- Phone Contact - Karen Gilbert,, 914 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8197
If you have a land-line phone:
- Campus university numbers beginning with 472 are dialed as -XXXX
- 2 and the last four digits of the person's phone number
- Non-campus university numbers are dialed as 9-XXX-XXX-XXXX
- 9 and the area code plus the number
- Non-campus, long-distance university numbers are dialed as 9-1-XXX-XXX-XXXX
- 9, 1, and the area code plus the number
SNR faculty and staff are required to have a phone number listed in the SNR Directory. Graduate students display of a phone number is optional.
If an office phone is not issued and the individual doesn’t want to publish a personal cell number, they can setup a google phone number and it can be published. Google Voice is free and works with both iOS and Android phones. Information is available at: