Matt Gruntorad

Matt Gruntorad

  • Contact Information
  • My Story
  • Publications
  • Background

Contact Information

TitleHuman Dimensions Analyst
Address301 South Hardin Hall
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln NE

East Campus
  • office: 402-472-7573
  • fax: 402-472-4915


My Story

Research Project Coordinator


I grew up on a small farm here in Nebraska, where I enjoyed all of the outdoor recreation opportunities that rural living has to offer. As an undergraduate, I assisted in research involving capture rates of catfish in Nebraska's lakes and river systems. As a master's student at Texas Tech University, I investigated the potential for using sound produced by gizzard shad as a means to evaluate water conditions. After completing my master's work, I returned to Nebraska to work for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, where I operated the Family Fishing Program and participated in Aquatic Education.


My work at the University of Nebraska centers on Human Dimensions of Wildlife Management. My greatest concern is for the preservation of fishing and hunting resources for the youth of tomorrow. Additionally, I aim to better understand how today's hunters and anglers take advantage of the outdoor opportunities available to them.

Matt Gruntorad


  • M.S. Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University (2014)
  • B.S. Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Nebraska- Lincoln (2009)

Professional Appointments:

  • Conservation Technician, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, 2014-2015
  • Research Assistant/ Teaching Assistant, Texas Tech University, 2011-2013
  • Research Technician, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2008-2010

Feature Stories

Selected Publications

Gruntorad, M. P., M. P. Vrtisksa, C. J. Chizinski, J. N. Duberstein, D. C. Fulton, H. W. Harshaw, A. H. Raedeke, and J. Spaeth. 2024. Duck hunters and difficulty complying with harvest regulations. Wildlife Society Bulletin e1505.
Gruntorad, Matthew P, M. P. Vrtiska, R. J. Murano, M. J. Garrick, and C. J. Chizinksi. 2023. Duck identification and regulation preferences among waterfowl hunters: a pre-assessment of the Tier II bag limit. Human Dimensions of Wildlife.
Gruntorad, Matthew Philip, M. Vrtiska, M. Garrick, and C. J. Chizinski. 2023. Taking matters into their own hands: effects of effort and success on duck hunter satisfaction. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 1–12.
Hinrichs, Matthew P, M. P. Vrtiska, M. P. Gruntorad, and C. J. Chizinski. 2023. Strangers in the blind: Identifying appropriate mentees and mentors for waterfowl hunter recruitment. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.
Hinrichs, Matthew P., J. Nawrocki, M. P. Gruntorad, M. P. Vrtiska, M. A. Pegg, and C. J. Chizinski. 2023. An examination of scenarios to increase waterfowl hunting participation. Wildlife Society Bulletin 47:e1490.Online
Chizinski, C. J., M. P. Gruntorad, J. J. Lusk, L. R. Meduna, W. M. Inselman, J. J. Fontaine. (2022) The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on spring turkey hunting. Jour. Wildlife Mang. (86:3)
Gruntorad, M. P., Chizinski, C. (2022). Perceived and experienced constraint negotiation: do first-time elk hunters know what they are in for? Wildlife Society Bulletin, 46(4), e1345Online
Gruntorad, M. P., Chizinski, C. (2021). Hunter and Angler Behavior in Harvest Management (pp. 55). CRC Press.
Gruntorad, M.P., Graham, K.A., Arcilla, N., Chizinski, C.J. 2021. Is Hay for the Birds? Investigating Landowner Willingness to Time Hay Harvests for Grassland Bird Conservation. Animals. 11:1-16.Online
Hinrichs, M. P., Gruntorad, M. P., Nawrocki, J. A., Vrtiska, M., Pegg, M. A., Chizinski, C. (2021). Constraints to Waterfowl Hunting by Hunters and Anglers in the Central United States. WILDLIFE SOCIETY BULLETINOnline
Gruntorad, M. P., J. J. Lusk, M. P. Vrtiska, and C. J. Chizinksi. 2020. Identifying factors influencing hunter satisfaction across hunting activities in Nebraska. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 25:215–231.
Hinrichs, M.P., Price, N.B., Gruntorad, M.P., Pope, K.L., Fontaine, J.J., Chizinski, C.J. 2020. Understanding Sportsperson Retention and Reactivation Through License Purchasing Behavior. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44(2):383-390. Online



DegreeMajorInstitutionYear Awarded
Master of ScienceBiological SciencesTexas Tech University2014
Bachelor of ScienceFisheries and WildlifeUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln2009

