SNR Employee Handbook



  • Event Manager - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550
  • Office Associate for Sales - Lisa Greif,, 101 South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-3679

On Campus Parking

There is no free parking on campus. All University of Nebraska-Lincoln parking facilities, except metered areas and time-controlled zones, require a valid University of Nebraska parking permit, at all times. If you will have a car, purchase your parking permit from Parking and Transit Services online or in person in the Stadium Drive Parking Garage. Parking permits are available annually, by semester or a variety of other terms. A map of available parking lots can be at accessed at

Parking and Transit Services can issue temporary handicap parking permits. The Equity, Access, and Diversity Program can assist you with longer term special parking needs. Contact them directly, Equity, Access, and Diversity Programs to setup an accommodation.

If you are driving a rental car or other vehicle be sure to register that vehicle with Parking and Transit Services.

A free bus pass (valid for both campus and city bus systems) is also available for all registered students. A free bus pass is also available to faculty and staff who pay for campus parking passes.

Service and Delivery Permits

Service Delivery Permits are available for occasional use by faculty, staff, and students for business purposes only. The Service Delivery Permits are valid in the following University parking areas only if placed in a vehicle with a valid University of Nebraska - Lincoln parking permit (other than "P" permits): City and East Campus Area A, any Service and Delivery spaces and spaces marked for the use of our department. Check out Service Delivery Permits at the Nebraska Maps & More Store.

Off Campus Parking

Street parking available on the streets surrounding East Campus. When parking in the neighborhoods be courteous to those in the neighborhood. Watch for snow emergency information following snow storms.


Remember to register your bicycle, if you plan to bike to campus. Secure bikes only on bike racks.


Guests/Visitors are unaffiliated persons (not faculty, staff, student or volunteer of NU) who may occasionally visit campus. In some instances these persons can park in a Guest/Visitor parking spot or an unmarked spot and come to the Nebraska Maps & More Store to get a permit. Occasional Parking Permits can be purchased at the Nebraska Maps & More Store for your guest/visitors who do not qualify for a complimentary permit, they are $4.00 per day.

Guest/Visitor Permits are available to unaffiliated persons in the following situations:

  • Prospective Students visiting to learn about our program, campus or college.
  • Drop-in Visitor to faculty or staff for outreach or educational purposes. Does not include Media drop-in or scheduled visits.
  • Job candidate visiting for an interview.
  • Speakers/Lecturers/Presenters for academic courses (in the academic catalog that students register for and are not also open to the general public as a Public Seminar).


When hosting a meeting or event you must request Conference Permits in advance. They are available for $7.00 each from UNL Parking & Transit Services. See the Sales & Event Manager for assistance with Conference Permit orders.

Parking permits from UNK, UNO, and UNMC may be used on the UNL Campus. However, any University of Nebraska faculty, staff, and students who are primarily assigned to the UNL campus must purchase a permit from UNL's Parking & Transit Services Office and may not use permits from other campuses.

State of Nebraska vehicles do not need parking permits to park on campus and may park in any unmarked or non-metered spaces. Government vehicles (except State of Nebraska vehicles) require Departmental Guest Permits to park on campus or may park and pay in a metered space.

For additional information see the Parking & Transit Services website.

East Campus Weekend Parking

All University of Nebraska-Lincoln parking facilities, except metered areas and time-controlled zones, require a valid University of Nebraska parking permit, at all times, including weekends.

East Campus departments can submit a Weekend Parking Log for weekend events, submit to Andrew Lowe in the Vice Chancellor's office to request complimentary weekend parking for events, submit at least 10 days before a scheduled event. The Vice Chancellor's office will provide that information to the Special Events staff in Parking and Transit Services. If the event is within 10 days, the department is still required to complete/submit the log form. If the special event on the UNL East Campus requires more than parking space (i.e., parking attendants, reserved parking or covered meters), the unit hosting the event will be responsible for paying the additional costs.

If SNR Event Planning staff is working with you on an event, they will complete/submit the log for you. If you are not working through SNR Event Planning staff, you are responsible for completing and submitting the form.

Download Weekend Parking Log