Graduate Student Handbook

Graduate Student - Progress Toward Degree


  • Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, Graduate Programs - Brooke Mott,, 911 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-5355
  • Co-Chair Graduate Committee - Christopher Chizinski,, 910 South HARH EC 0989, Phone: 402-472-8718

Form for Graduate Student and Advisor to fill out on periodic meetings to chart the graduate students progress toward completing their degree.

  • Student completes first part of form
  • Student sends to Advisor
  • Advisor completes middle part of form
  • Advisor returns form to student
  • Student schedules meeting with advisor
  • Student and Advisor complete last part of the form
  • Student and Advisor sign and date form
  • Completed form is sent to Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, SNR Graduate Programs

Download Graduate Student Progress Form