SNR Employee Handbook

Add/Remove a Publication from SNR Profile


  • SNR Webmaster - Mark Mesarch,, 913 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5904
  • Nebraska Maps and More - Jacqueline Loomis,, 121a South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-7550

You can add or remove a publication from your profile by submitting request and the citation to Nebraska Maps and More or the SNR Webmaster. Providing either a hard copy or a web address where the publication can be downloaded will make the article available to the public. NMM will make an effort to add the item to Digital Commons with the Nebraska Libraries will allows the largest audience to download the publication for free.

The publication list in your profile is not intended to be a complete listing of your publications. I should be a selected listing of the most important works or current projects. A complete publication list could be submitted in your CV that can be also posted in your profile.