SNR Employee Handbook

Getting Help

From time to time, all beings face challenges. Whether it’s hunger, shelter, finances, identity, discrimination, emotions, sensory, social, psychological or just uncertainty in our life course—we all face challenges. At times, we manage these challenges beautifully, at other times we may struggle, and at times, we suffer at the weight of these challenges. If you are feeling unsure, weighed down, or just want to be sure you are on track, we encourage you to reach out. Look at Big Red Resilience for events and resources to help you bounce back. Other possibilities include:

  • Professors in SNR (a number of SNR faculty have or had challenges such as anxiety, depression, autism, poverty, failed relationships)—you name it
  • CAPS is the UNL student counseling center They can connect you with resources 24 hours a day, and there are no fees for counseling services.
  • If you cannot reach anyone else, contact Bryan Hospital–West

Food and Shelter Needs

  • Any student who has difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who lacks a safe and stable place to live, and believes this may affect their performance in the course, is urged to visit the Huskers Helping Huskers Pantry The pantry is a free resource with food and hygiene items. Any current student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln who is in need can stop by the Huskers Helping Huskers Pantry to pick up free food and hygiene items and/or to get help connecting to university and community resources related to food and shelter insecurity.
  • If you live close to East Campus, ConnectioN Point near 33rd and Holdrege has the Open Shelf food pantry
  • Please notify any SNR professor if you are comfortable in doing so.