SNR Employee Handbook



  • Business Manager - Kyle Bogus,, 237a North HARH EC 0972, Phone: 402-472-6703

When representing the University while traveling out of one's duty station, Pre-Trip Request must be completed via Concur travel for approval in advance of the travel. A completed Pre-Trip Request must be routed and approved to request reimbursement. If you do not anticipate having expenses to be reimbursed, you are to submit a zero dollar trip request.

When traveling is of a personal nature, a TA is not required. You must complete and submit a leave request via Firefly prior to the travel.

Download the University of Nebraska general travel policy guidelines. (Updated March 2019)

Basic Information about the Pre-Trip Authorization (TA)

  • For additional information including the most up-to-date IRS Standard Meal Allowance per diem rates and Mileage Reimbursement Rate, refer to Scroll to the bottom of the screen.


Student Trips

  • If a faculty member is sponsoring a class field trip or club trip, the sponsoring faculty is to describe the activity on their TA, and attach the completed Student Trip Insurance form as the class roster. Download Student Trip Insurance Form
  • For additional information about student trips see
  • All students, whether they are employees or not, who are traveling beyond a 10-mile radius of campus must carry a minimum of $30,000 accidental death insurance and $2,500 medical cost reimbursement insurance. If they do not have this level of insurance and are traveling as an employee, they may purchase it through the Benefits Office, 32 Canfield Administration Building, 402-472-2600; the current rate is 25 cents per day. If they are traveling as part of a class or club, the faculty member sponsoring the activity may use school funds to purchase the insurance.

International Travel

A Pre-Trip Request is required prior to booking any international travel. All international flights must be booked via Fox Travel. Accounting will not reimburse for international flights booked personally, no exceptions.

Pre-Trip Travel Authorization

The form is used to request authorization for out-of-state travel when Firefly access is not available.

Download Pre-Trip Authorization Form

Employee Expense Voucher and Non-Travel Expense Voucher

Complete and submit this form to the Natural Resources Business Center (NRBC) to request reimbursement for non-travel and travel related expenses not processed through Firefly.

Download Employee Expense Voucher