Image & Video Use
- SNR Webmaster - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904
- Recruitment and Retension Coordinator, Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
- Events Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
- Student Success Coordinator - Sara Winn,, 912 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-0636
Image Release Form - Group
Form to grant permission to use and display group images of adults. Must be completed for the usage of any single picture or set of pictures from an event.
SNR will maintain a department Image Release Form, which will be available via the SNR Forms webpage, and incorporated into Employee Hiring and Student Welcome procedures. This will be reviewed annually in the summer by the Image Release Form ad hoc committee so any changes are implemented and available no later than August 1 of each year.
- Appendix A of the Image Release Form allows individuals to specify a photo or event that they are releasing to SNR. The text provided in Appendix A can be altered to fit a specific event. If the release form is for a specific purpose or event, the SNR staff processing the form will add a description of the person's clothing from the image before scanning.
- For recruitment and outreach events and images taken for general promotional materials, the School/event host will incorporate narrative into the form that, when signed, shall convey permission for the School to use photographic images taken of individuals attending the event.
- For the Graduate Student website, a separate form will be maintained that refers specifically to the website.
Download Group Image Use Request Form
Image Submission Form
Complete this form to supply information (metadata) about images that can be used by the School of Natural Resources.
Download Image Submission Form
SNR Single User Image Release Form
Form to grant permission to use and display images of adults and minors. Must be completed for the usage of any single picture or set of pictures from an event.
SNR will maintain a department Image Release Form, which will be available via the SNR Forms webpage, and incorporated into Employee Hiring and Student Welcome procedures. This will be reviewed annually in the summer by the Image Release Form ad hoc committee so any changes are implemented and available no later than August 1 of each year.
- Appendix A of the Image Release Form allows individuals to specify a photo or event that they are releasing to SNR. The text provided in Appendix A can be altered to fit a specific event. If the release form is for a specific purpose or event, the SNR staff processing the form will add a description of the person's clothing from the image before scanning.
- For recruitment and outreach events and images taken for general promotional materials, the School/event host will incorporate narrative into the form that, when signed, shall convey permission for the School to use photographic images taken of individuals attending the event.
- For the Graduate Student website, a separate form will be maintained that refers specifically to the website.
Download Image Release - Single User Form