Rachel Stein

Rachel Stein

  • Contact Information
  • Publications
  • Background
  • Interests

Contact Information

TitleWildlife Ecologist
Faculty RankPost-Doctoral Research Associate
Address522 South Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln NE

East Campus
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Selected Publications

Stein, R.M., Rachlow, J.L. 2023. Acoustic ecology of terrestrial mammals: A new signaler-receiver conceptual framework. Mammal Review 53: 143-157.
Stein, R.M., Lecigne, B., Eitel, J.U.H., Johnson, T.R., McGowan, C. Rachlow, J.L. 2022. Vegetation and vantage point influences visibility across diverse ecosystems: Implications for animal ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10:911051.



DegreeMajorInstitutionYear Awarded
Doctorate of PhilosophyNatural ResourcesUniversity of Idaho2023
Master of ScienceNatural ResourcesUniversity of Idaho2017
Bachelor of ScienceBiologyUniversity of Nebraska-Omaha2014



TitleAwarded byYear Awarded
Anna M. Jackson AwardAmerican Society of Mammalogists2023
Curt Berklund AwardUniversity of Idaho | College of Natural Resources2022
Graduate FellowshipNASA Idaho Space Grant Consortium2020


Professional Organizations

American Society of Mammologists
The Wildlife Society


SNR Program Areas

  • Applied Ecology

Areas of Interest/Expertise

  • Wildlife-habitat relationships
  • Predator-prey interactions
  • Wildlife conservation and management
  • Mammology
  • Sensory ecology