Shana Sundstrom

Shana Sundstrom

  • Contact Information
  • My Story
  • Publications
  • Background

Contact Information

TitlePost-Doctoral Research Associate and Adjunct Professor
Faculty RankPost-Doctoral Research Associate
Address203K Keim Hall
1825 North 38th Street
Lincoln NE

East Campus
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My Story

I am a resilience ecologist, post-doctoral research associate and Adjunct Professor based within the Center for Resilience in Agricultural Working Landscapes (CRAWL). I study resilience as an emergent phenomenon, with a focus on scaling (e.g., adaptive cycles, panarchy and the discontinuity hypothesis), mechanisms of resilience (e.g., the cross-scale resilience model), and regime shifts. I am also interested in how these theories apply across non-ecological complex adaptive systems and have used them on economic and human population systems.

My current work is focused on agroecosystems. I am a co-PI and Project Manager for an NSF grant to create a Research Coordination Network. Our network is NIARR (Network for Integrated Agricultural Resilience Research). NIARR is exciting because we are bringing together 4 research networks as well as other agriculture scientists from across North America to apply resilience science to agricultural working landscapes. This cross-network collaboration enables us to develop broad, multi-scale research questions such as the vulnerability of ag landscapes to regime shifts. For example, climate and land use change are influencing the vulnerability of our agriculture landscapes to shifts like we saw during the Dust Bowl event of the 1930’s, but our ability to anticipate the probability of such shifts is poor. Food security is dependent on reliable agricultural production so questions like these have a great deal of significance for society.

Feature Stories

Selected Publications

Sundstrom, S.M., D.G. Angeler, C.R. Allen. 2023. Resilience theory and coerced resilience in agriculture. Agricultural Systems: Online
Allen, C., Angeler, D., Roberts, C., Sundstrom, S., Twidwell Jr, D., Uden, D. (2022). Applications of spatial regimes. Applied Panarchy (pp. 94-115).
Lalanne, A., Sundstrom, S., Garmestani, A. (2022). Discontinuities within regional and subregional urban systems. Urban Studies.
Sundstrom, S., Allen, C. (2022). Resilience of Working Agricultural Landscapes. Food, Energy, Water Nexus. Online
Sundstrom, S., Allen, C. (2022). The adaptive cycle: More than a metaphor. Applied Panarchy (pp. 51-76).
Sundstrom, S., Allen, C., Angeler, D. (2022). Panarchy, cross-scale resilience, and discontinuous structures and processes. Applied Panarchy (pp. 29-50).
Angeler, D., Chaffin, B., Sundstrom, S., Garmestani, A., Pope, K. L., Uden, D., Twidwell, D., Allen, C. (2020). Coerced regimes: management challenges in the Anthropocene. Ecology and Society, 25(1), 4.Online
Garmestani, A., Twidwell, D., Angeler, D.G., Sundstrom, S., Barichievy, C., Chaffin, B.C., Eason, T., Graham, N., Granholm, D., Gunderson, L., Knutson, M., Nash, K.L., Nelson, R.J., Nystrom, M., Spanbauer, T.L., Stow, C.A., Allen, C.R. 2020. Panarchy: Opportunities and Challenges for Ecosystem Management. Front Ecol Environ. doi:10.1002/fee.2264Online
Angeler, D., Fried-Petersen, H. B., Allen, C., Garmestani, A., Twidwell, D., Chuang, W.-C., Donovan, V. M., Eason, T., Roberts, C., Sundstrom, S., Wonkka, C. 2019. Adaptive capacity in ecosystems. Advances in Ecological Research. 60:1-24.Online
Eason, T., Chuang, W.-C., Sundstrom, S., Cabezas, H. 2019. An Information Theory-Based Approach to Assessing Spatial Patterns in Complex Systems. Entropy. 21(2).Online
Sundstrom, S., Allen, C. 2019. The adaptive cycle: More than a metaphor. Ecological Complexity. 39, 100767.Online
Sundstrom, S., Allen, C., Angeler, D. 2019. Scaling and discontinuities in the global economy. Journal of Evolutionary Economics.Online
Allen, C., Angeler, D., Sundstrom, S. (2018). A method to detect discontinuities in census data. Ecology and Evolution, 8, 9614-9623.
Roberts, C., Sundstrom, S., Burnett, J., Twidwell, D., Angeler, D., Allen, C. (2018). Enhancing quantitative approaches for assessing community resilience. Journal of Environmental Management, 213, 353-362.
Roberts, C., Twidwell, D., Burnett, J., Sundstrom, S., Angeler, D., Allen, C. (2018). Early warnings for state transitions. Rangeland Ecology and Management.
Sundstrom, S., Allen, C. (2018). The distribution and role of functional abundance in cross‐scale resilience. Ecology.
Sundstrom, S. M., Eason, T., Nelson, R. J., Angeler, D. G., Barichievy, C., Garmestani, A. S., Graham, N. A. J., Granholm, D., Gunderson, L., Knutson, M., Nash, K. L., Nyström, M., Spanbauer, T., Stow, C. A., Allen, C. (2017). Detecting spatial regimes inOnline
Angeler, D., Allen, C. 2016. Management applications of discontinuity theory. Journal of Applied Ecology. 53:688-698.Online
Nash, K., Allen, C., Angeler, D., Barichievy, C., Garmestani, A., Graham, N., Granholm, D., Knutson, M., Nelson, J., Nystrom, M., Riley, S., Stow, C., Sundstrom, S. (2014). Discontinuities, cross-scale patterns and the organization of ecosystems. Ecology,Online
Nash, K., Allen, C., Barichievy, C., Nystrom, M., Sundstrom, S., Graham, N. (2014). Habitat structure and body size distributions: ecosystem appropriate metrics and methods. Oikos, 123, 971-983.Online
Sundstrom, S., Allen, C. (2014). Complexity versus certainty in understanding species' declines. Diversity and Distributions, 20, 344-355.Online
Sundstrom, S., Allen, C., Barichevy, C. (2012). Species, functional groups and thresholds in ecological resilience. Conservation Biology, 26, 305-314.Online