Temperature Related Resources

Departure from Normal Temperature
Departure from Normal Temperature - Image is updated daily

Current Climate Summary Maps - HPRCC

The Climate Summary Maps are produced daily using data from the Applied Climate Information System (ACIS). Stations used are from the National Weather Service Cooperative Observer Network (COOP) and the Automated Weather Data Network (AWDN). Maps include total precipitation, precipitation departure from normal, precipitation percent of normal, average temperature, temperature departure from normal, heating degree days, heating degree days departure from normal, cooling degree days, cooling degree days departure from normal, and standardized precipitation index (SPI).

Website: https://hprcc.unl.edu/maps.php?map=ACISClimateMaps

Maximum Temperature
Maximum Temperature - Image is updated daily

Automated Weather Data Network Maps - HPRCC

The AWDN maps show soil temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, total precipitation, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, and potential evapotranspiration for the past 1 or 7 days for the High Plains Region.

Website: https://mesonet.unl.edu/page/datas

Lincoln, NE climograph
Average Temperatures and Precipitation in Lincoln, NE 1971-2000. (NCDC Data)

Climographs - NDMC

Thirty year monthly averages of precipitation and temperature for selected locations across the United State and around the world.

Website: https://drought.unl.edu/Climographs.aspx

Lincoln, NE climograph
Annual Temperature (oF)

30 Year Normals Maps - HPRCC

The High Plains Region Normals Maps include maps of precipitation, average temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, heating degree days, and cooling degree days. The 1981-2010 Normals were used to comprise the maps.

Website: https://hprcc.unl.edu/maps.php?map=Normals

Mean High Temperature (oF) - Annual

Climate Atlas Maps - HPRCC

The High Plains Climate Atlas is composed of a series of maps with various climatic variables being represented. In most instances, 50 years of data were used to comprise the atlas. Maps include mean maximum temperature, mean minimum temperature, precipitation thresholds, last spring freeze, first fall freeze, growing degree days (base 50), total precipitation, total snowfall, heating degree days, and cooling degree days.

Website: https://hprcc.unl.edu/maps.php?map=ClimateAtlas

Mesonet - NSCO
Mesonet - Nebraska State Climate Office

Automated Weather Data Network Maps - HPRCC

The AWDN maps show soil temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, total precipitation, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, and potential evapotranspiration for the past 1 or 7 days for the High Plains Region.

Website: https://mesonet.unl.edu/page/data

Heating Degree Days (based 65 <sup>o</sup>F) for the last month
Heating Degree Days (based 65 oF) for the last month

Current Climate Summary Maps - HPRCC

The Climate Summary Maps are produced daily using data from the Applied Climate Information System (ACIS). Stations used are from the National Weather Service Cooperative Observer Network (COOP) and the Automated Weather Data Network (AWDN). Maps include total precipitation, precipitation departure from normal, precipitation percent of normal, average temperature, temperature departure from normal, heating degree days, heating degree days departure from normal, cooling degree days, cooling degree days departure from normal, and standardized precipitation index (SPI).

Website: https://hprcc.unl.edu/maps.php?map=ACISClimateMaps

Annual Heating Degree Days - base 65<sup>o</sup>F
Annual Heating Degree Days - base 65oF

30 Year Normals Maps - HPRCC

The High Plains Region Normals Maps include maps of precipitation, average temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, heating degree days, and cooling degree days. The 1981-2010 Normals were used to comprise the maps.

Website: http://www.hprcc.unl.edu/maps.php?map=Normals

Growing Degree Days - Base 50<sup>o</sup>
Growing Degree Days - Base 50o

Climate Atlas Maps - HPRCC

The High Plains Climate Atlas is composed of a series of maps with various climatic variables being represented. In most instances, 50 years of data were used to comprise the atlas. Maps include mean maximum temperature, mean minimum temperature, precipitation thresholds, last spring freeze, first fall freeze, growing degree days (base 50), total precipitation, total snowfall, heating degree days, and cooling degree days.

Website: https://hprcc.unl.edu/maps.php?map=ClimateAtlas