SNR Employee Handbook

Exam Requirement for Successful Completion of the Degree


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • Sales and Events Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550

Examination Requirement

All master's students are required to complete a comprehensive examination -- written and/or oral as required by the student's committee.

  • The written exam, if required, must be completed within 24 months prior to the date of graduation.
  • When an oral examination is required, the examining committee will consist of at least three members representing the major department and the minor department (if applicable), recommended by the major department and approved by Graduate Studies. NOTE: No outside member required.
    • All professors on the examining committee must have Graduate Faculty status -- full or associate.
    • If a committee member leaves the employ of the University or retires, a replacement may be appointed. When continuing expertise is needed and the faculty member is willing to continue serving, the departing faculty member may remain as a member or co-chair of the committee, with approval of the department's Graduate Committee and Graduate Studies.


SNR requires a comprehensive examination of all master's students which covers the student's approved program of study. It generally will be administered within 10 months of graduation and typically in the semester prior to the one in which the student plans to graduate. The exam will consist of written and oral examinations administered by the adviser, as directed by the student's committee.

It is the student's responsibility to follow the steps required for graduation which are outlined on the Graduate Studies website.

Preparing for the Exam

  • Contact Graduate Studies to make sure all necessary paperwork in on file. Final Oral Examination and Thesis Defense Forms may be found on
  • Contact the Sales and Events Manager to reserve a room.