Environmental Sc | Online |
Gosselin, D., Burian, S., Lutz, T., MAxon, J. (2015). Integrating Geoscience into Undergraduate Education about Environment, Society, and Sustainability using Place-Based Learning: Three Examples. Journal of Environmental Studies and Science. | Online |
Gosselin, D., Cooper, S., Lawton, S., Bonnstetter, R. J., Bonnstetter, B. (2015). Lowering the walls and crossing boundaries: Applications of experiential learning and business-based assessments to teaching collaboration. Journal of Environmental Studies | |
O’Connell, K., Bruckner, M., Gosselin, D., Manduca, C. (2015). Supporting Interdisciplinary Teaching about the Earth with the InTeGrate Website. Journal of Environmental Studies and Science. 6: 354-359. | |
Pennington, D., Bammer, G., Danielson, A., Gosselin, D., Gouvea, J., Habron, G., Hawthorne, D., Parnell, R., Thompson, K., Vincent, S., Wei, C. (2015). The EMBeRS Project: Employing Model-Based Reasoning in Socio-Environmental Synthesis. Journal of Enviro | |
Gosselin, D., Bonnstetter, R., Bonnstetter, B. (2014). Application of Business-Oriented Assessments to Improve Coach and Player Interactions: A Case Study. Soccer Journal. 59: 44. | |
Gosselin, D., Cooper, S., Bonnstetter, R., Bonnstetter, B. J. (2013). Exploring the Assessment of 21st Century Professional Competencies of Undergraduate Students in Environmental Studies through a Business – Academic Partnership. Journal of Environmental | |
Gosselin, D., Parnell, R., Smith-Sebasto, N. J., Vincent, S. (2013). Integration of Sustainability in Higher Education: Three Case Studies of Curricular Implementation. Journal of Environmental Studies and Science, 3, 316–330. | Online |
David C Gosselin, Christine Haney, Cindy Larson-Miller, Ron Bonnstetter, Carole Mandryk. 2012. Laboratory Earth Under the Lens: Diachronic Evaluation of an Integrated Graduate-Level On-Line Earth System Science Course Series for K-12 Educators' Russann L | |
Stotler, R., Harvey, F.E., and D.C. Gosselin, 2010, A Black Hills-Madison Aquifer Origin for Groundwater in the Dakota Aquifer of Northeastern Nebraska, Ground Water, 48(3), p. 448-464. | Online |
Harvey, F.E., Ayers, J.F. and Gosselin, D.C. 2008. Ground Water Dependence of Endangered Ecosystems: An Example from Nebraska's Saline Wetlands, Journal of Ground Water. 45(6):736-752. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., L.M. Klawer, R. M. Joeckel, F.E. Harvey, A.R. Reade, and K. McVey. 2006. Arsenic in Rural Public Water Supplies, Nebraska, U.S.A., Great Plains Research. 16:137-148. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., V. Srihdar, F.E. Harvey and J.W. Goeke. 2006. Hydrological effects and groundwater fluctuations in interdunal environments in the Nebraska Sand Hills. Great Plains Research, 16:17-28. | Online |
Anumalla, S, Ramamurthy, B., Gosselin, D., and Burbach, M. 2005. Groundwater monitoring using smart sensors. Proceedings of the IEEE EIT Conference, May 22-25, 2005, Lincoln, NE. | Online |
Bonnstetter R.J. and D.C. Gosselin. 2004. Present Status on Earth Science Education in the USA. Proceedings of the Joint Conference (SITH2003) of The 38th Conference of Société Internationale des Techniques Hydrothermales and The 56th Annual Meeting of th | |
Gosselin, D. C., Klawer, L., Noe, A., 2004. Arsenic in Nebraska's Groundwater and Public Water Systems. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 8. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., F.E. Harvey, C.D. Frost, R. Stotler, and A. Macfarlane. 2004. Strontium isotope geochemistry of ground water in the central part of the Great Plains (Dakota) aquifer. Applied Geochemistry. 19:359–377. | Online |
Gosselin, D., Joeckel, R.M., Carlson, M.P. 2003. History, Geology and Water in the Lower Platte River Valley in Eastern Nebraska. Lincoln, NE: Association of American Sate Geologist. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Harvey, F.E., Flowerday, C.F. 2003. Geology, Groundwater Chemistry and Management of the Dakota Aquifer in Nebraska. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 6. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Harvey, F.E., Frost, C., Stotler, R., Macfarlane, P.A. 2003. Strontium Isotope Geochemistry in the Central Part of the Great Plains (Dakota) Aquifer, U.S.A.. Applied Geochemistry. 19(3):359-377. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., R.H. Levy, and R.J. Bonnstetter. 2003. Using Earth science research projects to develop collaboration between scientists at a research university and K-12 educators: Insights for future efforts. Journal of Geoscience Education. 51:114-120. | Online |
Nowatzki, T.M., B. Nimi, K. Warren, S. Putnam, L. Meinke, D.Gosselin, F.E. Harvey, T.E. Hunt, and B. Siegried. 2003. In-Field Labeling of Western Corn Rootworm Adults (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) with Rubidium.96(6):1750-1759. | |
Gosselin, D.C. and J.L. Macklem-Hurst. 2002. Pre/Post Knowledge Assessment of an Earth Science Course for Elementary/Middle School Education Majors. Journal of Geoscience Education. 50:169-176. | |
Gosselin, D. C., 2001. Environmental Change and the Central Great Plains, Past, Present and Future. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 4. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C. 2001. Environmental Change and the Central Great Plains, Water Resources. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 6. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Harvey, F.E., Frost, C.D. 2001. Geochemical Evolution of Ground Water in The Great Plains (Dakota) Aquifer of Nebraska, Implications for the Management of a Regional Aquifer System. Ground Water 39(1):98-108. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., M.J. Khisty. 2001. Simulating the Influence of Two Shallow, Flow-through Lakes on a Groundwater System, Implications for Groundwater Mounds and Hinge Lines. Journal of Hydrogeology 9(0):9. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Rundquist, D.C., McFeeters, S. 2000. Remote Monitoring of Selected Groundwater-Dominated Lakes in the Nebraska Sand Hills. American Water Resources Association. 36(5):1039-1052. | Online |
Gosselin, D.G., D.C. Rundquist, S.K. McFeeters 2000 (RS-288). Remote Monitoring of Selected Ground-water Dominated Lakes in the Nebraska Sand Hills. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 36(5):13. | Online |
Gosselin, D.G., S. Lowrey, S.J. Meyer. 2002. Process-Oriented Environmental Change Curriculum-Development Workshops. Journal of Geoscience Education 48(0):6. | Online |
Mesarch, Mark A., Steve J. Meyer and David C. Gosselin (2000, September) A flexible K-12 weather data collection and education program. Electronic Journal of Science Education [Online serial] 5(1). | Online |
Gosselin, D. C., J. Headrick, F.E. Harvey, R. Tremblay, K. McFarland 1999. Fluoride in Nebraska's Ground Water. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 0(0):9. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., R. Feurer, S. Frack, A. Musson, L. Mayo, C. Karel, E. Schafer, C. Snyder, J. Sarchett and M. Alfieri. 1999. The Nebraska Earth Science Education Network Electronic Communication Project. Journal of Geoscience Education. 47:12-16. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., R. Feurer, S. Frack., A. Musson, L. Mayo, C. Karel, E. Schaefer, C. Snyder, J. Sarchett, M.L. Alfieri 1999. The Nebraska Earth Science Education Network Electronic Communication Project. Journal of Geoscience Education 47(0):5. | |
Gosselin, D.C., S. Drda, F. E. Harvey, and J. Goeke 1999. Hydrologic Dynamics of Two Interdunal Valleys in the Central Sand Hills Nebraska. Ground Water. 37:924-933 | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., S. Drda, F. E. Harvey, and J. Goeke. 1999. Hydrologic Dynamics of Two Interdunal Valleys in the Central Sand Hills Nebraska. Ground Water. 37:924-933. | Online |
Ayers, J. F., Chen, X-H., Gosselin, D. C., 1998 (RS-245). Behavior of Nitrate-Nitrogen Movement Around a Pumping High-Capacity Well, A Field Example. Ground Water 36:325-337. | Online |
Chen, X-H. and D.C. Gosselin. 1998. Numerical Simulation of Radial Gas Flow, Effects of Soil Anisotropy, Well Placement, and Surface Seal. Journal of Hydrological Engineering 0(0):10. | |
Chen, X-H., J.F. Ayers, D.C. Gosselin 1998. Analysis of Nitrate-Nitrogen Movement Near High-Capacity Irrigation Wells. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 18(4):9. | Online |
Szilagyi, J., D.C. Rundquist, D.C, Gosselin, and Parlange, M.B. 1998. NDVI Relationship to Monthly Evaporation. Geophysical Research Letters 25(10):1753-1756. | Online |
Szilagyi, J., D.C. Rundquist, D.C. Gosselin, and M.B. Parlange 1998. NDVI relationship to monthly evaporation. Geophysical Research Letters. 25:1753-1756. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C. 1997. Major-ion Chemistry of Compositionally Diverse Lakes, Western Nebraska, U.S.A.: Implications for Paleoclimatic Interpretations. Journal of Paleolimnology 17(0):17. | |
Gosselin, D.C., J. Headrick, R. Tremblay, X-H. Chen. And S.E. Summerside. 1997. Domestic Well Water Quality in Rural Nebraska: Focus on Nitrate-Nitrogen, Pesticides and Coliform Bacteria. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 17(2):77-87. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., M. Khisty, D.C. Rundquist, and F.E. Harvey. 1997. Natural Responses of Shallow Lakes and Wetlands to Climatic, Environmental Change, Focus on the Nebraska Sand Hills. The Great Plains Symposium, The Ogallala Aquifer, 26th Annual Nebraska W | |
Gosselin, D.C., P.E. Nabelek, Z.E. Peterman, and S. Sibray. 1997. A Reconnaissance Study of Oxygen, Hydrogen and Strontium Isotopes in Geochemically Diverse Lakes, Western Nebraska, USA. Journal of Paleolimnology 17(0):51-65. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., D.R. Mohlman, M.A. Mesarch, and S.J. Meyers. 1996. Nebraska Earth Science Education Network, A University-Teacher Connection. Science Education International 7(2):4. | |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Hydrogeologic Summaries from Domestic Well-water Quality in Rural Nebraska -- Missouri River Lowlands. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 4 | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Hydrogeologic Summaries from Domestic Well-water Quality in Rural Nebraska -- Platte River Valley. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. Pp. 4. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Hydrogeologic Summaries from Domestic Well-water Quality in Rural Nebraska -- South Central Plains. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 4. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Hydrogeologic Summaries from Domestic Well-water Quality in Rural Nebraska -- Southwestern Tablelands. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 4. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Analysis of Rural Domestic Well-water Quality -- East Central Dissected Plains. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division. pp. 10. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Analysis of Rural Domestic Well-water Quality -- Missouri River Lowlands. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division. pp. 9-13. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Analysis of Rural Domestic Well-water Quality -- Northern Panhandle Tablelands. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division. pp. 10. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Analysis of Rural Domestic Well-water Quality -- Sand Hills. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division. pp. 11. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Analysis of Rural Domestic Well-water Quality -- South Central Plains. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division. pp. 9-13. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Analysis of Rural Domestic Well-water Quality -- Southern Panhandle Tablelands. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division. pp. 10. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Analysis of Rural Domestic Well-water Quality -- Southwestern Tablelands. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division. pp. 9-13. | |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Hydrogeologic Summaries from Domestic Water-well Quality in Nebraska -- Hat Creek-White River Drainage Basin. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Hydrogeologic Summaries from Domestic Water-well Quality in Nebraska -- North Central Tablelands. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division. pp. 4. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Hydrogeologic Summaries from Domestic Well-water Quality in Rural Nebraska -- East Central Dissected Plains. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 4 | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Hydrogeologic Summaries from Domestic Well-water Quality in Rural Nebraska -- Northeast Glacial Drift Area. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 4. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Hydrogeologic Summaries from Domestic Well-water Quality in Rural Nebraska -- Northern Panhandle Tablelands. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 4 | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Hydrogeologic Summaries from Domestic Well-water Quality in Rural Nebraska -- Republican River Valley and Dissected Plains. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Hydrogeologic Summaries from Domestic Well-water Quality in Rural Nebraska -- Southeastern Glacial Drift Area. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996. Regional Hydrogeologic Summaries from Domestic Well-water Quality in Rural Nebraska -- Southern Panhandle Tablelands. L incoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E. 1996.Regional Analysis of Rural Domestic Well-water Quality -- Platte River Valley. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska, Conservation and Survey Division. pp. 9-13. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., Headrick, J., Chen, X-H., Summerside, S.E., 1996. Regional Hydrogeologic Summaries from Domestic Well-water Quality in Rural Nebraska -- Sand Hills. Lincoln: University of Nebraska. pp. 4. | Online |
Ayers, J.F., and D.C. Gosselin. 1995. Design of a Multi-Level Monitoring Well for Continuous Sample Collection. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 15(4):6. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C. 1995. Nebraska Net Links Teachers. Geotimes 0(0):1. | |
Gosselin, D.C., D.R. Mohlman, F.V. Belohlavy, A.M. Martherne, and J.L. Wright. 1995. The Nebraska Earth Science Education Network Initiative. Journal of Geological Education 43(0):26-29. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C. S. Sibray, J.F. Ayers. 1994. Geochemistry of K-rich Alkaline Lakes, Western Sandhills, Nebraska, USA. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58(5):1403-1418. | |
Gosselin, D.C., J.F. Ayers, and Y-K. Zhang. 1994. Modeling Concentration Variations in High-Capacity Wells: Implications for Groundwater Sampling. Implications for Groundwater Sampling. Water Resources Bulletin 30(4):10. | |
Kranz W.L., Gosselin, D.C., Hay, D.L., Goeke, J.W. 1993. Glossary of Water-Related Terms. Extension, University of Nebraska. | Online |
Gosselin, D.C., M.R. Smith, E.A. Lepel, J.C. Laul. 1992. Rare-Earth Elements in Chloride-Rich Groundwater, Palo Duro Basin, Texas, USA. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56(4):1495-1505. | |
Gosselin, D. C., Papike, J. J., Zartman, R. E., Peterman, Z. E., Laul, J. C., 1988 (RS-100). Archean Rocks of the Black Hills, South Dakota--Reworked Basement from the Dakota Segment of the Trans-Hudson Orogen. Geological Society of America Bulletin 100( | |
Gosselin, D.C., Papike, J.J., Laul, J.C., Simon, S.B. 1986. Petrology, Chemistry and Origin of Apollo 15 Regolith Breccias. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 50(12):18. | |
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Metzger, E., Gosselin, D., Huyck-Orr, C. (in press). Sustainable Development Goal 4. Development Goals: Facilitating Responsible Earth Stewardship. Springer Nature. | |