2018 MOISST Workshop - Lincoln NE
From Soil Moisture Observations to Actionable Decisions

June 4 – 7, 2018
- Download Full Agenda
- Stevens Water Summary
Planning Committee
- Mike Cosh
(USDA-ARS Hydrology & Remote Laboratory) - Trenton Franz
(University of Nebraska–Lincoln) - Tyson Ochsner
(Oklahoma State University) - Andres Patrignani
(Kansas State University) - Steven Quiring
(Ohio State University)
Workshop Audience
This workshop provides a unique opportunity for leaders in soil moisture research and development to come together in an interactive workshop format to exchange ideas and develop collaborations. This will be the eighth consecutive year for the workshop, which is an initiative of the community of researchers that has developed from the Marena, Oklahoma, In Situ Sensor Testbed (MOISST). This year’s workshop will be hosted by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and will include a special sessions on the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC) and the National Soil Moisture Network (NSMN), an ongoing initiative to develop a national system that integrates diverse sources of soil moisture observations including federal and state in-situ monitoring networks, satellite remote sensing missions, and numerical models.
Workshop Goals
- Provide a highly focused venue for presenting cutting-edge research and new concepts related to soil moisture monitoring.
- Highlight new applications of soil moisture data and identify application-oriented research needs.
- Stimulate progress towards realizing the vision of the National Soil Moisture Network.
Download all presentations (150 Mb)
Speaker | Affiliation | Topic / Title |
Trenton Franz | University of Nebraska– Lincoln | Introduction |
Soil Moisture Stakeholders | ||
John Bolten | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Soil moisture prespectives and advances |
Mimi Hughes | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Development of Prototype National Water Model Soil Moisture Products for Drought Monitoring |
Dave Hoover | U.S. Department of Agriculture | NRCS resources, SSURGO |
Drought | ||
Trent Ford | Southern Illinois University | Developing Integrative Soil Moisture Products to Improve Drought Monitoring in the United States |
Christopher Phillips | University of Alabama in Huntsville | Low-Cost Crowdsourcing Sensor Package for Drought-Related Decision Making |
Tyson Ochsner | Oklahoma State University | Development and evaluation of soil moisture-based indices for agricultural drought monitoring |
Network Discussion | ||
Martha Shulski | University of Nebraska–Lincoln | Nebraska Mesonet |
Andres Patrignani | Kansas State University | Kansas Mesonet |
Ronald Leeper and Michael Palecki | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Standardizing USCRN Soil Moisture Observations for Near-Real Time Applications |
Remote Sensing | ||
Rajat Bindlish | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Passive Microwave Products |
Christopher Neale | University of Nebraska | Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute | ET and remote sensing |
Michael Cosh | U.S. Department of Agriculture | NASA ISRO Synthetic Aperature Radar (NISAR) Mission |
Steven Quiring | Ohio State University | Investigating Soil Moisture–Convective Precipitation Feedbacks Using Satellite and In Situ Soil Moisture in the Central United States. |
Modeling | ||
Nathan Chaney | Princeton University | Hydroblocks, Polaris |
Kaiyu Guan | University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign | Hyper-resolution daily crop monitoring and sub-daily water demand modeling |
Patricia Lawston | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | LSM and irrigation |
Yihua Wu | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Simulating Soil Moisture Dynamics in NCEP Numerical Weather/Climate Prediction Models |
Applications | ||
Burdette Barker | University of Nebraska– Lincoln | VRI irrigation scheduling |
Daran Rudnik | University of Nebraska– Lincoln | UNLTAPS Project |
Taro Mieno | University of Nebraska | Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute | Economics of soil moisture probes |
Technology and Irrigation | ||
John Heaston | AquaMart | AquaMart, NE water challenges and perspective |
Jessica Bollinger | Arable Labs | Arable, Agtech business perspective |
Hannah Birge | The Nature Conservancy | Central Nebraska Irrigation Project |
Todd Caldwell | University of Texas at Austin | Quantifying Diffuse Recharge to the Edwards Aquifer using Micrometeorology and Remote Sensing |
NSMS Planning Workshop | ||
Mike Stobel | USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service | Status of NSMN to this point |
Vera Deheza | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | What will NSMN be? Deliverable |
Mark Svoboda/Brian Fuchs | UNL - National Drought Mitigation Center | Drought Monitor |
Temple Lee and Michael Buban | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Gridded soil moisture product from CRN |
Tyson Ochsner | Oklahoma State University | Open Science Framework |
Steven Quiring | Ohio State University | National Soil Moisture Map |
Trent Ford | Southern Illinois University | GitHub Lessons |
Wade Crow | U.S. Deparment of Agriculture | Data Assimilation |
Mike Cosh | U.S. Deparment of Agriculture | LPV Network Design |
Jordan Clayton | U.S. Deparment of Agriculture | Putting soil moisture on the NWCC Interactive Map: Instructive for the NSMN effort? |
Executive Committee | Wrap-Up |
Download all Posters (5 Mb)
Speaker | Affiliation | Topic / Title |
Stevens Water Student Poster Winners | ||
First Place Pedro Rossini and Adres Patrignani |
Kansas State University | Spatio-temporal analysis of Soil Moisture Using a Roving Cosmic-ray Neutron Probe |
Second Place Destiny Kerr and Tyson Oschner |
Oklahoma State University | Improving Soil Organic Carbon Predictions by Incorporating Long - term Soil Moisture and Soil Temperature Observations |
Third Place Justin Gibson and Trenton Franz |
University of Nebraska–Lincoln | Spatial prediction of near surface soil water retention functions using hydrogeophysics |
Other Posters | ||
Michael Palecki and Ronald Leeper | National Center for Environmental Information | Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites | USCRN Soil Moisture Products |