Jerry Ayers

Jerry Ayers

  • Contact Information
  • My Story
  • Publications
  • Background

Contact Information

TitleEmeritus Research Hydrogeologist
Faculty RankProfessor Emeritus
Address No Address NE

Off Campus
  • office: 402-472-3471
  • fax: 402-472-2946


My Story

Hi, I'm Jerry Ayers, I'm a hydrogeologist and professor emeritus of water science in the School of Natural Resources. I'm associated with the water science major and the hydrologic sciences graduate specialization.

Presently, my two main research interests are the groundwater geology of saline wetlands north and west of Lincoln and computer modeling of the regional groundwater system of central Box Butte County, where the local natural resources district is coping with significant groundwater-level declines.

Jerry Ayers works on the Rock Creek saline wetlands study.
Jerry Ayers works on the Rock Creek saline wetlands study.

Another key project has been developing analytical strategies for understanding water quality data gathered from large-capacity irrigation wells. This is a plentiful and inexpensive source of data, particularly on nitrate contamination, but coming from a mixture of groundwater from various levels in the aquifer, so the information requires sophisticated analysis to determine the exact source and nature of contamination.

Other projects include developing a statewide recharge map with colleagues Joe Szilagyi and Ed Harvey, the application of geophysical methods to various environmental studies, and development of natural resources databases.

A key outreach effort has been the development of computer programs in Earth science. These are available for downloading from the Conservation and Survey Division's web site.

I received my bachelor's from California State University in 1972 and my master's and doctorate from Washington State University in 1976 and 1980, respectively.

Selected Publications

Harvey, F.E., Ayers, J.F. and Gosselin, D.C. 2008. Ground Water Dependence of Endangered Ecosystems: An Example from Nebraska's Saline Wetlands, Journal of Ground Water. 45(6):736-752.Online
Jozsef, S., H.F. Edwin, and J.F. Ayers. 2005. Regional Estimation of Total Recharge to Ground Water in Nebraska. Ground Water, 43(1):63-69.Online
Chen, X.H., J. Goeke, J.F. Ayers and S. Summerside. 2003. The observation well network design for pumping tests in unconfined aquifers. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 39:17-32.Online
Szilagyi, J., Harvey, F. E., Ayers, J. F., 2003. Regional Estimation of Base Recharge to Ground Water Using Water Balance and a Base-flow Index. Ground Water 41:504-513.Online
Szilagyi, J., Harvey, F. E., Ayers, J. F. 2002. Mapping Recharge to Groundwater in Nebraska and Mapping Base Recharge to Groundwater in Nebraska. Map. No Scale. Lincoln: Conservation and Survey Division, University of Nebraska. Print.
Szilagyi, J., Harvey, F.E., Ayers, J.F. 2002. Regional Estimation of Base Recharge to Ground Water Using Water Balance and a Base-Flow Index. Ground Water. 41(4):504-513.
Ayers, J.F. 2000. Seismic Refraction Analysis of Multiple Dipping Interfaces, Revisted. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 5(1):6.
Ayers, J.F. 2000. Seismic Refraction Analysis of Multiple Dipping Interfaces-Revisited. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. 5:1-5 .
Ayers, J. F., Chen, X-H., Gosselin, D. C., 1998 (RS-245). Behavior of Nitrate-Nitrogen Movement Around a Pumping High-Capacity Well, A Field Example. Ground Water 36:325-337.Online
Ayers, J.F. 1998. Groundwater flow dynamics beneath atoll islands. Hydrology in the Humid Tropic Environment (Proceedings of International Symposium). 397-404.Online
Chen, X-H. and J.F. Ayers. 1998. Aquifer Properties Determined from Two Analytical Solutions. Ground Water 36(5):783-791.Online
Chen, X-H., J.F. Ayers, D.C. Gosselin 1998. Analysis of Nitrate-Nitrogen Movement Near High-Capacity Irrigation Wells. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 18(4):9.Online
Chen, X-H. and J.F. Ayers 1997. Utilization of the Hantush Solution for the Simultaneous Determination of Aquifer Parameters. Ground Water 35(5):6.Online
Ayers, J.F. 1996. Synthetic Seismogram Generation for Designing Shallow Seismic Surveys. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 1(2):10.
Ayers, J.F., and D.C. Gosselin. 1995. Design of a Multi-Level Monitoring Well for Continuous Sample Collection. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 15(4):6.Online
Gosselin, D.C. S. Sibray, J.F. Ayers. 1994. Geochemistry of K-rich Alkaline Lakes, Western Sandhills, Nebraska, USA. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58(5):1403-1418.
Gosselin, D.C., J.F. Ayers, and Y-K. Zhang. 1994. Modeling Concentration Variations in High-Capacity Wells: Implications for Groundwater Sampling. Implications for Groundwater Sampling. Water Resources Bulletin 30(4):10.
Ayers, J.F., 1989. Applications and Comparison of Shallow Seismic Methods in the Study of an Alluvial Aquifer. Ground Water 27(4):14.
Ayers, J.F., 1989. Conjunctive Use of Geophysical and Geological Data in the Study of an Alluvial Aquifer. Ground Water 27(5):8.





SNR Program Areas

  • Environmental Science