SNR Employee Handbook

Communication - Email (Faculty and Staff)


  • SNR Email Group Lists Coordinator - Christine Steggs,, 908 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8120

All UNL Faculty and Staff are required to use the university's email system for their business-related email. Any personal email accounts used for university business are subject to open records requests.

SNR uses email for communicating with faculty, staff, and graduate students. All email group lists maintained by SNR have “SNR” at the beginning of the “Name” (i.e. SNR Faculty), which allows SNR-maintained group lists and contacts to be grouped together in the UNL-GAL address book which is available in Outlook.

Email Lists that SNR Maintains in the UNL-GAL:

  • SNR All Employees (consists of SNR Faculty, SNR Staff, SNR Graduate Assistants, NRBC, emeritus faculty, and visitors officed in Hardin Hall)
  • SNR Committee Promotion and Tenure
  • SNR Core Program Area Applied Climate Science and Spatial Science
  • SNR Core Program Area Applied Ecology
  • SNR Core Program Area Environmental Science
  • SNR Extended Program Area Applied Climate Science and Spatial Science
  • SNR Extended Program Area Applied Ecology
  • SNR Extended Program Area Environmental Science
  • SNR Faculty (excludes courtesy, adjunct, emeritus, visiting faculty)
  • SNR Graduate Assistants (consists of graduate students on SNR-paid assistantships)
  • SNR Graduate Students-NRES (consists of all graduate students admitted into NRES graduate program)
  • SNR HarH Occupants (includes everyone with office space Hardin Hall)
  • SNR Staff

Hints for Using the SNR Group Lists:

  • If you try to send to a group list that no longer exists you will get an error message that the group no longer exists or that you do not have permission to send to the list.
  • If the auto-fill feature in the address lines (To, CC, BCC) show a deleted group list, remove them by clearing the AutoComplete cache in Outlook.
  • If you want to email all employees and graduate students use two lists: SNR All Employees and SNR Graduate Students (Outlook will remove any duplicates.)
  • If information needs to be addressed to one specific floor in Hardin Hall use the group list SNR HarH Occupants AND indicate at the start of the subject line that the message is for a certain floor.

Signature Block

Having a complete signature block at the end of emails is recommended. This will allow your email recipients to know you are a university employee and additional ways to contact you. You can generate a standard signature block at