Native Vegetation
From a mylar 1:1,000,000 map published by CSD in 1993. Used to determine the number of acres of each vegetation type across Nebraska.
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Download files:
GIS Shapefiles | Meta Data | |
UTM | | native_arc_utm.html |
native_poly_utm.html | ||
native_veg_utm.html | ||
State Plane | | native_arc_stp.html |
native_poly_stp.html | ||
native_veg_stp.html |
2005 Land Use Mapping
The raster land use/land cover data is a geo-referenced, thematic data layer produced using multi-date 2005 Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper satellite imagery. The satellite imagery used in the classification was collected between the dates of 06/13/2005 and 9/20/2005. The nominal scale is 1:100,000 with a ground resolution of 28.5 meters or 93.48 feet. There are 25 classes and crops are identified as either being irrigated or dry land. The overall accuracy for the classification was calculated at 80.43% with a KAPPA value of 0.7761. This project was part of a joint research project between CALMIT and the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources. Additional data and information are available at the CALMIT|Statewide Land Use Mapping site.
Download Full Image: 2763 x 1250 pixels - 2.3 Mb

Download files:
State Plane | Meta Data | |
Arc Grid | | 2005_NE_landuse_metadata.html |
Shapefile | | |
Geotiff | | |
ERDAS Imagine | | |
2005 CenterPivots | | 2005_NE_center_pivots_metadata.html |
2005 Other Irrigation (non-pivot) | | 2005_NE_other_irrigation_metadata.html |
2005 Landuse Map | 2005_NE_landuse_map.pdf | 2005_NE_landuse_metadata.html |
2005 Landuse Final Report | 2005_NE_landuse_finalreport.pdf |
COHYST Land Use Mapping
CALMIT-developed land cover databases based on Landsat-5 and Landsat-7 Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite imagery and ancillary data. Part of the Platte River Cooperative Hydrology Study (COHYST), a multi-agency effort that seeks to improve the understanding of the hydrological conditions in the Platte River watershed in Nebraska upstream of Columbus, NE. Additional data and information are available at the CALMIT|COHYST Land Use Mapping site.
Download Full Image: 800 x 518 pixels - 544 Kb

Download files:
Arc Grid | Meta Data | |
2005 Land Use | | landcover_2005_central_platte_metadata.html |
2001 Land Use | | landcover_2001_metadata.htm |
1997 Land Use | | landcover_1997_metadata.html |
1982 Land Use | | landcover_1982_metadata.htm |
NE GAP Land Cover
Land Cover of Nebraska is a generalized depiction of the state's natural vegetation, its agricultural lands and urban areas. The map was developed principally from analysis of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery acquired in 1991-1993. Mapping was accomplished using a multi-season image analysis designed to capture the seasonal changes of grasslands and woodlands and variations in the management of croplands. This map was prepared at CALMIT, with principal funding provided by the U.S. Geological Survey Gap Analysis Program (GAP). Additional data and information are also available at the CALMIT|Nebraska GAP site.
Download Full Image: 3242 X 2104 pixels - 2.3 Mb

Download files:
ERDAS Imagine files | Meta Data | |
Albers | | ne_gap_landcover_metadata.htm |