Sara Brock-Contreras

Sara Brock-Contreras

  • Contact Information
  • My Story
  • Background
  • Interests

Contact Information

DegreeMaster of Science in Natural Resource Sciences
Address248 North Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln NE

East Campus
Advisor(s)Dan Snow


Contact Preference

Email is preferred.

Office Hours

M, T, R, F: 9 – 10:45 am

My Story

I am a master’s student under the advisement of Dan Snow working on the Know Your Well project. This is a unique project that equips high school students with qualitative chemistry kits to test registered and unregistered wells near their school. This interdisciplinary program utilizes science literacy, chemistry, geology, and public communication principles and unites individuals under the goal of environmental stewardship.

My interest in this program came from my experience as a program manager with the nonprofit The Groundwater Foundation. Having worked with Dan and other education and groundwater experts, I became interested in the relationship between an early introduction to hydrologic education and proactive water management strategies. I plan to explore that relationship further by developing and growing the Know Your Well program in Nebraska as well as nationally.



DegreeMajorInstitutionYear Awarded
Bachelor of ArtsBiology / EnglishDrake University2015




Professional Organizations

National Groundwater AssociationProgram Manager (2016-2021) ; Member (2022-present)
Nebraska Alliance for Conservation and Environment Education (NACEE)Member since 2021



Areas of Interest/Expertise

  • Citizen Science
  • Grounwater Quality
  • Water Management
  • Community Engagement