Diffendal, R.F. Jr. and Swinehart, J.B., The Broadwater Formation (Pliocene) of Nebraska and Southeastern Wyoming, 2023. University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division, Report of Investigations 13, 36 pp. | Online |
Steinauer, G., Diffendal Jr., R. 2021. Rock Glen Wildlife Area: A Landscape History. Nebraskaland. 99(2): 46-53. | Online |
Divine, D.P. and Howard, L.M., edited by Diffendal, Jr. R.F., 2020. Interpretive Geologic Maps and Cross Sections for Phelps, Kearney, and Adams Counties in Nebraska. Conservation & Survey Division, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska - | Online |
Hallum, D.R., Hanson, P.R., Tucker, S.T., Diffendal, R.F. Jr., 2020, Hydrogeology and Geology of the Lower North and South Platte Rivers of Nebraska, Nebraska Geological Society Field Trip 2020, Guidebook No. 37, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division, 36p. | Online |
Joeckel, R. M., Diffendal, Jr., R. F., Hanson, P. R., Korus, J. T. (2018). Geologic mapping in Nebraska: Old rocks, new maps, fresh insights. Great Plains Research, 28, 119-147. | |
Joeckel, R.M., Diffendal, R F., Jr., Hanson, P.R., Korus, J.T. 2018. Geologic mapping of Nebraska: Old rocks, new maps, fresh insights. Great Plains Research, 28, 119-147. | Online |
Diffendal, R.F., Jr. 2017. Great Plains Geology. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 210 pp. | |
Diffendal, Robert F. 2015. Fossils on the Floor In the Nebraska State Capitol. Lincoln, NE: Conservation and Survey Division, UNL. pp. 58. | Online |
Diffendal, Robert F. 2015. Fossils on the Floor Mosaics in the Rotunda of the Nebraska State Capitol. Lincoln, NE: Conservation and Survey Division, UNL. pp. 78. | |
Diffendal, Robert. 2014. Geologic Observations along the Steamboat Trace Trail, Markers 16-20, in the vicinity of Peru, Nemaha County, Nebraska (including on the Indian Cave Sandstone): University of Nebraska Digital Commons | Online |
Perkins, M.E., Diffendal, R.F., Jr., Voorhies, M.R., Nash, B.P., and Bailey, B.E.; 2014. Ashfall Tephra in the Ogallala Group of the Great Plains: Characteristics and Significance: Geological Society of America Abstracts With Programs, v. 46 (4): p. 51. | |
Foreword: In Jorus, J. et al, 2013. The Groundwater Atlas of Nebraska (3rd Revised Edition), Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska, Resource Atlas 4b, p. vii. | |
Wooden, S.R., Joeckel, R.M., Korus, J.T.,and Diffendal, R.F., Jr.; 2011. Lithofacies and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Ash Hollow Formation, Ogallala Group in the General Type Area: Geological Society of America Abstracts With Programs, v. 43 (5), p. | |
Diffendal, R.F., Jr. 2004. Keith County Test Hole Logs. Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 121. | Online |
Joeckel, R. M., Diffendal, R. F. Jr., 2004 (RS-1070). Geomorphic and Environmental Change Around a Large, Aging Reservoir: Lake C. W. McConaughy, Western Nebraska, USA. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, 10: 69-90. | Online |
Diffendal, R.F., Jr., Diffendal, A. P., 2003. Lewis and Clark and the Geology of the Great Plains. Lincoln, NE: Conservation and Survey Division, UNL. pp. 126. | Online |
Diffendal, R.F., Jr., Diffendal, A.P., 2003. Lewis and Clark and the Geology of Nebraska and Parts of Adjacent States. Lincoln, NE: Conservation and Survey Division, UNL. pp. 32. | Online |
Pabian, R.K. and R.F. Diffendal, Jr. 2003. Late Pennsylvanian and Earliest Permian Cyclic Sedimentation and Paleoecology in Southeastern Nebraska. Missouri Geological Survey Special Publication. 11:35-52. | |
Diffendal, R. F. Jr., Mohlman, D. R., Corner, R. G., Harvey, F. E., Warren, K. J., Summerside, S., Pabian, R. K., Eversoll, D. A., 2002. Field Guide to the Geology of the Harlan County Lake Area, Harlan County, Nebraska, with a History of Events Leading t | Online |
Helland, P.E., P-H. Huang, R.F. Diffendal Jr. EM Analysis of Quartz Sand Grain Surface Textures Indicates Alluvial/Colluvial Origin of the Quaternary "Glacial" Boulder Clays at Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), East-Central China. Quaternary Research 48(0):8. | |
Huang, Pei-Hua, Diffendal, Jr. R.F., Yang, Ming-Qing. 2002. Structural and Geomorphological Evolution of Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), Anhui Province, China. Volume 3, edited by Wakefield Dort, Jr. | |
Huang, P-H, R.F. Diffendal, Jr. and M. Yang 2002. Structural and Geomorphic Evolution of Hangshan (Yellow Mountain), Anhui Province, China. TER-QUA Symposium Series. 3:109-124 . | Online |
Huang, P-H., Diffendal, R.F. Jr. M-Q. Yang. 2002. Structural and Geomorphological Evolution of Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), Anhui Province, China. Ter-Qua Symposium Series, Institute for Tertiary-Quarternary Studies 3(0):16. | Online |
Diffendal, R.F., Jr., Goeke, J.W. 2000. Arthur County Test Hole Logs. Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 56. | Online |
Diffendal, Jr. R.F. 1999. Geology of Rock Creek Station State Historical Park Field Guide. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 12. | Online |
Diffendal, R. F., Jr., 1999. Geology of Rock Creek Station State Historical Park. Lincoln, NE: Conservation and Survey Division, UNL. Pp. 16. | Online |
Diffendal, R.F., Jr. 1999. Cheyenne County. Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 243. | Online |
Diffendal, R.F., Jr. 1999. Deuel County Test Hole Logs. Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 93. | Online |
Diffendal, R.F., Jr. 1999. Earth in Four Dimensions, Development of the Ideas of Geologic Time and History. Nebraska History 0(0):10. | |
Huang, P-H. and R.F. Diffendal, Jr. 1998. Mountain Evolution and Environmental Changes of Huangshan, China. Scientia Geographic Sinica. 18:401-408. | Online |
Peihua, H., Diffendal, R. F., Jr., Mingqin, Y., Helland, P. E., 1998 (RS-252). Mountain Evolution and Environmental Changes of Huangshan, China . Scientia Geographica Sinica 18:401-408. | |
Swinehart, J.B. and R.F. Diffendal Jr. 1998. [Sand Hills] Geology, Geology of the Pre-dune Strata. An Atlas of the Sand Hills: 14 pp. | |
Flowerday, C. A., Diffendal, R. F., Jr., editors, 1997. Geology of Niobrara State Park, Knox County, Nebraska, and Adjacent Areas, with a Brief History of the Park, Gavins Point Dam, and Lewis and Clark Lake. Lincoln, NE: Conservation and Survey Division | Online |
Diffendal, R., 1994. Geomorphic and Structural Features of the Alliance 1°x2° Quadrangle, Western Nebraska, Discernible from Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imagery and Digital Shaded-Relief Maps. Contributions to Geology. 30(2):137-147. | Online |
Diffendal, R.F. 1994. Geometric and Structural Features of the Alliance 1 x 2 Degree Quadrangle, Western Nebraska, Discernible from Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imagery and Digital Shaded-Relief Maps. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming 30(2):11. | |
Feng, Z.-D., W.C. Johnson, and R.F Diffendal Jr. 1994. Environments of Aeolian Deposition in South-Central Nebraska During the Last Glacial Maximum. Physical Geology 15(3):249-261. | Online |
Diffendal, R.F. and A. Lowrie. Application of Sealevel Stratigraphy to Neogene Great Plains Stratigraphy. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions 43:121-129 | |
Diffendal, R.F., Jr. and M.R. Voorhies. 1993. Geologic Framework of the Niobrara River Drainage Basin and Adjacent Areas in South Dakota Generally East of the 100th Meridian West Longitude and West of the Missouri River. Environment and Natural Resources | Online |
Helland, P.E. and R.F. Diffendal Jr. 1993. Probable Glacial Climatic Conditions in Source Areas During Deposition of Parts of the Ash Hollow Formation, Ogallala Group (Late Tertiary), of Western Nebraska. American Journal of Science 293(0):744-757. | Online |
Diffendal, R.F., Jr., L.R. Gardner, and D.F. Williams. 1992. Stable Isotope Composition of Calcareous Paleosols and Ground-water Cements from the Ogallala Group (Neogene), Western Nebraska. Contributions to Geololgy, University of Wyoming 29(2):97-109 | |
Diffendal, R.F., Jr. 1991. Plate Tectonics, Space, Geologic Time, and the Great Plains, A Primer for Non-Geologists. Great Plains Quartlerly 83:(102):83-102. | Online |
Diffendal, R. F., Jr., 1988. River Potholes, Modern and Ancient. Explorer, Cleveland Museum of Natural History 30(3):0. | Online |
Goodwin, R.G., Diffendal, R.F. Jr. 1987. Paleohydrology of Some Ogallala (Neogene) Streams in the Southern Panhandle of Nebraska. Recent Developments in Fluvial Sedimentology0): 9 pp. | |
Swinehart, J.B. and R.F. Diffendal. 1987. Duer Ranch, Morrill County, Nebraska: Contrast between Cenozoic fluvial and eolian deposition. Geological Socciety of American Cenntenial Field Guide-North-Central Section:23-28. | Online |
Diffendal, R. F., Jr., J.B. Swinehart, J.J. Gottula 1985 (RS-48). Characteristics, Age Relationships, and Regional Importance of Some Cenozoic Paleovalleys, Southern Nebraska Panhandle. Ter-Qua Symposium Series, Institute of Tertirary-Quaternary Studies | Online |
Diffendal, R. F., Jr., 1985 (RS-49). The Inapplicability of the Concept of the "Sidney Gravel" to the Ogallala Group (Late Tertiary) in Part of Southern Banner County, Nebraska. Ter-Qua Symposium Series, Institute of Tertiary-Quaternary Studies 1(0):7. | Online |
Swinehart, J.B., V.L. Souders, H.M. DeGraw, R.F. Diffendal. 1985. Cenozoic Paleogeography of Western Nebraska. Cenozoic Paleogeography of West-Central United States, Proceedings of the Rocky Mountain Paleogeography Symposium 3, Rocky Mountain Section, So | |
Diffendal Jr., R.F. 1984. Comments on the Geologic History of the Ogallala Formation in the Southern Panhandle of Nebraska. Proceedings of the Ogallala Aquifer Symposium II. | |
Diffendal, R. F., Jr. 1984. Armored Mud Balls and Friable Sand Megaclasts from a Complex Early Pleistocene Alluvial Fill, Southwestern Morrill County, Nebraska. Journal of Geology 92(0):6. | Online |
NEBRASK. Geological Notes:325-330. | Online |
Diffendal, R.F., Jr. 1984. Evidence for the Quaternary Piracy of Pumpkin Creek, Southern Morrill County, Nebraska. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 12(0): 5 pp. | Online |
Corner, R.G. and R.F. Diffendal. 1983. An Irvingtonian Fauna from the Oldest Quaternary Alluvium in Eastern Pumpkin Creek Valley, Morrill and Banner Counties, Nebraska. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming 22(1):5. | Online |
Diffendal, R. F., Jr., 1983 (RS-55). Megaclasts in Alluvial Fills from the Ogallala Group (Miocene), Banner, Kimball, and Morrill Counties, Nebraska. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming 22(2):7. | Online |
Diffendal, R.F., Jr. and R.G. Corner. 1983. Asymmetrical distribution of Quaternary alluvial fills, Pumpkin Creek drainage basin, western Nebraska. Geological Society of American Bulletin 94(6):720-729. | Online |
Diffendal, R. F., Jr. 1982. Regional Implications of the Geology of the Ogallala Group (Upper Tertiary) of Southwestern Morrill County, Nebraska and Adjacent Areas. Geological Society of America Bulletin 93(0):0. | Online |
Diffendal, R. F., Jr., 1982 (RS-58). Gully, Scour Hole, and Pothole Development at the Base of the Gering Formation (Miocene?), Southeastern Banner County, Nebraska. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming 21(1):8. | Online |
Pabian, R.K., Diffendal, R.F., Jr. 1981. Geology of Lake McConaughy Area, Keith County, Nebraska. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. pp. 21. | Online |
Diffendal, R. F., Jr., 1980. The Rush Creek-Lisco Structural Basin, Garden and Morrill Counties, Nebraska. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 8(0):123-130. | Online |
Diffendal Jr., R.F. 1965. Paleoecology of Pseudozaphrentoides Verticillatus (Barbour) in the Plattsmouth Limestone (Pennsylvanian). The Compass of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, An Honorary Scientific Society Magazine Devoted to Earth Sciences. 42(2):101-115. | Online |
Diffendal, R.F. Jr., Olafsen Lackey, S., Hallum, D.R., 2021, Geology and Hydrogeology of Northeastern Nebraska: Geology, Water Management and Geological Hazards, Nebraska Geological Society Field Trip 2021, Guidebook No. 38, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Conservation and Survey Division, 32p | Online |