SNR Handbook


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Academic Dishonesty, Policy Appeals, and Grade Appeals Policy


  • Director - Larkin Powell,, 903 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8368

Academic Dishonesty

Students are expected to adhere to the University's Code of Conduct (

Grade Appeals

In the event of a dispute involving NRES or WATS course grades, the student must first appeal to the instructor and, failing resolution with the instructor, to the SNR Undergraduate Committee (undergraduate level course) or SNR Graduate Committee (graduate level course), and then to the SNR Director in writing (in that order). If a satisfactory solution is not achieved at the School level, the student may appeal his or her case through the appropriate College Grade Appeals Committee using that body's process.

If a grade is appealed to the appropriate SNR Committee, the instructor must provide a written justification for the awarding of the grade. The student shall provide an account of the grounds for the grade appeal and evidence that the student has sought to resolve the case in consultation with the instructor.

Students appealing a course grade must do so within one semester (Fall or Spring) following the grade.

Policy or Policy Decision Appeals

A student wishing to appeal an NRES, WATS or SNR policy or policy decision must first discuss with his or her academic adviser the policy or decision in question. If a satisfactory solution is not achieved with the adviser, the student may request a decision from the SNR Undergraduate Committee (undergraduate student) or Graduate Committee (graduate student) and then the SNR Director (in that order). If a satisfactory solution is not achieved at the School level, the student may appeal his or her case through the appropriate College Dean's Office, using that body's appeal process.

Students appealing a policy decision must do so within one semester (Fall or Spring) following the decision.

Academic Leave for Graduate Students


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator - SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
Refer to the Graduate Studies website for information:

Add/Remove a Publication from SNR Profile


  • SNR Webmaster - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904
  • Nebraska Maps and More - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550

You can add or remove a publication from your profile by submitting request and the citation to Nebraska Maps and More or the SNR Webmaster. Providing either a hard copy or a web address where the publication can be downloaded will make the article available to the public. NMM will make an effort to add the item to Digital Commons with the Nebraska Libraries will allows the largest audience to download the publication for free.

The publication list in your profile is not intended to be a complete listing of your publications. I should be a selected listing of the most important works or current projects. A complete publication list could be submitted in your CV that can be also posted in your profile.

Admission to Candidacy

Masters Degree

A student is admitted to Candidacy for the masters degree when admission deficiencies have been removed and when the ability to perform satisfactorily in graduate studies has been demonstrated, by filing a Memorandum of Courses in the Office of Graduate Studies.

A masters degree student may change his/her declared Option at any time during the program of study with written approval from the adviser, the Chair of the Graduate Committee in the student's major and the Dean for Graduate Studies. The only exception to this policy is that students may not change from Option I to any other Option if certification of full time status has been utilized.

For additional information see the Graduate Studies website (

Doctoral Degree

For additional information see the Graduate Studies website (



  • Student Success Coach (Undergraduate) - Kenneth Pyle,, 102a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7471
  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • Department Administration - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120
  • Webmaster - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904

Faculty are to notify Kenneth Pyle, Brooke Mott, Christine Steggs, and Mark Mesarch which degree programs and/or specializations they are qualified to advise.

Advising - Graduate Students (who is eligible to advise)


  • Graduate Committee Chair - Christopher Chizinski,, 910 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8718
  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

Faculty with a tenure or tenure-leading appointment have full graduate faculty status and can expect to have graduate advisees. SNR's guidelines for faculty advising can be found at

Faculty with non-tenure track appointments may request graduate faculty status in order to serve on committees. See Graduate Faculty Membership for information regarding obtaining graduate faculty status.

* - The Recruitment and Retention Coordinator does not advise graduate students.

Advisors for Students


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

Choosing an advisor whose interests match your research goals is critical for the success of your work. SNR emphasizes the cooperative exchange between students and advisors in research programs while still giving advisors the overall responsibility for the direction and course of the student's research. Contact an SNR faculty member regarding your interest in our graduate program. Before you apply, you must receive the advising support of a faculty member who is a member of the Graduate Faculty (as recognized by the Office of Graduate Studies). This potential advisor is required to write a letter of approval for your application. Please note: this letter does not count toward your required letters of recommendation.

Changing Advisors

Advisor Leaves SNR

  • Prior to the departure of a student's advisor from the School, the student needs to secure an on-campus co-advisor or change to a different advisor.
  • Students are responsible for consulting with:
    • Members of their Graduate Advisory Committee,
    • The chair of the SNR Graduate Committee, and
    • The director of SNR to determine whether an on-campus co-adviser needs to be appointed.

After-Hours Access to Hardin Hall


  • Building Access Coordinator - Karen Gilbert,, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197

Karen Gilbert manages NCard access to Hardin Hall. Provide her with your NCard, and she will take care of your authorization based on the type of position you hold and rooms your supervisor has approved for you to access.

Air Handling System & Room Temperature


  • Office Associate - Operations - Karen Gilbert,, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197

The heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system in Hardin Hall is always on in some areas of Hardin Hall, and turns on at 5:30 a.m. and goes off at 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for other areas (see schedule below). The air handler schedule is adjusted to accommodate special events or classes when scheduled through appropriate SNR staff.

Air Handler Areas Served Normal Schedule Frequently Scheduled Rooms on Air Handler
AH01 Labs (Basement, 1st, 2nd - North of corridor)
(also PH and EXH schedules, don't change these)
always ON 023, 024
AH02 South wing by elevators (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
South side of main lobby (1st, 2nd)
always ON 1st floor lobby, 2nd floor lobby, 200, 202, 207
AH03 Tower, including 901 M-F: 0530-1800 901, 915, 919
AH04 Center section (1st, 2nd) South of corridor
North side of main lobby (1st, 2nd)
North wing computer labs and meeting room
always ON 1st floor lobby, 2nd floor lobby, 141, 142, 163, 209, 228
AH05 North wing, Basement, 1st floor (North side offices). North lobby M-F: 0530-1800 1st floor North wing lobby
AH06 North wing, 2nd, 3rd floors M-F: 0530-1800 242
AH11-12 Auditorium (stage, main floor, and balcony) M-F: 0530-1800 107

Office thermostat range is 70-74 oF. This means that the thermostat in your office can only be set to a temperature within that range. When the occupancy sensor no longer detects motion within your office, the thermostat will increase up to 5 degrees above the set point.

Once the occupancy sensor detects motion within your office, the system will work to cool your office to the set point temperature. Please note, this may take 1-2 hours to reach the set point temperature.

Example: Your set point temperature on the thermostat is 72 oF, when your office is not occupied, the thermostat will increase to 77 oF to conserve energy.

Annual Performance Evaluations


  • Administrative Associate - Sarah Thorell,, 909 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-9873
  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

Evaluation of Faculty

Faculty performance will be evaluated annually. In the fall, each faculty member must submit:

  • statement of goals or expected outcomes and accomplishments for reporting year (two pages maximum)
  • impact statement (one page maximum)
  • statement of other contributions (optional; one page maximum)
  • current CV (highlight in yellow 2023 accomplishments)
  • completed teaching calculator (if they have a teaching appointment)
  • completed degree progress form for each graduate student advised or co-advised

Center or division directors will evaluate faculty who are part of their center or division. The SNR director will evaluate all other faculty.

Evaluation of Staff

Each fall and spring, staff are to meet with their supervisor to conduct a performance conversation and report it through Trakstar Perform. By March 31, supervisors are to report to the director a merit recommendation for each staff they supervise using the Merit Recommendation form. Prior to providing the recommendation, supervisors are asked to:

  • read employee's position description (must obtain from
  • read TrakStar reports from performance conversations
  • read any supervisor notes recorded during the year
  • complete the Merit Recommendation form
  • for an employee who "exceeds" or "does not meet expectations", the supervisor must provide documentation/justification (NOTE: if an employee's merit recommendation is "does not meet expectations", the TrakStar reports must include statements that reflect this.)
  • email the completed form with justification to director or administrative associate.

The director will review/approve all merit recommendations before they will go forward

Customer Peer Comment Form

Form to comment on interactions with other employees within SNR for the employee's supervisor.

Download Customer Peer Comment Form

Application for Graduation (Graduate Student)


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

When a student begins their final semester, application for graduation will need to be completed. Refer to the Graduate Studies website for specific information and due dates.



Assistantship Benefits


  • Operations Coordinator - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120
The funding source of an assistantship will be billed once each semester for the employer's share of health insurance and tuition remission which is the resident graduate credit hour rate per the Student Accounts website ( times an estimated number of credit hours (up to 12 per semester and 6 for summer). More information can be found at:

Assistantships - Beginning


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator - SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • HR Contact - Lyness Mkwezalamba,, 237k North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-0833

Students beginning assistantships must meet with the HR Generalist in the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) prior to beginning the assistant or promptly at the start. Bring the following items to the meeting:

  • Original Social Security Card
  • Photo ID (e.g., Driver's License, passport)
  • Copy of a voided check or other bank document that shows bank routing number and account number

Assistantships - Benefits


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator - SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

Assistantships provide students with income, tuition remission (12 credit hours per semester, and up to 12 in the summer, depending on stipend amount paid), and health insurance at a reduced rate. More information can be found at:

Health coverage for the fall semester is from August 1 through December 31 and for the spring semester is January 1 through July 31. More information can be found at:

Assistantships - Termination


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator - SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • HR Contact - Lyness Mkwezalamba,, 237k North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-0833

If, during the course of the semester, a student decides to leave the position, it is expected they will give 30-day notice. Likewise, if there is a need to terminate an assistantship, a student will be given 30 days' notice. Students should be aware that if their assistantship is terminated, either by themselves or the department, before completing 120 continuous days of employment (PER SEMESTER), all tuition and health benefits will be forfeited and the entire cost for those benefits will once post to their student account. Should a student choose to resign from their assistantship, they must submit a letter of resignation to their supervisor, Graduate Studies, and NRBC. They may request a copy of the original signed offer letter from the Recruitment and Retention Coordinator - SNR Graduate Programs.


  • Students must work with their adviser to establish a plan to transfer information, data, samples, files with data entry, as well as the raw data sheets and unanalyzed samples (and any other information as directed by their adviser). Also, given that a student may still be on the grant payroll for the month, they may be expected to complete any tasks that are in line with transferring duties over to other members of the lab or the research team.
  • Contact the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) HR Generalist regarding payroll information, forwarding address and phone, and to provide a letter of resignation.
  • Contact the On-/Off-boarding Coordinator to return any Hardin Hall keys.
  • If applicable, return a parking permit to Parking and Transit Services for discontinuation and possible refund.
  • Return all University equipment/property/supplies/education materials.
  • Clean out your cubicle and return cubicle keys to the On-/Off-boarding Coordinator.

Assistantships for Research


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator - SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

Graduate students may receive a paid teaching assistantship during the course of their degree program. Each assistantship has a set number of hours associated with it, either at 0.33 FTE (no more than 13.2 work hours per week; 9 hours of tuition remission per semester) or 0.49 FTE (no more than 19.6 work hours per week; 12 hours of tuition remission per semester). Graduate Assistants are considered employees, and their work assignments are normally independent of their graduate program. Advisers/supervisors are to discuss their expectations with the students; total work hours are not to exceed the limit set by their FTE. If the graduate assistant is not meeting expectations, they may lose their assistantship, but may continue on their degree program. A student must be on the assistantship for the full semester in order to receive the benefits.

More information is available at:

Assistantships for Teaching


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

The School has a number of Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTAs) which constitute a contractual arrangement between the University and the graduate student, whereby the student (GTA) agrees to work for the University in return for a stipend and benefits (12 credit hours of tuition and optional reduced health insurance).

A Teaching Assistantship appointment is generally 0.49 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) and requires 15-19.6 hours per week. Work assignments are independent of the student's graduate program.

Athletic Tickets and other Discounts for Employees

Refer to this website for information about athletic tickets and other discounts and services for employees:



  • Co-Chair Graduate Committee - Christopher Chizinski,, 910 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8718
  • Recruitment and Retenstion, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

SNR Meritorious Graduate Student Award

The awards honor the best SNR students and recognize their academic achievements, research, teaching contributions, leadership accomplishments, service and personal qualifications.

The Award: Recipients will receive $500 each (one MS and/or one PhD) and a certificate.

Eligibility: Candidates must have completed at least one academic year of graduate work (two semesters) leading to an MS or PhD degree in Natural Resource Sciences and must be current student at the time of the award.  Graduate students can receive this award only once for each degree. Students cannot self-nominate themselves.

Selection Process and Criteria: The Graduate Committee will select the recipients based on:

  • Academic achievements, honors, and awards, GPA of at least 3.5.
  • Research/teaching contributions.
  • Leadership accomplishments (academic and professional).
  • Service activities (community and professional organizations).
  • Personal qualities (leadership, commitment to excellence, and communication skills).

Deadline: Nominations should be submitted by the student's advisor to Brooke Mott in early Spring 2025.

Awards will be announced at the SNR Spring Banquet.

Requirements to be submitted electronically to Brooke Mott

  • One nomination letter from advisor (advisor is encouraged to: identify expectations of assistantships [percent research, teaching and extension] or graduate position (for unfunded students), limit nominations to a single student, and highlight student's productivity in each area of selection criteria),
  • One nomination letter from a fellow graduate student in the School of Natural Resources (no self-nominations) (fellow graduate students are encouraged to provide specific examples related to each of the selection criteria, and should work with an advisor to improve their letter),
  • Student's unofficial transcript showing current GPA (advisor* or student can download this from MyRed; Note: does not have access to the transcripts), and
  • Student's Curriculum Vitae.

*If faculty do not have access to unofficial transcripts, please complete a request form and submit the completed form to Brooke Mott. The form is at this link:

Download Meritorious Submission Form

SNR Staff Recognition Award

The SNR Staff Advisory and Professional Development Committee (SAPDC) is charged with coordinating the SNR Staff Recognition Award. The School presents the awards twice a year, one in each semester. The awards are presented at the Annual Spring Banquet.

Benefits in Kind


  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

Family Medical Leave & Certification Forms

Form used to request Family Medical Leave. Complete and submit to supervisor with Family Medical Leave Certification Form. The Certification Form is to be completed by a physician or medical practitioner.

Download Family Medical Leave Form

Download Family Medical Leave Certification Form

Faculty Professional Development Funds

The purpose of the Professional Development Fund is to support the professional development of IANR faculty so that they may effectively and creatively fulfill their responsibilities.

Download Faculty Professional Development Funds Request

Staff Professional Development Funds

The School of Natural Resources makes funds available to staff through the Staff Professional Development Fund. The fund is administered by the SAPDC and the Director's Office. The purpose of this fund is to support the professional development of managerial/professional and office/service/technical staff so that they may fulfill their job responsibilities in effective and innovative ways.

Eligible to Apply: Full-time, regular support staff (managerial/professional and office/service/technical) from the School of Natural Resources are eligible to apply. Temporary employees are not eligible.

Amount and Distribution: Applicants may request up to $250 per state fiscal year. A minimum request of $10 is required. If approved, funds will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Funds Usage: The use of these funds must relate to the duties of the position or to the employee's goals, which are agreed to by both the employee and their supervisor.

Examples include:

  • Making presentations at professional and society meetings.
  • Attending conferences, professional development workshops, seminars, or meetings.
  • A group workshop, such as training with Outlook, communication skills, Excel, etc.


  1. Individuals will need to have their immediate supervisor's approval. A completed application must include the signature of employee and his/her immediate supervisor(s).
  2. It is recommended that the Staff Professional Development Fund Request application be completed/submitted at least 30 days before the proposed expenditure of funds. The completed application will be turned into the chair of the SAPDC committee.
  3. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
    • Whether funds are available.
    • How well the proposed activity fits into the individual's job duties (as defined by the job description), goals, or professional objectives.
  4. An employee needing funds exceeding $250.00 such as a conference registration may request that part of it be paid from these SAPDC funds. The remaining amount would then be left to be covered by a cost object or other means discussed with the employees supervisor.

NOTE: If the employee pays for an expense personally rather than using a cost object for the expense in which the SAPDC funds were requested, such as a conference registration, he/she must fill out a Non-Travel Employee Expense Voucher in order to be reimbursed.

Download SNR Staff Professional Development Funds Request

Request to Take Classes during Work Hours

Form to take UNL classes during employee's scheduled work hours. Must be approved by the employee's supervisor.

Download Request To Take Class during Work Hours Form

Building Hours


  • Building Access Coordinator - Karen Gilbert,, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197

Hardin Hall's exterior doors and hallway doors are unlocked from 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. They are locked evenings, weekends, and University Holidays.

Door schedules are adjusted to accommodate evening classes and events.

Building Maintenance Reporter (BMR) for Hardin Hall


  • Building Maintenance Reporter - Lisa Greif,, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679
  • Building Maintenance Reporter - Back-up - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • Building Maintenance Reporter - Labs only - Jeremy Hiller,, 410 South HARH EC 0974, Phone: 402-472-2093
  • Building Maintenance Reporter - Back-up - Karen Gilbert,, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197
  • Building Maintenance Reporter - Back-up - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

Each building on campus has a person assigned to report facility-related issues for repair and maintenance (e.g., door does not lock, window is broken, water leak, flickering light, occupancy sensor turns off when room is occupied, electrical circuit is out). BMR lookup:

During office hours, report problems to a BMR. If the problem is an after-hours emergency, dial 0 from a University phone or 402-472-3711 from an external phone to reach the University Operator. Leave a call-back number if your call is not answered.

Business Cards

To order business cards, refer to the Printing Services website for pricing and related information:

Complete an the Order Form (below), list Printing Services as the vendor, identify the style you would like to have from the options at this website (, add quantity, cost object to bill, your contact information (if they have questions), and any other required information. Email the form to the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC).

Download Order Form

Business Services


  • Natural Resources Business Center Manager - Kyle Bogus,, 237a North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-6703

SNR uses the services of the IANR Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) for assistance with hiring employees, payroll/time reporting, purchasing, accounting, accounts payable, travel reimbursement, grant coordination, etc. The NRBC is located in 237 North Hardin Hall. Information about the business center staff and their responsibilities is at

NRBC's Regular Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


The School of Natural Resources Bylaws. Approved on June 1, 2023

Calendar - Outlook


  • Department Calendar - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

Outlook email has a calendar feature. SNR Administration checks availability via Outlook calendars when scheduling meetings. Use this calendar to enter all work-related meetings, appointments, conferences, vacation leave, etc. In order to help schedule meetings, training, and events, please keep your calendar current to show the times that you are/aren't available.

To create a calendar appointment click on "new appointment" and fill in the fields. To make it a meeting and invite others, click on "invite attendees".

Note: the default is that others can see "busy", "free", "tentative", etc. If you want someone to see the specific titles (e.g. "Meeting with John Doe" or "Vacation in Colorado" etc.), click on "share calendar", enter the person's name, and click on "allow recipient to view your calendar". Or, click on "folder", "calendar properties", "permissions", and follow the prompts to allow specific access that is unique to a specific individual(s).

If you need to see the calendar(s) of other employees to check their availability, click on calendars, "Open calendar from address book", and then enter the person's name and click "Ok". It will take a few moments for the data to download and then it's ready to view. After that, the person's name will appear in the left column. For easy future access, simply click on the box next to the person's name.

You may enter non-work related appointments and events on this calendar. Keep in mind that the information you enter is on University-owned software and therefore privacy is not guaranteed.

Calendars - SNR


  • Events Coordinator - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • SNR Webmaster - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904

Today in Hardin Hall

Today in Hardin, the daily SNR calendar of events held in rooms within Hardin Hall. The calendar is displayed on the monitors in the lobbies (digital signage), posted near each elevator throughout Hardin Hall, and appears on the Calendar web page and SNR Employee Information web page on the SNR Website. Events are pulled from the room reservation list in the Outlook Calendar. Regular semester classes are not included in this display.

SNR Calendar & Upcoming Events

The SNR Calendar is intended to highlight events that the public are welcome to attend. The events can be internal to Hardin Hall or some other venue. Deadline dates can also be displayed, such as scholarship application dead lines.

These events can be automatically submitted for review to be added to the IANR and UNL calendar. If the item is to be offered up for IANR and UNL calendar consideration, a photo must accompany the submission.

Items for the calendar can be submitted to this form.

Additional Information Posting

Information that is of a personal nature or not work-related may be posted in the elevator first floor south lobby and in the Student Lounge (239 North Hardin Hall).

Campus Map

Current Choose City, East or Innovation campus from the button navigation.

Active bus location of campus buses can be seen by the purple arrow with the bus route number on the maps.




  • First Contact - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • Office Associate - Lisa Greif,, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679

Faculty are able to request classrooms in which they would prefer to teach. However, final classroom assignment is based on enrollment and class schedule. Conference rooms are used as classrooms only when absolutely necessary.

Each classroom in Hardin Hall is equipped with an LCD projector, computer, and internet access. LCD projectors, laptops, and overhead projectors are also available for check-out through the resource database. Technicians are available to train instructors on the use of classroom equipment. Audio/Visual and computer wallpaper can display SNR related activity pictures and information; contact the SNR Webmaster to submit information/images to post.

Prior to the start of each semester, staff will ensure that teaching supplies are in each Hardin Hall classroom. If classroom supplies are low during the semester, contact the Office Associate for Sales.

Contact the Office Associate for Operations for classroom reservations.

Classrooms in Hardin Hall:

  • HarH 023 South - Teaching Wet Lab, capacity 30 students
  • HarH 024 South - Teaching Wet Lab, capacity 30 students
  • HarH 107 South - Auditorium, capacity 128 students (main floor with tables), 242 students (balcony with theater-style seating)
  • HarH 141 North - Computer Lab, 23 computers/seats
  • HarH 142 North - Computer Lab, 24 computers/seats
  • HarH 162 North - Classroom, capacity 42 students
  • HarH 163 North - Classroom, capacity 60 students

Commencement Ceremony

Students who have completed their program may participate in the commencement ceremony at the end of the semester in which they complete their program.

Masters Commencement Ceremony:

Doctoral Hooding Ceremony:

Communication - Email (Faculty and Staff)


  • SNR Email Group Lists Coordinator - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

All UNL Faculty and Staff are required to use the university's email system for their business-related email. Any personal email accounts used for university business are subject to open records requests.

SNR uses email for communicating with faculty, staff, and graduate students. All email group lists maintained by SNR have “SNR” at the beginning of the “Name” (i.e. SNR Faculty), which allows SNR-maintained group lists and contacts to be grouped together in the UNL-GAL address book which is available in Outlook.

Email Lists that SNR Maintains in the UNL-GAL:

  • SNR All Employees (consists of SNR Faculty, SNR Staff, SNR Graduate Assistants, NRBC, emeritus faculty, and visitors officed in Hardin Hall)
  • SNR Committee Promotion and Tenure
  • SNR Core Program Area Applied Climate Science and Spatial Science
  • SNR Core Program Area Applied Ecology
  • SNR Core Program Area Environmental Science
  • SNR Extended Program Area Applied Climate Science and Spatial Science
  • SNR Extended Program Area Applied Ecology
  • SNR Extended Program Area Environmental Science
  • SNR Faculty (excludes courtesy, adjunct, emeritus, visiting faculty)
  • SNR Graduate Assistants (consists of graduate students on SNR-paid assistantships)
  • SNR Graduate Students-NRES (consists of all graduate students admitted into NRES graduate program)
  • SNR HarH Occupants (includes everyone with office space Hardin Hall)
  • SNR Staff

Hints for Using the SNR Group Lists:

  • If you try to send to a group list that no longer exists you will get an error message that the group no longer exists or that you do not have permission to send to the list.
  • If the auto-fill feature in the address lines (To, CC, BCC) show a deleted group list, remove them by clearing the AutoComplete cache in Outlook.
  • If you want to email all employees and graduate students use two lists: SNR All Employees and SNR Graduate Students (Outlook will remove any duplicates.)
  • If information needs to be addressed to one specific floor in Hardin Hall use the group list SNR HarH Occupants AND indicate at the start of the subject line that the message is for a certain floor.

Signature Block

Having a complete signature block at the end of emails is recommended. This will allow your email recipients to know you are a university employee and additional ways to contact you. You can generate a standard signature block at

Communication - Email (Graduate Students)


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

All students are required to use a Huskers email account ([name] which can accommodate large attachments.

SNR uses email to communicate with its employees and graduate students, and has created group lists.

Signature Block

Having a complete signature block at the end of emails is recommended. This will allow your email recipients to know you are a university employee and additional ways to contact you. You can generate a standard signature block at

Communication - Mailman & Listserv

UNL discontinued Listserv service in 2023. They have migrated to Mailman as their Email List Management service.


General Description:

Mailman Guide:

Mailman FAQ:

Migration from Listserv to Mailman: (requires Login with TrueYou Identity)

SNR Related Mailman Lists
Inside SNR  (departmental electronic newsletter)

People who are not SNR employees are welcome to sign up for Inside SNR, the School's e-newsletter, at:

Employees are automatically signed up to receive Inside SNR as part of their employment. When you leave SNR, you will be removed from the listserv. To continue to receive Inside SNR, you must use the above link to remain on the listserv.

Other Helpful Main Groups at UNL

You may want to subscribe to some of these UNL based mail groups through Mailman:

  • UNL Faculty & Staff Dining Information
  • UNL Parking Faculty Staff Newsletter
  • NU VPN Users
  • Nebraska Today

Communications - News Stories and Releases


  • Feature Story Writer - Ronica Stromberg Kettelhake,, 320 South HARH EC 0973, Phone: 402-472-8811
  • Calendar and Short News Story Contact - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904

Communication needs can roughly be divided into three categories:

  • Special events (e.g., NASA workshop) or important news reach out to Cara Pasek's team in IANR Communications (; if they cannot cover the event contact Larkin Powell for other options. Send a title, description, dates & times, locations and contact information to Mark Mesarch for posting in the SNR Calendar and consideration for IANR/UNL calendars.
  • Feature stories with less of a 'deadline' but still with timely interest on unique projects or people in the School—reach out to Ronica Stromberg; she will clear with Cara's team so we are coordinated with them.
  • Stories about awards or other short items for the Inside SNR — Provide to Mark Mesarch for inclusion in that newsletter. Suggestions and example are found below.

Always include a photograph or some kind of figure and a caption for the image. Include credit for the image if possible.

Inside SNR is distributed approximately twice a month during the academic year and once a month during the summer period.

Awards and Short News Story Writing Suggestions

  • Try to make your sentences 10 words or less.
  • Use a person's full name on first reference and then, later in the story, refer to them by last name only. Titles usually go after a name, and the university doesn't use "Dr." or "Ph.D." in news stories. (Neither do the media.)
  • In the first sentence of your story, tell who did what, where, and when in that order. The rest of your story will be elaborating on that and telling why and how. You may not always get to the why and how, but if you can explain them quickly, they are good to include. For example, if someone wins an award, you may not always know why they were chosen. The dean or department head announcing the award will often share some of the personal qualities or achievements that garnered the award, so that is good to mention if you know it. Usually, how a university contest or award works is spelled out online so you don’t have to state that, but if it’s a private organization, you could maybe link to its website where its criteria are shown or where it announces winners.
  • Use active voice (Jane received an award) instead of passive voice (Jane was given an award). We want to show people taking action rather than being acted upon.
  • Try to not have your first line of the story just repeat the headline.
  • If you have questions on style, refer to the UNL style manual at

Example for an award story

Headline: Doe receives award for best presentation

Jane Doe won "best master's presentation" at the 2023 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting on August 6- August 11.

Doe received a $200 award and certificate at the conference banquet in Portland, Oregon. Her presentation, "Examining the Impact of Redcedars on Greater Prairie Chickens," relayed findings from her thesis work. The Omaha native has been studying the endangered birds in their Sandhills habitat. She is advised by John Smith, professor in the School of Natural Resources.

Computer recommendation for incoming SNR students


  • Computer Specialist - Gregg Hutchison,, 226b South HARH EC 0982, Phone: 402-472-5436
  • Recruitment Specialist - Bridget Gross,, 102b South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-8195

ESRI ArcGIS Pro is the most demanding software being taught in SNR classrooms. The software only runs on Windows-based computers, but it can be used on Apple computers with a Parallels virtual machine. (See SNR IT support for detailed instructions). SNR computer labs have the GIS software installed and are accessible to all SNR students 24/7. Your N-Card is required to access the labs after hours.

Here are the recommended specs for Windows laptops or desktops:

  • Windows 11
  • Core i5 or above
  • 16GB of RAM
  • 512 GB storage with at least 60 GB of free space

Here are the MINIMUM recommended specs for Macbooks or Apple desktops:

  • Apple Silicon (M1 or higher)

Go to for detailed instructions for installing ArcGIS on your Macbook or Apple desktop. NOTE: If you are not comfortable doing this yourself, please stop by the SNR IT Support office (HH 226) or UNL Help Desk (Love Library's basement) for assistance.

Additional Purchase (optional)

Because of the change of less printed books to more online books and information, having a second monitor is recommended. This allows one monitor to have an assignment open and the second monitor to have the reading material displayed.



  • University Computer Support - Huskertech Help Center,, 17.5 (Basement) FOOD EC 0988, Phone: 402-472-3970
  • Computer Specialist - Gregg Hutchison,, 226b South HARH EC 0982, Phone: 402-472-5436

UNL Computer Use Policy


Employees and students will claim their university computer ID and password through UNL's Information Service Department. The ITS Support will use that information grant access on any SNR computer in Hardin Hall, e.g., the 24/7 computer lab (HarH 162), the computer teaching classrooms (HarH 141 and 142), the conference rooms (HarH 202, 207, 209, 901), the teacher's podium in the classrooms (HarH 163 and 228), teaching wet labs (HarH 023 and 024), and the Auditorium (HarH 107).

Internet and Email Services

As part of the SNR Onboarding process, supervisors are asked to provide computer and software needs. The ITS Support will set up the computer and assist new employees with access to the internet, email, and printers.

After a new employee has been entered into the payroll system (SAP), the new employee will be asked to activate a UNL email account. Anyone with an appointment 6 months in length or greater must have a UNL email account. A supervisor may request that an employee with an appointment less than 6 months in duration have a UNL e-mail account.


All computers in classrooms, conference rooms and the auditorium are connected to the same network. When logging onto those machines, the same drives are accessed, based upon the login.

Each person has access to a P drive (personal drive), which only they can access by logging on with their ID/password. If the person does not have a P drive, the Computer Specialist will created. Z drive, which all SNR Employees access; the Z drive is erased every Sunday morning. Regular employees will have access to an S drive, which is used by SNR administration to provide employees with their job description, training records, course evaluations, etc.

Files saved to any networked drive, except the Z Drive, are backed up nightly. To recover a backed up file, contact the Information Technology (IT) group.


To provide optimum efficiency in computer support, SNR will require that all computer purchases be made through SNR Computer Support personnel and will be eligible for Tier 1 service. ITS Support will maintain 99.9% or greater security for P drive, S drive, and network drives. Computers purchased without involvement of SNR Computing Support will be eligible for Tier 2 services; it is recommended that an outside business/person is used for software purchases and installation.

Contact Information


  • SNR Webmaster - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904
  • Business Manager - Kyle Bogus,, 237a North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-6703

Work Address

The street address for Hardin Hall is 3310 Holdrege Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68583-0961.

For campus mail, use the person's name, room number, building abbreviation (See Campus Map), campus code (CC, NIC or EC) and 4-digit zip code. For example,

Room # HarH
EC 4-digit zip code

When your office location is assigned or changed by SNR Administration, the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) will be notified and will input the information into SAP. It can be verified through Firefly Employee Self Service, and will be posted online in UNL Directory. Information can be excluded at the employee's request. Provide changes to the Time Entry Specialist.

Field Work

When conducting field work outside of Hardin Hall, faculty, staff, and students are asked to provide contact information to the front desk. This can include a cell phone number or the phone number of a location where they will check-in periodically.

Home Address

To view and edit/change a home phone or address:

  • Logon to Firefly.
  • Select "Employee Self Service"
  • Select "About Me - Personal Information"
  • Select "Addresses" then "Addresses"
  • Edit your Permanent Address and/or Current Address.
  • Click "Save."

A verification message will come to the employee's email account. This is to ensure that the changes were done purposely and that the account has not been compromised.

Emergency Contact

For benefits eligible employees, the University maintains several addresses in the employment record, including one specifically used as the person(s) to be notified in an emergency situation - in the event that an employee becomes ill or is injured at work and is unable to speak for him/herself.

To view and edit/change emergency contact information:

  • Logon to Firefly.
  • Select "Employee Self Service"
  • Select "About Me - Personal Information"
  • Select "Addresses" then "Emergency Contact(s)"
  • Edit your Permanent Address and/or Current Address.
  • Click "Save."

To add additional Emergency Contacts,

  • Scroll to the Emergency Contact(s) heading
  • Click "Add Contact" at the right
  • Complete all the fields as noted above.
  • Click "Save" on the following screen to complete the process

Contacts should be listed in the order you prefer to be contacted.

If you need assistance in formatting your address, click here to view tips on US Postal Service formatting standards.

A verification message will come to the employee's email account. This is to ensure that the changes were done purposely and that the account has not been compromised.

Contact the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) for further assistance.

Web Directories/UNL Directory

If a phone number, e-mail address, or office location for a member of SNR is needed, the directories on the SNR website will provide the most up-to-date information.

If the category of the employee is unknown or if the person is outside of SNR, there are several options to locate the contact information:

These web based directories should have the most up-to-date information. If an error is noticed, please let the SNR Webmaster and Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) Human Resources staff know so that corrections can be made.

Copiers and Copy Codes


  • First Contact - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • Back-up - Lisa Greif,, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679

A copy machine is available for use in the Nebraska Maps & More Store on the 1st Floor Tower Lobby. It does both black and white and color copying. Contact your advisor if you need to make copies related to your work and research. They can provide you with a code to use or request that one be established for your use through the Sales and Events Manager.

SNR utilizes a cost-per-copy program through Copy Services and, following University Service Center Policy, charges only enough to cover expenses. Paper cost is incorporated into the cost-per-copy charge. See the staff at the Nebraska Maps & More Store for copy machine instructions and repair requests. Paper stock is available on a self-serve basis in 121 South Hardin Hall.

If you have a special copy project that requires special paper, you will need to provide that paper yourself.

Copiers are located in the following areas in Hardin Hall.

Hardin Hall Room Copier Location and network identifier
101 South 1st floor in Nebraska Maps & More (\\snr21\snr-1799) (color)
121 South 1st floor in the mail room (\\snr21\snr-1629)
239 North Graduate Student Lounge (\\snr21\snr-1747)
427 South 4th Floor of Tower (\\snr21\snr-1621)
528 South 5th Floor of Tower (\\snr21\snr-p2563 or \\snr21\snr-2512) (color)
827 South 8th Floor of Tower (\\snr21\snr-p2462)
923 South 9th Floor of Tower (\\snr21\snr-1711)

Personal copies can be made for $0.03 a side (black and white) and $0.20 a side (color) in the Nebraska Maps & More Store (101 Hardin Hall).

Cost Object

The University uses cost objects for all business transactions between units. They are also referred to as "cost centers," "WBS elements" or "accounts." Grant funds are 13 digits long; State, Revolving, or Overhead funds are 10-digits long. Your supervisor can provide you with the cost objects you are to use. New faculty will be given cost objects by the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC). Below is an explanation of what the numbers mean.

State, Revolving or Overhead Funds:

2 1 6 2 3 8 0 0 0 1
Campus Fund Type College / Division Department Number within Department

Grant or Auxiliary (13 digits)

2 5 6 2 3 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Campus Fund Type College / Division Department Project WBS element



Fund Type:

1 State-Aided Non-revolving
2 State-Aided Revolving
3 Auxiliary
4 Federal Letter of Credit
5 Federal Funds
6 Trust Life-to-Date
7 Trust Year-to-date
8 Plant & Loan funds


05 Arts & Sciences
62 ARD
63 Extension


28 SNR in Arts & Sciences
38 SNR in IANR (CASNR, ARD, Extension)

Course - Enrollment Minimums


  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

Courses that fall below the CASNR minimum must have a written justification on file in order for the faculty member to full receive credit for teaching the course. CASNR minimums: 15 students for 100-200 level courses; 10 for 300-400 level; 6 for 800 level; 6 for 400/800 level; 3 for 900 level. If a 400-level course is cross-listed with an 800-level course, the required minimum enrollment level is based on which level the majority of students are enrolled. For example, if the majority are enrolled in the 400 section, the total enrollment must be 10 or more.


Several weeks before the start of the semester through the first week of class, faculty with low-enrollment courses are to email a request with justification to the SNR director. The director will review all requests and will submit the approved requests to CASNR.

Course - Special Topics Request


  • SNR Teaching Coordinator - Mark Vrtiska,, 524 South HARH EC 0995, Phone: 402-472-8146
  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

Use this form to request a Special Topics course. It cannot be added to the schedule until this form has been approved by the SNR Teaching Coordinator.

Download Special Topics Request Form

Course - Student Trip Insurance


  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

Student Trip Insurance provides protection in the event of an accident. All University of Nebraska students are required to have student trip insurance when traveling outside the city of Lincoln. Trips that are inside the city of Lincoln are not required to have Field Trip Insurance but are encouraged to do so.

Students traveling for a course or other University-sponsored trips will have health insurance coverage through UNL. The instructor must apply for UNL Student Trip Insurance, which will require the students to complete a form prior to the trip. This provides students with $2,500 of accidental medical and $30,000 of accidental death coverage.

For injuries or illnesses that are not related to courses of University-sponsored trips, students will need to use their personal health insurance coverage.

Download Student Trip Insurance Request Form

Course - Syllabus


  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

Each course is required to have a syllabus that is distributed to students and emailed to the SNR Administrative Associate no later than 5 PM the first Friday of class. SNR shall maintain a database of all NRES and WATS home courses, and all other courses taught by SNR faculty.

UNL Faculty Senate Syllabus Policy: All courses must have a syllabus and all syllabi must include specific information about the instructor, course requirements, grading policy and schedule for examinations. This policy may be found at

Instructor guide to developing a syllabus is in Canvas:

CASNR information for teaching may be found at

Each syllabus must include:

  • The name of each Teaching Assistant (if applicable)
  • A Late Assignment Policy with a clear statement regarding penalties for late work
  • The following language: “Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the instructor for a confidential discussion of their individual needs for academic accommodation. It is the policy of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to provide flexible and individualized accommodation to students with documented disabilities that may affect their ability to fully participate in course activities or to meet course requirements. To receive accommodation services, students must be registered with the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office, 132 Canfield Administration, 402-472-3737 voice or TTY.”
  • If the course is ACE-approved, syllabus must include the Student Learning Outcome (SLO) that will be achieved, a brief description of the opportunities the course provides for students to acquire the knowledge or skills necessary to achieve the SLO(s), and a brief description of the graded assignments that will be used to assess the students' achievement of the SLO(s).
  • Academic Dishonesty, Policy Appeals, and Grade Appeals Policy

Download Syllabus Checklist

Coursework Requirement for Successful Completion of the Degree

Scholastic Grade Requirements are set by UNL Graduate Studies and are described here.

Crime Prevention and Safety

In an effort to raise awareness for safety of individuals, university property, and personal property, the University of Nebraska Police Services Department and the Division of Student Affairs invite all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to review UNL policies on:

Custodial Services


  • First Contact - Lisa Greif,, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679

Custodial Services staff are scheduled to work in Hardin Hall from 4:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless otherwise noted. Custodial Services staff service the All in the Hall recycling and trash containers located in public areas and hallways as needed. They do not provide recycling or trash service to offices, work areas or labs. Containers in these areas are self-service.

If the University is closed on your floor's day for service you will have service the following business day.

A list of the services/frequency provided by Custodial Services can be found at their website: If you have a specific custodial request, contact a Building Maintenance Reporter (BMR) to process your request.

Degree Program Options for the Doctoral Degree


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

PhD in Natural Resource Sciences

Degree Program Options for the Masters Degree


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

MS in Natural Resources Sciences

Departmental Photograph


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • SNR Webmaster - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904

A photograph of each employee is maintained on the SNR website as our employee directory and a way for internal and external constituents to get to know us. Please contact the SNR Webmaster to arrange for your photo to be taken.

A picture, in jpeg format, may also be submitted to the Office Associate for Student Services.

Faculty are asked to additionally arrange for a formal photograph through University Communications. Contact University Communication, 1217 Q St. Lincoln, NE 68588; Phone: 402-472-2211.

Professional Headshots can also be scheduled at the Pixel Lab.

You will need to complete and submit the SNR Image Release Form for use of the photo.

Download Image Release Form

Digital Commons


  • Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • Lisa Greif,, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679

Digital Commons is a collaborative service of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln libraries. Faculty, researchers, and students associated with the University of Nebraska–Lincoln are invited to deposit materials for long-term preservation and world-wide electronic accessibility.

Categories include:

  • The Open-Access Archive: Organized by Departments, Centers, and Research Groups: Contains more than 22,700 articles, papers, ebooks, documents, presentations, creative activities, master's theses, open-access dissertations, etc. Free to all users.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journals and Series (open-access)
  • UNL Dissertations from ProQuest-UMI: More than 10,890 PhD dissertations from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Includes all dissertations 1902-present. Free full-text access from UNL campus connections. Users from outside UNL have free abstracts and 24-page previews, with the option to purchase electronic full-text. This area is managed by ProQuest. University of Nebraska users from off-campus should use the link below for free access.
  • Free Dissertations from off-campus with NU ID: University of Nebraska–Lincoln faculty, staff and students can get free full-text, access to dissertations from off-campus with an NU ID number.

SNR shall provide administrative documents to digital commons as part of our record retention policy. These documents shall include, but are not limited to, all those relating to the Comprehensive Review conducted every five years, which includes the self-studies.

Digital Signage


  • SNR Webmaster - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904
  • Social Media Contact - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • Social Media Contact - Lisa Greif,, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679
  • Student Services Contact - Kenneth Pyle,, 102a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7471

Digital signage is the monitors located throughout Hardin Hall that display various SNR and UNL related content. These monitors are located in the first-floor south lobby of Hardin Hall next to the southwest door and northeast door; in the second-floor south lobby next to men’s restroom; and first-floor north lobby near the elevator.

The screen is divided into four main areas. The top banner has the SNR name and then date, time, and air temperature at the Lincoln Airport. The bottom banner has IANR Headlines.

On the right-hand side of the screen, two different types of information can be displayed: 1) 'Today in Hardin Hall' and the current radar or 2) an events calendar, the SNR Twitter feed and the current radar.

'Today in Hardin Hall' lists activities in conference rooms, the auditorium (107 South) and public spaces within Hardin Hall. It does not list classes. By reserving a room in Outlook for your activity, it is automatically added to this list. The list displays only current day activities. For more information on Room Reservation

Digital Sign example

If no activities have reserved space in Hardin Hall for the day, then the events/Twitter/radar display is used. To add your activity to the events calendar, fill out this form and submit a text-free image to Social Media content can be given to Jacki Loomis or Lisa Grief to post directly on the SNR social media feeds.

In the main part of the screen, a playlist of items is cycled through approximately every 3 minutes. The playlist for this area can include SNR and UNL events, photo essays, special events and curated UNL social media feeds. To have your information posted in this area, fill out this form; in the additional information section, explain how you might want information to be displayed.

Accepted Content Format

Images MUST be in a landscape-oriented format. Standard Size is 1920 px wide by 1020 px high; 72 dpi resolution. JPEG and PNG are acceptable formats.

Powerpoint and PDF formats are also acceptable. Auto-advancing should be set to no longer than 10 seconds per slide/page. Hint: Read the slide/page content out load, if it takes more than 10 seconds there is too much text on the slide/page.

Directory & Profile


  • SNR Webmaster - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904
  • NRBC Human Resources Lead - Lyness Mkwezalamba,, 237k North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-0833

SNR Directory & Profile

The SNR Directory is part of the SNR website. The directory contains a portrait style image of the person, their contact information and a link to a profile page. Faculty are required to provide an image; staff and graduate students posting of an image is optional but highly recommended.

Profiles contain additional information about the person and may include a CV, narrative story about the person's connection to the school, research/outreach or other information. The profile can be populated by completing the Information Questionnaire and returning that to the SNR Webmaster. Information can be updated at any time.

Changes in contact information must be submitted both the SNR Webmaster and the NRBC to be fully completed.

Download Faculty Information Questionnaire
Download Graduate Student Information Questionnaire
Download Staff Information Questionnaire

UNL Directory

The UNL Directory information is pulled from SAP. To update this information, please contact the Human Resources Lead with the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC).

Changes in contact information must be submitted both the SNR Webmaster and the NRBC to be fully completed.

The UNL directory information is used for the results in the search box in the upper right corner of most UNL webpages and in various places throughout UNL websites.

A person's profile image that is displayed when you log into various UNL application (usually located in the upper right corner in a circle) can be updated by an individual without going through the NRBC. This image (avatar) can be updated by:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in in the upper right corner
  3. Go to
  4. Update an image

Doctoral Dissertation Nature and Scope

Regular discussions with your adviser will help you identify the specific objectives of your research. Narrowing your topic should be done with help from your advisor and committee members.

Doctoral Program Candidacy

Doctoral candidacy is not the same as admission to or enrollment in a doctoral program; it is a specific stage of doctoral program progress.

Apply for Candidacy:

Once a student becomes a doctoral candidate, the student is required to enroll continuously until the program is completed.

Request for Certification of Full Time Status:

Doctoral Program Committee Formation

Natural Resource Sciences students must have primary adviser (chair of the committee) chosen prior to completing their application.

Eligible Advisers

Natural Resource Sciences:

Doctoral Program Final Oral Exams

Final Oral Exam is often called the "Defense."

  • The Application for Final Oral Examination must be filed at least 3 weeks before final oral exam.
    Before the form is submitted: (1) The two designated readers must read the dissertation and sign the form. (2) The chair or co-chairs must also sign.
  • Scheduling: The final oral should be scheduled at a time when a majority of the committee, including the chair/co-chairs, can attend. The time and date of the oral examination must be recorded on the form.
  • For more information: Refer to the Graduate Studies Bulletin.

Contact the Office Associate for Student Services to reserve a room in Hardin Hall for the defense.

Research responsibility requirements:

Doctoral Program Forms

The UNL Office of Graduate Studies provides the necessary forms for completing a doctoral program. They can be viewed at

Doctoral Program Requirements

The UNL Office of Graduate Studies provides a timeline for completing a doctoral program. This timeline can be viewed at

Dress Code

SNR offers employees flexibility in their clothing selection to help them be more comfortable in the completion of their daily activities and work assignments. It is understood that employees will use good taste and judgment when selecting their clothing, and will avoid wearing garments that are damaged or revealing. The School supports casual dress (to include jeans).

Drilling and Field Services



  • Coordinate activities involving drilling and direct-push equipment.
  • Operate and maintain Geoprobes® and rotary/coring rig for subsurface exploration or installation of monitoring facilities.
  • Assist in planning, coordinating and executing faculty field research activities.


See CSD Drilling Costs.

Emeritus Appointments


  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120


Any faculty member who meets the minimum requirements is eligible to request emeritus status upon retirement. They may also make a request for office space.


  • A retiring faculty member in good standing (defined by having an evaluation rating of meets or above on the most recent evaluation), makes a request to the SNR Director for emeritus status.
  • The Director confirms the evaluation rating for the time they were in SNR and may follow one of the two options below, at his/her discretion.
    • If the faculty member is in good standing, the director will initiate an email to SNR Faculty for a vote; email will include a summary of service and CV. No response to the email will be considered approval. The faculty will have no less than 10 business days to respond. If approved, the Director will notify the faculty member and initiate a letter of support to the Vice Chancellor of IANR or the College of Arts Sciences (CAS) Dean, as appropriate to the faculty appointment.
    • If the faculty member is not in good-standing (defined by an evaluation rating of "unsatisfactory" or "below expectations" on the most recent evaluation), the director will notify the requesting faculty member and give them 10 business days to provide a 1-page written document/justification and updated CV. The justification and CV will be forwarded to the Promotion and Tenure Committee for their consideration/majority vote. If denied, the Director will notify the requesting faculty member. If approved, the Director will notify the requesting faculty member and initiate an email to SNR Faculty for a vote; email will include a copy of the faculty member's justification and CV. No response will be considered approval. The SNR Faculty will have no less than 10 business days to respond. If denied, the Director will notify the requesting faculty member. If the retiring faculty has been a member of the graduate faculty and is on graduate committees, they will need to be replaced. If approved, the Director will notify the requesting faculty member and initiate a letter of support to the Vice Chancellor of IANR or the CAS Dean, as appropriate to the faculty appointment. The emeritus appointment will be reviewed by the Director in 1 year.
  • Upon approval by the Board of Regents, the faculty member title will be the rank at the time of retirement followed by "emeritus," e.g., Kim Pagel, associate professor emeritus (if the title precedes the name, the first letter of the title will be capitalized, Associate Professor Emeritus Kim Pagel)

Office Space

  • A retiring faculty member who has been granted emeritus status may request emeritus office space from the Director. The request is to include a description of need (office space, computer access, network access, etc.), how it would be used, expected frequency of use, how the assignment will benefit the School, and is to be sent to the School's director via email. Minimum frequency expected is 12 hours per week. The Director will consider the request. For a space request, the director may assign a shared inner office, access to a multi-user office, or access to other shared space. In special circumstances, an emeritus faculty may be assigned a private office.
  • If space is assigned, the emeritus faculty will need to gain reapproval from the Director annually.

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Emeriti Association will send a letter to any employee who is declared Emeriti or Retired Faculty (A-line, per the old A, B, and C-line designations, which includes Instructors and Lecturers). The Emeriti Association receives this information twice each year (September and February) from the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Visit the Emeritus Status for Retired Faculty University of Nebraska at IANR for additional information regarding Emeritus Status for Retired Faculty and note that it is replicated in the IANR policy.

Employee and Dependent Scholarship Program

Getting Started

Login to Firefly at Select Employee Self Service, then Scholarships. From here, you will be able to allocate credit hours for themselves, spouse, and/or dependent(s).

If you do not have access to a computer or need assistance in signing up for the program, please visit the UNL Department of Human Resources, 401 Canfield Administration Building, 402-472-3101.

Key Points to Remember

  1. Employees must be full time regular University of Nebraska employees to be eligible for the program.
  2. In order to use the Scholarship program for themselves, a spouse or dependent, employees must enroll in the program prior to the first day of classes for each semester.
  3. If an employee requests to take classes during working hours, supervisor's permission is required.
  4. Only undergraduate classes are covered under this policy for spouses/dependents.
  5. Dependent children must be full time students in order to receive coverage under this program.

For additional information see HR Employee and Dependent Scholarship Program.

Employee Assistance


  • Director - John Carroll,, 411 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-413-1180
  • Associate Director - Jenny Dauer,, 904 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8136
  • Associate Director - Christopher Chizinski,, 910 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8718
  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

UNL has an Employee Assistance Program, which provides counseling services and referrals to employees.If an employee has an issue/concern that they wish to raise with the Director, they are encouraged to do so. Other alternative contacts include the Associate Director and Assistant to the Director.

If an employee has concerns based on gender, age, disability, race, color, religion, marital status, veteran's status, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation, they may contact Equity, Access, and Diversity Programs for assistance, 402-472-3417, 128 Administration, CC 0437.

Enrollment - Final Semester

The School of Natural Resources follows UNL Graduate Studies requirements for graduate student enrollment. The UNL Office of Graduate Studies does not require a graduate student to be enrolled for credit hour(s) in the semester they plan to graduate if all course work requirements have been met. International students and those with student loans may need to be enrolled and should contact the Office of Graduate Studies at 402-472-2875.

Event Planning and Related Services


  • Sales and Event Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550


  • Manage planning for SNR sponsored events: determine venue; handle contracts; manage registration and accounting; develop packets and related materials.
  • Provide pre- and post-event reports of activities, attendees, and finances.
  • Pricing - standard pricing is 7% of registration fee to cover credit card fees and related costs, costs may vary depending upon the nature of the event.

Exam Requirement for Successful Completion of the Degree


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • Sales and Events Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550

Examination Requirement

All master's students are required to complete a comprehensive examination -- written and/or oral as required by the student's committee.

  • The written exam, if required, must be completed within 24 months prior to the date of graduation.
  • When an oral examination is required, the examining committee will consist of at least three members representing the major department and the minor department (if applicable), recommended by the major department and approved by Graduate Studies. NOTE: No outside member required.
    • All professors on the examining committee must have Graduate Faculty status -- full or associate.
    • If a committee member leaves the employ of the University or retires, a replacement may be appointed. When continuing expertise is needed and the faculty member is willing to continue serving, the departing faculty member may remain as a member or co-chair of the committee, with approval of the department's Graduate Committee and Graduate Studies.


SNR requires a comprehensive examination of all master's students which covers the student's approved program of study. It generally will be administered within 10 months of graduation and typically in the semester prior to the one in which the student plans to graduate. The exam will consist of written and oral examinations administered by the adviser, as directed by the student's committee.

It is the student's responsibility to follow the steps required for graduation which are outlined on the Graduate Studies website.

Preparing for the Exam

  • Contact Graduate Studies to make sure all necessary paperwork in on file. Final Oral Examination and Thesis Defense Forms may be found on
  • Contact the Sales and Events Manager to reserve a room.


SNR is primarily housed in Hardin Hall on east campus at UNL (at the northeast corner of the intersection of 33rd and Holdrege Streets). Faculty, staff, and laboratories are also located in the CSD Annex, East Campus Service Building, Kiesselbach Crops Research Laboratory, Natural Resources Research Annex, and the Water Sciences Laboratory. Outside of Lincoln, we have faculty in the research and extension centers in Scottsbluff, North Platte, and Norfolk. Off-campus field sites include the Barta Brothers Ranch, Nine-Mile Prairie, and Prairie Pines. We conduct research at a variety of locations throughout the state. For more information about SNR's facilities see Location & Facilities on the SNR website.

Fax Machines


  • Office Associate for Sales - Lisa Greif,, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679
  • Sales and Events Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • NRBC Manager - Kyle Bogus,, 237a North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-6703

The Natural Resource Business Center (NRBC), (237 Hardin Hall) has a general use fax machine for faculty, staff, and students. The number is (402) 472-4915. There is no cost for sending faxes.

The fax is located on the Canon Copy Machine in the main entrance. The 5-digit access code is written on the machine. NRBC office hours are 8:00 am - 5:00 pm most days, hours may vary based on staffing.


Firefly is the University's web-based system that allows employees to manage their leave requests, print payroll stubs and W-2s, make changes to their home address/phone and W-4, allocate credits for the Employee and Dependent Scholarship Program (full-time employees only), complete NUFlex benefit paperwork, etc. Payroll stubs are archived, so there is accessibility to current and past pay stubs. Your ID is your NU ID # (on your NCard); passwords for benefit-eligible employees are created and provided by email by UNL's SAP Coordinator, Beth Benson, 313 ADMS, CC 0429, 402-472-2100, several weeks after a new employee has been hired.

First Aid Kits and AED Locations

First Aid Kits and Automated External Defibrillators (AED) are located throughout Hardin Hall. Supplies can be refilled as needed from the extra stock in # 121. Additional First Aid Kits are located throughout our buildings and are the responsibility of the person assigned to that space.

First Aid Kit Locations

  • 023 Teaching Wet Lab
  • 024 Teaching Wet Lab
  • 101 Nebraska Maps & More Store
  • 121 Mailroom
  • 131 Field Transfer Room
  • 229 Cartography
  • 239 Graduate Student Lounge
  • 3rd Floor Elevator Lobby Credenza
  • 427 Workroom
  • 528 Workroom
  • 627 CSD Survey Reference Room
  • 728 Conference Room
  • 827 Workroom
  • 923 Workroom

AED Locations

  • Basement Lobby South
  • 1st Floor Lobby South
  • 1st Floor Lobby North
  • 4th Floor
  • 5th Floor
  • 9th Floor

Food Trash

To prevent health hazards and nuisance, food trash from Hardin Hall offices should be taken to one of the outside trash containers or the trash bin in the loading dock area. Hardin Hall custodial staff, if notified in advance, will provide extra trash cans for food trash associated with special events in public areas of the building.

Funeral Leave

SNR follows the UNL funeral leave policy and extends department discretion to the supervisor. If a funeral is out of town, an employee may be asked to use vacation for the travel and funeral leave for only the funeral.

Outside of immediate family as defined by UNL, an employee may take up to 4 hours of paid funeral leave.

Getting Help

From time to time, all beings face challenges. Whether it’s hunger, shelter, finances, identity, discrimination, emotions, sensory, social, psychological or just uncertainty in our life course—we all face challenges. At times, we manage these challenges beautifully, at other times we may struggle, and at times, we suffer at the weight of these challenges. If you are feeling unsure, weighed down, or just want to be sure you are on track, we encourage you to reach out. Look at Big Red Resilience for events and resources to help you bounce back. Other possibilities include:

  • Professors in SNR (a number of SNR faculty have or had challenges such as anxiety, depression, autism, poverty, failed relationships)—you name it
  • CAPS is the UNL student counseling center They can connect you with resources 24 hours a day, and there are no fees for counseling services.
  • If you cannot reach anyone else, contact Bryan Hospital–West

Food and Shelter Needs

  • Any student who has difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who lacks a safe and stable place to live, and believes this may affect their performance in the course, is urged to visit the Huskers Helping Huskers Pantry The pantry is a free resource with food and hygiene items. Any current student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln who is in need can stop by the Huskers Helping Huskers Pantry to pick up free food and hygiene items and/or to get help connecting to university and community resources related to food and shelter insecurity.
  • If you live close to East Campus, ConnectioN Point near 33rd and Holdrege has the Open Shelf food pantry
  • Please notify any SNR professor if you are comfortable in doing so.

Go Green - reduce, reuse, recycle!


  • Sales and Events Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • Surplus Inventory Notification - Karen Gilbert,, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197

Environmental stewardship, preservation, and sustainability are important in SNR. We participate in recycling and energy conservation programs.


Unwanted equipment, books, etc., are to be reused within the department whenever possible. If we cannot find a new use and the item was purchased with University funds, it must be sent to Inventory. Complete the Surplus Equipment Pickup form, and send to Inventory Coordinator.

Download Surplus Equipment Pickup Form


Full-service All in the Hall stations are located in lobbies, hallways and near conference and classrooms throughout Hardin Hall. Full-service Office Paper only stations are located at each copy machine. You are responsible for taking the landfill (garbage) and recyclable materials that you generate to a full-service station.

You can have self-service landfill (garbage) and recycling containers in your offices, work areas and labs. UNL Custodial Services will not provide any service to these containers. You will service them yourself by taking the materials you generated to one of the stations. Graduate students can contact the Nebraska Maps & More Store to request containers for their workstations. Secure, locked containers are located in the basement tower for material to be shredded prior to recycling.

Most waste items commonly produced at UNL are accepted in the stations. Instructional signage is located at each station, see SNR's graphic. The stations accept paper, plastic & aluminum, flattened cardboard (place behind station) and landfill (garbage). Items should be clean, dry, and free of food or other non-recyclable waste. UNL Custodial Services staff will monitor the full-service stations, if a container is full you should contact the UNL Facilities Service Desk by calling (402) 472-1550.

Additional information and program contact:

Thank you for being green!

Contact the Sales and Events Manager with questions.

Graduate Chair Role


  • Graduate Committee Chair - Christopher Chizinski,, 910 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8718

The Graduate Committee Chair is responsible for:

  • Assuring fair and consistent compliance with all Graduate College policies and for overseeing student appeals.
  • Overseeing all graduate degrees, majors, specializations, minors and certificate programs in SNR.
  • Facilitating the agenda and deliberations of the graduate committee and assisting them to create graduate programs in which exemplary students are held to high expectations.
  • Helping colleagues design cutting edge curriculum, examinations and research requirements, and assist them in providing attentive mentoring for all graduate students.
  • Assuring that every graduate student is held to the highest standards of academic integrity.

Additional information can be found at

Graduate Committee Role

The SNR Graduate Committee is comprised of seven faculty members, six of which must have their graduate faculty home in SNR. The seventh member may have a courtesy, adjunct, or partial appointment in SNR. Committee members shall be elected for staggered three-year terms and may serve two consecutive terms. The SNR Graduate Student Association (SNR GSA) elects a representative who serves on the Graduate Committee in matters of policy and procedures but is not involved in screening prospective students or in deliberations involving an individual student.

The major duties of the Graduate Committee include:

  • Evaluating the academic qualifications of applicants for admission into the Natural Resource Sciences degree programs.
  • Establishing that applicants meet any departmental requirements that are over and above those set forth by the Graduate College.
  • Approving the program of study for Masters students and the supervisory committee for PhD students.
  • Monitoring the progress and academic performance of students at the request of the faculty adviser; recommending to faculty advisers necessary changes in graduate student status.
  • Taking corrective action when unsatisfactory progress is evident.
  • Awarding graduate teaching assistantships.
  • Making recommendations pertaining to curricular changes in graduate courses.
  • Suggesting and modifying graduate degree programs and areas of specialization.
  • Establishing a minimum passing grade for the comprehensive exam and a procedure in the event of a failing grade on a question or the exam; and maintaining quality and uniformity of the examining procedure.
  • Approving the oral exam procedure.
  • Be available for graduate students who have concerns or issues they cannot resolve with their adviser(s) or committee.
  • Assist in finding an adviser for a graduate student when the adviser leaves UNL and is unable to supervise the student through his program.
  • Modifying, as needed, the SNR website regarding SNR graduate student policies and procedures.

For additional information on the SNR Graduate Committee, including committee members, visit

Graduate Faculty Membership


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • Graduate Committee Co-Chair - Christopher Chizinski,, 910 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8718

Tenure-track and Tenured Faculty

Automatic members of the Graduate Faculty upon their hire and are eligible to immediately serve on Graduate Committees. The SNR Graduate Committee oversees this service.

Nontenure-track and Adjunct Faculty

Must apply for membership by completing the following steps:

  1. Faculty must be nominated by a member of the SNR Graduate Faculty.
  2. Complete the "Nomination for Graduate Faculty Associate" or "Nomination for Graduate Faculty" form found at
  3. Submit electronic copy of the completed form and updated CV via email to the Chair of the SNR Graduate Committee. SNR Graduate Faculty will vote, the Graduate Committee Chair will forward the results to the CASNR Dean, who will review, make comment, and forward them to the Graduate Studies Dean for review/approval.
  4. Individual faculty will be notified in writing of their status by Graduate Studies upon completion of the review process.

Graduate Student - Fellowships and Travel Grants


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

Natural Resource Sciences Doctoral Graduate Student Conference Travel Funds

The Natural Resource Sciences Doctoral Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant, granted on a competitive basis, allows advanced Natural Resource Sciences Ph.D. students to travel to professional and scholarly meetings to make professional presentation. The request must be submitted and approved in advance of travel.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Registered full-time (9 credit hours) or be eligible to be full-time certified, during the academic year (funding cannot be provided to part-time students or those employed at UNL with an FTE greater than 0.49).
  • In good academic standing in a Natural Resource Sciences Ph.D. program during the semester the travel grant will be used.
  • Be registered for classes or research hours during the semester of travel. If traveling between semesters, he/she must also be registered for the semester following travel.
  • Have earned at least one-half of the credit hours required to complete their intended program of study and have an approved program of study on file in the Office of Graduate Studies.
  • Giving first- or single-authored presentations at a conference/meeting of regional, national or international stature.
  • Provide a PDF (scanned) copy of the invitation to present or the acceptance notification.
  • Students may receive only one Travel Grant per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), and may only receive a total of two travel grants over the entire course of their graduate career at UNL.

Grant Disbursement:

Graduate Student Conference Travel Grants must be used to defray lodging, travel and related expenses. Travel Grants will be disbursed to recipients as lump-sum payments processed through UNL Payroll. Recipients who are on UNL's payroll will receive their grants through the payroll system, with tax deductions made as in the normal process for tax withholding. Recipients who are not on UNL's payroll are still responsible for taxes and must declare their grant award in their tax statements.

Download Travel Fund Request Form

Wildwood Trust

The Trust supports travel expenses (up to $500) for SNR graduate students to present their research at professional meetings. Graduate students advised by SNR's Applied Ecology faculty are eligible. Graduate students may receive one travel award during their graduate program.

Please send Mark Pegg a cover letter requesting the funding, a copy of your presentation/poster title and abstract (please indicate if it is accepted), and a very brief budget showing total costs and what is covered by Wildwood.

IANR Funds

Students whose major is within the College of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources may be eligible to apply for IANR fellowships and travel grants.

More information can be found at:

Graduate Student - Mentoring Agreement


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

This document represents an agreement reached between the graduate student and the faculty mentor/advisor regarding the structure of the working relationship during the student's working relationship with the professor. It should be developed collaboratively between the two parties.


  1. Students should print off a copy of the agreement form and set a meeting time for student and mentor.
  2. Student finalizes the form based on discussion.
  3. Student signs form.
  4. Student has mentor sign form.
  5. Student submits a copy of the form to Brooke Mott, Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs, 911 South Hardin Hall, EC 0989.

Download Mentoring Agreement

Graduate Student - Progress Toward Degree


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • Co-Chair Graduate Committee - Christopher Chizinski,, 910 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8718

Form for Graduate Student and Advisor to fill out on periodic meetings to chart the graduate students progress toward completing their degree.

  • Student completes first part of form
  • Student sends to Advisor
  • Advisor completes middle part of form
  • Advisor returns form to student
  • Student schedules meeting with advisor
  • Student and Advisor complete last part of the form
  • Student and Advisor sign and date form
  • Completed form is sent to Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs

Download Graduate Student Progress Form

Graduate Student Association (GSA)


  • Faculty Advisor - Joseph Dauer,, 516 South HARH EC 0995, Phone: 402-318-7363
  • Faculty Advisor - Jenny Dauer,, 904 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8136

The purpose of the School of Natural Resources Graduate Student Association (SNRGSA) shall be to serve as a representative body for all of the graduate students in the School of Natural Resources, to promote a closer relationship within the graduate student community, to serve as a channel of communication between graduate students, faculty and staff, and to foster professional development.

Learn more about the group and the plans for each school year at the Fall Welcome, which is held the first Friday of the Fall semester .

Meeting times will be announced via email.

Contact SNRGSA via email at

For more information visit the SNR GSA website.

Grant Proposals and Forms


  • Business Center Manager - Kyle Bogus,, 237a North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-6703
  • Finance/Grants Specialist - Lisa Beethe,, 237d North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-8876

Critical Information for Proposals

The form shall be completed by the grant applicant. The information provided will be used by the Grants Specialists in the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) to complete the grant proposal in NUGrant.

Download Critical Information for Proposals Form

Grant Budget Template

Use this template to assist in planning the budget for a grant proposal.

Grant Budget Template

IPAS - Institutional Prior Approval to Spend

Use this form to request that grant spending be approved before award has been formally granted.

Download IPAS Form

Reduced F & A Request

This form will be completed by the grant applicant when there is a need for reduced facilities and administrative rates for a grant proposal. The information provided will be used by the Grants Specialists in the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) to complete the request in NUGrant.

Download Reduced F & A Request Form

Subrecipient Form

When a grant proposal includes a subaward, the sub institution must complete this form and return it to the designated Grants Specialist in the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC). This is in addition to receiving a letter of intent from the collaborator.

Download Subrecipient Form

Image & Video Use


  • SNR Webmaster - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904
  • Recruitment and Retension Coordinator, Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • Events Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • Student Success Coordinator - Sara Winn,, 912 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-0636

Image Release Form - Group

Form to grant permission to use and display group images of adults. Must be completed for the usage of any single picture or set of pictures from an event.

SNR will maintain a department Image Release Form, which will be available via the SNR Forms webpage, and incorporated into Employee Hiring and Student Welcome procedures. This will be reviewed annually in the summer by the Image Release Form ad hoc committee so any changes are implemented and available no later than August 1 of each year.

  • Appendix A of the Image Release Form allows individuals to specify a photo or event that they are releasing to SNR. The text provided in Appendix A can be altered to fit a specific event. If the release form is for a specific purpose or event, the SNR staff processing the form will add a description of the person's clothing from the image before scanning.
  • For recruitment and outreach events and images taken for general promotional materials, the School/event host will incorporate narrative into the form that, when signed, shall convey permission for the School to use photographic images taken of individuals attending the event.
  • For the Graduate Student website, a separate form will be maintained that refers specifically to the website.

Download Group Image Use Request Form

Image Submission Form

Complete this form to supply information (metadata) about images that can be used by the School of Natural Resources.

Download Image Submission Form

SNR Single User Image Release Form

Form to grant permission to use and display images of adults and minors. Must be completed for the usage of any single picture or set of pictures from an event.

SNR will maintain a department Image Release Form, which will be available via the SNR Forms webpage, and incorporated into Employee Hiring and Student Welcome procedures. This will be reviewed annually in the summer by the Image Release Form ad hoc committee so any changes are implemented and available no later than August 1 of each year.

  • Appendix A of the Image Release Form allows individuals to specify a photo or event that they are releasing to SNR. The text provided in Appendix A can be altered to fit a specific event. If the release form is for a specific purpose or event, the SNR staff processing the form will add a description of the person's clothing from the image before scanning.
  • For recruitment and outreach events and images taken for general promotional materials, the School/event host will incorporate narrative into the form that, when signed, shall convey permission for the School to use photographic images taken of individuals attending the event.
  • For the Graduate Student website, a separate form will be maintained that refers specifically to the website.

Download Image Release - Single User Form

Individual Memberships and Subscriptions

University Policy

  • No University funds (appropriated, grants, contracts, indirect cost recovers, or revolving) can be used to pay individual memberships in professional societies or organizations or to purchase personal subscriptions for journals or other periodicals.
  • University funds may be used to pay institutional membership in civic or professional organizations or to purchase institutional subscriptions for journals and other periodicals.
  • Unit, college, or University managed Foundation endowments that provide funds to faculty for support of research, teaching, outreach or service programs cannot be used for personal memberships or subscriptions.

SNR Policy

State, grant, indirect, foundation, or revolving funds cannot be used to purchase personal memberships in professional societies. Faculty members are permitted to use grant funds to purchase journals, monographs and books for "departmental" or "laboratory" use. The department/laboratory name must be on the journal/subscription and they must reside in the department/laboratory.

A faculty member can setup a foundation account for expenditures (research materials, graduate students, or equipment purchases) that will benefit their research, teaching, or outreach program/mission, but that CANNOT include any personal or professional memberships in the name of the person(s) who contribute tax-deductible dollars to the endowment fund.



  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

Work-related injuries and illness may occur. When this happens, if an employee has a paid appointment with the University, he or she and the supervisor need to report the work-related injury or illness as soon as possible to the UNL Benefits Office. Emeritus faculty*, retired staff, visitors, guests, and students** are not eligible for Worker's Compensation. If they are injured while on University property, they must use their personal funds/insurance to cover any medical expenses.

* Emeritus faculty who sustain a work-related injury or illness while doing a paid assignment for the University will qualify for worker's compensation.

** Students who are employees (e.g. on paid assistantships or student workers) and sustain a work-related injury or illness will qualify for worker's compensation, for that specific injury or illness. If they are injured while walking to class, that injury is not covered under worker's compensation.

Forms to be completed include:

Additional information about work-related illnesses and injuries may be found at

Inter-Campus Agreement for Tuition Billing


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

If a student enrolls in a course at another NU campus (i.e. UNK, UNO), their benefits will cover this tution. However, it is important that they contact the Graduate Studies Office to let them know of the situation. There is an NU system, inter-campus agreement in place for processing the tuition, but it is not automated. Graudate Studies will contact the appropriate campus, such as UNK and request that they send UNL Graduate Studies the tutition bill. The current contact is Jane Schneider (402-472-8670, The student will need to provide his/her name, student ID number, and a description of the situation. Enrolling in such a course should be done only in response to an adviser's request to do so, or in consultation with the adviser. There are restrictions based on the number of credit hours in which the student is enrolled. Contact Graduate Studies before enrolling so that ensure processes and responsibilities are understood. This is not something an adviser can assist with.



  • Office Associate - Operations - Karen Gilbert,, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197

When you begin your studies, if you have been assigned a workspace in the graduate student cubicles in Hardin Hall, the Office Associate - Operations will provide you with a key for the cabinets in that workspace. There is a $5 deposit for the cubicle cabinet key.

If you will be working in a lab or other locked space in Hardin Hall, your advisor will work with the faculty responsible for the space who must provide written authorization to the Office Associate for Operations for you to access the space. A $10 deposit is required for each key. Upon leaving SNR, you will return all of your keys receive refunds for keys assigned through SNR. Refunds are in the form of a State of Nebraska warrant (check). A valid mailing/forwarding address will need to be provided so that the check can be mailed.

When room assignments are made at the time of hire or relocation, keys will be ordered by the Office Associate for Operations (OAO). A $10 deposit is required for each interior door key. If you need access to other rooms, your supervisor should notify the OAO with these room number(s) so that these keys can be ordered, additional deposits will be required. Upon leaving employment with SNR, you will receive refunds for keys assigned through SNR; refunds are in the form of a State of Nebraska warrant (check). A valid mailing/forwarding address will need to be provided so that the check can be mailed.

Your office key will unlock the work room on your floor except 1st floor north work room 150, which is unlocked each morning, and for 4th floor which has a coded lock. The OAO will provide the door code when you move onto the floor.

Keys - Agronomy and Horticulture Buildings

TJ McAndrew, Research Facility Coordinator, Agronomy and Horticulture, Keim Hall, 202, East Campus. Please call or email him to schedule a time to do this: or 402.472.1486 There you will complete the form and obtain your keys. If your supervisor determines and approves after-hours access with your NCard, TJ will help you with that as well.

Lay Abstract of Theses and Dissertation


  • Lay Abstracts Coordinator - Robert Zink,, W504 NH CC 0338, Phone: 612-590-4215
  • Graduate Committee Co-Chair - Christopher Chizinski,, 910 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8718
  • Graduate Committee Co-Chair - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

Let’s be honest. Research in SNR is varied, so much so that people in some fields are not able (or willing) to learn about research in other fields because they lack the technical expertise and understanding of the jargon. The SNR Graduate Committee has approved a voluntary effort by graduate students to include lay abstracts in theses and dissertations. In most career paths, graduate students will be tasked with communicating what they do to the general public, and lay abstracts provide an excellent introduction on how to write for the non-specialist. Lay abstracts will be included on the SNR website, and viewed by donors, alumni, prospective students, and any other people interested in seeing the great research done by our graduate students.

Dr. Bob Zink ( will serve as Lay Abstracts Coordinator. Any interested student can send a draft to Bob and he will work with you (if needed) to bring it to a point where someone outside the field can understand the work and its significance. Only graduate students who submit their thesis or dissertation during the calendar year are eligible. Lay abstracts are due to the Coordinator via email by the date established by the University for Fall semesters. The Lay Abstracts Coordinator will appoint a committee of three faculty who do not have a student in the competition, and they will declare a "Best Lay Abstract". The winner will receive $500.


Select an interesting (non-technical) title because it often determines whether people will read your abstract. Keep it around 300-700 words. The first sentence (and title) often determines whether people keep reading, so make it count. Explain what your research aims to achieve, then how you’re going to do it and why it’s relevant. Know your audience: discuss the value of your research in a way that a middle school student will grasp. Provide examples. Write in the active voice and use the first person where necessary. Keep sentences short, clear, and focused. No jargon or technical terms. Ask someone outside your field to read it over.

Example of Lay Abstract. Brittaney Buchanan’s M.S. on wild turkey

The Wild Turkey brings to many people’s mind the main course at a family feast on a day in late November. But, other than the grocery story, what is the history of this bird in North America? We think of the images of early settlers and their encounters with this majestic bird, but few know that the turkey was hunted almost to extinction, and they were gone from the Nebraska landscape. They are common today, so what happened? Through stricter regulations, captive breeding and reintroductions, the wild turkey has once again become a common sight in the wild, even in cities. Before the near extinction, turkeys in different parts of the range looked different, that is, their feather patterns and coloration were something of a bar code of where they lived. These different turkeys were called Eastern, Rio Grande, Merriam’s, Ocellated, and Gould’s, and today an example of each is often much sought-after by hunters. Several differently appearing birds were reintroduced to Nebraska (including hybrids with domestic birds). My study asked what the genetic consequences have been from the numerous reintroductions and translocations - has all of the mixing of wild turkeys eroded their original genetic “signatures”? I used genetic techniques that allowed me to estimate the portion of each turkey’s genetics was represented by different subspecies. Given the mixing of birds across the range we expected, and found, that the original genetic signatures of birds from different regions are more-or-less homogenized. There are birds of seeming pure ancestry, but the majority are hybrids (some of which look like one or another subspecies). Thus, if the goal of wildlife management was to have more turkeys in the landscape, the reintroductions and translocations, have been extremely successful. If the goal was to maintain the historical pattern of genetic distinctiveness, well, that ship has sailed.

2023 Winner: Corrin Winter

Corrin graduated in August 2023 with a MS in Natural Resource Sciences with a specialization in Applied Ecology

Factors Affecting Nebraskan Farmers’ and Farmland Owners’ Decisions to Adopt Precision Technologies and Programs

To improve both environmental conditions and farmer profitability, we delved into the challenges faced by Nebraskan farmers and landowners when adopting new farming technologies. We looked at data from a 2022 survey with 7,503 participants which included farmers and landowners from across the state of Nebraska. Our goal was to uncover why some adopt new precision agricultural and conservation technologies while others don't. Precision agriculture is the use of technology to improve farmland conditions. For example, using a yield monitor to monitor how many crops grow in each area. Precision conservation is similar, however it focuses on improving environmental conditions on the farm, like soil erosion. In addition, our research was designed to help agencies better share information about precision farming and conservation in a way that benefits the people of Nebraska. Our findings highlighted that finances were the main reason many people were hesitant to adopt precision farming tools. Factors like renting land or being a first-generation farmer also affected which factors influence these decisions. People also preferred getting information about precision farming technologies from friends, family, and fellow farmers, rather than government agencies. Interestingly, those who did favor information from non-governmental agencies were more likely to apply for conservation programs. This shows the importance of government agencies working together with non-government organizations and private companies to promote precision farming technologies and practices. Furthermore, our research showed that farmers and landowners were more satisfied with expert advice when they worked with more agencies and companies. As such, we should encourage cooperation between various agencies and organizations. Cooperation is key to fostering positive attitudes toward the adoption of precision agricultural and conservation technologies and practices in Nebraska.



  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120
  • Administrative Assoicate - Sarah Thorell,, 909 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-9873

Departmental Letterhead can be found in the SNR Office Sharepoint site in the Logos and Presentations folder. It should be used only for official University business related to your work and research.

Go to Sharepoint Site

The first page of any letter on letterhead should be printed on N-Bond paper. Subsequent pages will be printed on plain paper. The SNR standard is to include a header of Personal Title, First Name, Last Name, Date, Page x of x on any pages following the first page of multi-page letters. This is represented on our template when text reaches the second page. No footer is required.

To save your personalized letterhead from within Word:

  1. Click on the File Tab in the main menu in the upper left corner.
  2. Click "Save As."
  3. Select the location in which you'd like to save the letterhead template.
  4. In the "Save As Type" field, click "Word Template."
  5. Give your personalized letterhead a name.
  6. Click "Save."

The primary office associates for the School can assist you in making changes to the letterhead as needed and retain a copy of the file.

Library Services

The NCard (University ID) provides authorization to use the Library facilities. Library locations are below; additional information can be found at

UNL Libraries Location
(City Campus unless otherwise noted)
Love 13th & R Street
Architecture 308 Architecture Hall
Dinsdale Family Learning Commons 38th & Holdrege (East Campus)
Engineering W203 Nebraska Hall
Geology 10 Bessey Hall
Mathematics 14 Avery Hall
Music 30 Westbrook Music Building
Schmid Law 152 McCollum Hall (East Campus)

Lost and Found


  • Office Associate - Operations - Office Associates NMM, , 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3471

The School of Natural Resources will hold Lost and Found items in Room 101 Hardin Hall (Nebraska Maps & More Store), for a period of 30 days. Items not claimed after 30 days will be forwarded to the UNL Police Department or disposed of in accordance with UNL Policy.

See UNL Campus Police Lost and Found policies.



  • Office Associate - Operations - Lisa Greif,, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679

The Office Associate staff are the primary mail handlers for the School. This includes pickup, delivery and mail folder maintenance. Each SNR employee and graduate student with an assigned workspace in Hardin Hall is assigned a mail folder in 121 South Hardin Hall (HarH 121), after hours access is automatically granted to this room for new hires .

Outgoing mail can be placed in the outgoing mail in the First Floor Tower Lobby (just outside the Nebraska Maps & More Store) or in the outgoing mail slot in HarH 121. It is picked up on odd numbered days before 9:30 a.m.; incoming mail is delivered on odd numbered days after 10:00 am. Outgoing USPS and statehouse mail requires a return address that includes the four-digit zip-code extension, campus mail does not. SNR pays for most outgoing mail, but large mailings must be separately charged by completing a Postal Billing Form and attaching it to the outgoing mail. The OAO can provide the necessary forms.

For graduate assistants, thesis research items (including reprint requests) may be mailed at the School’s expense. Personal mail is not allowed (a USPS mailbox is located one block east of Hardin Hall and at the East Campus Union Bookstore).

Office Associate staff will also assist with USPS, FedEx, UPS and other vendor shipping requests.

Mail Service Locations
Building Room #
Conservation & Survey Annex No mail service
Hardin Hall (HarH) 121
Kiesselbach Crop Research Lab (KCRL) 102, 205
Natural Resources Research Annex (NRRA) No mail service

Masters Program Deadlines


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

The UNL Office of Graduate Studies provides a timeline for completing a masters program. This timeline can be viewed at

Masters Program Final Oral Exams


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

Final Oral Exam is often called the "Defense."

  • The Application for Final Oral Examination must be filed at least 3 weeks before final oral exam.
    Before the form is submitted: (1) The two designated readers must read the dissertation and sign the form. (2) The chair or co-chairs must also sign.
  • Scheduling: The final oral should be scheduled at a time when a majority of the committee, including the chair/co-chairs, can attend. The time and date of the oral examination must be recorded on the form.
  • For more information: Refer to the Graduate Studies Bulletin.

Contact the Graduate Admissions Coordinator to reserve a room in Hardin Hall for the defense.

Research responsibility requirements:

Final Defense of the Thesis (Option I)

The final defense of the thesis takes place during the semester in which the student intends to graduate. The final examination consists of two parts: a seminar on the thesis topic (described above) and a formal oral examination. These two parts are generally held on the same day. Thesis examinations are open to all Graduate Faculty. Active participation in the examination process (other than at the seminar) is at the discretion of the adviser and the student's advisory committee. Additional information can be found at

Masters Program Forms

The UNL Office of Graduate Studies provides the necessary forms for completing a masters program. They can be viewed at

Masters Thesis Nature and Scope

Regular discussions with your adviser will help you identify the specific objectives of your research. Narrowing your topic should be done with help from your adviser and committee members.

Memorandum of Courses - Changes


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • After the Memorandum has been filed with Graduate Studies, any changes to the Memorandum must be submitted in writing.
  • Changes may be submitted by the student's adviser in a memo/email to the Masters Specialist outlining the additions, deletions, or substitutions.
  • It may or may not be possible to change the Option.
  • Refer to the Graduate Bulletin –

Memorandum of Courses - Filing Procedure


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • The Memorandum of Courses must be submitted by the student to the Masters Specialist in the Office of Graduate Studies prior to the completion of half of the program. It is required for candidacy.
  • "Incompletes" and "no reports" count as completed courses.
  • A student may not file a Memorandum of Courses and graduate in the same semester or summer session.
  • It is the student's responsibility to obtain signatures and submit the form to Graduate Studies.
  • For more information see

Mentoring Program for Faculty


  • SNR Mentoring Program Coordinator - Robert Zink,, W504 NH CC 0338, Phone: 612-590-4215

The goal of the SNR Mentoring Program is to give new faculty tools and resources that will smooth their transition into the University and SNR while simultaneously strengthening the knowledge and engagement of experienced faculty.

My.UNL (Canvas)


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • Student Success Coordinator - Sara Winn,, 912 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-0636

My.UNL is the academic portal for the University. Instructors use this site for their classes to share relevant class information, notes, post grades, etc. To access the site follow the link Help guides and tutorials are available on the site. The University Help Desk is also available to assist with problems. They can be reached 402-472-3970.

  • Canvas is the learning management system at the University of Nebraska for teaching and learning. For more information, go to
  • After the instructor's payroll actions have been processed, the Graduate Admissions Coordinator will request the instructor be added to Canvas for the class they are teaching. Instructors are expected to become familiar with Canvas and use it to support student learning. Students are accustomed to using Canvas and often expect to use it in combination with in-class activities.
  • Instructors are encouraged to establish the Graduate Admissions Coordinator as an administrator of the course so that they may assist in posting announcements to the students.
  • Instructors are not authorized to use private websites for teaching purposes. Only Canvas, which is University sponsored, is approved for use in teaching.
  • Canvas is a useful tool to send announcements or respond to the entire class. Sometimes a student will e-mail an instructor with a question about an assignment. If an instructor believes the answer is relevant to other students, he or she can send an e-mail (through Canvas) to the entire class.
  • All course handouts, information on Canvas, or other course-related materials (whether the materials are placed on Canvas or distributed in class) must meet the professional standards of the School, College, and University.
  • Simple instructions for accessing Canvas can be found on the Information Technology Services website, User-friendly tutorials for Canvas can be found on the same website. If additional instruction is needed, the Instructional Technology Group through UNL's Information Systems offers faculty/staff training workshops on My.UNL Blackboard course management system.

My.UNL Account, Email (Outlook) Activation, and TrueYou Account (Firefly, etc.)


  • On-Boarding Services - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

After you receive your UNL ID number mentioned above, go to and follow the detailed instructions. For consistency, when creating your email account please use this format: first initial, last name, and a number. For example, John Doe could be

After you have completed the accounts above, please send a notification email with "Last name, First Name: Accounts Activated" in the subject line to There is no need to type anything in the body of the message. After we hear from you, our staff will be able to complete the remaining steps for your on-boarding processing. (E.g. for faculty, this step initiates your access to the Graduate Admissions Management and Evaluation System (GAMES).

Signature Block

Having a complete signature block at the end of emails is recommended. This will allow your email recipients to know you are a university employee and additional ways to contact you. You can generate a standard signature block at

NCard (Photo ID)


  • Office Associate - Operations - Karen Gilbert,, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197
  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • Interim HR Contact - Natural Resources Business Center - Kyle Bogus,, 237a North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-6703

Your NCard is your student ID at Nebraska. It is used for identification, access to certain buildings and labs, and educational discounts. It also offers the optional service of purchasing items on campus.

To obtain your NCard, first register for classes and then take a current photo ID and your NU ID number to the NCard Office located in Room 121 of the Nebraska Union, 14th and R Streets, City Campus. Office hours are Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is a $20 issuance fee, which will be charged to your consolidated account. You will receive an e-mail notification that your consolidated account statement is available online for you to access via MyRed. If you were a UNL undergraduate, you do not need a new NCard.

Once your NCard is issued, you will be authorized to access Hardin Hall. Student authorization is established by the Office Associate for Operations (OAO).

The NCard is the Photo Identification for University employees, students, visiting personnel. Visiting personnel and others who require an NCard for building access or library use, but are not paid by the University, will receive an Affiliate NCard, which is white in color. NCards are used for identification, door/building access, library, obtaining parking permits and/or bus passes, campus recreation center, NCard charge account and educational discounts at area businesses. For a list of discounts, go to

Once your NCard is issued, you will be authorized to access Hardin Hall. Employee authorization is established by the Office Associate for Operations (OAO).

The NCard charge account can be used as a credit card at City and East Campus food vendors (a special application is required).

If your card is lost or damaged beyond normal wear-and-tear, a replacement fee of $20 is charged. A reduced replacement fee will be charged for stolen cards if accompanied by proof of theft, such as a police report or insurance claim form.

You are encouraged to get your NCard as soon as possible as it will be needed to obtain your parking permit, etc. To learn more about the NCard or credit card option, go to


If you are an employee, your NCard application will be provided by the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) HR Generalist, after you have been entered into our payroll system (SAP). If you are a visitor (not paid by UNL), your NCard application will be provided by your supervisor or the Alumni Coordinator after you complete a volunteer-affiliate form.

Troubleshooting for Building Access Problems

The NCard is based on proximity to the card reader. Most of our card readers can read the magnetic information through a purse, wallet, or backpack. Once the card is recognized and authorization is approved, a beep will sound, the reader light will turn green, and the door will unlock. If your NCard is recognized but not authorized, the reader will beep and the door will not unlock. If your NCard is not recognized, the reader light will continue to show red. This usually means the NCard has gone bad or someone has changed your NCard authorization. For problems, alert the Alumni Coordinator. Provide the door number, date, and approximate time you attempted to use your card, and they can check the system. You can also take your card to the NCard office to have them check it. Oftentimes, the card has "gone bad" and needs to be replaced, which can only be done at the NCard Office. This is considered normal wear-and-tear and will be replaced at no cost to you. If you have not completed your degree but are not registered for classes, your NCard access may be affected. Contact the Alumni Coordinator to resolve this.

Nebraska Maps & More Store (Map and Publication Sales and Distribution)


  • Sales and Event Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550

SNR maintains a walk-in and on-line store ( where customers can purchase SNR and US Geological Survey (USGS) publications. In addition, the store is Nebraska's only USGS Earth Science Information Center (ESIC) outlet. As such, it is authorized to sell USGS products, including complete topographic map coverage of Nebraska. The walk-in store is open 8 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday, closed weekends and major holidays. The on-line store is open 24/7. Those receiving funding from SNR receive a 30% employee discount on their purchases. Items bearing the N logo already include the employee discount.


  • Retail operation for the sale and distribution of books, maps, brochures, etc. produced by SNR and others.
  • Distribution of informational material to the general public.
  • Packet preparation for outreach and workshop activities.
  • Preparation and staffing for SNR presence at outreach events such as annual meetings, workshops, festivals, etc.


  • For product prices, please visit Nebraska Maps and More.
  • For sales practices and pricing, please see the Product Information Form.

Download Product Information Form

Black and White Copying

Color Printing

  • Small lot (50 pages or less), normally completed the same day, $0.15 to $0.30 per side depending on paper size and amount of color.
  • Large lot (over 50 pages) will be outsourced to UNL Copy Center or other vendors, allow additional time for completion of your project. $0.07 to $0.50 per side.

New Employee


  • HR Contact - Lyness Mkwezalamba,, 237k North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-0833
  • Payroll Associate - Theresa Gansemer,, 237i North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-7773

New Employee Payroll Form

Use this form to supply relevant information to appoint an hourly employee.

Download New Employee Payroll Form

New Employee Orientation

Within the first month of employment, all new regular employees are to attend New Employee Orientation (see schedule below) offered by Human Resources. The program gives an overview of UNL, its functions, policies, and benefits. Time used to attend New Employee Orientation is considered hours worked. If you are submitting a time sheet, these hours are to be recorded as "regular" work hours. New Faculty will be invited to attend a New Faculty Orientation scheduled for the Wednesday before Fall classes start.

Additional information about New Employee Orientation, including the schedule of orientation sessions is available at

Nondiscrimination Policy

The School of Natural Resources adheres to UNL's policy regarding non-discrimination. The policy can be found at

Notary Service


Notaries in Hardin Hall.

Office Hours for Teaching Faculty


  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

All teaching faculty are required to set and keep office hours or to otherwise be accessible/responsive to students. If hours are established, they must be provided to the Office Associate for Student Services who will make it available to others. Teaching faculty are expected to respond to student inquiries within 48 hours of receiving them.

Office Supplies


  • Office Associate for Operations - Lisa Greif,, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679

As a student you are expected to provide your own basic office supplies to function in the student capacity. If you are in need of specific office supplies related to your work or research or as part of an assistantship, work with your adviser to determine if funds are available for the purchase. If it is determined that supplies can be purchased an order must be placed with Office Depot. You will need to provide the item number, description, and a cost object as you complete the Order Form (see below) and submit it to the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) Office Depot Order Coordinator.

The General SNR Supply List shows the general office supplies that are available to employees in 121 South Hardin Hall (HarH 121).

A limited supply of select items is maintained. Additional supplies can be ordered through Office Depot at discount prices under the University contract. To order supplies through Office Depot that are not on the below list or are a large quantity, you will need to provide the item number, description, and a cost object as you complete the Order Form and submit it to the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) Office Depot Order Coordinator.

Download Order Form

Opening Shared Outlook Mailboxes


  • IT Support - Huskertech Help Center,, 17.5 (Basement) FOOD EC 0988, Phone: 402-472-3970

Multiple Outlook mailboxes can be accessed in a single applications if the mailboxes are set up to display in the application. The follow are instructions of how to set the display in each platform.

Shared mailbox Outlook Navigation

Overhead Return Policy (Distribution of Indirect Cost Return)

Facilities and Administrative costs (F&A) are collected from funding agencies on allowable expenses on grants/contracts through the Office of Sponsored Programs Post-Award Administration. The billing schedule for each grant/contract is been pre-determined by the award documentation. Based on the billing schedule, there can be several months' delay between when the expenses were incurred and when the billing occurs. This will then have a direct correlation when the indirect reimbursement is received. The allocation is made based on F&A received and posted to the cost object during the previous fiscal year (July 1 through June 30.)

After the close of the state's fiscal year, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (VCR) provides detailed data regarding F&A collected on each grant/contract. F&A may be moved from one college to another based on either (1) the "% F&A" column of the NUGrant proposal routing form or (2) any agreement on file in the VCR's office (agreements overwrite routing forms).

More information can be found at:

Of the total F&A funds collected, UNL retains $700,000 for the university's general operating budget. Of the remaining, 20.5% is held for Library Support, Research & Infrastructure Fund. Of the remaining, the VCR's office retains one-third to reimburse the university's costs associated with research, one-third is held by the chancellor and the vice chancellor for research and economic development for each of their strategic initiatives; and one-third to each College/Division.

Of the one-third that is returned to IANR, one-third is held at the applicable division level and the remaining two-thirds is returned to each department. Each College/Division has their own philosophy for how overhead is returned. SNR returns 60% to faculty and retains 40% for the unit. Under special circumstances different splits can be established.

Example: Professor X is the only PI on a $100,000 grant earning full ARD F&A (45.5%). If the grant funding was total expended during the fiscal year and all F&A was collected during the fiscal year, the grant would have generated $45,500 in F&A. A portion of that will be retained for the $700,000. However, for sake of this calculation, it will be assumed that we have $45,500 to work with. Of that amount, 20.5% ($9,225) is retained for infrastructure. Of the remaining $35,755, 1/3 ($11,925) will be held by the VCR; 1/3 ($11,925) will be held for strategic initiatives; 1/3 ($11,925) will be returned to the college/IANR. IANR then withholds 1/3 ($3.975) and returns 2/3 to the department/unit ($7,950). Of that, 60% ($4,770) is returned to the PI(s) and 40% ($3,180) is held by SNR.

Related websites:



  • Event Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • Office Associate for Sales - Lisa Greif,, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679

On Campus Parking

There is no free parking on campus. All University of Nebraska-Lincoln parking facilities, except metered areas and time-controlled zones, require a valid University of Nebraska parking permit, at all times. If you will have a car, purchase your parking permit from Parking and Transit Services online or in person in the Stadium Drive Parking Garage. Parking permits are available annually, by semester or a variety of other terms. A map of available parking lots can be at accessed at

Parking and Transit Services can issue temporary handicap parking permits. The Equity, Access, and Diversity Program can assist you with longer term special parking needs. Contact them directly, Equity, Access, and Diversity Programs to setup an accommodation.

If you are driving a rental car or other vehicle be sure to register that vehicle with Parking and Transit Services.

A free bus pass (valid for both campus and city bus systems) is also available for all registered students. A free bus pass is also available to faculty and staff who pay for campus parking passes.

Service and Delivery Permits

Service Delivery Permits are available for occasional use by faculty, staff, and students for business purposes only. The Service Delivery Permits are valid in the following University parking areas only if placed in a vehicle with a valid University of Nebraska - Lincoln parking permit (other than "P" permits): City and East Campus Area A, any Service and Delivery spaces and spaces marked for the use of our department. Check out Service Delivery Permits at the Nebraska Maps & More Store.

Off Campus Parking

Street parking available on the streets surrounding East Campus. When parking in the neighborhoods be courteous to those in the neighborhood. Watch for snow emergency information following snow storms.


Remember to register your bicycle, if you plan to bike to campus. Secure bikes only on bike racks.


Guests/Visitors are unaffiliated persons (not faculty, staff, student or volunteer of NU) who may occasionally visit campus. In some instances these persons can park in a Guest/Visitor parking spot or an unmarked spot and come to the Nebraska Maps & More Store to get a permit. Occasional Parking Permits can be purchased at the Nebraska Maps & More Store for your guest/visitors who do not qualify for a complimentary permit, they are $4.00 per day.

Guest/Visitor Permits are available to unaffiliated persons in the following situations:

  • Prospective Students visiting to learn about our program, campus or college.
  • Drop-in Visitor to faculty or staff for outreach or educational purposes. Does not include Media drop-in or scheduled visits.
  • Job candidate visiting for an interview.
  • Speakers/Lecturers/Presenters for academic courses (in the academic catalog that students register for and are not also open to the general public as a Public Seminar).


When hosting a meeting or event you must request Conference Permits in advance. They are available for $7.00 each from UNL Parking & Transit Services. See the Sales & Event Manager for assistance with Conference Permit orders.

Parking permits from UNK, UNO, and UNMC may be used on the UNL Campus. However, any University of Nebraska faculty, staff, and students who are primarily assigned to the UNL campus must purchase a permit from UNL's Parking & Transit Services Office and may not use permits from other campuses.

State of Nebraska vehicles do not need parking permits to park on campus and may park in any unmarked or non-metered spaces. Government vehicles (except State of Nebraska vehicles) require Departmental Guest Permits to park on campus or may park and pay in a metered space.

For additional information see the Parking & Transit Services website.

East Campus Weekend Parking

All University of Nebraska-Lincoln parking facilities, except metered areas and time-controlled zones, require a valid University of Nebraska parking permit, at all times, including weekends.

East Campus departments can submit a Weekend Parking Log for weekend events, submit to Andrew Lowe in the Vice Chancellor's office to request complimentary weekend parking for events, submit at least 10 days before a scheduled event. The Vice Chancellor's office will provide that information to the Special Events staff in Parking and Transit Services. If the event is within 10 days, the department is still required to complete/submit the log form. If the special event on the UNL East Campus requires more than parking space (i.e., parking attendants, reserved parking or covered meters), the unit hosting the event will be responsible for paying the additional costs.

If SNR Event Planning staff is working with you on an event, they will complete/submit the log for you. If you are not working through SNR Event Planning staff, you are responsible for completing and submitting the form.

Download Weekend Parking Log

Permanent Personnel Records

The permanent personnel records for SNR staff are maintained in the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC); academic personnel records for faculty, post doctoral research associates, emeritus, adjunct, and courtesy faculty are maintained in the Director's Office. Employees are allowed to look at their personnel file when an appointment is scheduled to do this. Employees are not allowed to remove any documents, but may have a copy upon request. Employees are allowed to add documents to their personnel file by submitting a copy to the NRBC (for staff files) or the Director's office (for academic files) with a note asking for the document to be added to his/her personnel file.

Policy on Incomplete Course Grades and Research/Thesis/Dissertation Hours

Course Grades

Students taking graduate courses should check with their instructor on what their responsibilities are to remove an incomplete. Normally there is no time limit for graduate students to remove an incomplete. However, the instructor does have the option of determining the requirements for completing the course and requisite date for removal of incompletes. It is helpful to have these requirements in writing to ensure there is no miscommunication between the instructor and student.

Additional information about incompletes may be found at

Research/Thesis/Dissertation Hours Grades

Incomplete grades for research, thesis or dissertation hours are no longer assigned. A letter grade may be assigned OR, in lieu of an 'I' (Incomplete), one of the following may be assigned:

  1. IP: (In progress) indicates satisfactory work in progress (i.e., student is making progress or effort as determined by the faculty supervisor). The "IP" would stand until the final examination, at which time a grade of "P" or a letter grade for all dissertation hours is submitted to the Registrar.
  2. XP: (No progress) indicates students are not making adequate progress on their thesis or dissertation work. Consecute "XP" (as determined by the graduate program committee) may result in the graduate committee taking action to inform the student and Graduate Studies regarding continuation of the student's graduate study.

Note that on the final transcript, the "IP" and "XP" grades will count towards attempted hours but for Financial Aid purposes, they will count differently. Both grades will convert to an "I" on the official record if not graded as P (Pass) or with a letter grade. Because the "XP" grade will not be used in calculating the GPA, no direct academic sanction, such as academic dismissal from the University, will be imposed for earning one or more "XP" grades.

Note: if an XP for graduate research, thesis or dissertation hours is earned, please visit with your advisor about completing a course syllabus listing expectation and goals for the upcoming semester (see Rights and Responsibilities/Probation and Termination).

Position Description

Each new employee will be provided with a copy of his/her job description by their supervisor or the director's office. They are encouraged to read it carefully. This document will serve as the basis for their performance evaluation. If an employee is unclear about their duties, they are to visit with their supervisor to make sure they clearly understand all aspects of the position description and the supervisor's expectations. Any questions regarding your job description, duties, training needs, problems on the job, whether you are to come in on snow days, etc., are to be directed to your supervisor or the Director's office. Any questions regarding payroll matters, i.e., paychecks, direct deposits, monthly or biweekly status, insurance, vacation/sick leave balances and time sheets, are to be directed to the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC).

Poster Presentation Template Example - Morrison


  • Printing Coordinator - Sidney Parks,, 229 South HARH EC 0982, Phone: 402-413-6216

Poster presentation format has be mired in the same old format for eons. Mike Morrison suggests a new type of format with benefits both the presenter and the viewer.

The design consists of three main areas

  • Bold large main points allow viewers to get to the meat of the research quickly and move on to the next poster.
  • A sidebar with more detailed discussion/graphics allows the viewer to dig in deeper to the posters theme if the author is not present or engaged with another viewer.
  • Another sidebar is a detailed area for the presenter to keep track of key points or items they want to use in their interaction with a viewer.

Morrison Research Poster Format PowerPoint Template

Morrison Research Poster Format PowerPoint Template (Vertical)

You can access an UNL/SNR branded version of this at

  • SharePoint - Logos and Presentation.
  • Local folder (Windows - W:\Logos and Presentations\Poster_template\Poster_template.potx) or (Mac - //snr-fileserver/G1$/Logo and Presentations/Poster_template/Poster_template.potx)
Sample Poster Template

Mike Morrison is actually investigating how well this design works and is interested in your comments. Download his original design at or contact him at Mike.A.Morrrison

Poster Presentation Template Example - Pixel Lab


  • Printing Coordinator - Sidney Parks,, 229 South HARH EC 0982, Phone: 402-413-6216

Getting Started

Your poster will be created on one slide in a PowerPoint file.

The Pixel Lab needs a file that’s set to your custom page size for proper printing. Therefore, the very first thing you should do is make sure your slide size is the size you want your poster to be printed.

This poster is 48 inches x 36 inches. If your poster needs to be a different size either download one of the other templates or change this file’s document size.

Design Tips

To prevent cropping when printing, be sure there is nothing important, such as text, within 1" of the edges of the poster.

The colors that you see on your computer monitor will not reproduce exactly the same on a printed poster, as monitor color settings vary. Inform us of any important colors.

Download the template to get the complete set of design tips and development process.


Pixel Lab Research Poster PowerPoint Template

You can access an UNL/SNR branded version of this at

  • SharePoint - Logos and Presentation.
  • Local folder (Windows - W:\Logos and Presentations\PowerPoint_Poster_template\Poster_template.potx) or (Mac - //snr-fileserver/G1$/Logo and Presentations/PowerPoint_Poster_template/Poster_template.potx)
Sample Poster Presentation Template - Pixel Pal

Poultry Barn Storage Area


  • Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

The Poultry Building H & I is a storage facility for several groups within SNR. The building is located to the east of Warehouse 1 off of the East Campus Loop. FloorPlan as of 11/1/2014.

Location of the Poultry Barn Storage

PowerPoint Template


  • Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

PowerPoint Templates with UNL/SNR branding can be found

Five different versions are currently available.

Sample PowerPoint Template

Printing Research Posters


  • Printing Coordinator - Sidney Parks,, 229 South HARH EC 0982, Phone: 402-413-6216

SNR offers local printing, and presenting a research poster.

Two different examples of research posters and downloadble templates:

Logos and Presentation templates are available in a SharePoint library.

Printing Services


  • Printing Coordinator - Sidney Parks,, 229 South HARH EC 0982, Phone: 402-413-6216

Printing services are limited to the School of Natural Resources community and related classes.

Rush orders that are beyond the current capacity from the School may be printed through the Pixel Lab on City Campus

Printing Schedule

Document(s) are needed at least three days before final print is needed.

  • Tuesdays: 1 pm - 5 pm
  • Wednesdays: 1 pm - 3 pm
  • Fridays: 1 pm - 5 pm

Design Schedule

Content creation outline is needed at least one week before print is needed.

Content Creation Outline:

  • Dimensions
  • Title
  • Imagery
  • Graphics
  • Abstract
  • Test/Copy
  • Any examples of finished products

A proof will be sent for approval. Approval must be given within 48 hrs to ensure print deadline is met.

Printing Information Needed

  • Name
  • Cost Object
  • Dimensions
  • Quantity
  • Paper Type
    • Large Format Plotter
      • Matte / Plain
      • Glossy
    • Letter - 8.5" x 11"
      • 24 lb
      • 28 lb
      • Cardstock
    • Tabloid - 11" x 17"
  • Date Needed
  • Lamination Needed
  • Posterboard
    • Mounted
    • Clipped
  • Easels Needed
  • Other Specifics


  • Hourly rate - $20/hour
  • Large format plotting
    • Plain, coated paper – $1.00/foot
    • Glossy paper – $2.00/foot
  • Laser Prints
    • 8.5" X 11" B/W - $0.04/page
    • 8.5" X 11" Color laser prints – $0.25/page
    • 11" X 17" B/W or Color - $0.50/page
  • Lamination
    • Glossy – $ 0.50/foot
    • Glossy Large format – $ 1.50/foot
  • Foam board
    • 40" X 60" (no adhesive) - $3.00/each
    • 24" x 36" (adhesive) – $8.50/each
    • 36" x 48" (adhesive) – $18.00/each
    • 48" x 72" (adhesive) – $22.00/each
  • Mylar - $2.00/foot
  • Tube - $2.00/each

Public Image Policy

To assist the School in achieving its vision of international recognition, a Public Image/Branding Policy has been implemented. All employees and students are asked to follow it whenever possible.


All publications and electronic and hard copy communication shall adhere to the University's branding efforts. SNR employees shall utilize University-approved logos in hard copy and electronic communication and will maintain a positive public image in their communications.

Any SNR employees or students using UNL-supported e-mail (Huskers, Outlook/Office 365) shall refrain from expressing personal opinions through the inclusion of quotes, jokes or other statements added to their signature block.

Procedures include consistent use of email signature block, letterhead, PowerPoint templates, and maintaining current information on the SNR website.

Faculty/staff using Outlook/Office 365 shall select letterhead within policy allowance.

Faculty/staff email signature block is to include:
First Name Last Name, Title
(optional:) Center or program area, i.e., Nebraska Maps & More, Conservation & Survey Division, High Plains Regional Climate Center, Tern & Plover Conservation Partnership
School of Natural Resources
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Room # Building
Street Address (Hardin Hall is at 3310 Holdrege Street)
Lincoln, NE 68583-0989 USA
(intentional blank line to distinguish address)
phone: 402-472-XXXX
(optional) phone: 402-472-3471 (SNR main phone)
(optional) fax: 402-472-2946
Optional: individual website, center website, work-group website, other (must be work-related)
SNR web site:
Optional: UNL-related website

Sample Signature Block

Jane Doe, Office Associate
School of Natural Resources
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
101 Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln, NE 68583-0961 USA

phone: 402-472-5555
fax: 402-472-5555
SNR web site:



  • Finance Associate - Olivia Boender,, 237f North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-8726
  • Events Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550

HyVee Food Purchase Authorization Form

Complete this form to check out the HyVee Food Purchasing card. This card can be used to purchase food for University sponsored events. It may not be used for the in store cafe. Food purchases may only be at the HyVee store located at 1601 North 84th Street (84th and Holdrege), Lincoln, NE (402) 467-5505.

Download HyVee Purchase Authorization Form

Non-Competitive Purchase Justification

This form must be completed by the requesting department for all single and sole source purchases. Purchases less than $25,000 can be approved by the Department. Purchases greater than $25,000 must be submitted to UNL Procurement Services for approval.

Non-Competitive Purchase Justification

General Order Form

Complete this form and submit it to the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) to order supplies or services.

Download Order Form

Procurement Card Transaction Voucher

Complete this form and submit it along with the original receipt to the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) for any UNL Purchasing Card transaction. An EXCEL version of the file can be downloaded here.

Download Procurement Card Transaction Voucher

Recording Studio in Hardin Hall


  • Room Reservation Questions - Karen Gilbert,, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197
  • Studio Use Questions - Iris McFarlin,, 308 South HARH EC 0973, Phone: 402-416-9132
  • Studio Use Questions - Grant Reiner,, 234 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-215-5648

The SNR Recording Studio is located in 238 South Hardin Hall. This is a professional quality audio recording studio that can be used for podcasting, voice-overs, pre-recording presentations, or any other audio needs. The studio is equipped with four microphones, a Mac Mini, and a TV screen with webcam.

The room can be reserved online through the UNL Events Management System at All in the UNL community can sign up to use the space, however, if you are not part of the SNR Community and assigned space in Hardin Hall, please send an email to Karen Gilbert with your NU ID so she can activate your admittance to the building and room on day(s) you plan on using the facility.

Download a Quick Start Guide (Updated 10/3/2023)

Using the Room Reservation System

Recruiting - Undergraduate Students


  • Recruitment Specialist - Bridget Gross,, 102b South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-8195
  • Student Success Coach - Kenneth Pyle,, 102a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7471


  • Coordinate recruitment activities in cooperation with campus partners.
  • Facilitate the Student Ambassador Team activities and training.
  • Liaison with community members, alumni, extension educators, and educational partners to enhance recruitment efforts.
  • Direct SNR's recruitment activities; identify venues, people to represent the majors, and talking points.
  • Contact prospective students on behalf of the majors.
  • Organize SNR's participation in on- and off-campus recruiting events.
  • Develop publicity and marketing materials for the School and its majors.
  • Develop and distribute recruitment material to prospective students.

Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs


  • Coordinator - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

Recruitment and Retention Coordinator is available to answer student questions pertaining to academic procedures related to degree programs.

Registering for Classes


  • Student Success Coordinator - Sara Winn,, 912 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-0636

Discuss with your adviser which classes to enroll in.

You must register for classes using MyRed. Consult the Graduate Bulletin for course descriptions and the Schedule of Classes for course times and locations. You must register for at least one class before you can get an Ncard.

Research Projects


  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

All faculty whose position is funded 0.25 FTE or greater by Agricultural Research Division (ARD) state funds are required to maintain an active ARD Hatch Project. Faculty whose ARD appointment is less than 0.25 FTE are encouraged to participate on a colleague's project.

The ARD project can cover a period of up to five years. It provides greater detail on the type of research a faculty member is conducting and is considered an extension of the job description. ARD projects can be State, Hatch, Multistate, McIntire Stennis, or Animal Health.

Information about ARD projects can be found at

Responsibilities of the Advisee

The School of Natural Resources encourages all students to do the following:

  • Devote an appropriate amount of time and energy toward achieving academic excellence and earning the advanced degree.
  • Be aware of time constraints and other demands imposed on faculty members and program staff.
  • Take the initiative in asking questions that promote understanding of the academic subjects and advances in the field.
  • Communicate regularly with faculty advisers, especially in matters related to research and progress within the graduate program.

For additional information see

Responsibilities of Thesis/Dissertation Advisor


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355

The School of Natural Resources encourages all graduate student advisors to do the following:

  • Provide a clear map of the requirements each student must meet, including course work, languages, research tools, examinations, and thesis or dissertation, and delineating the amount of time expected to complete each step.
    • Meet with masters student to complete Memorandum of Courses (MOC) after the student's first semester and prior to the student completing their 15th credit hour. Student's cannot submit their MOC and graduate in the same semester.
    • Meet with PhD student to complete Program of Studies (POS) when 45 hours need to be completed. These hours must exclude coursework on research tools, language requirements, or collateral courses. The completed POS form must be submitted in the same term (semester or summer) as approval of the Supervisory Committee.
  • Annually evaluate student progress and provide report to SNR Graduate Admissions Coordinator.
  • After a student receives their first XP for graduate research, thesis, or dissertation hours, the student's advisor must complete a "course" syllabus (see template) in which the advisor (in consultation with the student and his/her supervisory committee) lists the expectations and goals for the student for the upcoming semester (i.e., the semester following the one in which the student received the XP). The course syllabus is to be submitted to the SNR Graduate Committee by the 6th week of class. If the student earns a second XP in a row, a termination of the program or change in advisor may be requested by the SNR Graduate Chair. If necessary, the SNR Graduate Chair subsequently sends a letter to the Dean of Graduate Studies recommending termination of the student's program (note: the department can only recommend dismissal). The Dean will review the recommendation and, if approved, will dismiss the student from the program (
  • Meet with students weekly (at minimum) to:
    • Help students develop interpretive, writing, oral, and quantitative skills, in accordance with the expectations of the discipline.
    • Assist graduate students in the development of grant writing skills, where appropriate.
    • Take reasonable measures to ensure that graduate students who initiate thesis or dissertation research/creative activity do so in a timely fashion, regardless of the overall demands of the laboratory/studio.
    • When appropriate, encourage graduate students to participate in professional meetings or display their work in public forums and exhibitions.
    • Stimulate in each graduate student an appreciation of teaching, and promote the acquisition of teaching skills where appropriate.
    • Create an ethos of collegiality so that learning takes place within a community of scholars.
    • Prepare students to be competitive for employment which includes portraying a realistic view of the field and the job market and making use of professional contacts for the benefit of their students, as appropriate.
    • Create an environment of the highest ethical standards and insist that the student behave ethically in all their professional activities.

For additional information see

Safety Information


  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

Check out the building information posted in the lobby to see evacuation procedures and where to go in the event of a tornado.

Refer also to the SNR safety plan at

Scheduling Conference Rooms, Classrooms, and Other Resources


  • Event Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • SNR Webmaster - A/V Computer Wallpaper - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904
  • Office Associate Operations - Karen Gilbert,, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197

If you need to make use of a Hardin Hall conference room or resources that are available for check out, contact the Sales and Event Manager. If you need to use a classroom, contact the Recruitment and Retention Coordinator to make arrangements.

SNR room and resource reservations are available through the Outlook/Office 365 calendar. Availability of rooms/resources can be checked as well. Contact the Office Associate Operations to schedule after hours door access and air handling, 24 hours advance notice is required.

Reservations for Classrooms, Teaching Labs, and the Auditorium require approval from the SNR Resources approvers. You will be notified if/when your request is approved or rejected, usually within 24 working hours. Reservations for uncontrolled rooms will be system approved upon entry if the space is available. Jacki Loomis is the primary approver for conference rooms and resources. Brooke Mott is the primary approver for classrooms.

The table below shows the rooms available for reservation and their features.

Hardin Hall Conference Room Seating Capacity A/V Features Phone Line
107 South 128 main floor with tables, 242 balcony Networked computer, overhead projector, laser pointer, lavalier microphone, hand-held microphone, Zoom None
202 South 10 Networked computer, overhead projector, Skype, Zoom 402-472-7571
207 South 20 Networked computer, overhead projector, Skype, Zoom 402-472-6664
209 South 16 Networked computer, overhead projector, Skype, Zoom 402-472-8724
228 South 36 Networked computer, overhead projector, Skype, Zoom None
901 South 40 Networked computer, overhead projector, Skype, Zoom 402-472-6730
915 South 6 None None
919 South 1 None, designated Lactation Room None

NOTE: The following rooms must be reserved through the personnel listed or approval will be sought from them:

Room Personnel to contact about a reservation
023 South Recruitment and Retention Coordinator
024 South Recruitment and Retention Coordinator
141 North Recruitment and Retention Coordinator
142 North Recruitment and Retention Coordinator
162 North Recruitment and Retention Coordinator
163 North Recruitment and Retention Coordinator

All computers in classrooms, conference rooms and the auditorium are networked. When logging onto those machines, the same drives are accessible as on their office computer. Audio/Visual and computer wallpaper can display SNR related activity pictures and information. Please contact the SNR Webmaster to submit information/images to post.

Other Resources

Below is a list of items that can be reserved in Outlook Calendar. Most are available for pick-up at the main desk in Nebraska Maps & More.

  • HARH Camcorder Sony Digital Handycam DCR-TRV350
  • HARH Coffee- West Bend Thirty-Cup Coffee Maker
  • HARH Conference Phone- Polycom Model 2W
  • HARH Dell Latitude E6530
  • HARH Dell XPS 13
  • HARH Geode 10cm GNSS System Set #1
  • HARH Geode 10cm GNSS System Set #2
  • HARH GPS Antenna 1
  • HARH GPS Antenna 2
  • HARH GPS Antenna 3
  • HARH GPS Antenna 4
  • HARH GPS Antenna 5
  • HARH GPS Charger 1
  • HARH GPS Charger 2
  • HARH GPS Set #1 Garmin Oregon 600 (20)
  • HARH GPS Set #2 Garmin Oregon 600 (10)
  • HARH GPS Set #3 Garmin Oregon 600 (5)
  • HARH GPS Set #4 Garmin Oregon 600 (5)
  • HARH GPS Trimble GeoExplorer 7X-1
  • HARH GPS Trimble GeoExplorer 7X-2
  • HARH GPS Trimble GeoExplorer 7X-3
  • HARH GPS Trimble GeoExplorer 7X-4
  • HARH GPS Unit #201 Garmin Oregon 600
  • HARH GPS Unit #202 Garmin Oregon 600
  • HARH GPS Unit #203 Garmin Oregon 600
  • HARH GPS Unit #204 Garmin Oregon 600
  • HARH GPS Unit #205 Garmin Oregon 600
  • HARH GPS Unit #206 Garmin Oregon 600
  • HARH GPS Unit #207 Garmin Oregon 600
  • HARH GPS Unit #208 Garmin Oregon 600
  • HARH GPS Unit #209 Garmin Oregon 600
  • HARH GPS Unit #210 Garmin Oregon 600
  • HARH HARH Camcorder Sony Digital Handyman HDR-CX330
  • HARH Headphones Logitech Set 1
  • HARH Kestrel Single 300
  • HARH Kestrel Single 301
  • HARH Kestrel Single 302
  • HARH Kestrel Single 303
  • HARH Kestrel Units Set of 12
  • HARH LaserPointer -1
  • HARH LaserPointer -2
  • HARH Microphone Cyber Acoustics
  • HARH Picnic Tables Set-1
  • HARH Picnic Tables Set-2
  • HARH Portable Digital Display
  • HARH Portable Digital Display 2 65” Screen
  • HARH Poster Display Panels-1 (set of 9)
  • HARH Poster Display Panels-2 (set of 3)
  • HARH Poster Display Panels-3 (set of 3)
  • HARH Poster Display Panels-4 (set of 3)
  • HARH Projector#1 Infocus P640
  • HARH Projector#2 Epson EMP82
  • HARH Punch Bowl

Separating Employees


  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

SNR has an internal process for assisting departing employees with their transition. It includes, but is not limited to providing a checklist, instructions on key turn-in, NCard procedures, and assistance archiving/redistributing existing materials. Information about separating employees is to be sent to "SNR Hires and Separations" in the Outlook address book. You can also work with the Alumni Coordinator to make sure everything is taken care of.

SNR Administration Style Requirements


  • Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

To maintain consistency across written products, the preferred writing style guide for SNR Administration is the Associate Press Stylebook. Please see the official UNL style manual for additional assistance. Examples of written products are announcements, news stories, press releases, fact sheets, brochures, social media posts.

SNR Graduate Student Ombudsperson

Robert Zink has been appointed as the SNR Graduate Student Ombudsperson.

Contact Information:
Cell Phone: 612-590-4215
Office Address: W504 NH, CC 0338


The SNR Graduate Student Ombudsperson is a resource for graduate students who have academic advisers with an SNR appointment or who are receiving financial support with supervision from SNR faculty. The SNR Ombudsperson will serve as a resource for SNR graduate students by operating as a facilitator, assisting in explaining procedures and advising graduate students in complaints and conflict situations.

The position is not to be a resource for SNR undergraduate students.

The ombudsperson will meet at least twice a year (early in the fall and spring academic semesters) with SNR graduate students to explain the position and its functions.

The Ombudsperson will listen in an unbiased manner to the concerns of graduate students, clarify procedures, discuss options and when required or requested act as an intermediary or as an advocate for the graduate student.

The Ombudsperson will work to ensure fair processes for the graduate student and promote the SNR commitment to excellence in graduate education. In assisting the graduate student the Ombudsperson will use confidentiality, neutrality, independence and flexibility and will place emphasis on non-adversarial problem-solving options such as mediation, rather than formal, rights-based options.

Robert Zink, SNR Graduate Student Ombudsperson
Robert Zink, SNR Graduate Student Ombudsperson


If there are issues between an SNR graduate student (advisee) and their adviser, the following five-step process should be followed to resolve such issues. NOTE: An SNR graduate student is defined as having an academic adviser faculty with an SNR appointment or receiving financial support with supervision from SNR faculty.

Any SNR graduate student may meet with that Ombudsperson before or after any of the steps in the following process.

The graduate student and the Ombudsperson (when involved) should document each step undertaken in the process.

  1. The advisee should speak with the adviser about the issue. The advisee may request the Ombudsperson to be present at such a meeting
  2. If there is no resolution in step 1, the advisee should meet other members of the advise's supervisory committee. The advisee may request the Ombudsperson to be present at such a meeting.
  3. If there is still no resolution after steps 1 and 2, the advisee should schedule a meeting with the SNR Graduate Committee. That meeting will include: the advisee, the adviser, available SNR Graduate Committee members and Ombudsperson. The Committee will recommend ways in which the advisee and adviser can work together to resolve the issue. Such recommendations may include proceeding to step 4.
  4. If the outcome of that meeting and recommendations do not satisfactorily resolve the issue, the advisee and adviser will be required to meet with the Ombudsperson to attempt to resolve the issue.
  5. If the outcomes of steps 1 through 4 do not resolve the issue, the advisee and adviser will meet with the SNR Director for final resolution of the issue. The Director will consult the Ombudsperson in making a final resolution.

The Ombudsperson will report to the SNR Director on all meetings with SNR graduate students. These reports will be confidential regarding the identity of the graduate student and affected faculty adviser if related to Steps 1 and 2 of the above process. If the process reaches Steps 3, 4 or 5, confidentially would not be possible and the affected graduate student and faculty adviser would be so advised before proceeding to those steps.

The Ombudsperson would make periodic reports to the SNR faculty on meetings with graduate students that maintain the confidentiality of the graduate student and affected faculty.

Personnel Qualification

The position of the Ombudsperson should be filled by a faculty member from SNR or another UNL unit upon recommendation of the SNR graduate committee and approval of the SNR director. The person ideally should have teaching, advising and graduate student supervisory experience (teaching or research) prior to attaining emeriti status. The person would serve a two-year term with the potential to be reappointed once.

SNR IT Policy

SNR IT Support must adhere to UN Security Standard outlined here:

Shared resources access request

  1. All access requests must be made by the owners to SNR Computer Specialist.
  2. Only SNR System Admin will approve the requests
  3. Access will be removed when the user leaves and/or is transferred from SNR.

Shared Common Drive Protocol

  • All files and folders on the Z drive are erased at 1 am Sunday morning every week through an automated process.
  • The Z drive is an unsecure location; it is not backed up and files can be deleted by any user at any time.

Computer Purchase

SNR requires that all computer purchases be made through ITS Support personnel.

  1. Computers will be chosen from a few select makes and models. SNR IT will work with the users to buy the right equipment for their needs while staying within budget.

SNR Managers


  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

The SNR Managers oversee support services in the areas of administrative support, office/clerical support, cartography and graphics, communication, publication development, database development and maintenance, event planning, field and drilling services, GIS and remote sensing, recruitment, safety, sales and distribution, teaching assistance, employee training, and web development.

Customer Service Philosophy

Provide the highest quality of services to the administration, faculty and staff of the School of Natural Resources. Our primary customers are our faculty and staff. Our primary purpose is to assist them in meeting their needs and to focus on continuous improvement to find better ways to accomplish department goals. Recognize and understand problems and opportunities; find solutions and alternatives for responding to them. Create an encompassing network for communication and feedback.

Name Area Office Info
TBD Employee Hires and Separations 909 HarH, EC 0981
Jeremy Hiller Lab Safety 410 HarH, EC 0974
TBD GIS/Cartography 229f HarH, EC 0982
Jacki Loomis Sales, Event Planning, Clerical Support 121a HarH, EC 0961
Gregg Hutchison Computing/Networking 226 HarH, EC 0982
Matt Marxsen Drilling & Field Services 103 Survey Annex, EC
Mark Mesarch SNR Web/Database 913 HarH, EC 0989
Christine Steggs Policies, Procedures, Safety, Space 908 HarH, EC 0989
Sara Winn Student Services 102d HarH, EC 0981

SNR SharePoint Architecture


  • SNR Admin - Sarah Thorell,, 909 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-9873
  • SharePoint contact - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904
  • SNR Admin - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120
Sharepoint architechure

UNL-SNR: all the people that can be in SNR based on SAP positions

UNL-SNR-Office: All the people from UNL-SNR

  • CANNOT break inheritance

UNL-SNR-Admin: Select group of people decided by SNR Administration

UNL-SNR-Academics: Select group of faculty and staff

  • Standing Committees

UNL-SNR Admin [root folder]: For things that hav people outside the overall SNR groups

  • Committee - Safety and Facility Committee
  • Can share will people outside of the SNR group…they will only see folders at this level and child folders of it.
  • CAN break inheritance

UNL-SNR Admin - Admin For things that only the SNR Admin Team need

  • 3. These folders can show up in the UNL-SNR Admin Teams site under Files tab

Social Committee Funds


  • Social Committee Chair - Larkin Powell,, 903 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8368


  • All SNR faculty and staff are encouraged to contribute to this fund. Donations to the Social Fund, will be collected annually in September/October. Suggested amount of contribution for staff is ($5) and faculty is ($10). This is a cash fund. Donations go to the staff at Nebraska Maps and More.
  • Faculty and Staff, wanting recognition of an occasion, must notify the SNR Administrative Office or Social Committee of any activity that would warrant the use of social funds.


  • An "employee" is someone employed by UNL for more than 6 months or 20 hours per week and receiving UNL benefits (i.e.: vacation, sick leave, etc.) This does not included temp employees due to the complexity of the definition.
  • "Immediate Family" includes spouse/significant other, child, and step-child.
  • "Extended Family" is defined as the above as well as parent or step-parent, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, and "in-laws" of any of the above-mentioned immediate family. (Taken from official UNL policy statement.)
  • Administration
  • The fund will be collected and administered by the SNR Director’s office annually during September/October. Annual reports of income and disbursements from the fund will be made available upon request.


  • All cards are signed "On Behalf of SNR Faculty and Staff"
  • Birth: Card only to employees and their spouse/significant other.
  • Wedding: Card to SNR employee only.
  • Death: Plant/Flowers and/or memorial ($30-$35) upon death of SNR employee or immediate family member. Card only to SNR employee for death of someone in extended family. (Individual memorial fund collections can be taken separately from SNR gift.)
  • Hospitalization due to Illness or Injury/Trauma: Card to SNR employee and/or immediate family member of SNR employee for major hospitalization.
  • Retirement: The Social Fund may cover the cost of a reception if requested by supervisor and employee. One retirement event will be scheduled on a monthly basis (when applicable) and would be held for all employees retiring near that date (should they desire). Choices for refreshments will be available through the Social Committee. Amount allowed for retirement reception: $100.
  • Individual groups are not to be discouraged from arranging a small interdepartmental function if desired, but Social Funds and materials will not be used in this regard.
  • NOTE: All retirement receptions will be held in Hardin Hall. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to plan the event with assistance from the Social Committee.


  • The Social Fund provides the following: plates, napkins, coffee, filters, cups, utensils, etc. for SNR social functions only. Supplies are not allowed for SNR meetings, outside agency meetings, etc. Social Fund supplies will be kept under lock and key.
  • Funds may be used to help defray the cost of the annual dinner or some other special event. Determined by the Social Committee and Director's choice.)
  • All functions must be requested with at least two weeks notice for assistance from the SNR Social Committee/Social Funds.

Social Media


  • Contact - Lisa Greif,, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679
  • Contact - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550

SNR has a social media presence at

Submit original images and captions to Jacki Loomis or Lisa Grief. Or tag you own posts with #UNLSNR

Soil Sampling, Analysis and Preparation


Soil Geomorphology Laboratory


  • X-ray diffraction (XRD): powder and clay samples.
  • Particle-size analysis (PSA): hydrometer; laser spectrometry (Coulter Counter).
  • Sample preparation: removal of organic matter, carbonates, iron, etc.
  • pH/conductivity.
  • Magnetic susceptibility: lab probe; field probe.
  • Soil and sediment sampling, core description: truck mounted probe; 1-7/8- to 4-inch cores; up to ~30-foot in depth, depending on water table and sediment characteristics.
  • Soil and site characterization: soil mapping; soil series confirmation; determination of soil taxonomy; landscape evolution.


  • One-time setup fee for sample preparation. Charges for analyses are on a contract basis.

StarTran Bus Routes (Lincoln City Bus Service)

Type in the "from" and "to" address to find the bus route and schedule.

Student Code of Conduct

SNR adheres to the UNL Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures:



  • Phone Contact - Karen Gilbert,, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197


If you have a land-line phone:

  • Campus university numbers beginning with 472 are dialed as -XXXX
    • 2 and the last four digits of the person's phone number
  • Non-campus university numbers are dialed as 9-XXX-XXX-XXXX
    • 9 and the area code plus the number
  • Non-campus, long-distance university numbers are dialed as 9-1-XXX-XXX-XXXX
    • 9, 1, and the area code plus the number


SNR faculty and staff are required to have a phone number listed in the SNR Directory. Graduate students display of a phone number is optional.

If an office phone is not issued and the individual doesn’t want to publish a personal cell number, they can setup a google phone number and it can be published. Google Voice is free and works with both iOS and Android phones. Information is available at:

Term Code ID


The University term code is a four digit number based on calendar year:

XYYZ where

  • X is 0 for years in the 1900's and 1 for years in the 2000's
  • YY is the last two digits of the calendar year the term is in
  • Z is the calendar month the semester starts in -- generally that is 1 for Spring semester, 5 for Summer semester and 8 for Fall semester.

The terms codes for the 2013-2014 school year are 1138 (Fall), 1141 (Spring), and 1145 (Summer).

A problem with this code, if used in data and sorting, is that many reports need data for an academic year. When sorting using this code for academic year, the fall semester is associated with the wrong academic year and the term order produced is Spring, Summer and Fall (wrong fall).

Therefore an SNR term code was developed based on academic year. Academic year typically is stated as 2009-2010 or 2010-2011 and is general noted as the ending year so 2010 or 2011, respectively. The following code:

ABBC where

  • A is 0 for years in the 1900's and 1 for years in the 2000's
  • BB is two digit year of the Spring Semester
  • C is 1 for Fall, 2 for Spring and 3 for Summer

The SNR term codes for the 2013-2014 school year are 1141 (Fall), 1142 (Spring), and 1143 (Summer).

Thesis and Non-thesis Options


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • Graduate Committee, Chair - Christopher Chizinski,, 910 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8718

Graduate Bulletin

Provides UNL's requirements:

Master of Science in Natural Resources
The School of Natural Resources grants MS degrees in Natural Resource Sciences primarily under Option I (thesis option). However, Option II programs are permitted under special circumstances. The choice of option should be determined by the type of education desired. Once admitted to Candidacy by filing a Memorandum of Courses, you may not change options. For additional information see:

Toner Cartridges


  • Operations Coordinator - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120
Employees with printers are responsible for ordering toner. If the toner is used or defective, place it in a toner box and deliver to Maps & More.



  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120
  • Associate Director for Undergraduate Education - Jenny Dauer,, 904 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8136

Human Resources

Required by all employees and volunteers:

  • Title IX Training [Firefly]

Supervisor Resources

Supervisor Training [HR]

Required of supervisors

  • Americans with Disabilities Act Training [HR]

Environmental Health & Safety

Environmental Health and Safety Portal [EHS]

Required by all employees and volunteers:

  • Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP)
  • Emergency Preparedness Training (CEMER)


Safety Training Needs Assessment [EHS]

Other Training

Large Passanger Van Traning [Transportation Services]


[Office of Research & Economic Development]

Volunteer & Youth Activity


Search Committee training (mandatory for anyone serving on a search committee). Before serving on a search committee, you must attend a seminar and renew every three years.

Search Committee Information [Institutional Equity and Compliance].


Academic Technology & Support [UN Information Technology Services]

Microsoft Training

Website and Content Management System

Complete Training

Once any training is completed, provide the SNR Assistant to the Director . Any time job duties change, training needs should be reviewed, and any new training needs to be completed.

Training Completion Notice Form



  • Business Manager - Kyle Bogus,, 237a North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-6703

When representing the University while traveling out of one's duty station, Pre-Trip Request must be completed via Concur travel for approval in advance of the travel. A completed Pre-Trip Request must be routed and approved to request reimbursement. If you do not anticipate having expenses to be reimbursed, you are to submit a zero dollar trip request.

When traveling is of a personal nature, a TA is not required. You must complete and submit a leave request via Firefly prior to the travel.

Download the University of Nebraska general travel policy guidelines. (Updated March 2019)

Basic Information about the Pre-Trip Authorization (TA)

  • For additional information including the most up-to-date IRS Standard Meal Allowance per diem rates and Mileage Reimbursement Rate, refer to Scroll to the bottom of the screen.


Student Trips

  • If a faculty member is sponsoring a class field trip or club trip, the sponsoring faculty is to describe the activity on their TA, and attach the completed Student Trip Insurance form as the class roster. Download Student Trip Insurance Form
  • For additional information about student trips see
  • All students, whether they are employees or not, who are traveling beyond a 10-mile radius of campus must carry a minimum of $30,000 accidental death insurance and $2,500 medical cost reimbursement insurance. If they do not have this level of insurance and are traveling as an employee, they may purchase it through the Benefits Office, 32 Canfield Administration Building, 402-472-2600; the current rate is 25 cents per day. If they are traveling as part of a class or club, the faculty member sponsoring the activity may use school funds to purchase the insurance.

International Travel

A Pre-Trip Request is required prior to booking any international travel. All international flights must be booked via Fox Travel. Accounting will not reimburse for international flights booked personally, no exceptions.

Pre-Trip Travel Authorization

The form is used to request authorization for out-of-state travel when Firefly access is not available.

Download Pre-Trip Authorization Form

Employee Expense Voucher and Non-Travel Expense Voucher

Complete and submit this form to the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) to request reimbursement for non-travel and travel related expenses not processed through Firefly.

Download Employee Expense Voucher

University - Purchased Equipment, Property, Surplus Inventory


  • Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) Purchasing Specialist - Olivia Boender,, 237f North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-8726
  • Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) Objects on Loan - Theresa Gansemer,, 237i North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-7773
  • Surplus Inventory Notification - Jeremy Hiller,, 410 South HARH EC 0974, Phone: 402-472-2093


All property purchased with any University funds is owned by the University, not by the individual for whose use it was purchased, and must be returned to the department if the employee leaves UNL.

When retiring University property and equipment, an inventory form is completed and forwarded to the NRBC Purchasing Specialist.

For specific questions and guidance regarding transferring University property and inventory, contact the NRBC Purchasing Specialist.

When leaving SNR, work with your advisor to ensure that you turn in all University-purchased equipment, property, and educational materials. This includes items such as laptops, digital cameras, video recorders, etc.

When leaving employment with SNR, turn in all University-purchased equipment, property, and educational materials. The items should be returned to your supervisor or appropriate manager noting on the "Employee Checklist" the date items were returned. This includes items such as laptops, digital cameras, video recorders, etc.

Objects Temporarily on Loan

This form is used to keep track of objects temporarily on loan to employees. Please list those objects that were purchased or are the property of UNL that are currently on loan to you.

These items are NOT be entered into "objects on loan" in SAP

Download Inventory Sheet

Surplus Inventory

When equipment purchased with University funds is no longer needed for department use it shall be returned to UNL Inventory.

If the item has an inventory tag because if purchased with federal funds, depending on the item etc, Sponsored Programs may have to be notified. By having the tag number it helps Inventory to deactivate the item(s) and remove it from SNR’s List.

Provide a description of the item(s), a model and/or serial number, and if the item(s) is working or non-working to Karen Gilbert.

Place items in the surplus inventory area in HarH 137 South and return form to Karen Gilbert.

Download Surplus Pickup Request Form

Additional information

Additional policies regarding University-purchased Equipment, Property, and Educational Materials can be found at:

Vehicle Coordination


  • Office Associate for Sales - Lisa Greif,, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679


  • Maintain database of SNR vehicles.
  • Coordinate use of unit vehicles.
  • Report vehicle use to UNL Transportation Services and for unit needs.
  • Request repairs/service to vehicles through Transportation Services.
  • Distribute Voyager Cards and Insurance slips.


  • Some departmental vehicles are available from time to time for general use at a rate of $0.56 per mile. Contact the Vehicle Coordinator for additional information on available vehicles. Availability and rates are subject to change.
  • Cost object/WBS numbers must be furnished on the mileage log, along with the driver's name.

Vending Machines


  • Office Associates NMM, , 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3471

Vending machines are available in north and south lobbies of Hardin Hall.

Contact the Office Associate for Operations to reports problems with the vending machines and to receive monetary refunds when a product is not dispensed, due to a machine malfunction.

Visiting Personnel/Nonresident Alien Independent Contractor


  • Business Center Manager - Kyle Bogus,, 237a North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-6703

Complete the "Visiting Personnel / Nonresident Alien Independent Contractor Miscellaneous Expense Voucher" to request payment of visiting non-University personnel.

Download Miscellaneous Expense Voucher

If Canadian is checked, the "B-1/B-2 Affidavit Form" will also need to be submitted.

DownloadB-1/B-2 Affidavit Form

Complete and submit the "Wire Transfer Cover Sheet ".

Download Wire Transfer Cover Sheet

Web & Database Services and Initial Web Consultation


  • SNR Webmaster - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904

SNR Web & Database Services


  • Setting up web sites on SNR Web Server using the UNL Templates.
  • Training of web developers of basics of UNL Templates and Dreamweaver web editing software.
  • Setting up SharePoint Collaboration web sites.
  • Maintaining existing web sites.
  • Setting up no-fee required registration sites.
  • Creating databases, actions to manipulate data, forms for entering data and reports of data
  • Creating simple tabular display or Google Map display of data from a database on web sites.


  • Projects directly related to SNR: No Fee
  • Projects by faculty/staff/students in SNR: $32.50/hour in increments of 15 minutes
  • Projects for sources outside of SNR: $40/hour in increments of 15 minutes

Sites directly related to SNR would be for example the SNR website, single page research profiles, SNR sponsored events such as NaturePalooza and Seminar Series. Sites/web pages that would require cost objects would be data distribution, class projects, outside events, center's informational or extended research project sites. Project designated by the SNR Director may be created at the no fee option.

Initial Web Consultation

Webpages and sites should be created with a specific goal and audience in mind. It should not be a place to simply post an existing pdf of an event. Also creating a webpage/site does not guarantee that the page/site will show up or be prominent in search engines (see below).

Below are some things to think about for the potential webpage/site before we meet:

  • What is the purpose of the page/site? If it is a multi-page site what is the purpose of each page. The user should not have to guess about it.
  • The web is meant to be visual. Use pictures/videos and sparingly use text.
  • Bulletize the content. Users scan the web. They do not read like when interacting with a newspaper or a journal article. (There are exceptions to this.)
  • Pick a few pictures that tell a story. They should be active. Group shots of meeting participants are not the most exciting pictures. They can be used for archival documentation but do not engage the web user.
  • Provide meaningful captions and credits for pictures.
  • Videos should be close captioned for ADA requirements.
  • Posters or flyers of the event can be links for downloads
  • Have a rough draft drawn of a suggest layout. Where are the pictures, content, special features etc. Having examples of other websites which do what you want your site to do is GREAT. Provide the other sites URLs.
  • How long does the information on the webpage/site need to be posted. How will it be updated if it is long term page/site?
  • Where does the site/page fit within the SNR Website navigation and/or organization, if appropriate?
  • You will need a written request to the UNL Domain group if you want a domain name other than "" We can use to create a shorter URL if necessary.

Search Engine Optimization

Google and other search engines user various metrics to determine how "high" on the list of search results your page/site will be found. There are some things we can do to pages to help but here are some of the things to remember:

  • Your page/site will rank higher as more external sites point to your site/page.
  • Important sites pointing to your site will have more weight in the ranking. Having Time or New York Times point at your site has more weight than the Lincoln Journal Star.
  • Fresh and updated material helps.

Web-Based Accounts Receivable


  • Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550


  • SNR web-based accounts receivable operations.
  • Provide financial reports to NRBC for UNL Bursar's Office and partners of accounts receivable.


  • A 5% credit card processing fee is charged on all Web-Based Accounts Receivable transactions.

Webinar (Zoom)


  • IT Support - Huskertech Help Center,, 17.5 (Basement) FOOD EC 0988, Phone: 402-472-3970

When there is a need to conduct a webinar, this can be setup through UNL's Information Technology Service using Zoom. More information can be found at

Reoccurring Webinars

A single reoccurring webinar can be set up to be used over and over again, for example for a seminar series. This can be done in the Zoom App. Some advantages to this are that a single web url can be used for the entire series, the person who creates the series is the host and if the session is recorded the notification will be to that person. Alternative Host(s) (not "Co-Hosts") can be assigned who can initiate the Zoom session but the final recording will always be sent to the original host.

Work Hours - Flexible Time/Alternate Location


  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

The University's core work hours are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Any variation to work hours requested by the employee requires completion of a formal "Request for Flextime Form", which must be completed and submitted by the employee, approved by the employee's supervisor, and approved by the Director.

If an employee has requested a change in his/her work location to benefit the employee, then a formal "Request for Alternative Work Location Form " must be completed and submitted by the employee, approved by the employee's supervisor, and approved by the Director. If approved, an evaluation must be completed afterward and submitted to the Director's Office. SNR is generally supportive of an employee's request to work flextime and, when needed, an alternative work location. However, not all positions are eligible for consideration. In addition, in order for SNR to maintain University hours, not all requests can be approved.

Flex-time and alternate work location are reviewd after 3 months, 6 months, and annually.

Download Request for Flextime Form

Download Request for Alternative Work Location Form

Download Flex-time Evaluation Form

Youth Activity Safety Policy


  • Assistant to the Director - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

SNR shall comply with the UNL Youth Activity Safety Policy and shall consider this part of employee training. SNR shall distribute the UNL and SNR policies to each paid employee and graduate student, and shall require that they sign an acknowledgement form indicating that they have read and understand them.

SNR shall collect forms on a calendar-year basis, January 1 through December 31. The forms shall be retained following the UNL Record Retention policy. If an employee/graduate student is involved in a youth activity that is coordinated by another department during the calendar year, they may notify the SNR Associate Director or Alumni Coordinator via email and request that his/her signed acknowledgement form be provided to the other unit. The UNL Museum and SNR have agreed to a reciprocating agreement to accept/receive these forms.

Associated Documents and Forms

  1. UNL Youth Activity Safety Policy,
  2. Activity Worker Guidelines,
  3. Sample Parent/Guardian Information form, under Associated Files. To be incorporated into existing event registration form. Work with the SNR Associate Director or his/her designee to make the form event specific.
  4. SNR Parent/Guardian Information to be posted at events (coming soon)
  5. Youth Activity Safety Policy FAQ,
  6. Download SNR Youth Activity Safety Policy and Procedure
  7. Download SNR Activity Worker Acknowledgement Form
  8. Download UNL-SNR Youth Activity Safety Policy Acknowledgement Form
  9. Download Activity Director Checklist