Public Image Policy
To assist the School in achieving its vision of international recognition, a Public Image/Branding Policy has been implemented. All employees and students are asked to follow it whenever possible.
All publications and electronic and hard copy communication shall adhere to the University's branding efforts. SNR employees shall utilize University-approved logos in hard copy and electronic communication and will maintain a positive public image in their communications.
Any SNR employees or students using UNL-supported e-mail (Huskers, Outlook/Office 365) shall refrain from expressing personal opinions through the inclusion of quotes, jokes or other statements added to their signature block.
Procedures include consistent use of email signature block, letterhead, PowerPoint templates, and maintaining current information on the SNR website.
Faculty/staff using Outlook/Office 365 shall select letterhead within policy allowance.
Faculty/staff email signature block is to include:
First Name Last Name, Title
(optional:) Center or program area, i.e., Nebraska Maps & More, Conservation & Survey Division, High Plains Regional Climate Center, Tern & Plover Conservation Partnership
School of Natural Resources
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Room # Building
Street Address (Hardin Hall is at 3310 Holdrege Street)
Lincoln, NE 68583-0989 USA
(intentional blank line to distinguish address)
phone: 402-472-XXXX
(optional) phone: 402-472-3471 (SNR main phone)
(optional) fax: 402-472-2946
Optional: individual website, center website, work-group website, other (must be work-related)
SNR web site:
Optional: UNL-related website
Sample Signature Block
Jane Doe, Office Associate
School of Natural Resources
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
101 Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln, NE 68583-0961 USA
phone: 402-472-5555
fax: 402-472-5555
SNR web site: