Undergraduate Student Handbook

Computer recommendation for incoming SNR students


  • Computer Specialist - Gregg Hutchison, ghutchison2@unl.edu, 226b South HARH EC 0982, Phone: 402-472-5436
  • Recruitment Specialist - Bridget Gross, bgross3@unl.edu, 102b South HARH EC 0961, Phone: 402-472-8195

ESRI ArcGIS is the most demanding software being taught in SNR classrooms. The software only runs on Windows-based computers, but it can be used on Apple computers with Bootcamp or Parallels (See SNR IT support for detailed instructions). SNR computer labs have this software installed and accessible to all SNR students 24/7. N-Card is required to access the labs after hours.

Here are the recommended specs for Windows laptops or desktops:

  • Windows 10 64-bit
  • Core i5 or above
  • 8GB of RAM
  • 250 GB Hard Drive (or SSD) with at least 30 GB of free space

Here are the MINIMUM recommended specs for Macbooks or Apple desktops:

Windows 10 and Parallels licenses can be purchased at discounted prices from the Computers Store on City Campus Union.

Go to https://ccsfgis.org/workshops-other/2016/8/18/installing-arcgis-on-a-mac for detailed instructions for installing ArcGIS on your Macbook or Apple desktop. NOTE: If you are not comfortable doing this yourself, please stop by the SNR IT Support office (HH 226) or UNL Help Desk (Love Library's basement) for assistance.

Additional Purchase (optional)

Because of the change of less printed books to more online books and information, having a second monitor is recommended. This allows one monitor to have an assignment open and the second monitor to have the reading material displayed.