Sumaiya (Oshin) Tabassum

Sumaiya (Oshin) Tabassum

  • Contact Information
  • My Story
  • Background
  • Interests

Contact Information

DegreeDoctorate of Philosophy in Natural Resource Sciences
Address244 North Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln NE

East Campus
Advisor(s)Jenny Dauer


My Story

I grew up in the capital city of Bangladesh and also completed my Bachelor and Master of Science degree from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh majoring in the field of 'Disaster Science and Management'. I have specialization in the qualitative risk assessment of cyclonic storm surge. During my undergrad, I was selected as the 'Global UGRAD Exchange Program' finalist funded by U.S. Department of State and studied Environmental Studies in Florida Gulf Coast University for one semester.

Currently I am a doctorate student at SNR majoring in the ‘Human Dimension of Natural Resources’. I am also working in the NSF funded National Collaborative for Research on Food, Energy, and Water Education (NC-FEW) with Cory T. Forbes, Associate Professor of Science Education in the School of Natural Resources.



DegreeMajorInstitutionYear Awarded
Master of ScienceDisaster Science & ManagementUniversity of Dhaka (Bangladesh)2019
Bachelor of ScienceDisaster Science & ManagementUniversity of Dhaka (Bangladesh)2018



Areas of Interest/Expertise

  • Food-Energy-Water-Nexus
  • Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
  • Disaster Management